Groom of Eris - (2024)

Groom of Eris
  • 1. The Escape
  • 2. The Gala
  • 3. The Return
  • 4. The Proposition
  • 5. The Dilemma
  • 6. The Decision
  • 7. The Arrangement
  • 8. The Gift
  • 9. The Spark
  • 10. The Mirror
  • 11. The Moment
  • 12. The Story
  • 13. The Date
  • 14. The Visit
  • 15. The Relapse
  • 16. The Depression
  • 17. The Acceptance
  • 18. The Fool (Chapter 18?)
  • 19. The Confrontation
  • 20. The Confession
  • 21. The Wedding
  • 22. The Epilogue
  • Hello, Everypony Autistic Writer here to present a story in which I title Groom of Eris. This is a gender-swap, gender-bender story of Bride of Discord. I have asked the permission of Disney Fanatic 2364 if I could. I wanted to do this correctly and not invoke her wrath by creating this story without permission. So, I hope everyone enjoys this first chapter. I tried to change it up a little bit so it doesn't share too many similarities with her story. There will be some parallels, but I will be sure to make my own differences as well.

    Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to My Little Pony. I do not own the gender swap versions of the MLP characters. Bride of Discord is owned by Disney Fanatic 2364.

    Chapter 1: The Escape

    Eris started to giggle on her throne as she looked upon the laughable excuse of heroes that were confronting her. Dusk Shine and his friends were free of her magic and were ready to confront her again using the mystical Elements of Harmony.

    "O this again" Eris started sipping down her tall glass of chocolate milk. She then threw it behind her causing an explosion that unfazed her.

    Dusk Shine glared at the draconequus as he spoke.

    "It is time we finally stop you, Eris" Dusk Shine continued "Look around you. Look at what you have done to Ponyville"

    Eris did what he told her and smiled.

    "I see nothing but pure chaos. Exactly how I like it" Eris sat on her throne looking down at the six stallions that confronted her.

    "We have learned that friendship isn't always easy, but it's worth fighting for" Dusk Shine pointed his hoof towards Eris.

    "You couldn't tear our friendship for long" Applejack glared at the goddess of Chaos

    "O don't lie to me Applejack" She pulled on her necklace with her magic "I'm the one who made you a liar"

    With a swipe of her eagle claw she pulled all but Dusk Shine to her. She grinned evilly looking at the five stallions knowing their efforts were useless. Dusk teleported in the middle of them and sprouted a magic bubble to contain them and bring them back down to the ground.

    Dusk Shine closed his eyes as did the other stallions. Applejack, Elusive, Butterscotch, Rainbow Blitz, and Bubble Berry's elements started to glow as suddenly Dusk Shine's eyes lit up with a white light.

    "What's this" Eris looked at each of the six until a swirl of rainbows sprouted up from them and came crashing down on her.

    Butterscotch tried not to open his eyes, but the screams coming from Eris made him see what she was going through. The sheer pain and suffering were heartbreaking to the Pegasus's eyes. This would torment him to no end. He quickly closed his eyes as he couldn't bear to watch her suffer like that anymore, no matter what evil deeds she has done.

    Soon, everything was erasing the effects the goddess of chaos had created. The six stallions opened their eyes, upon seeing their lovely home back to normal. Yet, something felt off about it. Bubble Berry was the first to see what was wrong.

    "Hey guys, where's Eris"

    Rainbow Blitz face hoofed himself "Don't you know, we turned her to stone"

    "Yea, but where's the statue"

    The others soon realized that Bubble Berry's was correct. In front of them lacked a statue of the female draconequus. Dusk rushed in front looking around wondering where she went.

    "Where did she go" Dusk was searching with his friends as there was not a trace of the creature anywhere. "That spell should have turned her to stone"

    "We didn't kill her did we" Butterscotch feared

    "Maybe she vanished" Applejack was turning his head.

    "Or maybe she turned into grass" Bubble Berry she looked down at the greenness of the grass.

    "So, we are stepping on her…" Elusive looked down and started to be frightened that they are stepping on the creature's remains. The others soon followed with screams of disgust. Dusk Shine and Applejack were the only ones not screaming.

    "GUYS, we didn't kill him" Applejack ordered the stallions to stop "Did we Dusk?"

    "The elements are a mysterious bunch, but they wouldn't possess the powers to destroy something" Dusk Shine looked

    "So, now what do we do?" Butterscotch looked at Dusk.

    "Now, we see the Prince" Dusk declared

    "I see" Prince Solaris was pondering upon the subject of Eris's escape. "You found no sign of her"

    "Yes, there was not a trace of her. It was just like if she vanished out of thin air" Dusk Shine bowed before his prince before standing up with his friends who did a similar act upon entering in the throne room.

    "This is quite an interesting development" Solaris stood up from his throne looking down at the six heroes.

    "We didn't kill her, right Prince Solaris" Dusk Shine stumbled upon his words wondering if they did destroy the goddess of chaos.

    "That is not within the elements power; their powers work on the inside of a creature's heart. When it was hit on NightTerror, he wanted to control Equestria. What he got was banishment to the moon. When he returned, there was still apart of my brother Artemis trying to get out. His shell of NightTerror cracked and my brother appeared before all of you. Eris is…"

    Solaris stared at the picture of the draconequus in the glass window.

    "Eris is a creature with a heart of stone. Yet, this does not mean she is that heartless. She just refuses to show her feelings" Solaris closed his eyes and breathed in, contemplating on what to do next

    "Eris must have avoided the Elements and fled like a coward. She saw that she couldn't destroy, break, or damage your friendship and belief in one another" Solaris looked down and opened his eyes viewing his young apprentice, who was full of questions and worries.

    "She's still out there" Dusk gasped as he looked at his friends "we have to find her. Call everyone and search everywhere"

    "Calm yourself, my young one. Eris isn't the type to rush in headstrong. She is a tactful goddess and will think and plan her next move. The best advice I can give you and your friends is to wear your Elements at all time. We may never know when Eris may make her next move, but that doesn't mean she won't. For that, we must prepare in advance" Solaris looked at Dusk

    "But, Solaris" Dusk was very fearful of what was to come "how will we know"

    "You will know, trust me" Solaris smiled as he lifted his hoof up to comfort the young stallion "Don't lose hope. I shall cast a protection spell on the Elements, so Eris doesn't try to take them from you again"

    "Thank…Thank you Prince Solaris" Dusk bowed before his Prince

    On the way back to Ponyville, the six stallions bought a secret room for them to converse in.

    "So, we are just going to sit and do nothing" Rainbow Blitz glared

    "She still out there" Butterscotch feared looking out the window

    "O this is perfect, Eris isn't even outside the train and Butterscotch is still afraid of her. I will find that thing and give her a piece of my mind" Rainbow Blitz readied his hooves into battle

    "Dusk has a point; we can't do anything but wait and see what Eris has in store" Applejack said closing her eyes agreeing with Dusk on the matter.

    The six stallions waited for the moment when Eris would make her move. They waited as long as three years. They had assumed that she left Equestria for good and that it was a sign for things to go back to normal. The six stallions had agreed to hold on to their respective element just in case if Eris were to strike. Much like Eris, they had to move on themselves.

    Dusk Shine had become a prince as this changed the lives of many ponies and stallions in Ponyville. Dusk would often go to Canterlot for royal duties, yet his home will always be in Ponyville. He missed his friends, but had to keep his studies up just in case if Eris made a surprising return.

    Elusive's designs became top of the line. He had never been this popular in Ponyville in years. So, Elusive recruited the help of the CMC's to help create more designs and meet more deadlines. Sweepy Belle had some talent for sewing and was made the organizer of his brother's clothesline. Applebuck impressed Elusive with his own designs so much, that Elusive made him his apprentice. Scooteroll was made the delieverycolt with his scooter in hoof.

    Rainbow Blitz's dream came true when he was finally recruited by the Wonderbolts. He performed all over Equestria earning praise for his tricks. Despite him joining such an 'around the world' group, Rainbow Blitz made sure to make frequent stops to Ponyville to visit his friends and give them tickets to see his show. Bubble Berry always made time to see his show and was to be considered Rainbow Blitz's number one fan. He screamed louder than the fanponies.

    Bubble Berry's parties were all the rage in Ponyville, to the point of royal even asking for him to plan their parties. He threw the best parties, what was better than that was he threw them for free. He loved seeing the smiles of everypony's faces.

    Applejack's apples became more popular due to Dusk Shine's status as a prince. Soon, all ponies, stallions, and fillies near and far wanted to try his apples. This made things at Sweet Apple Acres much easier. A new tractor for Macreina, fixed Pappy Smith's broken hip, and a new floor to the barn in case if relatives came out to stay by the barn. Whatever money was left over was donated to Canterlot Orphanage. For this, the orphans looked up to Applejack and his family. Whether he won a rodeo or not, he was a fan favorite and a hero to the orphans. He just wished a certain female dragon would notice him more.

    Butterscotch had grown to be a handsome stallion. Having a lovely voice that ponies and stallions grew jealous of. His beauty was quickly noticed by mares, who were trying to win his affects and tell him of their feelings for him. However, Butterscotch wasn't the dating or married type. He was terrified by the idea of having a special some pony. He had to make excuse of why he couldn't date that particular mare that wanted a coltfriend. He resolved several solutions that involved those ponies eventually moving on to better stallions. This crushed Butterscotch as despite his unwillingness to date, he felt alone in his little world. He tried to the focus it on his animal friends; they noticed the lonely eyes of the yellow pegasus.

    In their fame and fortune, the stallions quickly forgot the Evils of Eris; except for one stallion. Butterscotch was having particular dreams of a dark creature chasing him all around. He thought it was nothing until the dreams were staring to increase night after night. This caused Butterscotch to become exhausted during the day time, sleep in the middle of lunch, and scream whenever he heard the mentions of the goddess of Chaos. He had hoped the nightmares were gone. However he was wrong.

    One night, Butterscotch was tossing and turning in his bed. He was having the same nightmares again. He tried to tell his friends of them, while they just gave him the usual answer of nightmares. They weren't real and were a figment of his imagination. He decided to listen to them and have a good dream without the worrying.

    In his dream realm,

    Butterscotch hummed as he was feeding the birds up high in the tree.

    "There you go little guys. You are going to grow nice and strong for mama and papa" Butterscotch smiled as he flew right down. He saw a trio of butterflies past him.

    "Good day to you madams" Butterscotch said while putting away the bird seed and saying hi to the butterflies that past him.

    "Good day to you too Butterscotch" the trio of butterflies whispered. This stopped Butterscotch cold in his hooves. Only one female spoke like that and he knew those butterflies never talked in his dreams.

    The light yellow pegasus turned to face the female draconequus. She was being very flirtatious to him.

    "Why so frighten my love, I have come for you first" Eris grinned an evil smirk at the young stallion. He tried to retrieve his element, in hopes of his friends rushing to his aid. Eris caught him by the tail and pulled up as he was upside down facing the goddess of chaos and disharmony.

    "You will be mine forever" She laughed as Butterscotch feared for his life.

    "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed and rose from his bed with beads of sweat running down his face.

    "O goodness it was just a dream" Butterscotch uncovered his hoofs as he was to be sure to keep two of his eyes open for next time.

    This would be the first of many frightful nightmares for the welder of the element of kindness.

    All sorts of questions rose to Butterscotch's head. When will she strike? Is she really gone for good? He looked out the window in the night sky. Everything seemed safe for now, but the incoming fear began to frighten the poor colt.

    No pony knew what would they be in for?

    Well, what does every pony think? I know I probably didn't do as good as I had hoped. I am looking forward to the Bride of Discord audio episode six. So many secrets to be awaiting our ponies, I know what they always say. Good things come to those who wait. We just have to understand DF's ways of making the videos, editing them, putting them into place, making sure it's perfect for use to see the BoD audio, yet we are all human. I understand those things since I writer fanfic. Which is so much easier than creating something like that, so I am not really going to harp on DF too much for it?

    Now, I know people will either be enraged or like this story. So, I will state my reasons for making this story.

    One. I love BoD (Bride of Discord) so much, I was inspired by it.

    Two. This is a tribute to that story and those artists, writers, and video makers that make their own gender-swap ponies.

    Three. Wanted to be one of the writers inspired by BoD, so somepoint I was going to do this. Had the idea of looking at the fanart and the story itself at the time.

    Four. Draw in fans that liked the original story.

    Five. Some writer was going to make a Fluttercord gender-swap story about Bride of Discord at some point.

    Six. If Disney Fanatic 2364 can make a story about Fluttercord, (Due to her I am a fan of Fluttercord) then I can at least try to make a gender-swap story about Fluttercord.

    Seven. Not too big of a fan on Gender-bender stories, so I created one to show that I can make a genderbender story.

    Let me state this again, I DO NOT OWN THE GENDER-SWAP PONIES. I have no way of getting in touch with those artists. If they are reading this then, I just ask for your forgiveness. I will apologize to you and make sure you get the proper crediting for the next chapter.

    So, that's all for now, I hope DF isn't too mad at me for making this story. To all those gender-swap ponies' artists, writers, etc. never stop making them as they are a good side to share in the MLP fandom. Keep up the good work and pleases show me mercy; I just wanted to create a gender-swap Bride of Discord story. Please spare me *Arms himself with a banana and a shield as he keeps up his guard* until then I will see everypony later.

    Just one little something before I leave everyone to review this, I had bought Equestria Girls over a year ago and I still haven't watched it. Not that I don't have the time, it's just that I can't decide if I should watch it or not. I know I shouldn't take critics sense of how bad a film is, but I am not sure how good or bad the film will be. I have had mixed reviews saying how bad or good the film is. I also see it is being made fun of which worries me. So, should I watch Equestria girls or just skip it. Let you comments about it in the review.

    Hello every pony and welcome back for chapter 2 of this fic. Episode six of Bride of Discord was so amazing, but now it's time to move on. Keep moving forward. I even saw the three parts to Disney Fantatic 2364's Q and A. I am sure Questions about her work will still exist. Many she can do a ? and A video once a month like she does with her Bride of Discord audio series. Let's answer some feedback.

    The Interdimensional Traveler: Glad you like it.

    DisneyFanatic2364: Yea, I guess people did the gender-swap because of her guy voice in Bridle Gossip. Anyways thanks for allowing me to write this. You rock and good luck on Episode 7 or anything else you have going on.

    Disclaimer: I don't own MLP. I don't own their gender-swap characters. They belong to their respective owners.

    Chapter 2: The Gala

    Duskshine summoned his friends to help prepare a special night that only came once a year; the Grand Galloping Gala.

    Duskshine and his friends attended the event once before and it wasn't exactly a worthwhile experience that no one in the group wanted to remember.

    The stallions that were traveling on the train were Elusive, Bubbleberry, Apple Jack and Butterscotch. All of them couldn't hold their excitement for this event as it was going to be the biggest Grand Galloping Gala celebration in ages. Each one of them would have a job in preparation for such an annual night. Elusive would make the suits and dresses for all the guests that were attending, Bubbleberry was to help set up and decorate the main ball room and most of the rooms within the castle, Applejack is in charge of the food, and Butterscotch gathered the song birds to sing a little song.

    The reason Rainbow Blitz wasn't with the group, was because he was performing tricks with the Wonderbolts. They were made the entertainment and would come at the night of the Gala, due to their hectic schedule.

    After the four stallions got off the train, they started to talk amongst themselves before approaching the gates of Canterlot.

    "I am so nervouscited. I am so glad we get to see Dusk again, it's been a long time since we have seen him" Blueberry excited and nervous at the chance of seeing their best friend again.

    "Well, he has been rather busy with his royal duties, isn't this exciting" Elusive smiled "We get to help prepare for the Grand Galloping Gala"

    "It's almost hard to believe after the last catastrophe" Applejack hoping to forget the events of the last Gala they went to.

    "But, this is going to be so fun you guys" Bubbleberry spoke "Everyone will be tasting Applejack's food, and don't forget your suits and dress, Elusive"

    "Not to mention Butterscotch's birds will be singing" Elusive smiled at his timid friend.

    "Yaah" he said unenthusiastically

    "Yea, and also we get to see Rainbow Blitz. I know we barely see him anymore. He is off living the dream. Flying with the Wonderbolts" Bubbleberry hopefulness to see Rainbow Blitz again.

    "O you have barely seen him huh" Applejack smirks at the fact that Bubbleberry would say such a thing after Bubbleberry has seen him go to every one of Rainbow Blitz's shows.

    Each of the stallions laughed as they saw the gates as two guards blocked paths of the four of the six welders of the Elements of Harmony.

    "Halt, who goes there" one of the guards glared down at them.

    "Why excuse us, we are Elusive, Bubbleberry, Applejack, and Butterscotch kind sir" Elusive was baffled by the guard's behavior.

    "It's ok, you can let those four pass" a voice called from behind the two guards. Elusive recognized the pony immediately.

    "Gleaming Shield" Elusive smiled as she was Dusk Shine's sister

    "Hey guys, Dusky is glad that you four could make it" Gleaming Shield grinned. "He is having dinner with the princes in the dining hall. He ask me to escort you all"

    The four followed Gleaming Shield down the hallway. Each of them was so very hungry from their trip. Upon opening the large doors, each of the friends gazed on the large table itself and the stallions and one dragoness sitting at the table. They knew Duskshine was at the table, and then next to him was Barbara the dragon; who Applejack had a hard time looking at, in the middle of the table was Solaris hearing Duskshine rambling on and on about their plans for the kingdom, to his right was his brother Artemis, and next to Artemis was Gleaming Shield's husband Prince Tempo.

    "Guys, you made it" Duskshine rushed to his friends and hugged them.

    The four stallions hugged their old friend. The hug could have been longer, but the four saw that Duskshine needed to breathe, so the hug was broken.

    "You look just like a prince, which is a good thing you are one" Elusive joked

    "I am so happy" Bubbleberry started to cry for joy at Duskshine.

    "You made it" Barbara called out as Applejack smiled at the dragoness that was rushing towards her.

    "O Barbara, it's been…." Applejack waiting for his hug from her as a couple of seconds goes by.

    "How have you been Elusive" Barbara bedazzled by her crush.

    "O you know the usual" Elusive told of his train ride from Ponyville to Canterlot in front of the female dragon.

    The heart of the orange stallion grimed as he stared at the dragoness and stallion talking. he spoke in a sad tone "Never bothered asking how I've been"

    "You ok Applejack" Duskshine concerned for his friend who was feeling down

    "What, umm yea" Applejack tried hard not to make the others notice of his current attitude. "Well what are we all waiting for? Let's sit down and chow down"

    Applejack sat down noticing Barbara sitting next to Elusive as his heart sank more and more.

    "Honey you don't have to worry about me I am fine" Gleaming Shield looked at her husband pulling her chair for her. "I can take care of myself"

    As they were eating, the stallions were discussing their plans for the Gala when Applejack was raising a question.

    "Can the orphans attend the Gala, they don't get out much you see" Applejack asked

    "Of course they can, Duskshine has been telling me of your contributions to them" Solaris smiled

    "But, brother I don't think that is a wise idea. We have never had children attend the Gala before" Artemis was concerned of the changes that Solaris was making of the old custom.

    "This is an era of change, my brother. It's high time that we change certain rules as well. Besides, I know how you adore the young ones" Solaris smiled

    "O that reminds me, should we tell them Gleam" Prince Tempo smiled at his wife

    "I guess so" Gleam looks to her husband

    "We are having a baby" they both smiled at the sudden reaction of everypony at the table.

    Each of the stallions gasps at the sudden announcement.

    "That is wonderful news" Prince Solaris smiled at them "Congratulations are in order"

    "I am going to be an uncle" Duskshine smiled

    "This sounds like a great time to celebrate" Bubbleberry smiled

    "Congratulations" every other pony told the happy couple.

    "Thanks" Tempo and Gleaming Shield smiled in the happiness

    "When are you due" Elusive asked the couple

    "Ten months" Gleam smiled as she felt her husband's hoof on her.

    "Well, a toast to the new prince or princess" Prince Solaris used his magic to raise the glass in celebration; everyone else raised their glasses and drank to the toast.

    "I am not going to change the diapers, am I" Barbara spoke feeling a bit afraid of what her new duties could be.

    Everyone was excited for the happy couple; however Applejack noticed a deep sadness for Butterscotch. Despite not being a social stallion, Butterscotch had a face to himself whenever he is sad. For a while, he has noticed this and he was going to get to the bottom of his depression.

    "Ok now, let's try again" Butterscotch tried to get the birds in line for the Gala. He was practicing in the gardens as it was the only place in the castle that there was a sense of peace and quietness that Butterscotch needed for the birds.

    The orange stallion stared upon him as he noticed he was very distracted and Butterscotch stomped his hoof.

    "That's not right either" He shook his head. He tried to think clearly of how he wanted the song of the birds to sound.

    "Ok then, a one and a two" Butterscotch breathed in

    "Howdy Butterscotch" Applejack appeared from the bushes frightening the birds and Butterscotch. "Woops, sorry"

    "It's ok" Butterscotch told him

    "So, what's on your mind, Sugar cube" Applejack smiled at his friend

    "Oh, it's nothing" he shyly told Applejack

    "It's those nightmares again" Applejack looked at his friend, who wasn't giving him an answer.

    "It's been three years, Eris is gone. You have got to move on like the rest of us have" Applejack told him "Besides when was the last time you have ever smiled?"

    "I know I should, but they keep getting worse. You may all think that it's over but I can't help but feel that it hasn't" Butterscotch told his friend. "I just feel, I just…"

    Butterscotch broke down crashing on the floor in a deep sadness that Applejack rushed over to him.

    "Hey, it's ok. I am here. It's all in your head, sugar cube and she is never coming back" Applejack told him.

    "O my goodness, this is just too much" a voice was laughing out in a cave watching over the scene of Butterscotch and Applejack. Her villainess laugh couldn't contain it. Eris looked over them and smirked.

    "O my, it's Eris, the Goddess of Chaos, run away while we still have the chance" She imitated a pony or stallion as that would be their exact reaction to her return.

    A splitting imagine of the draconequus appeared in the mirror looking at her still mocking how the ponies and stallions would react to her return.

    "And the reason we are in this cave hiding out and not relaxing on a beach is because…" the reflection wanted a point of hiding out in a cave.

    "It's because I wanted to leave them in a state of false security. They all think I am gone for good. But, when I come out, it will be a big surprise. Like a birthday party" Eris grinned evilly

    "What about the wimpy Pegasus" the mirror mocked her

    "O he is of no threat to us, no one listens to him anyways" Eris said nonchalant about Butterscotch.

    "So, what's the plan this time? You going to turn them into their opposite" the mirror asked

    "O because that worked so much better the last time" Eris spoke in a sarcastic tone "We can't do something that will be easily be undone. No, what we need is something more….permanent"

    "The problem is those Elements of Harmony. As long as they are willing to use them, thus we can't touch them. Also, we will be turned back to stone and we all know what that is like" the reflection looked at Eris

    "Don't' remind me" Eris glared as she shivered as that was one punishment, she didn't want to go through again. Escaping its grasp was frightening enough for the goddess of Chaos. Soon an idea popped into her mind.

    "What if they weren't willing to use them?" Eris winked at her reflection

    "OOOOO, what an ingenious idea; what's the plan?" the reflection looked up at her

    "I will tell you later, for now those stallions won't know what hit them with the latest touch of my newest plan" She smirked

    "MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Eris up roared in a maniacal laugh that outstretched the outer limits of the cave; her reflection had disappeared as she continued her laugh until she stopped herself in the awkward silence and looked around.

    "Note to self: I have really got to stop talking to myself" Eris told herself writing a mental memo of what to do when taking over Equestria.

    "So, you going to ask her to dance with you" Prince Tempo smirked at Duskshine, who gave him a confusing look

    "What now" Duskshine looked to his step-brother

    "You know, who I am talking about" Prince Tempo laughed

    "Ummm, I don't follow" Duskshine was baffled by his brother in law's intentions.

    "Flare Warden" Prince Tempo reminding Duskshine of the blue haired Pegasus that he kept bumping into and the human version of the pony, who he held great feelings for.

    Preparations were still going underway for the Gala, when a note burped itself out of Barbara's mouth. She suddenly blushed and rushes over to Prince Solaris.

    "There's a crisis in Saddle Arabia" Prince Solaris was reading the parchment carefully.

    "What is the crisis" Artemis asked his brother

    "It lacks that detail, but they say it needs me, Artemis, and Tempo to look into the situation" Solaris spoke

    "Wait, why doesn't it ask for me" Duskshine was confused

    "It probably does, but just to be sure, I am leaving Duskshine in charge of everything including the Gala until our return" Solaris looked down at his pupil.

    "What? I'm in charge of everything? The Gala? Are you sure I am ready?" Duskshine asked a dozen of questions with only one answer from Solaris

    "I know you are ready" Solaris put a hoof to him to show trust.

    (A/N umm I am not quite sure it's wise to put Duskshine in charge of Canterlot, I mean this is the same stallion who cracked under pressure after not writing a friendship report that one time)

    "I want to go in Tempo's place" Gleaming Shield asks them

    "Honey, I can't allow you to make such a sacrifice. I can go" Prince Tempo looked at his stubborn wife

    "It's fine, we will be just fine" Gleaming Shield spoke while placing a hoof to her stomach.

    Gleaming Shield walked with Princes Artemis and Solaris, who were leaving immediately to leave for Saddle Arabia and left the stallions to their preparations while Duskshine was caught off guard by what Solaris had said.

    Everyone wasn't exactly taking the news of Solaris, Artemis, and Gleaming Shield's departure to Saddle Arabia.

    "And I was just finished upon making their outfits" Elusive pouted and feeling bummed out about the effort he wasted upon making the outfits.

    "O dear, what will we do?" Butterscotch was in fear "I think I am going to"

    "I got him" Elusive caught Butterscotch before he hit the floor

    "Don't sweat it you guys, we have handled big parties before" Pinkie smiled

    "Yes, so let's follow my lead and everything will be just fine" Duskshine smiled seeing Tempo in full support.

    "I will go and practice with the birds" Butterscotch told them in a sad tone

    The four stallions were in confusion of Butterscotch's words. They saw him galloping outside to the birds.

    "What's wrong with Butters, he should be happy, why isn't he happy?" Bubbleberry raised a brow

    "You know Butterscotch and social events don't go together" Elusive told his friends.

    "I have never seen him like that before" Duskshine was worried of his friend

    "I guess it's those nightmares again" Applejack told the others

    "How long has he been this way?"

    "For a while now, I can't even remember the last time Butterscotch laughed or smiled or had any joy of fun" Applejack said again as everypony was looking at the sadness and loneliness in their friend.

    "I noticed it too. His smiles look kind of forced" Bubbleberry looked to the others.

    "From what I have noticed, an enormous amount of mares have been crawling to his attention, but he rejections them all. I would take advantage of such a situation" Elusive feeling jealous of Butterscotch.

    "Wait, he is having nightmares? You don't mean the ones involving…"Duskshine feared

    "Yes and they're getting worse" Applejack nods "he can't seem to get that monster out of his head"

    "What's he so afraid of? That temptress has been gone for three years" Elusive shook his head

    "We have to turn that frown upside down" Bubbleberry rubbed his cheeks with his hoof for ideas "But, how?"

    "What he would need is a huge social boost. He should sing a song" Elusive suggested

    "That's a brilliant idea. He has an amazing singing voice" Bubbleberry cheered

    "That's an excellent idea, but we have to ask him about it first" Duskshine felt a hint of concern as Butterscotch returned.

    So, they asked the stallion upon his thoughts of it. At first, Butterscotch said he couldn't do it. Yet, he knew his friends would keep asking him about it. He couldn't say no forever and gave in.

    "I will sing a song" Butterscotch sighed

    I hope the princes come back faster he thought to himself.

    "We are almost to our destination sir" one of the guards told Prince Solaris

    "Thank you" Solaris smiled as the guard left the three

    "I hope Duskshine will be ok with being in charge of everything" Artemis worried

    "If there was anypony I could trust with leading over Canterlot and the Gala, it would be Duskshine" Solaris smiled

    "Besides, he is a tough stallion and a prince as well" Gleaming Shield smiled as well

    "My princes and captain, we have encountered a slight problem and I am sorry to tell you all, that you have to journey on hoof" the guard hesitated for a moment.

    "It is fine" Solaris nodded as the three journeyed through the sand area as it was hard to see with the weather looking dreadful.

    "Brother, this weather is looking awful, do you think that is the cause of this mess" Artemis ask him

    "We won't know until we arrive" Solaris looked at the clouds as well

    "Well the clouds look rather peculiar. I mean pink clouds?" Gleaming Shield joked

    The mention of pink clouds turned Solaris and Artemis's face from determination to worry. Solaris looked closer at the raindrops as they were very dirty to be water itself. He had a taste of it.

    "Chocolate milk?" Solaris feared as he put his hoof down

    "Only one creature could ever make pink clouds and chocolate rain" Artemis looked at him "Brother we have to turn back now"

    "TOO LATE" a voice called from within the pink clouds and with one final snap the three disappeared without a trace on them.

    Well, that was a shocking turn of events. I wanted to end it that way. So, the tough part of this chapter was where I wanted the starting point to be.

    In the spirit of BOD, I wanted to include not just the Fluttercord, but the AppleSpike as well. I am blending both the Audio Series and DF's fanfic as well. I like how Disney Fanatic 2364 used the violin of Return to Mother from Tangled. It's so Awesome and kind of fits into the story.

    I assume everyone noticed the first switch up of this story. I know Princess Cadance went with Celestia and Luna in the original story, but this change up is explainable. I am sure people will forgive me for this change up. If you are still confused, I will explain it in the next chapter.

    Anyways, I hope everyone likes this chapter. The next chapter will be the Return. Now, I am having a hard time deciding between keeping Somepony to Love or change it to a different song. Tell me what you think? If you have a song recommendation pleases tell me.

    I will be answering Questions in an Author's Note that I will be posting some time this week. It will tell you my plans for this story. Anyways, I finally found what I want my OC pony would look like.

    *Uses magic to transform himself into a blue unicorn with black hair, glasses, and a black fedora as a hat. His cutie mark consisted of a notebook with a pencil*

    Ah, much better.

    Well, stay tune for my Author's note on the questions everyone has. If you guys have anymore questions, pleases feel free to ask me. If it's concerning me, my fanfic, or anything in general, please put it on the review for me to answer in the next chapter.

    Everyone have a great day and until then, see you all later. By the way.

    Wow, I mean just wow. I saw Twilight's Kingdom and it was such an amazing episode. A little too cliché for me, yet it was such an amazing episode. What a way to end season four. I can't wait to see what season five and Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks will bring us. Also, great job on Episode 7 on the Bride of Discord; a lot of great moments. Now feed back.

    FanLovesFic16: I don't know if I should update it weekly. I mean I will do well as far as the second week, but I don't have that kind of time for a weekly update. I send the story out then I wait a week for comments, to see whose following or favoriting my fic, then I update it. That's how I work and I am sticking with it.

    Guest: Thanks for the suggestion, I guess it is silly for Applejack to call his guy friends sugarcube.

    AngelinTraining: Sure you may just let me know and follow the rules of doing artwork for Groom of Eris and we will be ok.

    DisneyFanatic2364: I am glad you liked the gender bender version. Yea, I guess I messed up on that part, no one is perfect. (Well, I might as well reveal it now. The reason Shining Armor's female version went with was because of the risk of what Eris might do to the baby. I mean it's just messed up.)

    Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to My Little Pony. I do not own the rights of the gender-swap ponies.

    Chapter 3 the Return

    The Gala was well under way with guests that were coming near and far. It was the biggest party everypony has ever seen. The décor was outstanding and the food was delicious. The Gala could be marked as the largest turn out of the century. Even the Canterlot snobs were appreciating the turn out, while adding their own opinions and remarks about the smaller fillies and colts in attendance.

    Bubbleberry was entertaining the guest with a little song until he saw a sight that most of the colts and fillies looked upon.

    "RAINBOW BLITZ" Bubbleberry screamed over the microphone, while startled all of the guest's ears. The pink stallion ran over to his Wonderbolt friend and gave him the biggest hug in the world.

    "I missed you too, Bubbles" Rainbow Blitz trying to break out of the bone-shattering hug his best friend was giving him.

    "You made it" Dusk Shine said as he and Applejack raced towards their two friends.

    "Of course I did, I wouldn't miss this for the world. You guys are my best friends. I will always be there for you guys, regardless if I was with the Wonderbolts or not" Rainbow Blitz smiled "Where is Exclusive and Butterscotch?"

    "Well Elusive is getting the CMC's and Butterscotch is practicing for the big song for tonight" Dusk Shine answered

    "Wait, wait a minute hold the phone" Blitz stopped his friends "Butters is doing what?"

    "Butterscotch is going to sing tonight" Applejack cheered

    "And he is going to sound awesome" Bubbleberry added

    "Butterscotch" Blitz was trying to understand who exactly was singing. "You're kidding, right?"

    "We thought it would be a great confident boost for him" Dusk Shine smiled

    "Sure, like keeping a Parasprite as a house pet" Rainbow Blitz wasn't too confident about his other best friend singing. Blitz knew about Scotch's stage fright and was afraid that Butterscotch wouldn't be able to handle such a task as singing.


    Barbara was wearing a sparkly green dress and looked upon the appearance of the white stallion that was in the ball room.

    "Exclusive" Barbara said with eyes that formed into hearts.

    "O, there's Regal Splendor" Exclusive flew past Barbara in order to greet the mare that would soon be taken by him.

    "Wait, Exclus" Barbara tried to stop him, but he slipped through her fingers. Her eyes glared at Exclusive and Regal greeting one another. A stallion stood behind Barbara as he attempted to speak.

    "You know Barbara if you want to dance, I could…" Applejack gulped looking down at the dragon trying to hold the confident of asking her to dance.

    "You mean it, Applejack" Barbara smiled

    "Well, umm yea" Applejack nervously said with sweat beading down the side of his face.

    "Ask Exclusive to dance with me?" Barbara looked hopeful at Exclusive hoping that Applejack would help her out with her crush.

    "Now Barb, that wasn't what I…" Applejack tried to tell Barbara, but there was no fighting the hopeful dragon that was begging for his help.

    "I will do my best" he sighed with sorrow and started his way towards Exclusive


    "Hey, Clusives got a minute" Applejack poked the stallion by his shoulder

    "I am in the middle of talking to Regal" Exclusive said

    "It's important" Applejack ordered

    Exclusive knew it probably wasn't important, but he looked to Regal. "I am sorry, this will only take a minute my dear" He said kissing her hoof and walked over to Applejack to get some privacy. He was irritated that Applejack called him away from such a fancy mare.

    "I am here, now what is it Applejack" Exclusive had an annoyed look on his face.

    "Barbara wants to dance with you" Applejack pleaded as he really didn't want to ask Exclusive this, because he knew the end result. However, Barbara had asked him and he wasn't going to turn down Barbara at all.

    "Don't ruin this for me" Exclusive said "Regal just got out of a relationship, so she is a bachelorette. If she thinks that there is something that is going on between me and Barbara, she wouldn't make me her coltfriend"

    "Wait, you and Regal are" Applejack said and also felt a hint of sadness for Barbara as well.

    "Well, not exactly, but this could be my once chance to land the mare of my dreams" Exclusive was feeling very ecstatic at the moment.

    "What about Barb, the poor girl will be heartbroken" Applejack said in a worried tone

    "We are just friends, I am sure she will be just fine" Exclusive said "If you will pardon me, my date awaits"

    Applejack saw Exclusive disappear in the crowd of ponies and stallions. A tap on his hoof surprised Applejack. He looked down seeing the dragon smiling. "Well how did it go?"

    "Umm well it went… You know dear, umm" He looked down as he couldn't let her down. As much as he wanted to comfort her, he couldn't risk seeing Barb in such a state of sadness. "He might save you one teensy little dance"

    "O really, that's wonderful" Barbara gave Applejack a hug. The breaking of his heart was getting a little bit to Applejack. He had to lie to himself in order to see Barbara's own happiness. "Yea, it definitely is"


    Applejack was pouring more juice into smaller cups for some of the guests to drink as Rainbow Blitz and Dusk Shine came over by the table.

    "Have you seen Butterscotch, We haven't seen him everywhere" Dusk Shine asked Applejack

    "Really, then check in the garden, he has got to be there" Applejack suggested

    "I will go" Rainbow Blitz smiled before zooming over to the gardens.

    Applejack saw Barbara going up to Exclusive and Regal as he gave out a sigh. What does that stallion have that I don't have?

    "Are you ok, Jack?" Dusk Shine sensed a great sadness within his friend

    "Nope, everything's fine" He wore a fake smile as if it was a mask. He couldn't let the other know how deeply sad he was at the current moment.

    "If you say so" Dusk Shine smiled as he was going back to greet more guests.

    Duskshine was prancing back to the front gate when.

    "What do you mean I can't get in? I thought everypony near and far was invited to this event. That is very rude" a voice growled at the doors.

    Dusk Shine noticed the guards wouldn't let in a grey skinned mare as he flew into action. "Hey there, the rules are rules. Let that mare in the castle"

    "But sir" One of them protested

    "Ahem" Dusk Shine glared as Prince Tempo stood at the side of him "Is there a problem here?"

    "Umm no Prince Tempo" The guards bowed down as the mare flew past them and bowed before Dusk Shine and Tempo "You are too kind your majesties"

    "No need to be too formal, everypony is invited to this gathering" Prince Tempo smiled

    Dusk Shine waved as well as the mare was stepping inside the party. "Thank you for showing up"

    The mare smiled with yellow eyes

    No, thank you for letting me in; Even though I am not what you think I am. What a fool.


    "It's ok Butters, it's going to be ok" Butterscotch breathed in and out preparing himself for when he was called up for his turn to sing. He hit his hoof into the water. "Argghhh, who am I fooling, I can't sing. Why should I even try?"

    "Why, I think you sound great" a voice called from behind the Pegasus as Butterscotch hugged Rainbow Blitz.

    "How have you been" Butterscotch smiled at his old friend

    "I have been fine" Blitz nodded to his nervous friend "how about you"

    "Me too" Butterscotch sighed

    "Really, because that's not what I have been hearing from the rest from our friends" Blitz said

    "It's the nightmares, they just won't go away" Butterscotch shook his head thinking about his nightmares within ever passing moment. "I am just concerned that Eris might return"

    "What, do you think Eris is in there, cleverly disguised, and waiting to make her move? Don't be ridiculous, she is gone for good. It was just a dream. We are at a party, you need to cut loose. Speaking of which, your song is up next"

    "It's ok, I don't feel like singing" Butterscotch tried to avoid the subject at hand.

    "Hey, you aren't chickening out of this one" Blitz stood in Scotch's way. "What about the time you handled those hurricanes"

    "Flying is very difference from singing. Everypony isn't watching you waiting for you to fail" Butterscotch said

    "Ok, what about the time you sang that pet song with me" Blitz remarked

    "That was when it was only you and thousands of animals and critters. This is a whole room full of ponies, colts, fillies, and stallions, I am not sure if I can sing in front of all of them; I am scared" Butterscotch cowered in fear.

    "Hey, you won't be all alone. I am here to support you. You will be just fine" Blitz smiled leading Butters back into the party.

    "Yea, let's do this" Butterscotch said before looking away feeling nervous.


    "O this party is so incredibly dull" Eris said in her pony disguise. It was one thing that she had to take the form of one of these creatures. She had to wear a dress. Eris, the goddess of Chaos wouldn't be caught dead wearing one.

    "I will give these ponies credit, they managed to liven up this party" Eris shook her head talking to herself.

    "How are you supposed to hold anything with these hooves" Eris said as she grabbed a drink and it was slipping through her hooves.

    Eris saw some colts and fillies running from under her. "Gees, who invited these brats here anyways? Note to self, never have kids"

    "If there is something I hate more than ponies, then it's younger ponies" Eris shook her head in distaste "Watch where you are stepping" She growled as she couldn't wait until Equestria was within her fingertips.

    Eris saw some ponies getting punch and she decided to have a little fun at the party. She snapped her finger when nopony wasn't looking. The chaos that was happening at the serving table made Eris laugh.

    "If I knew a party could be this much fun, I should have returned years ago" She snickered as she pranced off to cause more mischief.

    "And you reach your right hoof in and you reach your left hoof out" Bubbleberry continued to distract the audience until Butterscotch was found. Dusk Shine smiled grabbing the microphone.

    "Thank you Bubbleberry" Dusk Shine was glad his friend was able to stall everyone.

    "You're welcome Dusk" Bubbleberry smiled as he went offstage.

    Eris shook her ear finally that stallion does something right for once.

    "Mares and Gentlecolts, I would like to welcome you to the Grand Galloping Gala" Duskshine smiled

    "Blah blah blah" whispered Eris

    "We have so much fun planned for tonight. Including an air show from the Wonderbolts" Everypony cheered as Eris couldn't give a care of what was to come for tonight.

    "But, first we are going to hear a song from a very close friend of mine. The bearer of the Element of Kindness himself, Butterscotch"

    "Wait, that wimpy Pegasus is going to sing" Eris snickered a laugh to herself as she couldn't believe they are going to let her sing. She is probably going to get too scared to even stand.

    Many of the female unicorn, Pegasus and earth ponies were gasping in awe. Eris was very confused.

    "Ok, I'll bite what is everypony staring ahhhhhhhh" Eris froze looking at what everypony else was looking upon. This act caused Eris to immediately drop her chocolate milk glass that she had been drinking.

    It was Butterscotch in a suit that seemed to leave Eris in a star struck motion.

    O my goodness, he is so….he is so….

    A record breaks in Eris's mind to snap her out of it. She used the excuse that it was a momentarily relapse and she kept repeating it to herself to snap her out of what she was feeling.

    Butterscotch approached the mic as he licked his lips and felt really nervous about singing. He had done it before, but there were many ponies and stallions watching him. Would he do well or would he be terrible? Apart of him wanted to walk off stage, but he saw the faces of his five friends and smiled. He race to the mic and sighed as he took a deep breath and started to sing the song.

    (A/N if you guys want to know why I didn't include the song in this chapter, join me at the bottom in my ending Author's note)


    Hearing Butterscotch's voice almost finishing the song; Eris felt lifted by Butterscotch singing such a heartwarming tune. Was this the same stallion that entered the labyrinth with his friends? The same stallion she has watched most over the years that she has known him. Where has he been all her life?

    She quickly snapped out of it "I have to stop this madness"

    A puff of magic came from the stage, which left all of the guests in attendance with a heavy gasp. Dusk Shine, Exclusive, Bubbleberry, Applejack and Rainbow Blitz were shocked and afraid. Everypony had looked upon the sight of the goddess of Chao onstage with unsuspecting Butterscotch, who was still singing and didn't realize his nightmares were becoming a reality.

    He flew up in the air as he felt all of his troubles were melting away by the sounds of his voice. For the first time in a long time Butterscotch was happy.

    An unknown partner had twirled around Butterscotch and he had dipped his partner down. He wanted to get a good look at his partner. When he opened his eyes, he viewed the object of his nightmares was staring back at him with a smile.

    "O Butterscotch, I didn't know you were such a great singer and dancer" Eris giggled

    Butterscotch was frozen in fear upon staring at the Goddess of Chaos. Rainbow Blitz soon came to the defense of the frightened Pegasus.

    "Get away from him" Rainbow Blitz glared looking at Eris

    "What? We were only dancing" the draconequus smiled

    "Eris" Dusk Shine glared

    "What are you doing here?" Prince Tempo added

    "You're highnesses" Eris smirked as Prince Tempo and Prince Dusk Shine realized that Eris was the mare they had let in through their doors. "It is such a great chance to see you all again. Sorry if I didn't send a message of my arrival"

    Eris spotted the Crusaders who hid behind Exclusive, Applejack, and Bubbleberry and smirked "why if it isn't my three little saviors"

    "What do you want Eris" Duskshine glared

    "O will you put a sock in it" Eris snapped as a pair of sock was stuff in Dusk shine's mouth as he tried to spit out the pair.

    "Seriously, give him wings and a crown and its all 'I am better than everyone else' gees it's so boring" Eris shook her head in distaste

    "Why are you here" Dusk finally got the socks out of his mouth, though he had to deal with the horrible taste of hooves stuck in his taste buds.

    "Well, I am a party crasher of course. While I am at it, I am here to take over Equestria" Eris smirked

    Everyone has gasped as Dusk Shine smirked "You should have stayed in hiding. Now, you are going to get turned back into stone where you belong"

    "Umm, I would mind embarrassing you here, but don't you need the Elements of Harmony to do that" Eris pointed it out

    "We have…"Dusk Shine shouted before he realized that he and his friends stopped wearing them years ago. "We don't need them to beat you"

    Dusk Shine was prepared to fight against Eris. Her response was yawning and waving her hand in her mouth, while effortlessly snapping her fingers to make Dusk's horn disappear.

    "Hey, give it back" Dusk Shine ordered

    "You are really a stick in the mud" Eris snapped her fingers to match her words to the situation. Bubbleberry couldn't help but laugh at Duskshine literately being in mud.

    Rainbow Blitz couldn't take it anymore "No one makes fun of my friends and gets away with it"

    Eris chuckled seeing Rainbow Blitz speeding up. She snapped her fingers to change her clothes into a matador outfit holding up a red blanket up to tempt Rainbow Blitz. "Toro, Toro" She said playfully.

    This made Blitz angrier as this caused him to speed up more to the goddess of chaos. Eris revealed the pillar that Rainbow Blitz had crashed into. Eris cheered "O le"

    "Have you all learned nothing from our last encounter" She laughs manically "You all thought I was gone for good. Except for you my little Butterscotch"

    "Wait, how" Butterscotch asked

    "I have been watching you" Eris interrupted him. "By the way, if you ever want a dancing partner, I'm available"

    "You touch him one more time and I will give you such a pounding" Blitz glared at Eris

    "You wait until the Princes come back" Dusk Shine glared

    "Ahh, does Dusky need Daddy Solaris to come bail him out again" Eris smirked "I am afraid Solaris can't help you in his current…" She used air quotes "Predicament"

    "What do you mean" Dusk Shine darted his eyes back

    "See for yourselves" Eris snapped her pretty little fingers again as she showed everyone that Solaris, Artemis, and Gleaming Shield in a cell together.

    "That's the princes" Barbara cried out

    "What have you done with my wife" Prince Tempo bared such hatred for the draconequus.

    "Nothing I assure you. The foal is perfectly fine. However, it would be a shame if something were to happen to his mother before birth" Eris looked down

    "What" Prince Tempo's eyes were widen

    "Blah blah, you are having a boy, congrats" Eris shook her head in disgust

    "I swear, if you hurt Gleaming Shield" Prince Tempo growled as he was ready to attack Eris

    "I wouldn't dream of it. Though, if any of you decide to be a hero and stop me, the princes get it, and that includes the unborn one" Eris made the imagine of the princes disappear.

    "Now for the weather" Eris smirked as she wore business attire showing a broadcast of the weather. "It will be cotton candy cloudy with a chance of chocolate milk. Seriously, it will be raining cats and dogs. Hope everypony gets home safely or not. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA"

    Everypony heard her laughter as everypony started to panic and create an uproar that was happening throughout the castle.

    "Everypony calm down. The situation is under control" Dusk Shine shouted as he attended to calm the situation.

    "They're not listening to me" Dusk Shine looked at the chaotic room that was full of screaming ponies and stallions.

    "We are listening to you" Applejack smiled

    "OK, Blitz and Applejack. I need the both of you to get the orphans to safety" Dusk Shine stated

    "Gotcha, will do" both of them said as Blitz zoomed to gather the colts and fillies. Applejack followed.

    "Butterscotch, you keep an eye on the crusaders" Dusk ordered

    "Alright" Butterscotch nods

    "I will round up the guards to keep everyone inside their homes" Prince Tempo nods as he races down to gather up each of the guards.

    The rest of them would handle leading the crowds to safety and to assist Tempo if they needed to. They would meet up at the Throne room in an hour after everything was settled.

    Dusk Shine looked at the chaos that Eris had created. He also looked at the missing horn that he had once had ever since he was born. He sighed as Eris had managed to make it disappear all within twenty seconds of her being at the castle. Dusk Shine felt a great sadness within him.

    "Some prince I turned out to be"


    Well that's it for now, what did you all think? I originally wanted the chapter to begin with Eris preparing to go to the Gala. It was too similar to a scene in Phantom of the Opera.

    Now, I know everyone, including DF 2364 may be asking why I didn't include Somepony to Love in this chapter or the story itself. Although, DF had included it in her story, I will not include it in mine. I don't feel its right to do such a thing in a story. I respect movies, and story that have music or songs in them. To me, it doesn't feel right. I told everyone at the beginning that Groom of Eris was going to be similar yet different to Bride of Discord. Now, I am not saying that the songs that DF has made for the story are bad. I feel music is more of an audio learning than of visual learning. I mean I am not going to sing songs while I read a story. I mean I don't see many songs written in books. It just won't feel quite right. I apologize to the fans and DF herself for not adding it to the story. I won't be ignoring Butterscotch singing the song; I am just going to skip over it. I hope everyone can forgive me for it.

    Anyways, for those of you who have asked me about doing fan artwork for Groom of Eris. I give you my permission, though you have to follow doing disclaimers for it. If you do all that, then you can draw whatever you want of Groom of Eris. I have a Deviantart account (after logging back in again for a year or two) though I am thinking of using it to post my fanfictions on that site, also including behind the scenes stuff along with those chapters, thoughts I had on it, and stuff like that. It's also to ask artists if I can use their pictures as inspirations to fanfictions that I am making. It has worked out ok so far. I still haven't heard from the gender-swap pony people yet. But, I am sure they will get back to me eventually.

    Well, you all take care; leave me questions, comments, or concerns in the comments section. Until then see you all later.

    I see people are still welcoming this story with open arms. So far, writing this story has been a true delight. I couldn't stop laughing at those bloopers for Episode seven of the Audio drama version of Bride of Discord. I have to give props to those voice actors. I couldn't stop laughing at various parts. I couldn't imagine doing my own bloopers someday. I tend to mess up a lot as well. But I do hope everyone does a great job for Episode eight. I also give credit to those artists as it must not be easy doing artwork for Bride of Discord. I mean it in the aspect of actually drawing the background of the characters. To top it off, Disney Fanatic 2364 probably is trying to keep it together in that chaotic project. Here's to a new day; now for my feedback.

    Guest: I understand I deal with impatient people sometimes. It's like the old adage goes, "Good things come to those who wait". Yea, I just feel songs translate better to listening to them rather than reading them. Eris is a little bit of a Tomboy when it comes to wearing dress.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony. I also don't own the rights to the Gender-Swap Ponies.

    Chapter 4: The Proposition

    Eris's unspeakable acts of villainy started to take form as her chaos was running rampage all over Equestria. Apples were transforming into oranges, trees being turned into candy canes, birds were flying north for the winter, Earth ponies having the ability to fly, and the endless chocolate rain that was happening all through the land.

    "O my goodness, I just love it when I win" Eris chuckled as she couldn't believe her eyes seeing so much chaos in the land. "I feel right at home. Now let's see"

    Her magic conjured up a list that she slowly checked off while wearing her reading glasses.

    "Step One: come up with a great plan to rule Equestria. Check. Step Two: make a grand entrance. Check. Step Three: make sure no pony can stop you. Double check. Step Four: Evil laugh" Eris checked off all but that particular one that she was going to do in seconds. "MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Check"

    "That should cover just about everything" Eris smiled as she felt accomplished. She covered just about everything that she wanted to do.

    Suddenly, Eris began to hear a pair of giggles that got her attention.

    "Do I detect a sense of enjoyment that I am not apart of" Eris grinned. A delightful evil grin entered the draconeqqus's face. "Opportunity, my name is Eris"

    She saw the couple that was the source of the laughter. Eris recognized them to be that local school teacher and Applejack's sister. It seems they were out on a romance date. Eris smirked seeing how happy the two were.

    "Ah, aren't they having a lovely time" Eris said as she formed her own cloud in order to spy on the two ponies, who were unaware of her presence.

    "It was nice of you to plan this picnic, Macreina. Did your Pappy Smith make this pie?" Cherryloo asked

    "Yup" Macreina smiled

    "Gorgeous evening and wonderful weather we are having?" Cherryloo smiled looking into the sky. Eris ducked her head making sure Cherryloo didn't see her spying on the date.

    "Yup" Macreina responded

    "O don't just sit there looking wise and otherwise, say more. Say that he looks handsome, or that he makes you laugh." Eris commented on the date as she conjured a bag of popcorn to better enjoy the view.

    "What are you doing" a small voice emanated from Eris's shoulder. This turned out to be the voice of a devil version of Eris.

    "Ah shoulder devil, what great timing" Eris smiled "How's it going"

    "Well, I finally burn my last dress with my new pitchfork" the shoulder devil grinned an evil grin

    "Oooohhh, pointy" Eris felt the tiny pitchfork the shoulder devil was holding in her arms.

    "That is not the matter at hoof. Those two are having a nice romantic evening. Ruin it" the shoulder devil wasn't too wasteful of why she was there.

    "Oh yes" Eris realized as she tried to think of a way to crumble Cherryloo and Macreina's date.

    "I heard your brother and his friends are at the Grand Galloping Gala" Cherryloo looked upon Macreina.

    "Yup" Macreina nods

    "Well, why weren't you invited" Cherryloo said before Macreina suddenly burped in front of him.

    "Macreina" Cherryloo spoke surprised at the mare in front of him.

    "Pardon" Macreina held a blush

    "Oooooohhh, he is going to dump her now" Eris squealed like a little school pony.

    "I guess some pony has had too much champagne" Cherryloo smiled pulling the champagne bottle towards him.

    Eris's face went from confusion to anger as she didn't like how the situation had turned out "O yea, let's see how you like it"

    Her snap turned into a burp coming out of Cherryloo's mouth as he was talking about Macreina's other brother.

    "Now, she will dump him" Eris giggled and hoped that the response she had been waiting for would come up.

    "I guess I had too much champagne as well" Cherryloo smiled looking down feeling quiet embarrassed.

    "Yup" Macreina nodded with agreement. Both ponies laugh at this response.

    This gesture made one of Eris's eye twitches with anger. She couldn't believe nothing was working on these two ponies. She stopped on the cloud she was using and thus causing it to rain chocolate milk.

    "Ahh, I could have sworn it wasn't raining a second ago" Cherryloo pondered out loud as he and Macreina were running to seek shelter. Eris couldn't help but dance the dance of gloating as she had ruined the date between the pair. However, her shoulder devil made her look at the couple once more.

    "What is he doing" the shoulder devil asked about Cherryloo was doing to Macreina

    "He is giving her his coat" Eris couldn't believe the nobleness of Cherryloo. Their hiding place was the barn at Sweet Apple Acres, where the date took place.

    "I guess this must be one weird storm" Cherryloo nervously said to break the silent between the two.

    Macreina, now wearing Cherryloo's coat over her body, was looking at Cherryloo and then at the rain "Yup"

    "I guess I must have not prepared for this well. I am sorry I am such a klutz Macreina, you must think I am some kind of weirdo" Cherryloo asked

    "Nope, you are special in your own way Cherryloo, that's what I like about you" Macreina said before kissing the stallion on the cheek before they began to watch the rain together.


    Eris's eye was twitching with confusion and disbelief. She couldn't believe that no matter what she did, she couldn't ruin the date of two ponies that were meant to be with one another.

    "I don't get it. I humiliated them, literally rained on their parade and they are still happy. I seriously don't understand. Did relationships change the last time I was free?" Eris growled as she paced back and forth trying to find a reason for this even happening.

    "Yea, sickening isn't it?" the shoulder devil crossing her arms seeing Eris was pacing around the cloud trying to understand why were they so happy.

    "Yea…" Eris looked down viewing Cherryloo and Macreina comforting one another. She sat down on the cloud and let out a long sigh twirling the piece of the cloud around "…Sickening"

    "You don't sound so convinced" Her shoulder devil noticed Eris's depression.

    "You see the way they hold one another. Why do you suppose in this big wide world that no ponies has ever looked at us with the same eyes" Eris's eye stared down at the pair that were laughing and saw Cherryloo's eyes looking at Macreina with such a look that Eris was jealous of. To have some stallion looking at her in that way would be a dream come true.

    "We are too majestic for that kind of sappiness" Her shoulder devil stuck her tongue out at the couple, who still didn't realize that Eris was looking at them.

    "I am talking to a miniature version of myself. Can you think of anything more pathetic?" Eris growled

    "Dating the teacher for extra credit" her shoulder devil replied with a wink

    "That's it; I am done talking to you. I have an audience I need to gloat too" She said flicking the shoulder devil off the cloud and riding off into the night back to Canterlot.


    "How could I let this happen" Dusk shine looked down in doubt

    "Will you just stop it already; you have been saying that for the past few hours" Barbara said "It isn't your fault"

    "It is Barbara. Prince Solaris left me in charge of running the kingdom for a few days and I manage to let it all run wild in the span of a few hours. Some leader I turned out to be" Dusk Shine yelled

    "It's Eris's fault, Dusk" Exclusive spoke

    "Yea, it's her fault for delicious chocolate bunnies, cats, and dogs running around being so edible, evil and easy to eat" Bubble Berry smiled

    "Umm, Bubbles isn't that….on your face" Exclusive pointed out Bubble's face being covered in chocolate.

    "Nope" Bubble Berry spoke licking all the chocolate off his face.

    Just go with it Exclusive told himself as he turned his focus to Butterscotch "We are sorry we didn't believe you"

    "It's ok" Butterscotch nods "I just can't believe she held me like that"

    "Well, she is never going to do that again" Exclusive said

    Suddenly, Applejack, Rainbow Blitz and Prince Tempo had returned.

    "The Orphans are all safe, underground" Applejack nodded.

    "However, it's not looking good outside. The streets had been turned into lard, the houses into peanut brittle. It's starting to attract bugs" Prince Tempo spoke

    "We have to stop that big bully" Applebuck announced to Dusk shine

    "I am aware of that, but we can't use the elements without my horn" Dusk shine felt the place where his horn use to be.

    "Well, Butterscotch can use his stare" Scooteroll smiled

    "I am not sure if that will work against her" Butterscotch feared

    "How about I just punch her in the face" Rainbow Blitz suggested

    "What good would that do? Even if she did get hurt, she would heal herself with her magic" Applejack looked up at Rainbow Blitz.

    "Do you have any other bright ideas" Blitz asked

    "Umm….Dusk shine, what do you suppose we do" Applejack looked towards his friend

    "I don't know, I just don't know" Dusk shine feared

    Suddenly, a laugh came roaring in as Dusk shine and every pony in the room were fearful of whom that voice belonged to. "Giving up already, Dusky; so out of character for you"

    "Come out you big chicken" Rainbow Blitz said before yelping after being touched by Eris's claw hand.

    "A Chicken? You might be right about that" Eris smirked looking at her claw

    Rainbow Blitz growled as he uses his speed to catch Eris off guard. Eris snapped her finger appearing in a ballet outfit and skipped to one side of the room causing Blitz to hit the wall in front of him.

    "If you don't hand over my wife right now" Prince Tempo growled as his horn lit up to face the goddess of Chaos.

    "Yea, yea whatever" Eris blew off Tempo and stared at the other ponies in the room.

    "We don't need your gloating, Eris" Dusk Shine walked towards the goddess of chaos.

    "I am not gloating, but if you want me gloating" she clapped her hands together causing the floor to be very slippery due to the wax.

    "Cut it out, you big bully" Applebuck shouted

    "O, that's a lot coming from the pony who picked on his own cousin" Eris retorted

    "Hey, you leave my brother and his friends out of…whoa whoa whoa" Applejack was slipping on the floor.

    "Friends you say, that's an interesting choice of words as it was their quarrels that got me out of my prison" Eris smirked looking at the three stallions that were dumbfound.

    "What?" Sweepy Belle asked

    "Think about three years back; in the Garden. School fieldtrip" Eris was helping them remember their quarrel

    "You mean" Scooteroll hesitated "you were that funny looking statue"

    "Ding ding ding, some pony better give these kids a prize. If it wasn't for you three, I would still be outside those gardens overlooking visitors" Eris smiled patting the three colts on their heads.

    Butterscotch has had enough of Eris's games. "That's it missy. You think you can imitate poor defenseless colts and get away with it"

    "O no, not the stare" Eris feared as Butterscotch was using the stare on her "O pleases anything but your disapproving eyeballs"

    Eris pretended to go along with Butterscotch's act. "AHHHH o pleases I will do anything you…I will stop my takeover….Fix everything I did wrong….bake cakes in a dress"

    Eris giggled before bursting into roars of laughter "my goodness that was too much"

    "What, that should have" Butterscotch announced before Eris was looking at Butterscotch with a smile

    "You are a laugh dear Butterscotch" Eris winked "Actually, you aren't that bad to look at"

    "What did I tell you" Blitz zoomed to hit Eris again.

    "Can't get me" Eris smirked before teleporting to another part of the room.

    Blitz stops in his tracks letting out a growling irritation "I hate it when she does that"

    "Eris, enough games, what do you want" Dusk shine glared

    "I want to strike a deal with you ponies" Eris said acting like a mastermind

    "A deal?" Dusk shine said in a confusing tone

    "You know, make a trade, a small deal, an exchange." Eris offered

    "What are you talking about" Dusk shine looked to his friends and back to Eris.

    "Look, you want peace and harmony in your kingdom right? I don't want to get turned back into stone. So, why don't we make a trade?" Eris offered

    "This isn't one of your tricks" Blitz crossed his hooves not believing a word she says

    "No it isn't my dear Blitz" She said patting him on the head and waves a white flag "You want me to stop wrecking havoc on Equestria, I only wish for something in return"

    "Eris, you better stop this insanity right now. Return the Princes or else" Dusk shine ordered

    "Or else what, turn me into stone. Can't do that without the horn" Eris smiled poking at the spot that once held Dusk shine's horn.

    "You monster" Prince Tempo tried to blast Eris away, but she teleported out of the way in time.

    "Here you stallions are, I offer a white flag and you threaten me with violence" Eris whimpered her lip "Elements of Harmony indeed"

    "Get out" Dusk shine and the others ordered

    "Fine fine I can take a hint. I hope you all enjoy the dark" Eris almost left, but not before Dusk shine wondered the meaning of her words.

    "What do you mean" Dusk shine asked

    "O you haven't figured it out yet" Eris smirked

    "Are you still here" Applebuck darted his eyes at the draconeqqus

    "Ok, I am going" Eris smiled

    "Wait" Butterscotch said "I am surprised at you Dusk shine. Aren't you the one that always says not to judge a book by its cover?"

    "Yea, but…"Dusk shine said

    "But, despite Eris being unworthy of our trust…" Butterscotch said

    "You know I am right here hearing what you all are saying" Eris spoke

    "…that doesn't mean we shouldn't hear Eris's words out. I say we should give her a chance to explain herself before judging so harshly" Butterscotch spoke

    "Why thank you dear Butterscotch" Eris smiled putting her eagle claw on Butterscotch

    "Touch me again or I change my mind" Butterscotch hit the eagle claw off his shoulder

    "Still think we should trust her" Blitz asked Butterscotch

    Dusk shine looked at Butterscotch and sighed for a moment "What are your demands Eris"

    "That's Queen Eris" Eris smirked with a clever smile

    "Don't push it" Dusk shine hissed

    "Ok ok, the way things are. There are three things you want from me. Dusk shine's horn, order in your land, and the safe return of the princes and the mother to be. The last one is three things but you get my point" Eris told them "So, I want three things in return"

    "My my, aren't we greedy" Exclusive shook her head in distaste

    "What are your demands" Dusk shine continued to ask what it would take for those demands to be met.

    "Let's start with your horn" Eris pointed her eagle claw towards Dusk shine "You all must make the promise never to use your elements of Harmony against me"

    Everyone but Eris gasped at this request.

    "You have got to be kidding, me there is no way we will" Blitz said

    "Fine, you want a countermeasure ok then. If any pony goes back on their words during each deal, then you can do with the Elements as you will" Eris said annoyed by this request

    "Done, what is your next one" Dusk shine said

    "I require a bit of land for myself. You see I am the spirit of chaos. I would need a place to keep me occupied" Eris nodded

    "That demand is quite…reasonable and quite fair" Dusk shine pondered at the idea

    "But, what about Gleaming, and the Princes" Prince Tempo asked Eris "What will it take to get them back?"

    "I am thinking" Eris realized she didn't have a back up plan for the three requests

    "You mean you don't know" Barbara said in a confusing tone

    "I am thinking of it" Eris roared

    "What else could she want" Exclusive said "Gems"

    "O please, I can summon all the gems in the world whenever I want" Eris let out a sarcastic smirk

    "Maybe she wants a party" Bubbleberry shouted

    "Again anytime" Eris spoke "Why didn't I think this part through? I need to make this good. Something is missing in my new life; but what?"

    "I still think we shouldn't trust her" Scoteroll spoke to his two friends

    "No wonder she doesn't have any friends" Applebuck replied

    "I bet the only person that loved her was her mother" Scoteroll said

    "Not even" Sweepy Belle said

    "Why those little brats…" Eris growled under her breath until their arguing gave her an idea of what she wanted. That's it

    "Ok, I know what I want for the princes and the mother to be. You are all going to enjoy this. I will even make this a three for the price of one stallion" Eris cheered

    "What do you mean… the price of one stallion" Dusk shine raised a brow

    "For Solaris, Artemis, and Gleaming Shield, what I want from every pony in here is….a groom" Eris smiled

    "A groom" Dusk shine was confused

    "Yes, anyone home in there" Eris knocked on Dusk shine's head "Yes, I want a groom"

    "And what pray tell would you do with a groom" Exclusive asked

    "What would any pony do with a groom, I would marry him" Eris told them "Being a lady of chaos is a rather…lonely occupation. So, it would be natural if I wanted someone to spend the rest of my life with. Get married, raise a few brats…I mean children"

    "You would make a terrible mother" Sweepy Belle added

    Eris glared zipping up his mouth. Exclusive was shocked "Sweepy Belle! You are a monster"

    "I have been called worse believe me" She said unzipping Sweepy Belle's mouth

    "This groom has to be a stallion" Dusk shine gulped

    "Of course, I wouldn't marry a rabbit or a snail now would I? The only preference is that he has to come willingly. That means no bribing, swindling, or forcing. He must come of his own free will" Eris smiled

    "Who would want to marry some pony like you" Exclusive said

    "I don't know, what about you lucky stallions" Eris curiously said

    Eris got a striking glare from each stallion as she knew that she wasn't going to get a yes from each of them. She suddenly looked to Butterscotch. It was something about him that has gotten braver over the years, that she is now taking notice. She smiled at him.

    "What about you Butterscotch" Eris opened her lion paw to the yellow Pegasus

    "GET OUT" Dusk shine ordered her

    "Ok ok, I see you all need some time to think about this. There is a cave in the mountains; when you want to talk, I will be up there" Eris smiled as she snapped her finger making her exit.

    All the stallions looked at the place in which Eris once stood. The only question remained.

    What were they going to do?


    This seems like a good stopping point for now. What do you all think? Eris was very crafty to make her plans. I think my favorite part of writing this chapter was during the beginning when Eris was jealous that she didn't have a stallion to call her own.

    It was such a treat writing chapter four. I know I got a few details mixed up, but all within reason. I am going to enjoy writing the next couple of chapter for this story.

    So tell me your thoughts on this story and just one more thing. Here's to the next episode of Bride of Discord Audio Drama. Additionally, I tip my hat to Disney Fanatic 2364 for working her butt off to make BoD audio drama for us. Keep up the good work, DF.

    So, take care and until then, see you all later.

    Well, sorry about the last chapter. I guess it slipped through my hands. By the time I post this story, I am assume Episode eight of Bride of Discord Audio Drama will be released; So here's to episode 9, to be just as good as the rest.

    Disney Fanatic 2364: AH, she lives to comment me on my mistakes. I am just joking DF. I enjoy what you like or dislike about this story. I guess I paid more attention to the audio drama than the actual story it's based on. I will apologize for that. It's just that the Audio Drama is just as interesting as the fanfic itself. I guess I lost focus in that. Well, I look forward to the next fanfic you will be doing.

    Disclamier: I don't own the rights to the gender swap ponies. I also don't own the rights to My Little Pony.

    Chapter five: The Dilemma

    After the departure of the goddess of Chaos, Duskshine and his friends gathered in a circle to discuss what should be done about Eris.

    "I don't think we should give in to her demands" Exclusive said "that draconeqqus is insane if she thinks that we are just going to accept everything she says"

    "What choice do we have" Duskshine said to everyone. "I don't like it anymore than you do. Eris must have been in deep thought about all this. Besides I need my horn to power the elements anyways. What's the point in having the crown if there isn't something to power them up?"

    "There is also the thing about her having a land. That shouldn't be difficult to find. If she has her own place, it could be possible that she will be preoccupied with that instead of the whole land of Equestria" Duskshine continued

    "Duskshine is right" Applejack agreed "What about the third deal"

    "Eris can't expect us to just sacrifice some stallion to be chained to her all his life" Exclusive worried "It would be dragging that stallion to his own grave"

    "She knows how desperate we are to rescue the princes" Duskshine pondering on the situation

    "Who knows what she could be doing to them" Butterscotch shivered in fear. Eris could be doing unspeakable acts to them.

    "Well, whoever this stallion is has to go willingly" Applejack spoke

    "Yea, not exactly a hoof raiser there" Rainbow Blitz looked to Applejack

    As the stallions were discussing amongst themselves, Butterscotch needed some air as he needed to think more about their situation.

    Eris had held him in her arms. Saying such things that only a mare in love would say. Butterscotch was very confused. Was it one of Eris's tricks? It was hard to think now a day with pigs flying outside the castle walls. Upon walking down to the entrance of the balcony, he saw a stallion that merely sighed looking out the window.

    "Prince Tempo" Butterscotch asked "Are you ok"

    "O Butterscotch" Prince Tempo was shocked to see the Pegasus in his presence "what are you doing here. I thought you were with the others"

    "I just needed some air" Butterscotch looked to the prince's eyes "Were you crying"

    "O no, I wasn't" Butterscotch knew this was a lie seeing the prince wiping his eyes with his hooves.

    "It's about Gleaming Shield isn't it" Butterscotch could feel the reason of Prince Tempo's tears. It was understandable of a husband to cry over the welfare of his wife and unborn filly. Anypony would act the same type of feelings that Prince Tempo would feel.

    "It is" Prince Tempo looked out the window "I know my brother in law is handling things well about it, but I just have some bad feeling that something might go wrong"

    "It will be ok, we will get them back" Butterscotch tried to reassure Tempo of Gleaming Shield's safe return.

    "Eris is a wicked being. Why does she have to be so cruel" Prince Tempo felt such rage for draconeqqus that is using his wife and filly for her own goals. It felt absolutely disgusting.

    "I am not sure" Butterscotch said staring out at the window with Prince Tempo. "Let's just hope the Princes are safe"


    "Wait, you want to…you want to get married" Prince Artemis laughed as he couldn't believe the news that Eris has given them about the exchange.

    Solaris and Gleaming Shield looked upon Eris who was irritated by Prince Artemis's laughter. "It's not funny"

    "What stallion would want to marry you" Prince Artemis couldn't help but laugh at the statement some more.

    "You won't get away with this Eris. When I get out of this prison, you won't even begin to imagine the punishments I have in store for you" Solaris simply glared at the goddess of chaos

    "O, the usual 'I won't get away with this' cliché; well I am going to give you a retort" Eris shook her head "O but I will, evil laugh evil laugh. You are beginning to bore me with how repetitive you get Solaris"

    "My husband will not stand for this" Gleaming Shield roared

    "You mean the same husband who tried to blast me, when I first offered them the deal. I can see he is not very bright. No wonder who really rules the Crystal Empire" Eris snickered at her own comment.

    Gleaming Shield wanted to rush to the bars and growl at Eris, yet that would pose a risk for the unborn filly. So, she kept her anger inside.

    "So, while we are on the subject, any of you three wish to take on being my groom" Eris smiled

    "Not even in your dreams" Artemis protested

    "I'm already married, Creep" Gleaming Shield disgusted

    Solaris didn't answer. He simply looked at Eris, who entered the cage through teleportation.

    "What about you, Solaris? I always knew there was a little something between us" Eris winked

    "Yes, there has been something" Solaris spoke "Simple hatred towards you"

    Eris puffed out of the cage "Fine, I just thought I might ask"

    "Eris" A voice shouted out

    "Well, I hate to leave you, guys. But, I believe I have better stallions to fry. Can't let them know you are here" She snaps her finger to make the cage along with the stallions inside to disappear.

    Floating to the entrance, Eris looked upon the six stallions that were standing in defiance to her. She also saw the dragon Barbara carrying the box that contained the Elements of Harmony.

    "Ah, I see you are accepting my deals" Eris leered

    "Yes, for my horn, we have agreed never to use our Elements against you. To prove how serious we are about this, Barbara" Duskshine spoke

    "Here you go" Barbara hesitated as the box shook due to her nervousness upon handling over the box to Eris.

    "It's ok, I am convinced enough. Just keep those things away from me" Eris waved her hands away feeling a bit scared of the Elements. "Now then, how about my own land"

    "For land to be restored to all of Equestria, we have provided you with the castle of the two princes. It is within the Everfree Forest. It belongs to you now" Duskshine said floating the deed to the castle in Eris's hands.

    "Yes, my own land" Eris squeezed the deed to her own land. "See that mom; I can get my own land"

    Eris smiled disappeared as that was two of the three requests that she wanted. She looked down wondering about her third request "Last but not least. Who shall be my lucky groom?"

    "You have got to be pulling our legs if you think some stallion would marry you" Blitz pointed his hoof at her

    "I guess that's a no for my groom to be" Eris looked at all of them

    "Isn't there anything else you want" Duskshine pleaded with Eris

    "I told you all once, I believe I shouldn't have to tell you all again" Eris spoke as stubborn as a mule "I want a groom and nothing else"

    "But..but…but" Duskshine begged

    "Just give me what I want and I will give you back your princes. Heck, I will be very generous. I will give you about three days to decide" Eris said snapping her fingers undid her magic in Equestria and Duskshine's horn was back on his head.

    "But…"Duskshine standing there hoping that Eris would accept something else

    "I think we are done here, remember no groom no Princes" Eris said teleporting to somewhere else.


    They had announced throughout the land of Equestria that Eris was looking for a groom. If anypony stepped forward, then Eris would return the Princes and the captain of the guards. There hasn't been any pony that has stepped forward.

    "She wouldn't ask for anything else" Prince Tempo asked

    "She said no groom, no Princes" Duskshine sighed as he felt like a failure

    "So what do we do now" Applejack asked

    "I am not sure" Duskshine looked down to the ground unsure of what to do

    "Why can't we contact the princes" Scoteroll asked

    "Well, they don't have their horns so…" The realization hit Duskshine like a train hitting him "They can't raise the sun and the moon"

    I hope you enjoy the dark. Duskshine remembered Eris's words as this sent a new level of panic within him as he started to hyperventilate.

    "Duskshine calm down and just breathe. Take slow deep breaths" Prince Tempo rushed to his brother.

    "Well, now that you are a prince. I am sure you will have no trouble bringing up the sun and the moon" Sweepy Bell smiled

    "Do you realize how much skill and energy you have to muster to do such a task" Duskshine feared

    "Brother" Prince Tempo put his hoof on Duskshine's shoulder "We need to think of a way to get them back. No one wants to spend an eternity with that monster"

    The room grew silence as Duskshine looked upon all of his friends. He closed his eyes for a moment knowing that everyone would go against what he was about to say.

    "I should go"

    All of them protested like he knew they would "What"

    "Look, it's my fault that the kingdom is like this. Being with Eris will be my burden" Duskshine looked at them.

    "No way, you are a Prince Duskshine. You can't be bond to that monster. It isn't good for your imagine" Exclusive worried

    "But, Gleaming Shield" Duskshine looked at Tempo

    "Wouldn't stand for it" Tempo spoke

    "For the sacrifice of my friends, I shall be the one to go" Exclusive spoke

    "No, I won't let you do that. What will Mom and Dad say" Sweepy Bell stopped his brother.

    Applejack took off his hat "I should go. I have stopped looking for the one years ago"

    Applebuck protested "No Applejack, think of the farm, Papa Smith and Macreina. Think of the Orphans, they look up to you"

    "Me then?" Rainbow Blitz questioned

    "No, you can't leave with that monster" Scoteroll hugged his hero

    "Me I guess" Bubbleberry suggested "I do like Eris's chocolate rain"

    "Yea, but Bubbleberry, you married?" Blitz said with a questionable look

    "I beg your pardon" Bubbleberry glared at Blitz

    The whole room uproared as each stallion argued upon who was going to go with Eris. Butterscotch was watching each argument as he looked down. He was weighing his options. Each one of his friends had a reason for staying; Family, responsibilities, fame, and ponies that cared about them. Butterscotch was wondering about himself. He kept having these dreams about Eris; yet one solution seemed like the greatest sacrifice of all. He would have to give himself up to the goddess of Chaos. He only had his animals, yet it wasn't that big of a deal as some other pony could do that job better than he would. He looked at his friends knowing that they would protest if Butterscotch went.

    "Look, we all had a hard day. We just need some reason to sleep on the matter" Applejack said

    All of them agreed to retire to their own respective rooms and hoped that a stallion would sacrifice themselves to Eris.


    "Ahhhh, keep away from me" Butterscotch yelled

    "O…but why Butterscotch, we were meant to be together. Lovers like us shouldn't be separated" Eris began to chase the young stallion in the forest.

    "Go away" Butterscotch shouted

    "O, but Butterscotch. It is you that keeps me here" She grabbed him and holds him in her arms.

    "No, pleases let me go" Butterscotch yelled

    "Then, what are you waiting for. Get it over with and step forward. No harm will come to your friends as long as you step forward" Eris repeated as it was haunting Butterscotch.

    "No….Nooo…NOOOOOOO" Butterscotch screamed.

    "…Nooooooooooooooooooo" Butterscotch screamed himself awake as he fell off the bed with a loud thump.

    He stared at his bed knowing it was a dream, yet it seemed so real. Butterscotch saw the beats of sweat dripping down from his face. His whole body was shaking in fear. He couldn't believe he was having more dreams about the goddess of Chaos. She wouldn't stop being on his mind. Every waking minute was another thought of what the goddess of Chaos might do to him. It was nerve wrecking enough.

    You need to calm down Butters, you just had a bad dream Butterscotch told himself as he looked at his wings and felt deeply embarrassed as he folded them. He needed something to snack on. He got up and dusted himself off.


    The castle was sure spooky when it is night time Butterscotch stated the obvious as he looks around making sure not to bump into any vases while he was walking to the kitchen.

    O what must I do. I just can't tell the others. Duskshine will just have a hissy fit and tell me not to go. Exclusive will overreact. Rainbow Blitz would talk me out of it. Bubbleberry would just…be Bubbleberry Butterscotch was thinking of what he can't tell the others of his thoughts. He didn't know how Applejack would react to his thoughts.

    Suddenly, Butterscotch bumped into another stallion as he heard a sound of a tray dropping to the ground. He saw the tray of apple slices and peanut butter dropping to the floor as well. Butterscotch looked upon the stallion he had bumped into.

    "O I am sorry Applejack" Butterscotch pleaded

    "It's ok Butters" Applejack laughed. "I see you couldn't sleep too"

    "Yea" Butterscotch sadly looked down

    "Well, let me clean up this mess and we will talk in the kitchen" Applejack slowly grabbed the tray


    "So, you are still having those dreams about Eris" Applejack asked as he heard about Butterscotch's dreams.

    "Yes, and they keep getting worse. She keeps holding me in her arms, trying to control me. I have never been so scared and confused in my whole life." Butterscotch shivered in fear of Eris.

    "You are only letting her get to you" Applejack told Butterscotch

    "Can I tell you a secret" Butterscotch fidgeted his hooves

    "You know how bad I am at keeping secrets. I am the last pony you would want to share a secret with" Applejack exclaimed

    "Well I can't trust any pony but you" Butterscotch said as he listed off the reasons why their other friends wouldn't be of help to him.

    Applejack took a deep breath "Fine, go ahead. Tell me your secret"

    "Bubble Promise" Butterscotch looked at Applejack

    "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" Applejack doing the promise and looking at Butterscotch.

    "I was thinking of being Eris's groom" Butterscotch yelled

    This made Applejack drop his apple. "What, that's crazy talk"

    "Well, what other choice do we have?"

    "You can't leave Butterscotch. You have a lot to live for. You have your animals. You have us. You have…" Applejack tries to think of more, but doesn't think of anything else.

    "Butterscotch, you should think about this a little more. Do you even hear yourself? You and Eris together, that sounds like a really bad idea"

    "Applejack, what if my dreams are a sign" Butterscotch said

    "Butterscotch, the chances of you and Eris being together have as much chance as me and Barbarrrr…..I mean me and Blitz having horns on our head" Applejack blushed as she almost slipped out her own secret.

    "Well, we need Solaris and Artemis to raise the sun and moon, and Gleaming Shield is with child"

    "Maybe we should talk to Duskshine about this" Applejack announced

    "No, you Bubble Promised" Butterscotch stopped Applejack from leaving.

    "We need to do something here. I can't just let you go with that monster" Applejack looked at Butterscotch. He was just babbling nonsense. If he didn't want to go to Duskshine about this, then they needed another unbiased opinion on the matter. Applejack raised his head realizing who they could go to.

    "Butterscotch, let's go to Zicoro" Applejack smiled

    "You mean?" Butterscotch froze in fear "We have to go to the…Everfree Forest"

    "Hey, I will be with you every hoof of the way. Let's give it a try" Applejack smiled again

    Seeing no other option, the Pegagus looked to his friend and nodded "Okay"


    Thank goodness I finish this chapter. I know some people are disappointed in the man version of Zecora isn't in the chapter. It will be the next chapter that I will put in the man Zecora.

    Now, I used the fanfic as inspiration for this chapter. Though it mostly looks like a genderbend version of the chapter itself. Still experimenting in different styles here. I changed some of the dialogue from Bride of Discord, but not all of it was changed. Some I even got from the Audio Drama.

    Anyways, there is one that wasn't in the story or the audio drama itself in here. It's the bit with Butterscotch and Prince Tempo. Now I told everyone already that there will be changes to the story to make it different than Bride of Discord. I wanted to express how Prince Tempo was feeling about his wife and child trapped. I just hope I did it correctly because what if your loved one was captured. How would you feel?

    Before I leave you all, I want to ask one question. Do you think Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks will be a great sequel or a horrible sequel? Let me start first.

    I think it will be a great sequel, maybe weak at times. But, I hope this movie mixes its songs and plot in together rather than one being stronger than the other. It would annoy me if it did that. Character wise, I am just asking if Discord could be in it. I loved how Derpy and Trixie were in the last one, but if we don't get Discord in the movie, then I will be mad.

    BTW, I thought Episode 8 was Awesome. Discord had an awesome back story that I could never think of. I felt so sorry for Fluttershy. I understood her pain through my own personal experience in romance. I have moved on from it. Anyways, that music number was enchanting and it was well worth the wait; that song it parodies is from my favorite musical of all time. It earns plus points for that. Episode 9 is going to be one of those episodes isn't it?

    Well wish me luck on the next chapter of Groom of Eris *he floated a Thesaurus in front of him* I am going to need it.

    Ok, tell me your thoughts on the chapter, the upcoming movie, or anything that you want to share. Until then, see you all later.

    I want to thank everyone for the likes of this fanfic. It means the world to me that you all sit down to read this fanfic. Now, I am going to talk serious for just a few setences. It's not me thinking down on myself, but I don't think this story will be just as great as Bride of Discord. Here is my reason why. Despite its flaws, Bride of Discord is actually a great story. Doing this story would be like putting peanut butter on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it already has what made it perfect. It is also like doing a sequel to what already was semi-perfect. DF put some of her hard work and time into the story itself. I am not even sure if I am still worthy putting together this story. I have doubts about myself. I have doubts about this story. Yet, it is an honor that I was allowed to do a gender swap version of Bride of Discord. If you all think that Groom of Eris is good, then I will keep writing it. I made a request to do this; it's only logic that I see through it.

    Sorry about that folks, I was just feeling a little bit down as of late. I don't want to not bore you with the details. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Need to respond to the reviews. Also, I will allow people to do fan art on Groom of Eris; you just need to do a disclaimer for it. It's all I ask of you.

    DisneyFanatic2364: Are you saying that you are questioning the idea of Gleaming Shield and Eris being together? This is Discord/Eris we are talking about. All I will tell you is Pinkie Pie or Bubble Berry logic. It should not be questioned. I forgot to check again; man I don't know how these slips ups get passed me. Hopefully you are feeling better.

    Guest: You are right and I am trying my best to change a little bit up. I don't want to change it too much. I thank you for the comment, but I am not that good of a writer. I have no clue what joke I could have made there but thanks.


    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the gender-swap ponies. I also don't own the rights to My Little Pony. My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro.

    Chapter 6: The Decision

    "I sure hope we don't run into any Timber Wolves" Butterscotch lowered his head upon entering the Everfree Forest.

    "Don't you worry about it? I am with you every step of the way" Applejack reassured his friend. "If they do show up, then I will just beat them up"

    "Thanks" Butterscotch feeling safer around his friend.

    The dual soon found them within sight of a tree hut which was familiar to both of them. Applejack stepped forward knowing his timid friend would suggest that he should knock first. Thus by tapping his hoof at the door, Applejack and Butterscotch waited for the familiar male zebra to show up.

    "Who is outside by the tip of my watch" a voice came from inside "Why it's Applejack and dear Butterscotch. Please do come in if you dare. I hope you are in for a scare"

    Applejack and Butterscotch slowly stepped in the hut only to be confronted by the scary face. Applejack knew it was just a mask, yet Butterscotch was as white as Sheep's wool for a moment.

    "Hey Zicoro" Applejack said as he looked to Butterscotch.

    "Ah, I see Butterscotch is as white as a ghost. Don't be scared for I am a gracious host" Zicoro took off the mask as he saw Butterscotch calming down.

    "Sorry about that Zicoro" Butterscotch felt embarrassed.

    "It is my fault, I forgot surprises give poor Butterscotch quite a halt" Zicoro smiled as he sat down with the two stallions to drink some tea.

    "So what brings you to this strange event" Zicoro asked "Maybe I can find a solution that I can help present"

    "Well as you probably guessed Eris is back" Applejack hesitated

    "Yes, I had heard the mistress was in town, when I found my hut upside-down" Zicoro said

    Applejack and Butterscotch both noticed that the upside down bottles and the rug on the ceiling and the furniture all topsy-turvy.

    "I also get the feeling you know about her 'demands'" Applejack sighed

    "News in Equestria travels fast, I was almost aghast. I had heard that Eris had said…she wishes a stallion to wed" Zicoro raised a questionable brow to the two stallions.

    "That's right" Applejack nodded

    "Yes, and if she doesn't get a groom by tomorrow, then she was harm the princes" Butterscotch exclaimed. "And I…well"

    "Butterscotch was thinking of being that groom" Applejack told the zebra

    Zicoro looked at the Pegasus with curiosity "Is this so? Do you wish to go?"

    "Yes…No…Maybe…I don't know" Butterscotch covered his face with his hooves feeling confused.

    "This is why we are here, Zicoro. So you can talk some sense into Butterscotch. Tell him not to go. Its crazy talk" Applejack pleaded with the zebra.

    "Maybe our sprits need some building up" Zicoro offered "But, I first need your tea cup"

    Butterscotch slowly handed his tea cup to Zicoro. He looked inside the tea for a moment and then sets it down. Applejack handed his teacup and Zicoro smiled. He looked to Butterscotch.

    "For a long time, there has been quite an unsettling feeling that has upset your heart. As a result, it has being tearing your soul apart. The feeling that has brought you here is from the creature that your heart mostly fears" Zicoro slowly spoke with his eyes closed

    "You can tell all that from a tea cup" Applejack looked at the tea cup trying to decipher how Zicoro came to this conclusion.

    "But from what I see, your soul will be set free. From the grounds of the tea, I see your heart in great gee. In this future, I see great happiness, and that is if you go with the draconeqqus" Zicoro opened his eyes

    "What?" Applejack was confused "How in the hey will he be happy with Eris"

    "She might not soar exactly like a dove, but maybe what Eris needs is some love" Zicoro told them.

    "Love and Eris? You must be joking" Applejack shook his head in disbelief

    "Eris just wants some stallion to love her" Butterscotch said slowly

    "I might be incorrect, yet this path should be inspect" Zicoro nodded

    "I haven't thought about that before" Butterscotch said

    "It's because it's not true. Eris is a heartless creature" Applejack roared

    "But, even the most heartless of creatures, are the ones who's hearts are trapped in the darkness" Zicoro smiled "But, don't you see? This is just like when all of you were blinded from seeing the real me?"

    "You were different, we didn't know you then" Applejack said "It's not the same thing"

    Zicoro went back to Butterscotch "The key to happiness is to show kindness"

    "I see" Butterscotch was thinking long and hard about his decision. This made the Pegasus smile.

    "Now then, Applejack shall we see what is in your tea. Is there something you are hiding from me" Zicoro turned to Applejack and smiled

    "It's nothing and I pass on that" Applejack hesitated as he held back his tea.

    "Why do you hide these feelings you harbor; for the one you call Barbara" Zicoro smirked at the young stallion.

    "How did you know..." Applejack's cheeks were as red as roses "Let's get going Butterscotch; we are wasting our time here"


    "Do you think Zicoro was lying" Butterscotch was walking with Applejack

    "I really don't know, but thinking you could be happy with that thing isn't a good choice" Applejack said.

    He stopped when he heard a roar from Butterscotch "But it's my choice"

    He couldn't believe the rage that Butterscotch was holding on to. "I am so sick of everyone thinking that I am weak and defenseless, that I can't do anything right. Eris needs a groom by tomorrow. I don't know how much more any pony can take at this moment. There isn't any pony that is offering to stand up. So, why can't I sacrifice myself for every pony" Butterscotch shouted

    "Butterscotch, please listen to yourself. What will happen if you went with her? Who would watch over your animals? How would every pony else feel?" Applejack pleaded

    Their walking had leaded the pair to Eris's castle as they saw how different the place was. The fog completely disappeared; only to be replaced by a layer of land that seemed to be Eris's handy work. Both of them walked away. Butterscotch thought he saw a creature staring at him by the window. He shook his head knowing Eris probably wasn't at the castle.

    "Look, I know you are an amazing stallion Butterscotch. I have watched you over the years and you have done some amazing stuff. You have taken on a dragon and a manticore. I know this isn't a choice me or the others wouldn't want you accepting, but if this is your final answer, then I am not going to stop you" Applejack sighed and looked up to Butterscotch.

    "If no pony comes by tomorrow, then do what you wish" Applejack hugged Butterscotch

    "Thank you for trusting me" Butterscotch smiled

    Applejack knew it was crazy to let Butterscotch do this. However, Butterscotch was his friend and friends stick together to the end. When the hug was released, Butterscotch had a smug look on his face.

    Applejack raised a brow "What"

    "So, tell me about you and …Barbara" Butterscotch smirked as he wasn't going to let Applejack's little secret go unanswered.

    "There's nothing between us" Applejack denied

    "O really, when did this all come about?" Butterscotch curiously smiled at his friend.

    "When she saved me from the Timber Wolves a year ago" Applejack blushes "It's just a school pony crush nothing more"

    "It's so adorable" Butterscotch continues to smirk upon hearing his friend's crush on a dragon.

    "It's embarrassing and you can't tell any pony or dragon about this" Applejack raised his hoof to Butterscotch

    "I promise" Butterscotch smiled

    "Bubble Promise" Applejack raised his voice

    "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" Butterscotch smiled


    Butterscotch woke up as he saw the sun hasn't been able to rise or the moon wasn't out at all. This nightmare would only end with Solaris and Artemis returning to fix it. Butterscotch looked at himself and then imagined the goddess of chaos behind him. He breathed slowly as he looked into the mirror.

    "I know what I must do"


    "The deadline is near and no pony has come forth yet" Dusk Shine sadly sighed

    "Dusk Shine, you have to come see this" Rainbow Blitz flew to Dusk Shine as his eyes widened with worry.

    Dusk Shine and the others came into Butterscotch's room to find it completely empty.

    "Where did he go" Dusk Shine asked

    "Well, I came to check up on Butterscotch to see if he was alright and everything; only to find that he had left. I don't know where but we just got to find him" Blitz feared.

    "Well, he couldn't have got far" Exclusive said as he felt a cold cup of water "This water is still cold"

    Every pony looks in the room for clues. The only who didn't look too hard was Applejack. He knew where Butterscotch went. He wasn't sure how the others would react to such a thing. He looked to them all until he heard a voice saying.

    "I found something"

    The five stallions and Barbara looked at the letter that Butterscotch had written to them. Dusk Shine spoke out loud to read.

    Dear Friends,

    Do not come and find me. I am fine so please don't worry about me or hate me for what I am about to do. As you all know, the deadline draws near for Eris desiring a groom. This choice was my own and no pony forced me into it. No pony should have to experience this kind of dread. So it is without a doubt in my mind that I will offer myself to Eris. I know you all won't agree with this, but it is for the good of every pony that I make this choice. Solaris is needed to rise and setting of the sun. Artemis is needed for the rising and setting of the moon. Gleaming Shield is with child. This was the only way for Equestria to be safe. Applejack will explain. Please take good care of my animals, especially Angela. Goodbye.


    When Dusk Shine was done reading, every pony looked to Applejack, who kept his hat down so no one would see his face.

    "Did you know about this" Dusk Shine asked him

    "I tried to talk him out of it but he went and did it anyways. He made me Bubble Promise not to tell you all" Applejack cursed himself as tears came from his eyes

    "Applejack, what happened" Dusk Shine ordered

    "You see it's like this" Applejack sighed as he looked to every pony and told him of what Butterscotch was going to do.


    Butterscotch slowly made his way to Eris's cave. It was dark and spooky as he slowly made his way inside trying to build up the confidence in himself to make a big sacrifice. He slowly raised his voice.

    "Eris, where are you" Butterscotch held his voice back as he didn't hear a sound.

    "Well…Well…Well" Eris stepped out of the shadows staring down at Butterscotch "If it isn't the element of Kindness himself. Let me take a wild guess, you are here to negotiate some more?"

    "Yes" Butterscotch shyly announced

    "It's strange that Dusk Shine sent you of all ponies to negotiate with me. I told Dusk Shine and every pony that I will only take a groom and nothing else" Eris raised a questionable brow to the young stallion.

    "And a groom you shall have" Butterscotch raised his voice in defense.

    "O really, whose the lucky stallion" Eris smiled looking around for her lucky stallion to be.

    "Right…here" Butterscotch slowly rose as he looked at Eris.

    "Excuse me" Eris was confused by Butterscotch's revelation

    "I will be your groom" Butterscotch gulped some saliva as he looked at Eris as it took a lot out of him to admit.

    The cave was silence for a few minutes as Eris's shock turned into bursts of laughter. She couldn't help but laugh at Butterscotch's offer. She held herself in the air as she couldn't believe Butterscotch was making this announcement.

    "O I get it. This is a joke right? Who put you up to this? This has to be Dusk Shine right? Maybe it was the prankster Bubble Berry? Rainbow Blitz?" Eris realized the seriousness of Butterscotch "You are being serious aren't you"

    The slow nod from Butterscotch made Eris stood dead cold in her tracks. She couldn't believe Butterscotch was being this noble. She had to double check if this was real.

    "No pony put you up to this" Eris asked

    "I went of my own free will" Butterscotch said without a doubt.

    "You…"Eris was aghast as she wouldn't think Butterscotch would step forward this easily.

    "I know I am not the most attractive stallion. I will understand if you want some pony else" Butterscotch slowly was walking to the entrance of the cave.

    "Now, hold on there. I didn't say I wasn't interested" Eris checked out the Pegasus from front to back as she grinned. She wasn't convinced that Butterscotch wanted this.

    "Are you sure this is what you want? If you do this now, there is no going back" Eris looked at Butterscotch.

    "I know" Butterscotch sighed as he knew he was at the crossroads of his decision. "If I decide to marry you will you let the Princes go peacefully and not harm a hair on Gleaming Shield?"

    "You have my word" Eris bowed looking at her husband to be

    "…and I will never see my friends again" Butterscotch sighed as he looked down viewing the ground thinking what would happen if he did go with Eris. His life would be a lonely one. It was still worthy of the sacrifice.

    "Think of it like this. You can either spend an entirety at my side, catered to your every need; that or spend your short life in a world of darkness" Eris held Butterscotch's shoulders which were quite firm.

    "Catered to my…every…need?" Butterscotch questioned

    "If we are to be married, what's mine is yours. I will dedicate my life to answering your very call. It is a wife's duty to serve her husband and to make him happy any way she knows how. Whatever you desire, I shall make it happen. I shall give you whatever you want. Think of it as incentive" Eris winked

    "So, what will it be" She smiled

    Butterscotch was still weighing his opinions. He looked outside seeing it was still darkness and looked at Eris.

    Suddenly the goddess summoned a small box with a ring inside it. Butterscotch strangely looked to Eris.

    "What? I am a traditionalist; it is usually the stallions that ask a mare to marry them. " Eris smiles "So, I just need you to ask the question and I will do as you command.

    "Well…" Butterscotch attempted to move forward.

    "Butterscotch, don't do it" Dusk Shine shouted as he and the others attempted to stop Eris.

    A magical wall blocked the five stallions as they repetitively pounded on the wall. Their rude interruption made the Goddess of Chao growl. "It is rather rude that you stallions must interrupt me. I was just about to accept a proposal"

    "Pleases, let them through. Allow me to say goodbye" Butterscotch begged

    "Alright fine, but hurry up" Eris snapped her fingers seeing the six friends reunite with one another.

    "I told you not to follow me" Butterscotch worried

    "We couldn't let you go with her" Dusk Shine looked to his best friend.

    Butterscotch saw all the looks his friends gave him. He knew they would react this way. Seeing their faces made it difficult for him to leave them behind.

    "I have to make this choice" Butterscotch told them

    "No you don't. There has to be another way. We can find another way" Dusk Shine looked at Butterscotch.

    "No pony chooses my fate but me" Butterscotch stand in defiance of his friends.

    "Do you realize what she could do to you" Blitz worried

    "We can't let you go with that monster" Exclusive pointed to Eris

    "I will be just fine you guys" Butterscotch tried to reassure his friends of his safety.

    "We should let him go" Applejack said as he moved forward from the rest of his friends who were shocked by what he said.

    "Thanks a lot Applejack" Butterscotch was relieved that someone was willing to understand what he was saying.

    "We need to respect his decision. It's for the good of every pony" He told the others as he hugged his friend goodbye. "Take care of Angela for me"

    Applejack nodded as Butterscotch was saying goodbye to the rest of his friends. Blitz flew to his friend.

    "You can't do this, you just…" Blitz wasn't one for tears and this would be one of a few times where he was crying his eyes out.

    "You have stood up for me many times Blitz. It is now time for me to stand up for myself" Butterscotch hugged Blitz, comforting him.

    "If she ever gives you any trouble, call me" Blitz smiled as he flew back to the group.

    Butterscotch saw Exclusive was up next. Exclusive was trying to be strong, but Butterscotch can tell by his slow steps and his sniffing noises that he was ready to break out into tears.

    "It's ok Exclusive I will be just fine. Pleases give away my suits" Butterscotch smiled

    "I can't just give them away they were your…. I will just donate them" Exclusive hugged Butterscotch.

    After Exclusive walked away in tears in his eyes was Bubble Berry, who was crying a river as Butterscotch walked over.

    "Try to smile buddy. I will be alright" Butterscotch wiped away his tears.

    "Don't you forget about us buddy. I mean I am sure you probably will but pleases don't forget" Bubble trying to smile for Butterscotch but he couldn't.

    "I won't forget, Bubble Berry" Butterscotch hugged him.

    The last to say goodbye was Dusk Shine, who kept trying to convince Butterscotch not to go.

    "I will be fine Dusk Shine. I have been through worse. Plus, I think I can tame her" Butterscotch smiled

    "You are good with animals after all" Dusk Shine sighed as he looked to his eyes seeing the confidence and frights that was developing in Butterscotch. "You are the bravest stallion I have ever met"

    "Umm, hello, times are a wasting. Can I have my question pleases" Eris said with impatience

    "You can wait" Butterscotch told her and then looked to his friends "Be safe you all"

    "We will" Dusk Shine looked to Butterscotch

    The light yellow Pegasus slowly walked to Eris, who simply stood there as he held out the ring and sighed. "Will you marry me?"

    "O why Butterscotch, I thought you would never ask" Eris sarcastically announced "Of course, I will marry you"

    Eris held Butterscotch as she smiled feeling like this was a win in her book. Blitz growled to her.

    "If you hurt him…"

    "O please, he will be just fine. Just as long as you don't try and take him back" Eris growled back. "Now if you all don't mind. We have a wedding to plan"

    Rainbow Blitz tried to charge at Eris, but she and Butterscotch vanished before he could get to them. The Pegasus flew back to his friends when they suddenly saw Solaris, Artemis, and Gleaming Shield in front of them with their horns back.

    "What happened? Where's Eris" Artemis asked

    The stallions tried to fight their tears as Solaris stepped forward. Applejack spoke with most of his strength.

    "She has…taken a groom"

    "Who has she taken….Dusk Shine" Solaris asked his pupil, who simply stared at the growl.

    "I am so sorry…Butterscotch"


    Finally I am finished with this chapter. Gees it was long. I hope you all enjoyed it.

    The two difficult parts of making this chapter was the rhyming of Zicoro. The other was where did I want it to go after Applejack revealed his crush to Butterscotch.

    Well I was thinking more about the situation with the sun and moon. It made me think back to the Season 4 episode Princess Twilight Sparkle. How the Sun and Moon were near one another. I mean I would like to think that it would be the same situation, but that's just me. Though, this fanfic was made before that episode, so it gets away with that.

    Well here's to the next chapter. I hope everyone will like it. Tell me what you think in the reviews. Now, I will say the story from this point on will be a kind of different story than Bride of Discord. If you want to know why, it's because Eris is a girl. So the roles will be kind of hard to work with. I wonder how Butterscotch will be able to handle Eris.

    Until then, See you all Later.

    I really want to thank you guys for the support, without it. I don't think I would get as far as I have. Well maybe... but I care about your comments and what you think towards this story. Well, it's a good thing to see that we are now in the part of probably one of my top ten favorite parts of this story. Don't worry; we will get to that part.

    So folks this is where Groom and Bride will probably divert into a separate story for the moment. Now, when I say that I don't mean that Groom of Eris will be nothing like Bride of Discord; I am merely saying that due to Eris being a girl that she won't copy nearly everything that Discord does. I am not trying to step on Disney Fanatic 2364's toes. I am not trying to say that Bride of Discord isn't a good story. I just don't want to copy everything from it. There may be similar scenes and stuff, yet this will have its own flow as well. So, in the end I want to give everyone a chance to enjoy both stories as their own and also being similar as well. So, enjoy the read.

    Hi: Well, I can't say that Groom of Eris is better than Bride of Discord. Think of it like a remake and an original version. The new one may have great things about it, but you can't say it beats the original. Sometimes it does and some times it does. Well, that's sort of the relationship Groom and Bride share. No matter how much different I try to make it, Bride of Discord will always be the greater story. That's a pure fact.

    Guest: I guess you are right, but like I said above. No matter what I will do, Bride of Discord will be the better story. Not trying to say that I don't like the story.

    Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony. I don't own the Gender Swap ponies either.

    Chapter Seven: The Arrangement

    Butterscotch was rounding on the couch as he wasn't sure where he was at the moment. His memory was very fuzzy; like that time he drank too much Apple cider.

    "Where…Am…I" He raised a brow as he tries to put the pieces together of what transpired in the last few hours.

    "I remember…the Princes being in danger…the deal…Zicoro…Eris" Butterscotch slowly spoke before realizing the truth of his ordeal "I'm engaged to the goddess of Chao"

    Suddenly, a cloud of smoke came in front of him as the draconeqqus holding her hands together and smiled "You summoned me, my master"

    Butterscotch froze seeing her floating towards him. Her smile scared him so much.

    "I am sorry if I woke you my dear. I thought you called my name" Eris giggled as Butterscotch was shaking in his hooves.

    "Um…no…not really" Butterscotch took a gulp of saliva to calm himself down. He needed to be brave.

    "I see" Eris grimed "Now is not time for talking, we must make plans"

    "Plans for what" Butterscotch was confused

    "Our wedding; we need to plan this wedding of ours if we ever want to be married"

    "That reminds me, when exactly is the wedding" Butterscotch asked nervously.

    "It could be in a year…a few months…couples of weeks…a few days" Eris kept thinking of when their wedding would take place. She smirked "Why wait? Let's have it tomorrow"

    "Tommorow" Butterscotch's eyes were widening at the date of the wedding that was showing up in front of his eyes.

    "Oh don't be so dramatic. Most stallions want to be married in a hurry. I am shocked that you are not one that does" Eris smirked "But it's time to pick out your suit"

    She snapped her fingers and made a room of mirrors appear around Butterscotch. The Pegasus found himself wearing suit after suit seeing Eris snapping her fingers to see what was to be fit her intended; every single snap made Butterscotch's eyes hurt. He couldn't concentrate properly. The room was spinning around.

    Eris finally stopped her snapping as she found the perfect attire for her husband to be. It was the usual black suit with a black interior. A red rose was planted on the collar of the suit. She even included a nice top hat to go with it. She grinned with happiness. "Perfect"

    "You look absolutely dashing in that suit. I mean I didn't think a stallion with your caliber would ever look nice in such a suit…" Eris rambling on about their wedding plans.

    "Eris…" Butterscotch spoke with his usual low tone. The ears of Eris didn't seem to notice him.

    "O and we will have flowers, music, lights, ohhhh. We could get married in the forest" Eris rambling on not hearing the pleas of Butterscotch.

    "Eris" Butterscotch spoke a little louder, but was still hearing her talking about their plans of the wedding.

    "Oh, we probably need to plan an after party and we would need a Prince or Princess to marry us to make it official" Eris rubbed her chin smiling at her planning of the wedding.

    "ERIS" Butterscotch finally got his Fiancée's attention.

    "Yes" Eris smiled at him

    "Don't you think with all this planning that we are rushing things a little bit" Butterscotch said nervously.

    "Let me think about it….Nope" She ignored his concerns.

    "But a wedding takes a long while to plan, months even, to come up with half the things you want to have. All the calls we would have to make, all the guests we would have to gather, all the physical and emotional stress we would be under" Butterscotch looked down trying to process all that it would take for their wedding to be.

    "Oh it will be just fine. I can just summon all that we need in seconds" Eris winked

    "There is also another thing" Butterscotch walked to a mirror. Eris was confused for a moment. Butterscotch imagined a mare next to him as he closed his eyes. "I always thought when I was to be married. I would learn about the mare that I would spend the rest of my life with. Laughing together, spending as much time as I could to know her, Sharing memories and counting the days until that big moment happens where we vow to be loyal, respectful, and happy with the one I love to have and to hold until death do we part"

    "O lovely dovely blah blah blah" Eris shook her head and mimicked Butterscotch's words using her eagle claw "Why should I listen to you about this"

    Butterscotch glared "As I recalled, you said you would give me whatever I wanted"

    "O yea, I did say something along those lines" Eris realizing her double-edged sword words.

    "I want to get to know you better. In order to do so we must postpone the wedding" Butterscotch said without a doubt.

    "Postpone the wedding? What you are asking for is impossible" Eris was flabbergasted as she tried to convince him otherwise.

    "If you ever want this thing to work between us, then I suggest we get to know one another better. So postpone the wedding or there won't be one" Butterscotch was stubborn as a mule about it.

    Eris growled and groaned as she was quickly losing her temper with Butterscotch's demands. She stopped herself and then breathed in and out for a moment to allow herself to think things through. Its ok Eris, we will get him soon. Let's play his little game first.

    "You are right Butterscotch" She snapped her fingers removing Butterscotch's suit, top hat, and the mirrors. She looked upon him. "No need to rush things between us. In fact let's strike another deal"

    "Another deal" he questioned

    "I will postpone the wedding for now…" Eris smiled raising her finger.

    "Until…"Butterscotch became curious with this deal

    "I will ask you a single question. If I don't get the answer I require, then I will keep asking until I do" Eris looked toward Butterscotch

    "…and if I do give you that very answer" Butterscotch was really nervous upon what would happen then.

    "Just think of it as the night before our wedding" She gave him a simple smile and a pat on his head. "So, who's hungry?"

    "Well I haven't ate anything in a while" Butterscotch held his growling stomach.

    "Good, let's see what I have in the kitchen" She floated towards the kitchen looking at her new guest.

    Butterscotch had a bad feeling about the arrangement.


    "Of all the dirty deeds that Thing has done, this has got to be the dirtiest trick she has ever pulled" Prince Artemis was being angry after hearing about what has happened to Butterscotch.

    "To think that he would sacrificed himself for us" Gleaming Shield said before buried herself in Prince Tempo's shoulder.

    "I motion we go to confront Eris and force her to give back Butterscotch" Prince Artemis was about to storm out of the castle to confront the draconeqqus.

    "No brother" Prince Solaris held his hoof to his brother and then looked to his subjects that were in the room with them "They made a deal with Eris. We have to honor that deal no matter what."

    "But, Butterscotch…you can't be serious about this. You know that witch as much as I do. She will eat him alive." Artemis slowly saw the doom that would befall young Butterscotch.

    "I have fault you" Dusk Shine looked down in sadness feeling his world is falling apart.

    "Oh and how is that" Solaris was confused by Dusk Shine's words.

    "It was my fault that I let things get out of hoof. It's my fault that one of my best friends was taken by that monster and one of my friends is having a nervous break down" Dusk shine pointed to Bubbleberry.

    "Oh no Butterscotch is gone….Then she will take Peppermint….then Mint chocolate chip…then Chocolate chip cookie dough….No not Chocolate chip cookie dough" Bubbleberry started to overreact through his tears.

    "I got him" Exclusive rising his hoof and sighed as he walked over to calm down the pink stallion.

    "You haven't failed me Dusk shine, these things happen all of the time. We just need to see if Butterscotch can handle Eris" Solaris looked to the ceiling.

    "So what will happen" Barbara worried

    "For now we must move on with our lives and hope dear Butterscotch will have enough to fight through Eris's schemes. It is unclear what she plans next. Until she does, we must be ready for whatever she has to throw at us" Solaris announced "I just hope Butterscotch is alright"

    The others were about to protest but they understood that moving on is what they could do. Dusk shine wasn't going to give up so easily.


    "Well that could have gone better" Eris carries Butterscotch out of the cotton candy filled kitchen.

    "Well, I think the cotton candy maker was a nice gesture, but I think I will stick to lettuce" Butterscotch tried to smile, but Eris notices his resistance to her.

    Eris approaches a room that Butterscotch couldn't take many of the things that levitated off the ground and was rotating like the Earth.

    "Is this my room" Butterscotch feared

    "No, that is my room" Eris sighed "this is your room. I know how you ponies feel about gravity"

    Butterscotch explored the room with his eyes seeing the green wallpaper, the curtains that looked liked they haven't been dusted in years. He was glad that she kept the furniture like it was and not like her room.

    "Umm can you pleases umm put me down" Butterscotch asked nicely

    "O sorry" Eris complied with Butterscotch as she put him down on the bed as she started to go over his room.

    "Well, I made the floor into grass just how you like it. I made the curtains out of Spider webs. I even installed a fridge so you can eat whatever you want, if you want it, it will be in here. I even put in a radio so you can listen to whatever you feel comfortable with listening to. You even have a great view of" Eris opened the curtains and quickly closes it.

    "Well, it's not a great view but some view is better than no view right" Eris tried to force a grin upon herself but her smile melted when she saw the unhappiness of the Pegasus before her "You don't like it"

    "No it's fine, really I like it" Butterscotch lied

    "O well ok then. Ah I almost forgot" Eris smirked. "My question"

    "And that is…" Butterscotch feared for the worse.

    "Do you love me?" Eris smiled as she looked at Butterscotch

    "What" He was shocked by her question?

    "Do you love me?" Eris asked again

    "Ummm…sorry but no" Butterscotch felt really bad about saying no.

    "Ok I shall leave you now" Eris floated away and smiled "Just remember I will keep asking until you do"

    Butterscotch looked down Oh Butterscotch what have you gotten yourself into


    "Oh Eris, you have outdone yourself this time" Eris smiled as she looked into her reflection "Over a thousand years and you still have the stallions falling for you"

    "So, is this your big plan" Her reflection finally showed up

    "It will only be a matter of time before he can resist me no more and he will be eating putty out of my claw" Eris giggled

    "So, instead of manipulating him with your magic you are just going to kiss up to him" the reflection slapped it head.

    "Well those stallions can't turn us back to stone right" Eris offered a smile

    "Yea, but why does that matter? They already agreed not to use them" the reflection said

    "Only because they need magic to work the elements" Eris smirked "Either way, if any of our deals were to be broken we would be free to do whatever we wish. You know what that could mean. Chaos for every pony and stallion" Eris cheered at the very opportunity to spread her chaos in Equestria.

    "…and the wimpy Pegasus falls into this plan how?" the reflection asked as it felt Butterscotch wasn't of any use to them.

    "Well, I can bet you by the end of the month that stallion will be dying over me. He won't be able to use the Element of Kindness against me as he wouldn't turn his own wife to stone. That way i can be sure that those stallions won't use their elements against me" Eris smiled as she does an evil chuckle.

    Suddenly, her mirror started to laugh along but in a mocking way "That's the dumbest plan you have ever come up with"

    "Excuse me" Eris crossed her arms

    "Do you honestly think that Pegasus will ever fall for you?" the mirror suggested

    "Your point is?" Eris shook her head

    "You are a Chimera, a being with the mixture of many different animals. Do you honestly think staring into this mirror that there will be ever a chance that Butterscotch could ever love such a monster? I am your reflection so I would know better than any pony" Her reflection showed Butterscotch freaking out about Eris

    "How would you like to be smashed into a thousand pieces" Eris grabbed the mirror and growled at it

    "Hey hey hey crazy, that's seven years bad luck" The reflection worried

    "Don't talk to me about bad lucky I invented it" She screams as she also didn't like to be called crazy.

    The mirror went back to normal as Eris looked at herself in the mirror; as she was admiring herself "Oh, what am i doing? I really have to stop talking to myself, and what does she know? I am good looking. That stallion won't know what hit him. As soon as he notices my charms that stallion will…"

    As much as she didn't want to admit it, her mirror was right. Eris looked awful. She looked at both of her claws as she felt ashamed. Why would she say that she was good enough for that stallion? No matter how she tried to make herself look good, Butterscotch would only see her as a monster. She looks at herself in the mirror and sighed "A gorgeous stallion like that will never go for some pony that looks like me"


    Well I think I will end things here folks. So what did you think? I have to feel sorry for Eris at the end of the chapter. I also loved that scene in the audio drama. Such a powerful mixture of a picture, the voice, and the background music. I hope to see the same thing in Episode 9.

    I know I am going to get a lot of hate for not including the dinner scene. As I said before, I would be changing some things up for this story. I wanted Eris's question to be the last thought of what Butterscotch would think about in this chapter.

    So, I hope I haven't angered anyone with this chapter. Also, i want to thank you all for cheering me up. I was going through a rough patch and i needed that boost of confidence to help me along. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Now then i will address a rumor that i have recently gotten wing of.

    Now, I have heard rumors of this pairing for a while. I thought it was a really weird pairing. I would never think that a pairing like this could exist and i am a big fan of opposites attracting. Yet, i must stop all the rumors of this pairing. This pairing is of Discord and Bride of Discord writer Disney Fanatic 2364. Now, I have heard rumors of them going out and even rumors of them being engaged. I am here to set the record straight so you all can stop worrying about it. The rumors are true. They are going out. I know i know it's a shock to us all. I didn't think she was into bad boys like Discord. I thought it was just a rumor to until i wanted to ask DF for advice about something until i walked in on her and Discord having a moment between themselves. I felt horrible for ruining such a moment between those two love birds. Now, i know what you are thinking. Autistic Writer, you are misunderstanding the situation, and i could be taking things completely out of context. I might be, but I have proof of her love for him. Bride of Discord, Daughter of Discord, The Dating game, The shakespeare pony: 12th night, CMC: Next Generation, and Hearth's Warming Chaos. Six stories containing Discord in some aspect whether it would be a main role or a side role. I should have seen this coming. Don't deny these feeling of love DF believe in yourself and believe in Disneycord. Believe in the Disneycord. YAHHHHHHHHHH. *Starts to shake a little* Now, i have the feeling i have now angered an orange Pegasus with a blue hat. I just think that's the chocolate milk talking, but i will keep watching the skies just in case. So, wish me luck and it may be a while until next chapters due to think of ideas and other factors. So, just believe in the Disneycord like i do. Hopefully that pairing will become true some day.

    So, I hope you all take care now. Until then, see you later and I can't wait for Episode 9 of the Audio Drama of Bride of Discord. Also, BELIEVE IN DISNEYCORD (Pairing of Disney Fanatic 2364 and Discord) MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HA HA *Austic writer makes an evil grin and leaves to complete Chapter 8 of Groom of Eris)

    Hey guys, i am sorry i held on to this chapter for so long. I had to rethink how i wanted people to view this chapter. I am not going to say how much i want people to enjoy this story. Now, i may divert from Bride of Discord for some of the scenes. Some things may be different. I will explain some things at the end. Well here's to another chapter of Groom of Eris, but first some comments.

    Hysteria Rogers: Really that's where DF got it from. It makes sense actually.

    Guest: I know but I will probably bring it back if I ever get the chance to do audio drama of it.

    Stephanie 123: If that is what you think, then I don't mind you liking Bride of Discord.

    Disclaimer: I do not own MLP nor do I own the gender swap ponies. MLP is owned by Hasbro. No Copyright infringement intended.

    Chapter 8: The Gift

    Butterscotch was sleeping on his bed dreaming of Eris chasing him through the forest. Something about Eris always frighten him. Either it was her cruelty or her appearance. Either way, poor Butterscotch was running in the woods looking back seeing her chasing him.

    "Why must you run, Butters. You know you can't resist me" The wicked voice of Eris grinned

    "Go away" Butterscotch screamed

    "I will never leave you alone, my love. You are my one and only. Nothing will ever keep us apart." Eris smiled

    "That will be quite enough, you wicked being. Back to the shadows from where you hail." a voice roared as a dark Alicorn showed up and vanished the illusion of Eris for the moment.

    "Prince Artemis" Butterscotch came to hug the Alicorn of the night.

    "It has been a while, dear Butterscotch. Tell me how do you fair?" Artemis asked Butterscotch as the Alicorn landed on the ground.

    "I am not sure, but I have been doing well" Butterscotch shyly smiled

    "Wait, she hasn't harmed you at all? You are not in a dungeon under her castle? She isn't annoying you with some song? She isn't tormenting you for her own amusem*nt" Prince Artemis's questions were quickly turning into an interrogation.

    "No she isn't. She is trying to be nice to me" Butterscotch calmly explained the situation

    "Butterscotch, Eris is a heartless being. She doesn't know the meaning of the word nice. i don't think it is even in her dictionary" Artemis coldly exclaimed.

    "Well I think that she wants me to love her" Butterscotch commented

    "Wait, she wants you to love her? I am most confused" Artemis felt a hint of curiosity as this wasn't something Eris would normally do.

    "I postponed the marriage for the moment, but she wants me to love her first" Butterscotch looked to Artemis.

    "Eris is a cruel and heartless. This is just a trick to her. She is trying to control your mind" Artemis told the younger Pegasus.

    "I don't think so. She isn't…so bad" Butterscotch hesitated for a moment.

    "Butterscotch, she has taken you prisoner, took you away from your friends, made you her groom" Eris threw situation after situation of Butterscotch's current predicament.

    "But, she says she would give me whatever I want" Butterscotch remembering Eris's vow as his wife.

    "What about your freedom? Will she give you that" Artemis asked him

    This made Butterscotch halt his words for a moment. It hit him really deep that he can wish for all the cupcakes in the world, but he can never really be free from Eris's grasp. She will continue to haunt him for years and years, but never leave him alone.

    Artemis had to leave, but Butterscotch didn't want him to. He wanted to learn about his friends and everything that was happening outside of Eris's castle. He didn't have much of a choice when he had to wake up.

    Butterscotch sighed for a moment as he couldn't believe his dream. He looked out the window and then headed out the door. Butterscotch held Artemis's words to the core.

    What about your freedom? Will she give you that?


    At breakfast, Eris made pancakes as she was cheerful as a song bird. Upon looking at Butterscotch, was the exact opposite. He looked like a cat messed with his hair. She looked around the kitchen gazing upon her brooms and mops sweeping up the cotton candy from last night. She looked back faced Butterscotch wondering what she should say.

    "I take it you had a good night's rest" Eris tried to smile to make small talk to her guest.

    "Yea" Butterscotch lied as he yawned. Eris could tell he hasn't had a good night sleep in years. His eyelids wanting to close forever, Butterscotch's deadpanned words, and his stretches to be a big indication of his sleep derivation.

    Butterscotch looked at Eris. His mind was riddling at why Eris would need a Groom? It seemed out of place. He sensed a hint of loneliness within the creature. So, Butterscotch decided to give Eris the benefit of the doubt.

    how bad could she be Butterscotch thought to himself

    "I got you something" Eris rubbed her arm with her eagle claw and summoned a heart-shaped necklace that spelled her name as she put it around his neck. She attempted to flirt with him. Her attempts were stopped when he pushed her off him.

    "Ah the question" Eris looked to him and grinned "Do you love me?"

    Butterscotch almost choked on his food as the question came by surprise. He quickly remained calm and knew she awaited an answer from him "Ummmm No"

    This process was like this for the next few days. Eris was trying in her attempts of wooing dear Butterscotch. However, his responds were always the same. Those words always angered Eris. Every time she would hear a no out of him, she would teleport to her room and bangs her head against the wall five times. She always held the same words when she received the no from him.

    Why. Doesn't. He. Love. Me.

    Recently, Butterscotch wouldn't come out of his room at all. He ate very little and only sat on his bed feeling a great deal of sadness. He stared at the walls and sighed.

    A knock came at the door as it wasn't hard to tell who exactly it was. He opens it seeing Eris in a dress.

    "Oh dear Butterscotch, your maiden in waiting has arrived" Eris curtsied as she glances over to watch his reaction.

    Although, it was rather rude of him, he slammed the door in her face. This made Eris's ear steam outward. This was the last straw.

    "Okay that is it" Eris growled as she torn off her dress and slammed it to the floor.

    "I have done everything to get your attention, I have tried to sing, and I have tried to be nice, and I tried everything to get you to like me. I even wore a dress. A DRESS" Eris growled as she hated dress with all of her fiber and being. She then pounded on the door.

    "Butterscotch, would you be so kind as to GET OUT OF THAT ROOM" Eris tries to smile and remain calm.

    "No" He shouted from the door.

    "YOU GET OUT OF THAT ROOM AND FACE ME LIKE A STALLION." Eris growled as she kept pulling on the doorknob. She had to calm down. She was over reacting to this. The goddess of Chaos and Disharmony needed to take this from a different approach.

    "Will you come out pretty pleases with sugar on top" Eris pouted like a little filly hoping her adorable voice would win him over.

    "No thank you" That was the last of his words that made her cross the line.

    "YOU COME OUT OF THAT ROOM THIS INSTANT" Eris started her roars back pounding on the door.

    "I will never come out of this room and you can't make me" Butterscotch said

    "Have you forgotten who I am" She said as it was about to turn serious.

    She used her magic to come inside the room. She lifted Butterscotch up by using her magic on his necklace and she levitated everything in the room as it started to spin around like a tornado. Eris and Butterscotch were right in the middle of the tornado. Luckily, they were being grounded by her magic.

    "YOU PROMISED YOURSELF TO ME AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE MY HUSBAND LOVE ME OR NOT" Eris glared were meeting Butterscotch's eyes filled with fear.

    "Fine! Marry me tomorrow, I don't care anymore because there is no way I will ever love you" Butterscotch turned to face her eyes with his. "I will never love such a creature that is mean and cruel. How do you expect anypony to love you when you are cruel to the soul? How do you expect me to love you when you can't even love yourself? If you keep acting this way, you will always be alone with no pony to love"

    Eris widened her eyes as she snapped her fingers and most of Butterscotch's stuff fell down due to gravity and the only thing that managed to survive was Butterscotch's bed. Butterscotch was then levitated down and Eris left him. He knew his words were horrid to the goddess of Chaos, but he needed to be truthful to her, even if they were out of spite.

    Eris walked out of the room as she suddenly swipes something that came from her eye. It was a single tear drop. In her life, there have been a few situations where she felt such emotions. She overheard the wails of Butterscotch's tears and moans of sadness. She first covered her ears to block out the noise, but Eris's heart was breaking apart from hearing her stallion's tears. For some reason, she felt upset that Butterscotch was crying. Why did she care about that? He was the one that hurt her. Yet, ever time he was crying, her heart was ripping apart like pieces of paper.

    There has got to be some way of dealing with this She told herself


    Meanwhile, in Ponyville,

    Applejack days have been spent on missing his friend Butterscotch, taking care of Butterscotch's animals and dwelling on another subject, Barbara. He was hopelessly in love with that dragon. He needed to think of a way of getting her to notice his feeling. He stares up at the sky thinking of a way of Barbara noticing his feelings.

    "I've got it" Applejack raced to his room and grabbed the small box which held something that he wanted to give to Barbara for a while.

    With his mouth, he pulled out a shiny red ruby from the box and kicked the box under his bed. He put the ruby in his hat and made his way to Dusk Shine's Library to confront Barbara with the ruby. He couldn't wait for Barbara to be bedazzled by his gift. It will be just the kick to convince Barbara to notice his affections. Even though Barbara wasn't exactly known for noticing things right in front of her, Applejack knew this would be the very push it would take her to notice that Applejack likes her.

    "Ok, Applejack you can do this. It just takes a little push" He pounded on the door with his hoof hoping the dragon would answer his call.

    He saw the door opening up. Applejack saw the purple Alicorn hard at work trying to find a way to save their friend Butterscotch from the claws of Eris.

    "Sorry Applejack, Dusk Shine is busy" Barbara stated as she couldn't help but feel sad that Dusk Shine was ignore everything except food, using his magic to find another spell book and the occasional trips to the bathroom.

    "Oh, I was hoping to see you Barbara" Applejack smiled "We can talk outside"

    Barbara slowly closed the door as she looked to Applejack "So what did you need?"

    "Ummm, well because we are such good friends that I wanted to give you a gift that I hope you really like" Applejack took the shiny red ruby from his hat that made Barbara speechless.

    "Wow, this is the greatest gift anypony has ever given me" Barbara grinned as she held the large ruby in her hands.

    "Yes I need to tell you something important…."Applejack smiled as he had closed his eyes for a moment until.


    The stallion watched as portion after portion of the large ruby was bitten by the dragon and felt his heart shatter after each bite was taken. He couldn't believe what she was doing to something he kept for a year and a half.

    "O my goodness, this ruby is really delicious" Barbara munched along as Applejack tried to keep his grin his mask, while the inside of his mind wanted to scream at her to stop eating what he had spent seven days searching for.

    "What was that you were saying? I was starving and I didn't make out what you said" She smiled at the stallion that was in front of her. She could sense something was bothering him, but wasn't sure if she should ask or not.

    "Oh, it's nothing" He lied in his sadness.

    "O wait, I can't eat this" Barbara stops her munching. Applejack lifted his head hoping that the dragon would see through the gift of its true intentions.

    "Exclusive would probably want suits and dress that were rivet with rubies" She crushes the rest of the rubies and this also crushed Applejack's heart. "I will see you later, thanks for the ruby"

    Applejack saw Barbara leaving to Exclusive's place to give him the rubies that was suppose to be for her to keep. Applejack had no choice but to lower his hat and walk home in a sea of shame as he had to hide the tears that started to develop after Barbara's departure.

    Will she ever see what she truly means to me? Applejack thought to himself as he walked home to the ranch. His family members tried to stop him, but Papa Smith knew the reason for his sadness.


    Eris needed advice on how to deal with her groom. She knew she had to rely on an unbiased individual that wouldn't have a say in the matter. The Draconequus snapped her finger summing herself in front of the hut.

    "One moment pleases" the voice heard Eris knock before she let herself in.

    "Ahhhh…Eris, this is certainly a disturbing breezy" The voice known as Zicoro said

    "I hope you don't mind me popping by. I also hope you forgive me for flipping your hut upside down. You know how it is. Chaos business, so don't take it personally" Eris smiled and rubs the back of her neck. "Look, let me get to the point, I need your help"

    "No need to frown, would you like to have some tea and sit down" Zicoro asked

    "Not much for tea and potion" Eris looked to Zicoro "But, I will have some chocolate milk instead"

    Both Eris and Zicoro sat down as Eris looked around the room. It was odd, being in a place like this. He remembered seeing Butterscotch enter this place and heard throughout the Everfree Forest that Zicoro was great at advice. He was the only stallion that seemed trustworthy at the time; that and the talking beaver that only licks the laughing tree.

    "Now, what seems to be your troubles, and why do you insist on blowing bubbles" Zicoro asked as he saw her blowing bubbles.

    "Sorry about that, easily distracted when ponies don't get to their point" Eris smiled as she popped the remaining bubbles that were in the air. "Well, I am sure you have heard of the ordeal between me and Butterscotch"

    "I have heard the squeals that he has accepted your deal" Zicoro told the Draconeqqus

    "You see, I have tried to be nice to him. I have given him everything that Solaris would ever dream of and Butterscotch doesn't give me so much as a smile. He just stays in that room and cries. What am I doing wrong in this game of love?" Eris looked up to the ceiling as she had snapped her finger laying on a couch and Zicoro in a chair next to her. "Sorry, force of habit"

    "I will try to assist as I must, but I need you to show me a sign of trust. In order to truly keep calm, pleases hand me your palm" Zicoro asked politely.

    "Which one my paw or my claw" She extended both hands to the zebra. "Let's go with the paw"

    Zicoro was touching Eris's paw as he looked up to the goddess of chaos. "I see so many years of sadness and pain, that being without any pony has led you to this single lane"

    "I am not lonely looking for somepony" Eris growled "Now you got me doing this rhyming game, I am surprised that nothing stays the same"

    "I have all the cotton candy clouds I could eat and the chocolate milk to drink" Eris continued on her rambling and changed the room back to normal. Zicoro stood there watching her.

    "You think these things will bring you such happiness, when it only causes your heart to carry such blackness" Zicoro stated

    "Look, I am tired of you being so cryptic; tell me how I can make Butterscotch happy" Eris pounded her eagle claw on the table.

    "In order to change his heart's direction, you must show Butterscotch some sign of affection" Zicoro smiled

    "Come again" Eris asked as she wiggles out some earwax from her ear.

    "In order for Butterscotch's love to yearn, you must show kindness in return" Zicoro tried to keep calm

    "I don't follow" Eris told him

    "Listen, Butterscotch is the element of Kindness correct?" Zicoro yelled

    "Yeaaa…." Eris was confused for the most part

    "So, in order to impress him you must be kind" Zicoro finished his words

    "Be kind? I ought to give you some hot sauce" Eris felt threaten "Have you looked at me, I am not exactly a creature that screams 'hug me, I am a cute bunny rabbit'"

    "Look, do you want the stallion or not" Zicoro questioned

    "Fine, how exactly do I do this kind thing" she air quoted

    "Do something for him. Give him a gift" Zicoro said

    "I have given him gifts" Eris complained

    "Something that he actually likes" Zicoro said with a blank expression

    "Something that he likes" She said as she searches in her memory bank of something Butterscotch cares about. "Well, he has those friends of his, but I am not letting them near him. He really doesn't do much, but cry, eating, look at plants and play with those boring anima….That's it"

    She cheered as she swung Zicoro around and does a little dance in the hut "You really are great at giving advice"

    Eris was about to leave when she looked at Zicoro "I don't want this conversation leaving this hut. If I hear anything about this, I will turn you into an acorn and feed you to the squirrels"

    "Alright" Zicoro feared as he saw Eris leaving his hut with a snap of a finger.

    "If she only knew how this was going to go, will she learn her real self will begin to show?"


    Butterscotch stood in his room staring at the necklace that was around his neck. He growls as he tries to throw it to the wall, only for it to land on the floor from a few inches from him. He couldn't believe that tomorrow was their wedding day. Butterscotch had to endure that day as he wonders how his friends were doing. Were they living their lives without him? He missed them terribly, but he knew that he would never see them again. That was the promise he made to Eris. He tried to see the good side in her, but from how she acted in the last few days, he wasn't sure she had a good side.

    He heard a large pound and quickly opened the door. "Eris, I said I don't love you. Pleases leave me alone"

    Butterscotch was shocked that she wasn't by the door. He thought he heard her pounding on the door. He quickly checked around to see if she was fooling him again. He found that she wasn't around his room, yet that doesn't mean he didn't hear anything.

    Butterscotch suddenly heard the sounds of a sweet melody being played. He wasn't sure where it came from as he never heard a sound of that kind before. In all of his days staying at the castle, he had heard it a few times but never knew where it was coming from. His hoofsteps kept walking to the source of the wonderful music.

    He walked around the hallways and spotted a door that was ajar. He looked through it seeing Eris playing the piano in such an unusual way. He focused his eyes seeing how calm she was and saw her exact emotions being played through the piano. He slowly opens the door, so she wouldn't hear him come in. He watches her eyes were closed as he stares at her claws.

    It seems like she is an expert Butterscotch commented as he never seen this side of her before. This was very unusual as this was the goddess of chaos. Something like this would be out of style for her. Yet, she was completely calm while playing it. If she was planning on tricking him, she would have stopped minutes ago. He stood to the side of her body as he saw her play the piano so naturally. Hearing her playing it made him want to sing and dance around the room. Yet, he had to keep his composure for he was still mad at her.

    Eris stopped playing it for a moment when she saw him. "AHH, Butterscotch"

    Eris suddenly realizes how long he was in the room and made the keys for the piano disappear. "Sorry, I didn't expect to see you here"

    "Oh, I am sorry for disturbing you" Butterscotch looked down and started to make his way out the door.

    "Butterscotch wait" Eris ordered softly as she gently closed the door. "I should be the one to apologize. I have been acting very selfish for the last few days. This is something that is new to me. I have never been with anypony. I have never had anypony to take care of. I understand that I will need to earn your forgiveness. I hope you can forgive me for I have something to show you."

    "What is it?" He asked as he wasn't a stallion to hold a grudge, yet he kept his defenses up just in case if she was going prank him.

    "It's a surprise. I need you to close your eyes and I will tell you when you can look" Eris took Butterscotch's hoof and started to make their way outside the castle.

    Butterscotch felt something was familiar that was stirring in the air. Eris let go of him and halted him as well. "You can look now"

    Butterscotch couldn't believe his eyes when he first opened them up. He was seeing a magical garden before his very eyes. It was full of rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, beavers, and any animal that came into his mind. He looked around checking out the scenery as Eris hoped that Butterscotch had liked her gesture of her love. "So, what do you think? I know I probably went overboard with the flowers and the animals. I just thought that you liked them so much that you would want them to be around you. I added a gazebo so that we may have breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner in it. I wasn't sure if you really approve of it"

    Butterscotch heard Eris ramble on and on about what she did for him. "You did this for me….I don't like it. I love it"

    "I know it was….What did you just say" Eris asked before Butterscotch put his hooves around her neck as he swung around in a tight embrace. Eris wasn't sure what was going on, but Butterscotch was impressed. "O thank you Eris this is so wonderful. I really love it. O thank you thank you thank you"

    Slowly walking backward after the hug, Eris nervously smiled and twirled a piece of her hair "You are quite welcome"

    "O my gosh, Angela, I missed you so much" Butterscotch lifted and hugged the white rabbit with a pink bow on her head.

    Eris's eye twitched as she wasn't sure what just happened, yet this feeling of warmness has seemed to make her grin. She repeated the praise that kept locked inside her mind from the hug from that Pegasus.

    The Goddess of Disharmony and Chaos teleported to her room and held a happy grin as she cheered like a school pony after getting kissed by her crush. "HE HUGGED ME" She sang as she swirls herself from the entrance to her room and lays on the bed giggling and swirling a piece of her hair remembering the smooth hug of Butterscotch. She wasn't sure what she was feeling at the moment, but she never wanted to let that feeling go.


    Duskshine was studying the books hard as he was mustering to find a way of trying to get back his best friend. Rainbow Blitz and Exclusive stared at their friend moving around frantically and going through book by book.

    "Duskshine looks absolutely dreadful. How long has he been like this" Exclusive asked

    "Ever since we got back from Canterlot" Blitz answered

    "We have to help him, I don't want him to turn into poor Bubble Berry" Exclusive worried as both of the stallions looked to their friend.

    "No, you are right magician leprechaun mare; hats should be worn on your feet. I am such a silly filly" Bubble Berry started to place hats from his pockets to his feet "Ah that is much better"

    Exclusive and Blitz moved to the side upon hearing Bubble Berry's crazy statement.

    "Should we do something" Exclusive asked

    "They should turn around…eventually" Blitz said in a hopeless tone.

    Suddenly, Applejack and Barbara came running through the door. Barbara was on top of Applejack as her feet got tired. "Duskshine, we were taking care of the animals, but they all disappeared and Barbara burped up this note"

    "Is it from the Princes" Dusk shine magically lifted the note from Applejack to understand what happened.

    "Not exactly…"Applejack hesitated

    Dear Stallions and Colts,

    Do not look for animals, they are with their owner.

    Signed your unfriendly neighbor in the forest.

    "Unfriendly neighbor in the forest" Rainbow Blitz raised a brow

    "Tell that orange tree hugger I will have his money by Tuesday" Bubble berry said

    "This looks like Eris's handle work" Duskshine said

    "Wait, why did she take the animals" Barbara asked

    "She must have her own reasons. Ponies do strange things for the ones they love" Applejack looked towards Barbara nervously

    "Eris and love? What a hoot" Blitz laughed at Eris's little stunt.

    "Wait, is there pages from a magazine cut out of it" Exclusive asked

    "To hide her secret identity duh Exclusive" Bubble berry exclaimed "I know Santa Hooves, Exclusive should count his chickens before they lay"

    "Wait, isn't this against the rules. She is using magic outside the forest" Barbara cautioned

    Applejack and Dusk Shine look to one another before Dusk Shine states "I believe in this one instant, we can let Eris's antics slide"


    Thanks for reading this chapter and hope you all enjoyed it

    Now at the beginning I wasn't even sure if I wanted to include Prince Artemis in the chapter. I just needed a place to start. I had nothing so I thought I might include that. Heck, I had learned recently about what originally was in the original story of Beauty and the Beast. I was shocked that Beauty and the Beast was adapted by something. I even included it in my own Beauty and the Beast story for that reason.

    Next comes Eris and Butterscotch arguing. This was another thing that I wanted to stay with this story that would come from Bride of Discord. Whenever I would read that chapter or watch that episode in the audio drama I had a picture in my head of Discord creating a tornado in the room. I know it probably didn't happen but I imagined it in some way. So, that's why Eris is doing so.

    Now, the whole Barbara and Applejack moment was a personal touch from yours truly. This chapter is called the gift so I wanted to see other ponies sharing gifts and see how it would react. Seeing if people like it or not.

    I forgot Zecora was in the chapter of the gift. So I improvised a little bit. Some of it may be funny, others may think not. It's alright. Another man's trash is another man's treasure.

    I had some fun writing what Bubble berry would say as I would imagine him going crazy. If you are trying to understand Bubble berry then you are in a losing battle. There is no understanding him.

    I had a weird dream that Discord and his family were playing Jumanji. That would be a weird idea for Discord's family game night. Also, i have gotten into this habit of drinking Chocolate milk when i write a MLP fanfic. I don't know why but it seems weird. Anywho, glad you are enjoying yourselves.

    Also, Rainbow Rocks is coming out in a few weeks. Tell me your thoughts on it. I am kind of looking forward to it, kind of have some problems with it, but we shall see what it would be like.

    If you like this chapter then thanks. If you didn't like it, then that's your own opinion. I really like doing chapters for this story and i will continue to do them. I hope you all are having a great school year as well. Here's to the next chapter of this fanfiction, also to Episode nine of Bride of Discord audio drama or anything else going on. If you have any questions about this story, about me or my thoughts on anything MLP related just ask me.

    So, until then, see you all later.

    Hello again fans, how are you all enjoying your school year? I hope it's better than mine as it is chaotic, but I won't worry too much. It will get better…I hope. But anyway I am here to introduce yet another chapter of Groom of Eris.

    I recently saw the news about Bride of Discord and I am not phased by it at all. I knew that with the upcoming school year DF and friends will probably be super busy with setting it all up. So, I hope you enjoy this new chapter of my story, but first some reviews to answer.

    DF 2364: Thanks for the compliment about Barbara and Applejack. I was just thinking about the way you said you wished you could add more Applespike in BoD. So, I am adding my own blend of it as a little reference. Thanks for saying about Crazy Bubble Berry. Well, I am sure it will improve soon.

    Guest: Well I like long posts so don't get down about that. Glad you liked that piano. I didn't think Eris would stand at the door so I had her play the piano. I might make a Groom of Eris one day; probably a long time after the audio drama Bride of Discord is finished. I haven't heard that the CD of Rainbow Rocks is out.

    Dream Dragoness: I wanted to use the whole Butterscotch has gone bye bye but it was over doing it a little and I couldn't think of a good rhyme with Butterscotch. Ah, I felt something was wrong with the name.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I also don't own the rights to the gender swap ponies.

    Chapter 9: The Spark

    Butterscotch was overseeing to his garden as he was so grateful to Eris that she brought him such a heartwarming gift. Angela bunny was riding on top of him. Angela didn't understand why Butterscotch was going through with staying with such a despicable creature. Angela hopped from Butterscotch's back and confronted the Pegasus about this ordeal.

    "What's up Angela" Butterscotch raised a brow

    Angela waved her rabbit hands in the air and pointed to the castle. She then crosses those arms in anger.

    "Oh, Eris made me this garden and have all of you with me is such a wonderful moment. I know Eris is a mean Draconequus, but she isn't all that bad. I think she's very sweet" Butterscotch smiled looking up at the castle, then back to her companion.

    Angela grumbled under her breath.

    "Angela, such language" Butterscotch gasped at Angela's colorful vocabulary.


    While Butterscotch was caring for each and every animal in the garden, the goddess of Chaos was looking down gazing at Butterscotch. She couldn't help but look at him in a certain way. Her world tuned everything out. The only sound she could her was his array of giggles. His happiness was her pleasant dream. Eris looked upon Butterscotch's ability to tame every single animal that resided on her grounds.

    How is he able to do such wonders? It's like he places them in an enchanting spell and its working. Even the most dangerous of creatures are at their calm state thanks to him. He could play a flute and every single animal could follow him like a leader. He was simply an enchantment. The Draconequus's thoughts went across in her mind. She wanted to lift herself up and giggle like a little fily, but her feet kept her rooted to the ground like a common plant.

    Suddenly, she realizes her current state. She shook her head trying to snap out of it. "What's happening to me"

    "You are turning into a sucker and its all because of that wimpy Pegasus" Her mirror interrupted her train of thought.

    "How dare you? I really don't want to hear you saying such words about him. Woah, where did this come from" Eris widens her eyes at her newfound emotions.

    "How humiliating, you are stooping so low as to defend his honor. I thought the plan was to trick him into loving us, not falling in love with him" The mirror smirked

    "I am not in love with him" Eris denied as she swirls her hair "I just have to find my fiancé slightly attractive. Is that so wrong?"

    "So Wrong!" The mirror's eyes were twitching "You remembered the last time we pour our hearts out to some stallion. The heartbreak we went through, the unbearable pain that seep into our soul. The hours and weeks we spend alone in a cave crying our eyes out wishing it would leave our memories. The betrayal we went through."

    Eris faced the mirror glaring at it "I thought we agreed to never discuss that again and leave it in the past."

    "So, why are you pouring your love out again; to this very colt" The mirror looked down to Butterscotch. "I mean look at him"

    "Yea" She did as the mirror commanded returning to look down at Butterscotch.

    "He's just so…so…so…" The mirror tried to find the right words for him.

    "…perfect" Eris completed the mirrors words. This made Eris sigh in a loving way as if he was the only thing that mattered to her.

    "Yea, that's the problem. He is too perfect. There isn't an ounce of chaos in him. You'll have to change him" The mirror took that notion into account.

    "I suggest you turn his hair green or make it ocean blue. Oh oh make it spiky" the shoulder devil arrived to comment on the situation of how to change Butterscotch.

    "Why should you change anything about such a delicate, adorable, and harmless creature? He should remain just the way he is" A feminine voice as soft as silk came to the other side of Eris's shoulder.

    "Wait, are you my shoulder angel? Since when do I have a shoulder angel?" Eris was shocked that an angel form of herself would appear at the other side of her shoulder.

    "Well, dear Eris. That colt down there touched your heart. His kindness pierced through the cold and dark nature that was contained in that heart of yours and gave me life and form" the shoulder angel of Eris bowed

    The mirror looked at Eris "Do you see how much of an effect he has on you. He is giving you a good conscious"

    "A shoulder angel; Do you know what this means. You. Have. Gone. Soft" The mirror said slowly enough for Eris to comprehend.

    "Soft, I am not soft. I am the master of all things chaos and you have the audacity of calling me soft" Eris snapping out of her love daze.

    "Have you seen yourself lately" The mirror looked at Eris "Oh, Butters you are so handsome"

    "Oh, Butters will you ever love me" The shoulder devil joined in

    "I have a gift for you Butterscotch" the mirror continued on

    "Here is a garden with cutie little bunnies and adorable trees that do nothing but sing annoying songs" The shoulder devil made smooching noises

    "Oh Butterscotch how will I ever love you" the mirror was disgusted by how clichéd it was sounding. "So disgusting"

    "Don't listen to them Eris" the Shoulder angel sat down on Eris's shoulder "They don't see Butterscotch like you and me see him"

    After a couple of minutes of arguing between the shoulder and devil angel, Eris had enough.

    "Look I just need some time to think" Eris snapped her fingers and dropped a blanket down on the mirror and tossed aside her two conscious out the window. For the moment, her distractions were gone. "I finally get some company around here and I am still talking to myself. How desperate am I"

    She suddenly heard giggling from Butterscotch. Eris couldn't contain how happy she was to see Butterscotch's happiness. It was like she made a dream come true. Her eyes locked to his happiness. "I think I need a better look"


    Eris snapped her fingers appearing in the tree having a better view of him. He was simply enchanting. She would give all of her magic just to keep him by her side.

    What she didn't know was that the branch was breaking under her. It gave way when she didn't realize it.

    "AHHHHHHHHHH" She said falling to the ground.

    All the animals' scattered and Butterscotch shrieked behind him as if somepony spooked him. He turns around seeing Eris on the ground. She got some of the leaves and twigs out of her hair. She made the debris disappear when the Pegasus flew in her direction.

    "Are you ok" He asked the Draconequus

    "Yea, I'll live" Eris chuckled just a bit

    "Why were you up there in that tree" It took a couple of seconds for Butterscotch to process what he just said. "Were you…spying on me?"

    "What, I would never…yes, but I mean" Eris rambled on before calming down "I just wanted to look at you without disturbing you at all. I have seemed to scare away your animals. I am sorry"

    "It's ok Eris" Butterscotch looked away for a moment "If you want, I do need some help feeding the animals and it's almost sunset"

    "Oh, no need to strain your hooves. I have that under control" She snaps her finger to feed all the animals for the moment.

    "Why don't we eat here? The sunset is rather beautiful, so why eat inside on such a gorgeous moment" she told him as Eris snapped her finger summoning a checker board blanket.

    "Well, I haven't ate much today" Butterscotch approaches the blanket rubbing his growling stomach that roared like a bear "Sorry"

    "No need to apologize. You are hungry, so it's only in my nature to feel my starving fiancé" Eris claps her hands summoning two wine glasses and pours a strange liquid into the glasses.

    "It's ok I don't drink" Butterscotch hesitated looking at the purple liquid that Eris put in front of him.

    "I know that, its white grape soda" She raised her glass to drink it

    Butterscotch sat down and drank a bit of it "It is white grape soda"

    "See, would I lie to you" Eris winked at him

    "Do you really want me to answer that question" Butterscotch felt confused

    "Not really" Eris looks at Butterscotch "So, how are you enjoying this garden"

    "I really like it" Butterscotch looked up for a moment "It's just that some of the birds tried to fly away but something stopped them"

    "Oh that. It's the invisible barrier I put around my land. I couldn't risk you leaving or somepony coming to rescue you. Nothing gets in or out without my say so" Eris smiled with confidence

    "So, all these animals are trapped here like me" Butterscotch asked the question like a child about to learn the dark nature of something.

    Darn it, make him happy Eris. "Umm, yea but they are here with you aren't they" Eris tried to make him smile but could tell this only diminished his smile even more. "Ummm let's have this"

    Eris summoned a frosted carrot cake. This seemed to both light up Butterscotch's eyes and then looks up at Eris in confusion.

    "How did you…." He questions

    "I told you before. I had nothing to do, but spy on you ponies for three years. So, it would come naturally that I would know what you like" Eris levitates the cake down to the ground.

    "Shouldn't we wait until after dinner" Butterscotch looked at the cake. He wanted to eat it, yet he wanted to respect not eating sweets until after dinner.

    "I think we can bend the rules just this once" Eris used her magic to cut a piece of the cake and levitates it over to Butterscotch "It's ok, just take one bite"

    Butterscotch looked at the cake for a moment and smiles as he goes ahead and eats a tiny bite and grins "This is good"

    While taking small bites of the cake, Butterscotch looked to Eris "So, why were you spying on me"

    "Oh, ummmmm…I wasn't spying I was observing to see what you ponies were up to" Eris smiled as it was part of the reason she spied on Butterscotch mostly "Out of all of them, you were…particularly interesting to watch"

    Butterscotch couldn't help but feel flattered by the comment and blushes red like a tomato.

    "You know I wasn't lying by saying you were handsome" Eris offers her hand in flattery

    "Thank you, but I am not really handsome" Butterscotch looked away

    "Don't be so modest Butterscotch" Eris smiled "You are a natural wonder and that is a lot coming from somepony like me"

    Eris looks to the sun that was setting "You see Butterscotch; this world seems very ugly without my magic. Yet, there are things that even I can't change. You are one of them"

    Butterscotch smiled as he put his hoof on her arm. The cake hovered away from Butterscotch for the moment "oh, I see"

    "You still look handsome in the sunset" Eris smirked as she pulled a sneak attack

    "Eris….I am not handsome" Butterscotch looks away

    "Oh, come on I would think of somepony like you would accept a compliment" Eris winks as a way of complimenting him.

    "I was a model at one point in my life. I quickly gave it up because it was drawing too much attention and it took time away from my friends" Butterscotch sighed at the memory not wanting to have a repeat of that moment.

    Suddenly, Eris lifted Butterscotch off the ground and into her arms "Eris, what are you doing?"

    "Why this of course" She smirks as she starts to tickle Butterscotch

    "Hey…..Stop…That…Tickles" Butterscotch began to laugh and roll around in the Draconequus's arms. "Pleases….Let…Me….Finish my cake….first"

    "Fine fine" Eris puts him down only for him to counterattack her by tickling Eris.

    "Hey what are you doing….hey stop it HA-HA-HA" Eris laughs as she felt him tickling her in her ticklish spot.

    Eris, having the height advantage, scoops up Butterscotch before he could tickle her more. "Nice try you little devil, but just remember I am the tickle master and nopony else"

    "Understood" Butterscotch smiled

    "You know Butters, you should laugh more often. Laughter becomes you quite well" Eris smiles

    "Yea, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard" Butterscotch realized it had been a long time since he last let out a laugh.

    "Let's go inside. It's going to get dark soon" Eris took Butterscotch in his arms and magically vanishes their "dinner" before vanishing the two of them to the front of Butterscotch's room.

    "Good night Butterscotch" Eris smiled

    "Good night Eris" Butterscotch smiled back as he closed the door.

    Eris looks to the door before walking to her room. She walks down to the hallway looking over seeing her shoulder devil standing on top of a book shelf that was in the halls.

    "Good work with that little act on saying that love nonsense on you liking beautiful things" the devil shoulder laughed before disappearing

    "Yea….little act" Eris nervously chuckles before seeing the shoulder devil of hers disappears. She looks to his room staring down for the moment and smiles as she disappears into her room.


    "Hey Barbara, thanks for walking me home" Applejack smiled "You really didn't have to. I could have walked home after dropping you off"

    "Don't sweat it. I needed to thank you somehow for giving me that tasty ruby. Oh yea Elusive also told me to thank you as well" Barbara smiled

    "Yea, don't mention it" Applejack grimed

    "Hey Applejack, can I ask you for a favor" Barbara hesitated

    "Sure what's up" Applejack tried to grin

    "I know this is really asking a lot from you, but I need your assistant on putting something together for me and Elusive" Barbara wiggles her leg a little bit out of embarrassment.

    "Oh, umm sure, but shouldn't you do it yourself. I mean it is your crush and if you do it on your own maybe it would help Elusive appreciate you more" Applejack said

    "I don't exactly trust myself in your kitchen after the whole incident we had with me being in your debt." Barbara chuckled

    "Well I wouldn't say it was that bad" Applejack denied

    "I could have destroyed your barn" Barbara smiles as she rubbed the back of her head.

    "Well, I will see what I can cook up. What time you going to bring him over" Applejack asked with a smile.

    "How about one o'clock" Barbara offered

    "Sure, I can have everything ready before then" Applejack smiled. He didn't notice a tear flowing down his eye. Hearing how Barbara was going to lure Elusive into her plan of love was breaking Applejack's lonely heart piece by piece.

    Barbara noticed the tear drop and looks at Applejack "Are you ok, you seem sad?"

    "Oh, I am fine. It's just tears of joy of helping a friend with the love of her life, but you don't think it's strange that you like Elusive. Don't you think he is a little old for you" Applejack looked down.

    "Not at all Applejack, I love Elusive no matter how old he is" Barbara smiled

    "What if, by any chance some other colt that was close to Elusive's age liked you in the same fashion you like him" Applejack asked

    "Well, I really like Elusive, but the chances of somepony else liking me are very slim. Who could like a dragon like me" Barbara looked to herself

    "You would be surprised if you knew" Applejack whispers as he really wanted to yell at her saying that he was in love with her.

    "Well, I guess this is where we part ways for now. See you tomorrow" Barbara smiles while walking a few steps away. "Hey Applejack"

    "Yes Barb" Applejack looks up at the dragon

    "Thank you" She shook his hoof before leaving him behind.

    "Yea, anything for a friend" Applejack sighed in depression and defeat.


    It was late at night; the rain was coming down hard as Applejack was kicking his hooves into the trees making sure some apples were put into the basket. He knew that the job was usually for day time. Yet, he didn't want to wait until tomorrow. He was in a bad mood.

    "ARGGGHHHH" He kicked the tree so rough that a full basket was already formed. It was hard to tell if it was sweat or rain drops dripping on his forehead. Applejack didn't care.

    He kept kicking the trees making sure that each basket was full of delicious apples to eat. Papa Smith was looking out at Applejack applebucking. The poor colt was overworking himself.

    "This isn't going to end well" Papa Smith sadly exclaimed before shutting the curtains.

    Applejack runs from the barn to the apple trees, he made sure each basket was put into the barn. Mud was making it difficult for him to focus. His hooves were getting tired, he was exhausted, and his breathing became irregular as if he ran a whole mile. What kept the fire in his soul going were the giggles that he imagined; Barbara and Elusive having a picnic in the orchard.

    "Why Barbara darling you are so romantic. I am so glad I dumped that silly mare for you" Elusive smiled

    "Why it is no trouble at all. I love you Elusive and no pony else. Besides who ever loved me is a fool" Barbara laughed.

    This echoed all over Applejack's brain as he held his hooves to it and trips on the mud falling face first into it. His warm tears ran down his face as he couldn't bear that illusion he was seeing. It felt like a nightmare he could wake up from. He couldn't bare the sight of Elusive and Barbara happy in such a way. He wanted to hold Barbara in his hooves and never let go. He wanted to be Barbara's special somepony. It wasn't fair that Barbara was in love with Elusive. It just wasn't fair.

    He needed to talk to somepony about this


    "So, that's why I am here Zicoro" Applejack looks to his tea cup

    "I see not much has not changed, your heart is still estranged" Zicoro pouring some tea for himself.

    Applejack tried not to cry. Yet, this whole ordeal with Barbara was causing him such emotional pain that he couldn't help but cry.

    "I am not sure what to do anymore Zicoro" Applejack said "I have tried everything in order to make her notice me, yet nothing is working. Sometimes, I feel she doesn't like me at all"

    "The road to love isn't easy, but you must look at it more deeply" Zicoro said "Barbara is a young dragon and can't comprehend love like you or me, Yet she need times in order for her to see"

    "So, I need to wait for a long time huh" Applejack sighed hating that he would have to wait a long time for Barbara to see his affections.

    "Fear not dear Applejack, a little patience and time will help keep your love for the dragon right on track" Zicoro smiled

    "Must be silly for a Colt to like a dragon huh" Applejack softly said

    "Yet, there is a stallion engaged to a draconequus" Eris smiled

    "That reminds me, how is he. I know Eris was behind taking away his animals" Applejack asked

    "I sense she has taken my advice, it seem that her heart isn't as cold as ice" Zicoro smiled

    "So, she does like him" Applejack softly exclaimed

    "In her wicked scheme, it seems there is an element that not even she could ever forsee" Eris smiled

    Suddenly, a big gust of window came in the form of Rainbow Blitz "Your advice worked Zicoro, I asked out Glida and she said yes. I think I need more advice on….oh Applejack. I wasn't expecting you here"

    "It's ok you can tell me as well" Applejack smiled

    "I asked out Glida" Blitz smiled

    "You mean the Wonderbolt mare" Applejack smirked

    "Yea" Blitz blushed rubbing his hoof "Turns out ever since I saved her pie; she had been crushing on me"

    "Well good for you" Applejack smiled in support of his friend

    "Well, strike me from above, it seems every pony has issues on love" Zicoro chuckled

    "Say what now?" Rainbow Blitz questioned


    "AHHHHH AHHHHH" Butterscotch screamed as he woke up from a bad nightmare.

    "What's wrong Butterscotch" Eris was by his side within minutes searching what was wrong with Butterscotch

    "Oh, I just had a bad dream" Butterscotch calms himself down

    "Oh, I just thought…"Eris said

    "…I was in danger" Butterscotch completed the sentence as he thought that was sweet of her to protect him.

    "I see well if it is nothing I shall be going…"Eris said

    "Wait" Butterscotch grabbed her hand "Can you stay with me for a bit. I am feeling kind of scared"

    "Sure" Eris nods and stood by his bedside.

    "So, this dream" Eris asked "What was it about"

    It didn't take long for Eris to realize what exactly what Butterscotch was dreaming of. He was hiding under the covers and hid more when he looked at her.

    "Your dream was about me wasn't it" Eris looked down fidgeting with her hands.

    "Yea" he had to admit the truth. So, he told her about his dream. How she appears in them. Scaring him into such a frighten state.

    "Really, is that how you see me?" Eris felt hurt as she got up "Maybe I shouldn't be here"

    "Eris wait" Butterscotch jumped in front of Eris's path

    "Well, I am a monster. Why should I be around if you fear me so much" Eris hid her eyes in her hair.

    "But, you aren't that creature. Well maybe it has your appearance but it isn't you" Butterscotch spoke. "Something about you has changed. I don't know what exactly it is, but I like it"

    "Really" Eris grinned

    "Yea" Butterscotch smiled "Umm. Pleases stay with me. Until I fall asleep again"

    "Sure, I know how I can cure it" Eris winked as she snapped her finger.


    Eris teleported Butterscotch to the room containing her piano as she traced her fingers lightly on the keys for a moment.

    "It's a beautiful piano, I didn't realize you had one" Butterscotch smiled

    "Yea, I would like to think of this as my thinking piano. Whenever, I need to think of something I would play it to help me think" Eris smiled pressing on a few keys and giggles.

    "Ah, well it sounds beautiful" Butterscotch smiled

    "Thank you. I found it one date in the middle of the Everfree forest when I was small." Eris sat down pressing some more keys and smiles feeling a bit calm.

    "You don't mind if I play a song don't you" Eris smiled "Sometimes, playing this keeps me calm as well. Often times, it helps me to sleep"

    "Sure, I don't mind at all" Butterscotch nods.

    Eris started to press a few keys on her piano as she saw Butterscotch humming along. She kept on playing while the room's ground was rising up. Butterscotch felt scared.

    "Eris, the ground is shaking we are going to crash" Butterscotch felt frightened

    "Not to worry Butterscotch" Eris said nonchalant of the incoming danger. "When you are with me, you have no worries"

    Butterscotch stared up as he suddenly saw the ceiling opening up as they were high above the sky. Butterscotch looked to Eris, who was still playing the piano as she was so deep into the music that she tuned everything else out at the moment.

    "Eris, this does seem lovely" Butterscotch smiled seeing the clouds passing through them.

    "Yea, but I want you to look up and tell me what you see" Eris smiled

    Butterscotch stares up and saw tinkling little lights that were in the sky. The Pegasus smiled seeing the various stars in the sky. He looks down seeing that the ground of that room wasn't connected to the castle and was floating in mid-air.

    He backed away as he suddenly hit Eris "Sorry about that Eris. Eris, are you ok?"

    Butterscotch saw that she was still tuning out everypony as he felt he was seeing the real Eris. Everypony including Butterscotch was wrong about her. She wasn't as cruel and heartless as everypony made her out to be.

    He stares up at the sky and sighed "You know Duskshine can name all the constellations. Every single one of them"

    Eris looks over seeing Butterscotch in a deep sadness about his friends. Shoot Eris, you need to do something to make him forget.

    The Draconequus immediately started to play a tune that started to sprout out musical notes. The notes started to swirl in the sky as if they were dancing in the stars.

    "Eris, you are using magic outside your territory. You promised" Butterscotch looks to Eris.

    "This part of the sky is part of my territory" Eris smiles "Besides Arty won't mind if I played with his stars for tonight."

    "I don't think that's how that works" Butterscotch raised a brow at her.

    Butterscotch follows the notes and stars forming words. It was hard to make out at first, but eventually the words became clear to Butterscotch. "Do you love me? Check yes or no"

    Eris smiled as she faces Butterscotch to hear his answer hoping he would check yes.

    "Ummm…I am … sorry but I… don't exactly feel….that way….about you…yet" Butterscotch said feeling he was disappointing her.

    "Oh, it's ok" Eris said as she was screaming on the inside "Why don't I play a little lullaby"

    "Sure" Butterscotch smiled

    "Ok, I have one just for you" Eris smiled as she started to play her lullaby.

    Eris was playing the piano for a while until she saw Butterscotch was falling asleep. Eris smiled as she set her piano on audio play as she stirs up right next to him. Her piano played a sweet melody as she hummed along with it. She took her eagle claw fingers and mixes it in Butterscotch's mane.

    Butterscotch noticed that she was petting his mane and allowed it. He was actually felt calm. Eris smiled as she let her fingers out of his hair and slept right around him making sure he was in her protective clutches.

    "Night night my love" Eris softly whispers before she kissed his forehead and drifted off to sleep as well.

    Wow this chapter was really long. I didn't think I would get it done in time.

    I had to laugh about what Angela the bunny was saying. I mostly imagine that some animals, like people, have a potty mouth.

    Unfortunately, I had to borrow the Bride of Discord audio drama for the part between Eris and the other parts of herself. Now, I noticed last chapter that after the argument Discord started to talk to his other selves. When I first watched the Episode, I noticed this little change of Discord talking to his other selves after he gives Fluttershy the gift. I am not really sure why DF made the change (She doesn't really need a reason why she changed it. She is the author, so she can change whatever she wants to change). Yet, the reason why I made the change of Eris talking to the mirror and her shoulder devil was because I felt the line "Have you seen yourself lately" would make more sense after she would give Butterscotch the garden. It's up to you to decide if I was right or wrong for doing this?

    Also, I had a problem with the "fiancé" wording. I thought it was Fiancée but I think Fiancée is what men say about their woman and fiancé is what woman says about their men. Can someone pleases correct me?

    I added a little bit of the shoulder devil and Eris confrontation in the hallway of my own accord. I added that scene because even if one plans to force someone to love them. It always works backwards in their favor.

    Now, I knew I had to make things different for this story than in Bride of Discord. For people that are complaining why I didn't do the song that DF sang in the episode. That's because I explained before I am not doing music for fanfiction. Though, I really liked DF's song. What an amazing singing voice. *tries to hide tears of enjoyment* so, anyways, I wanted Applejack to work himself to death while imagining Barbara and Elusive were leaving him behind.

    Ok, Originally for the ending, I was going to end with them on a cloud and much like the original chapter ended. However, I saw a review a Guest wrote and got the idea of having Eris play the piano (Since it was such a fan favorite from the last chapter). I love suggestions, but I will only take them under advisem*nt. I am not going to write something just because a fan says so. But, I do like hearing suggestions.

    So, the question of the chapter: How did you come to like MLP: FIM?

    Well, while I was channel surfing several years ago, I came across the series at first skeptical. I ignored it moving on as I thought it wouldn't become a thing. I kept seeing commercials of a Canterlot Wedding. I heard about the Bronies at that time and thought the usual sterotype about them and stayed away for a while.

    Eventually, I decided to watch an episode to see how childish it was and the peek my curiousity of why men liked this show so much. (If you guys want to know the first episode I watched in full was Friendship is Magic).

    Now, I like the show. I can't say it's perfect. There are some episodes I like and dislike. So, if you have a MLP question I would love to answer it. One more thing before i go.

    I hope you enjoy this chapter and until next time, see you all later.

    Welcome back to Groom of Eris, I need to apologize how chapter nine ended, but let's move on from that. I almost forgot to say that we were at the half-way point in this story. It feels strange that I will end it in 8 more chapters. Makes it more fun seeing all the mistakes I have made over this story. I am sure DF is a forgiving person, who will overlook my simply mistakes.

    I love writing this story so much. I hope you are all enjoying it. I am really looking forward to seeing Rainbow Rocks, when it comes out on DVD. I have heard mixed views about it.

    Dreamdragoness: I should fix that for the story one day when I do a re-edit.

    Disney Fanatic 2364: Well everybody makes mistakes. I tried to remember what exactly what it was. Ok, maybe I forgot to check every single line. Well, as I told you last chapter. I am not good at rhyming. Ok, because I saw that in Bride of Discord and thought that something was off about that when I did research on it.

    Ah I see why you moved it now. Really, that was your brother voicing the devil and shoulder angel. Wow I couldn't imagine that; a very versatile voice similar to a voice actor. Well, this was like 5000+ words so there wasn't much I could add onto it. I didn't feel like giving the devil and shoulder angel too much. I mean there is so much I could borrow from the Audio drama. One part especially will come up in this chapter. Thanks for the compliment concerning the piano. I will mention it in this chapter.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the gender-swap ponies. I also don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

    Chapter 10: The Mirror

    "No…….Butterscotch pleases don't do this to me. I don't want to spend another thousand years in stone" Eris struggles in her sleep. The dream that was in her dreamscape was Butterscotch with his friends using the Elements of Harmony against her. It was a frightening image on the Pegasus's face. He had been imprisoned for a few weeks and was now getting his revenge for her tormenting him.

    "This Ends Now, Eris. I thought you were sweet and kind at first, but I see now you are nothing but a cruel monster" Butterscotch glared as the elements started to light up. A rainbow rose from the six and descended towards the draconequus.

    "Pleases Butterscotch I can change. Give me a chance" Eris begged

    "I already have and you have broke that promise, I bet you didn't see this coming" Butterscotch glared

    "I didn't, I really didn't" Eris tried to run away from the rainbow, but it was too late.

    Eris felt like it was quicksand and she had no way of counteracting the Elements. It was like if somepony locked her in a dark cellar for a thousand years. She was feeling horrors of new kinds. She had been turned to stone before. It was full of horror and fright. Her muscles ached; nopony could hear her scream and she could only watch what was in front of the statue.

    Eris didn't want that feeling to happen again. Yet, it was happening in front of her eyes. She felt her whole body freezing in place seeing her petrifaction process was almost complete.

    "No….no….no no no no no…NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Eris shouted as she rose up from her nightmare.

    Sweat beat down her head as she held her forehead with both hands together. She stares down seeing that Butterscotch was rolling around in the middle of the rug, while she was on the outside ring of the rug. Eris had moved Butterscotch from the bench that they were laying on to the rug in the middle of the room.

    She stretches her body. She lifted herself up making sure she didn't wake Butterscotch and sat down on the edge of the room. She couldn't believe that nightmare. She mostly relived that same nightmare for a few nights ever since Butterscotch entered her castle.

    She analyzed another dream that she had as she closed her eyes feeling the wind in her hair. Her second dream took place in Butterscotch's room. Butterscotch was back to a counter with Eris protecting him. There were eight shadows in total. There were five large shadows along with three small shadows heading towards the couple. Eris glared as she intended to protect Butterscotch. The dream ended with her jumping towards the shadows and shouting.


    Eris rubbed her eyes to wake herself up from the daydream. She suddenly felt a hoof on her paw. She turned seeing Butterscotch awake.

    "Oh, Butterscotch how did you sleep" She told him feeling awkward that he woke up when she was thinking about him.

    "Actually, I haven't slept that good in years. It was very pleasant" Butterscotch smiled but showed a hint of concern "Are you ok though?"

    "Oh, I am fine; I just wanted to watch the sunrise" Eris chuckled "Though, Solaris does a terrible job at it."

    "Eris, if anything is bothering you at all you can talk to me. I am your friend" Butterscotch seeing through Eris's lies.

    "I am fine Butters, why don't we have breakfast" Eris felt a stab to her heart when he mentioned that he was her friend. She knew that she would someday be out of the friendzone and holding him in her arms. She just needed to be patience, just like Zicoro said.

    In order to avoid great frustration, you must have great patience

    "I am hungry, what are going to eat for breakfast" Butterscotch grinned

    "We are going to have ice cream waffles with chocolate syrup" Eris lifted him up and uses her magic to return the room back into the castle.

    "Eris, it's too early to be eating….What are ice cream waffles?" Butterscotch felt confused

    "It's where you take two warm waffles and mix it with one scoop of ice cream in the middle. It's super tasty. Plus, the chocolate syrup is really good. Besides you are always telling me to try new things, so why shouldn't you try something new as well" Eris grinned as she felt like making her ice cream creation right at the very minute.

    "Ok fine, I will try it" Butterscotch looked to her. Even though he felt the breakfast would be very messy, Butterscotch felt he should comply with her words and at least try something new.

    "YAAAAAAAA" She cheered by clapping her hands "We have a great day of fun planned"

    The goddess of Chaos opens the door with her tail and rushes out to have Butterscotch try her dessert-breakfast invention.


    "Umm are you sure the ice is safe" Butterscotch said as he tapped the ice. He saw her approaching him with skates and magically places them on his hooves without any effort.

    Eris was taking him ice skating in the yard. She froze the lake before he asked her about how safe it was. The curious stallion tapped on the thick ice just to double check.

    "Its fine Butterscotch, now you said you would try this" Eris placed her feet on the ice and carried Butterscotch down as well.

    At first, Butterscotch seemed calm, until the ice was slippery enough to cause the young stallion to fall flat on his body with his hooves spread apart.

    "It might be slippery" Eris giggled staring at Butterscotch. She had given a too late notice and felt his eyes glaring at her in frustration.

    "I'll help you up" Eris told him as she made sure some frost was off of him. "Ok, let's take it one foot, I mean hoof at a time"

    Butterscotch stood up doing what she said as he took one hoof to another. Butterscotch almost slipped, but he managed to start skating. It was just like walking on the ground, except it was frozen water. "I'm doing it, Eris"

    "That's great, keep it up. Just let it go and keep at it" Eris grinned with happiness as she skated along with him before leaving him to skate alone.

    "Umm, Eris" Butterscotch said with worry.

    "Yes Butters" Eris smiled with her eyes closed.

    "How do I stop" He said seeing the approaching snow pile.

    "Umm keep your hooves apart….i mean keep them in" Eris said too late as she saw Butterscotch in the snow pile as she skates towards him. She saw his skates flew off him during his soar in the air. She had to giggle, only to see his hooves hug her and pull her into the snow pile.

    Both of them were laughing so hard that they didn't realize that the snow was forming snow facial hair on the two.


    "So, I am suppose to knock down these poor innocent bowling pins" Butterscotch gulped as he stares at the pins at the end of the room.

    "Yea, but they are not as innocent as they look" Eris told him while biting down a golden apple.

    "I'm scared Eris. I don't want to knock down those pins. They haven't done anything wrong" Butterscotch nervously spoke "Besides this ball is too heavy for me to hit them with. I think I might pass this turn as well"

    "Oh, no you don't. You have passed on your first turn five times already. Come on don't be such a sissy filly." Eris groaned in irritation. She tossed the apple, which exploded in the background. She floated towards the stallion and landed near him. "Imagine a time you have felt very angry at some pony"

    "Ok" Butterscotch nodded "but, I don't get angry"

    "Well, sure you do. You have gotten angry when I was picking on your little Crusader friends" Eris smiled

    Her shoulder angel landed on the side of her and shook her head "You're not exactly helping yourself with that one"

    "Well, think of a time where something made you angry" Eris ignored her shoulder angel, as it disappeared.

    "Well there was this female dragon that was mean to my friends" Butterscotch lowered his head feeling an inner rage building up.

    "Good how did that make you feel?" Eris smiled

    "Very upset" Butterscotch rose up taking the ball in his hooves

    "Tell me more, did you want to make that dragon pay for messing with them"

    "Yes, I did" Butterscotch glared raising the bowling ball a little bit

    "Didn't you want to teach that dragon a lesson? Make her not mess with your friends?"

    "Yes yes yes" Butterscotch raised the bowling ball up high in her hooves flapping his wings to have more height "YES I WANTED TO MAKE HER PAY. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

    Suddenly, he threw the bowling ball with all of his strength towards the pins, and shattered every single one of them. Butterscotch floated down to the ground as he breathed slowly to return to his current composure. He wasn't sure what had just happened

    "Wow, you were so angry….and scary" Eris said hiding cowering in fear of him

    "Sorry, I guess I overdid it a little" Butterscotch raised a hoof to his mane.

    Eris saw the score seeing X marks throughout Butterscotch's scoreboard.

    BUTTERSCOTCH WINS" the screen said as it showed a repay of the bowling ball shattering the pins.

    Eris didn't know what to say, but she felt frighten of Butterscotch's rage. This was a new side of him that she was seeing. "You managed to get a strike on the first try. Well, you broke all the pins, but I am sure it counts as a strike somewhere"

    "Yea, I got a strike on my first try; I can't wait to tell Rainbow Blitz….oh right" Butterscotch sighed thinking about Rainbow Blitz and his friends.

    "Why don't we have lunch" Eris grabbed Butterscotch's hooves and pulls him out of the bowling room in order to distract him.


    In the Apple Family Farm, there lies a gazebo in which Applejack was placing down food for Barbara and Elusive. This made Applejack sick to his stomach as he couldn't muster the thought of the two in such a harmony together. The stallion had left the spot for a few seconds to wash his face.

    When he returned to the area, he saw Barbara sitting down. He fled behind the trees and watches Barbara to see how her 'date' with Elusive would go. However, Applejack noticed there was a lack of Elusive and instead of hearing Barbara's happy lovesick giggles was heartbreaking tears. Applejack escaped from his hiding spot seeing that Barbara needs him now more than ever.

    He saw that the dragon had burnt a whole pie with her green fire. She used her claw to grab a piece of pie like a crane. She then without a thought shoved the whole piece in her mouth. She merely sighed as she shook her head. He hasn't had much experience dealing with the sadness of mares. If female dragons were anything like ponies, then he should trend lightly and choose his words carefully. Applejack cautions himself as he wasn't sure how he was going to go about asking how things went.

    "Hi Barb, how's it going" Applejack put a hoof to his face feeling like an idiot.

    "How is it going? You have the nerve to ask me that?" She crosses her arms glaring away. She took another piece of the burnt pie and ate it. "Sorry Applejack, I didn't mean to…"

    "It's ok Barb, I guess things didn't go well" Applejack hesitated for a moment "Did he tell you why?"

    "I didn't even ask him" Barbara sighed

    "Wait, what?" Applejack looked at her

    "You see it was like…." Barbara told Applejack

    "O my gosh, today is the day I tell Elusive how I feel. Look out mares, I am about to take the heart of my stallion" Barbara smiled as she knocked on Elusive's door.

    Instead of Elusive, she found herself confronting a mare.

    "Who are you" Barbara asked harshly.

    "Who's at the door, honey" Elusive asked softly

    "Some female dragon" the mare told him

    Barbara was shocked seeing the mare being called honey by Elusive. When the white unicorn in question appeared at the door, Barbara couldn't believe her eyes.

    "Oh hi Barbara, I am afraid you have caught me at a bad time. Regal, this is Barbara, the dragon-friend I told you about" Elusive smiled. Barbara saw Elusive staring at Regal the same way she looks at Elusive. Barbara was getting sick to her stomach.

    "Ah, yes. It's wonderful to meet you. Elusive has told me so much about you. It's not every day that you meet a good dragon." Regal offered her hoof to Barbara.

    Barbara hid a rose from behind her as she shook Regal's hoof. Barbara was staring at Regal with great distain at the moment.

    "Yea, I guess so" Barbara said to hid her tears.

    "Barbara, I am sorry, but you have to make it quick. Regal and I are leaving to eat lunch together" Elusive told the dragon "Now, what it is you wish to discuss"

    "You two….are having lunch together" Barbara saw what was going on as every minute she was talking to them, her heart was shattering like glass.

    "Yes, did you need something Barbara" Elusive said. It was the last straw.

    "Oh, all of a sudden Duskshine needs my help, I have to go. What I wanted wasn't important anyways" Barbara lied as she ran off.

    Elusive saw Barbara running away. He could tell Barbara was upset by something. He felt very confused and calls out "Barbara….Barb? "

    Applejack gazes over seeing Barbara crying in the gazebo. Applejack puts his hoof on Barb's shoulder. "oh, There there now. It's ok Barbara, I am here now please don't' cry"

    "I never got a chance to ask him" She stares at the rose as she crumbles it in her hand as she blew a small fire into the rose, burning it.

    "Theses things take time Barb, I am sure those two will never last" Applejack softly spoke. He wanted to inspire hope within the dragon's mind.

    "You didn't see the way they were looking at one another. That doesn't begin to enrage me. All Elusive every talk about is Regal is so pretty or Regal can be my special somepony, or even that he imagines them having a future together." Barb rose up glaring at Applejack.

    "Maybe it's not what you think. Maybe it's like a school pony crush. What if they get sick of one another" Applejack tried to reassure Barbara of her chances, but even he knew it was hopeless. "You might still have a chance"

    "Sure, that day will come the same day that Eris becomes good. Face it Applejack, I didn't even stand a chance" Barbara rose from the ground.

    "That's quitter talk. Listen, maybe their relationship isn't that serious yet" Applejack smiled

    "It looked serious to me. Elusive is nothing but a blood sucking monster" Barbara crosses her arm.

    "Hey, that is no way to talk about a friend" Applejack put his hooves in front of Barbara. "I have known Elusive for most of my life. He might be a bit stuck up at times, but it doesn't mean he is all that bad. He likes you, but maybe he doesn't feel the same way about you yet"

    "The part that frustrates me the most is that you put all this effort upon making this food for nothing" Barbara felt bad for the food going to waste.

    "I won't exactly say that" Applejack said raising another pie "We are both pretty hungry, why don't we eat this together"

    "Sounds like a plan" Barbara was munching on some sweets while Applejack sat down.

    "You know Barbara, first love is complicated. You think you understand it when you first walk in, but it teaches you on the mistakes you made. It builds you up, as it makes you stronger. So, when you love another person, you know how to improve on those mistakes" Applejack smiled

    "Really, but don't you make mistakes regardless of that" Barbara asked while biting into it.

    "Of course, but as they say, love is like a leaf flowing in the water. It changes directions until it finds its true destination. Maybe you haven't found your destination yet, keep looking I am sure that lucky stallion is here somewhere" Applejack smiled

    Barbara chuckled before she noticed something on Applejack. The stallion caught Barbara reaching out to him. "Umm, what you doing Barb"

    "Oh, you had a piece of frosting stuck to the side of your mouth" Barbara giggled before she noticed something else about him; something that send an enormous grin across her face.

    "You ok Barb" Applejack asked feeling confused of the way the dragon looked at him.

    "Yea, I am, doing just fine" She said as she ignored what just happened.


    Eris was humming a tone that she got stuck in her head. She had a great day with Butterscotch. However, she heard wails of cries coming from inside the room. The goddess of Chaos opened the door seeing Butterscotch was upset. She slowly made her way to him.

    "Butterscotch, is everything ok?" Eris asked with curious intentions.

    "Yea, everything is fine" Butterscotch lied

    "Butterscotch, I can tell when you are lying to me. Everything is not alright. You can tell me after all, we are frie…we are friennnnn" Eris felt it was heartbreaking to say the right words.

    "Friends" Butterscotch helped Eris

    "Yea, we are friends. So, tell me all about your problems" Eris smiled

    "You won't get mad at me?" Butterscotch lifted his head, showing Eris his tears.

    "I promise I won't get mad" Eris bowed

    "I want to see my friends" Butterscotch looked away for a moment knowing fully well he couldn't see them.

    "You know I can't do that" Eris complained

    "I just want to see them for a little bit" Butterscotch sighed

    Eris looked at Butterscotch. She wanted to make him happy, but she wasn't sure how exactly to do so. She kept thinking to herself until she snapped her finger with an idea. She exited the room for a few seconds only to return with a present hidden behind her.

    "I will allow you to see your friends…"Eris smiled

    "Really, oh that's so great…"Butterscotch jumped from the bed.

    "…With this" Eris presented a magic mirror in front of the stallion.

    "Oh" Butterscotch said feeling a little disappointed as it wasn't exactly what he had in mind, but he was going take whatever he could get. "Thank you"

    Butterscotch stares at the mirror as he wasn't sure what exactly to do or say to it.

    "You have to say 'I wish to see' and you say the name of that particular friend" Eris instructed him. "I will leave you alone now"

    Eris slipped away from the room to give the Pegasus some privacy.

    "Oh okay" Butterscotch smiled and then she faced the mirror"I wish to see my friend Applejack pleases"

    The mirror swirled in a blue swirl revealing the first of Butterscotch's friends.

    It was raining hard outside as Applejack was viewing Barbara, who was outside on their porch. The dragon viewed the raindrops as she gave raindrops of her own through her tears. She was still sad about Elusive spending time with Regal. Applejack looked through the window. He sighed as he hated seeing Barbara upset. He wasn't sure what exactly to do.

    "Hi Bro" Applebuck smiled

    "Oh hi Applebuck, I didn't realize you were still up" Applejack smiled dimmed a little

    Applebuck saw that Applejack was still looking at Barbara. "When are you going to ask her out?"

    "You can't just ask somepony or somedragon out just like that. It takes time for them to heal from love" Applejack answered his brother, who was still oblivious to love himself.

    "Come on, Applejack. This could be your one big chance to sweep Barbara off her feet. Take that dragon in your hooves and tell her how you feel"

    "IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE" Applejack roared to Applebuck, who tumbled down. "I am sorry Applebuck"

    Applejack looked to the window. He sighed staring at Barbara, who buried her head in her body crying more and more. Applebuck rose from the ground.

    "Brother, you know Barbara's heart won't take it if I interfere now" Applejack shook his head.

    "But, won't it be easier to tell her how you feel?" Applebuck questioned

    "Yea, but her heart is broke. For all, heartbreak leaves one shattered and confused. If I told her how I felt, it would add on to the confusion that she is going through. I don't want her to know how I feel just yet. Maybe someday I will tell her" Applejack "Like Zicoro said 'time is the key to my love for her'," Applejack spoke

    "Even if it means you will be alone and sad for the time being" Applebuck worried

    "Yea, but its ok, I don't mind a little wait" Applejack smiled

    "Applejack…."Applebuck said seeing his brother leave the room as he could tell Applejack was hurting on the inside. He stares out seeing the dragon just as upset. "Time heals all wounds huh"

    "If only Butterscotch were here to help me along" Applejack sighed before retiring to his room.

    Butterscotch sighed as he felt really bad for Applejack. No matter what Applejack did for Barbara, she would ignore anything he threw at her.

    "I wish to see Elusive" Butterscotch mentally prepared himself


    Butterscotch saw the scenery of a fancy restaurant in Ponyville seeing Elusive with a mare, Butterscotch knew this mare to be Regal.

    "So, how do you like Ponyville Regal" Elusive smiled

    "I really enjoy the scenery this place offers. A lot of opportunities, a place to settle down in and quite a diverse group of ponies" Regal smiled

    "Say Elusive" Regal remembered something from this morning "Your little dragon friend, Barbara will she be ok?"

    "Oh, Barbara will be just fine" Elusive smiled to assure the mare of the dragon's well-being. Elusive will have to talk to her some other time to see if Barbara was indeed okay.

    "Oh okay" Regal smiled "I have heard this rumor going around about your friend Butterscotch being engaged to the Goddess of Chaos"

    "It is true" Elusive sighed

    "Such a brave stallion" Regal put her hoof out to comfort Elusive

    "It's been incredibly dreadful without him. I haven't been able to focus on new designs. It is too exhausting to come up with a new idea" Elusive huffed a breath

    "Well, I am sure that stallion will be alright. After all, he is the element of Kindness, isn't he?"Regal tries to reassure the unicorn.

    "I guess you are right" Elusive smiled as he looks upon the menu "Well, let's eat"

    Butterscotch smiled as he was glad Elusive was having fun on his date. Just like Applejack, Butterscotch's worries were increasing more.

    "Can I see my friend, Rainbow Blitz pleases" Butterscotch closed his eyes.


    Butterscotch looked at the next image the mirror showed him. He saw Rainbow Blitz and a female Pegasus approaching a coliseum. Butterscotch raised his brow with curiosity.

    "So, this is a cool place for a date" Sora smiled with awe and excitement.

    (A/N Sorry again for the Author's note in the middle of the chapter. I thought I might clear up this change I made. Someone in the last chapter pointed out that I could have used Sora as the gender-swap name. So, if there is any confusion on the gender-swap name of Soarin, just note that it's Sora.)

    "Well, I thought it would be cool for a mare like yourself" Blitz smiled

    "Really, I love ice hockey. I would have preferred a picnic in the clouds, but I didn't think a stallion like you were the romantic type" Sora nods

    "Wait, what Type of stallion did you strike me as?" Blitz worried for a moment

    "Well, we just have to see, won't we" Sora winked as the two entered seeing the air hockey arena.

    As Blitz and Sora watched the other ponies play air hockey, Rainbow Blitz was thinking about how to impress Sora. If he ruined the date, Sora would hate him and want to break up. Blitz needed to think and choose his words carefully.

    "So, do you read any books" Blitz asked

    "Well, I do love a good book from time to time, but if I had to pick my favorite series, it would be the Daring Dude series" Sora smiled

    "Wait, you love Daring Dude, too?" Blitz was curious

    "Of course I do, it's a fantastic book. It often helps me along when I am lost, or when I suffer from a wing injury. I've read the whole series" Sora smiled upon the thought of reading a book from her hospital bed.

    "Oh really, what's your favorite" Blitz smirked

    "The first one: Daring Dude and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone." Sora answered

    "Who was the villain" Blitz asked the question like a fan would ask.

    "Is that a challenge? It's oblivious Ahuizota" Sora answered

    "Really, wow I am suddenly more impressed with you" Blitz grinned

    "Thanks" Sora blushed as she put her hoof behind her head feeling embarrassed

    "Looks like it's our turn" Blitz smiled "Prepare to lose because I am not afraid to defeat a mare"

    "Good, I am not afraid to best a mare as well" Sora smiled

    Blitz felt his masculinity being questioned by her comment "I am going to defeat you quickly"

    "Bring it on; you are a colt, Right?" Sora teased him as she grabbed her stick

    "Oh, you are so dead" Blitz grabbed his stick racing towards the center.

    Butterscotch looked over the match as it lasted five minutes. Butterscotch covered his eyes through most of it. Butterscotch looked up at the score board seeing Sora scored the final shot.

    Rainbow Blitz: 2

    Sora: 20

    Blitz's jaw was on the ground as he saw the result of their match. Sora giggled as she lifted it up. She felt bad that she royally beated him she decided to tease him just a little. "Thanks for taking it easy on me"

    Blitz blushes shaking his hoof to her hoof. "Sure, I took it easy on you"

    Rainbow Blitz sighed as he left the Coliseum. Sora followed the Pegasus outside "Hey, I am sorry. I thought we were having fun"

    "Oh sorry, we were having fun. It's just…."Rainbow Blitz softly sighed

    "Just what" Sora closely approached Blitz with caution.

    "….I just wanted my friend Butterscotch to be here to cheer me on" Rainbow Blitz sighed


    Butterscotch saw the mirror showing him Bubble Berry presenting and was almost the life of the party. However, he quickly can see Bubble Berry wasn't his cheerful self. Out of all of his friends, he saw that Bubble Berry took his departure the hardest. Butterscotch saw Bubble Berry's hair was deflated as that was a sign of Bubble Berry in deep depression.

    "Happy Birthday…To…..You" Bubble Berry sniffled "Happy Birthday tooooooooo Dopey…..Happy Birthday to you"

    "Are you ok, Bubble" Dopey Hoof asked with concerns seeing that Bubble Berry presented him with a muffin like cake

    "I miss Butterscotch" He cries on the table as he couldn't keep his composure anymore.


    The last of his friends he saw was Duskshine. When Butterscotch saw the Library, he saw his best friend was a wreck. His hair was tangled and it looked like he hasn't washed it in days, if Butterscotch was right next to him his nose would retracted in his face. Duskshine also had bags in his eyes.

    "Oh come on, there has to be a spell in here somewhere" Duskshine said

    Butterscotch was shocked of the lengths Duskshine was going through just to rescue him. He saw the alicorn almost falling asleep. He levitated a bucket of ice cold water with ice inside of it. He flipped the bucket upside down and the force of the water was enough to awake the prince.

    "AHH I AM UP" Duskshine said suddenly waking up "There has to be something here that will rescue him"

    Butterscotch sighed as he stares at his five friends who said the same thing in union

    "We Miss Butterscotch"

    The imagines inside the mirror disappeared. Tears dropped down as he sniffed.

    "I miss you guys too. I miss all of you so much" Butterscotch hugged the mirror, crying up a storm.


    "O my goodness, what do I have to do to get through to him?" Eris complained as she was watching Butterscotch, she felt a little bad upon invading his privacy, but she wanted to see how much the mirror would improve his mood.

    "O this is too precious; here I thought you had gone soft. Watching him crying 'boo hoo, I miss my friends' is too humorous for word. He is such a wimpy Pegasus" The mirror imagine of Eris smiled

    "Do not talk about him that way" Eris threw the pillow towards her mirror self, in which the mirror avoided.

    "I can't believe you are still defending him. Such a crybaby, all that Pegasus ever does it cry and whine and moan and complain" The mirror imagine listed off Butterscotch's cries.

    "One more word about him, and it's the junkyard for you" Eris threatened

    "Oh, you think you can get rid of me that easily" The mirror joked "It doesn't matter how many friends you have, or If you try to abandon this lifestyle, if you think that stallion will bring you happiness. It doesn't matter at all. You will always be known as and forever will be The QUEEN OF CHAOS"

    "No….No….NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Eris screamed as she didn't care how loud she screamed. The force of her scream shattered the mirror and the rest of the mirrors and glasses that was in her room.

    The goddess of Chaos felt like she was reliving her dream as tears came pouring out her eyes. Her make up was washing down through her tears. "I'm not a monster. I am not evil"

    The goddess of Chaos wasn't sure what she was feeling. Her body just felt like she was punched in the stomach and was being held down by the force of gravity. Her fingers were shaking as she looked at herself through the broke shards of the mirror. She remembered Butterscotch's words well in her dream.

    "You're a monster"

    Those words forever haunted her regardless of who said it. She looked at herself in the broken shards hearing her mirror imagine laughing in the distance. She covers her face in her hands feeling an overwhelming feeling of sadness and depression.

    Unknown to the draconequus, hoof steps headed to the source of the never-ending tears and sorrow; the door slowly opened as the Pegasus made his way to Eris. He saw her in great sadness and he slowly made his way. "Eris?"

    "AHHHHH Butterscotch" Eris quickly snapped out of it, but it was too late. He knew she was crying.

    "Are you crying" Butterscotch looked at her eyes seeing her make up streaming down her face was a big sign that she was crying.

    "Oh, the mirror called me names and I needed to teach it a lesson. Tell me what can I do for you?" She stood up collecting her hands ready to

    "The better question is, what can I do for you?" Butterscotch knew she was lying to him. She needed him as he could plainly see.

    "Your happiness is more important than mine" Eris bowed before Butterscotch. Butterscotch shook his head. Eris looks at him and tried to smile.

    "I think I may know why you wanted a groom" Butterscotch declared

    "Because I was bored" Eris tried to lie to him.

    "Because you were lonely" Butterscotch smiled at Eris.

    The goddess of Chao only shifted away when he tried to touch her chin. "Don't do that to me. I am not one of your fluffy cuddy animals"

    "It must be rough for you to be alone. Having no pony to talk to, no pony to tell stories or do anything with. I would imagine anypony would feel a great need to have somepony by their side" Butterscotch smiled

    "I must rather admit, it is fun seeing you Butterscotch. I am also glad it was you to accept my deal" Eris grinned "Though, I would have accepted Bubble Berry"

    "Wait…What" Butterscotch was shocked

    "Well, Bubble Berry does love my chocolate rain. I would have taken Solaris or Artemis. Maybe even Duskshine as my groom" Eris smiles upon the possibilities

    "Huh" Butterscotch was even more confused; he also suddenly felt a hint of jealousy.

    "I am only joking with you. You should have seen your face, full of jealousy" Eris lifted him off the ground.

    "I wasn't jealous" Butterscotch was confused, yet didn't realize the inner jealousy that came from the inside.

    "Don't worry Butterscotch. You're the only colt for me" Eris giggled before letting him down.

    Butterscotch was speechless; he wasn't sure what was going on. Yet, in the hug that Eris just gave him. He felt like he was in a safe house with Eris. It was as if nothing else mattered as he felt safe around Eris.

    "I am so hungry right now. Why don't we have lunch outside again" Eris grinned looking over Butterscotch.

    "Yea, I will catch up with you in a minute" Butterscotch nodded.

    "Understood, but don't keep me waiting" She smirked as she slithered out her bedroom door feeling a lot better.

    Butterscotch wasn't sure what just happened, but it was during the hug that he felt something change. His heart was beating fast. His heart could probably challenge Rainbow Blitz in a race. His face felt very hot. The lack of the mirror made it impossible for the stallion to look at himself in the mirror. He guessed by the hot face he had, he was probably turning red as a tomato. He turned his head towards the door knowing it was because of Eris.

    "Oh my" Butterscotch said


    AWWWWWWWWW, I see Butterscotch is feeling new kinds of emotions. So, this is where I leave you for the chapter. What did you think?

    Sorry about the long Author's Note down here.

    Anyways, let's go over this.

    Well I am sure some people can see the foreshadowing that is happening in the first part of the chapter. Yea, I based the words that Butterscotch used on the season four finale. Also, if people want to know, the ice cream waffle thing is something that my family cooks upon sometimes. It's really tasty treat. Though, my family would think of it more as a dessert than a breakfast-dessert hybrid. Also, I wanted Eris to have a little something to fear. I mean a thousand years is a long time. I assume that Eris would be in fear of turning into stone. That's just me though.

    I have never really skated before, so if I got something wrong don't blame me. Also, I didn't want to add too many lines from Bride of Discord. The only problem I have with skating, biking rollerblading is I don't have a good balance on it. So, I mostly fell.

    The Bowling scene from the Audio Drama made me laugh. I am sure if that bowling ball could talk, it would be saying help me pleases, and DF said that my AppleBarb moment in the last chapter was harsh. Same reaction I had when I watched this moment in the audio drama, that poor bowling ball. So, that is why we don't anger the Fluttershy voice actress. I am not a big sports fan, so don't yell at me for it's not possible to break bowling pins. This is a land of ponies, and magic and stuff, I think I might have gone a bit extreme on that part, but I think it could be done in their world. Also, wanted to add FATALITY from Mortal Kombat with the announcement, but I thought it was too much.

    I really felt sorry for Barbara for getting her heart broken. I have always thought of Rarity and Spike's relationship was like a kindergarten's crush on a school teacher, you know it will never happen, though you find it adorable. I really do hope that some pony comes along and has feelings for Spike. I either imagined Applejack, or one of the Crusaders liking him. I know that's not what My Little Pony is about. Thought a Brony can dream.

    I think viewing how the other five stallions are doing is the hardest part of this chapter. Now, I don't want to see people complaining on "why didn't you have the song" or "The song was so great in that episode" Remember what I said about music. It is better in AUDIO than written. Sure there are lyrics, but that's just to help the person along. Wanted to change up how they were doing without Butterscotch.

    The last point in this chapter was Butterscotch comforting Eris and realizing something is happening to him. AWWWWWWW. Well, it's actually one of my favorite parts in Bride of Discord. It's the turning point in their relationship...Well, one of the turning points, but you get my point.

    So, I have a bit of a confession to make with this chapter. I had been done with making this chapter on the first of this month. You are probably wondering why I was a jerk in holding on to this chapter for so long. Umm, the main reason I am posting it today of all days is it's….


    Yep, it's my birthday and I am here to share with you all this wonderful day of when I was born. Not telling you all my age due to my own privacy. So, I shall answer a question for you guys.

    What is your favorite Halloween film?

    I have many Halloween films that I enjoy, From Child's Play to the Saw films the list can go on as I grew up on horror films.

    If I had to pick my favorite horror film, it would be a film that even my own twin brothers love so much. It was a film that started my love for horror films of all kinds.

    My Favorite Halloween film (Not the series Halloween but any Halloween film in general), is MONSTER SQUAD.

    Despite how silly the film is, it is really an enjoyable, quotable and a treat for Halloween. I really enjoy seeing this film for Halloween. I won't give too much away, but I really recommend this film to every single person that is a horror movie fan that has yet to see this film. If you have seen it, then some of you will agree with me that it is really good. It has a great dedication for the monsters that started horror films, it has such an atmosphere that it gets me in the mood for trick or treating.

    I hope you like this current chapter of Groom of Eris. I am sure you guys will find fault within this chapter. If you have any ideas for the next chapter pleases tell me.

    So thank you and I hope to work hard on the other chapters for you guys as thanks. So, tell me what your favorite horror film is and why? So, until then I will see you later.

    "I don't love him, I don't love him, I don't love him, I don't love him"

    Well, I probably will be sleeping with that tone in my head tonight. Well I thought episode 9 was a great episode. If I had two critiques for the episode, it would be there should be more Applespike moments. Also, I felt that the scene with Discord appearing before Fluttershy in her bedroom felt a little rushed, but I am sure DF had her reasons.

    I kind of feel bad that DF now has an angry mob after her. It's probably larger than the mob that was chasing Twilight and Spike in the episode Tickermaster. I am actually not that mad at the way that the chapter ended. It's much like she said THE FLUFF MUST END.

    I think everyone should know truly that out of all the chapters of this story, I have to admit the Advice is my least favorite chapter. I mean it's not that it's bad or anything, I just feel it's underplayed just a little. I can see that DF didn't include it in her audio drama. I am sure she had a good reason for it, probably because of space. The only thing I like about this chapter is the end part.

    Now this chapter was initially where I was going to change it. It went through multiple iterations. I was going to call it the piano, but I couldn't find anything to run with it and it would share similarities with the next chapter. I was going to call it the chance where Eris gave Butterscotch a chance to escape from her. Yet, I felt that it would have ruined the relationship that Butterscotch and Eris and it wouldn't have worked right for the romance of the story. I wanted to make things different here since I promised that this story would still be different from Bride of Discord. So, I want to try to deliver a promise to make things different. I know exactly what to call this chapter.

    So, without any further ado, let's start this chapter.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I also don't own the rights to the gender-swap ponies.

    Chapter 11: The Moment

    Eris woke up from her sleep on her bed. She remembered the day of event that happened yesterday. Her mind went back to yesterday as she was glad Butterscotch made her feel better. She couldn't imagine being without Butterscotch.

    Eris dropped from her bed as she walked outside looking around. She made her way to his room. She peeked in seeing the Pegasus asleep on his bed. Eris felt like her heart could soar out of her body if it could. Seeing the stallion she loved sleeping so soundly that it would match a one month old filly. She wanted to wake him up, but she felt she should let him sleep for a while.

    "Better not wake him up. He desires some sleep. So, sleep soundly my dear prince" Eris grinned slowly closing the door.

    As she walked out of the room, she remembered Zicoro's words quite clearly as some sort of advice.

    "If you continue to keep the Pegasus here, it will bring him more fear. Set him free so he could soar like a dove, only then will you and he will truly comprehend love"

    Eris shook her head. Butterscotch was happy in her home. There was no reason that he would be upset at all. The only thing she could see was that Butterscotch was missing his friends. It was all the draconequus could hear him whining about. If she could make him forget his friends she would. Yet, how would he feel if she used his magic on him? He would feel very betrayed by her actions.

    She flew into the kitchen making breakfast for the two of them.


    After the lovely breakfast Eris served him, Butterscotch was in the living room looking over the rainy day. He saw that they were in danger by the way he saw them using the trees as shields and walked to another tree after hearing the thunder. Without thinking, Butterscotch ran outside seeing he could save the animals that were in trouble.

    The Pegasus saw the incoming storm, but didn't seem to care as he needed to save his animals. They were very important to him. Not just because he was there caretaker, but he didn't want to see anything happen to them.

    Butterscotch was very thankful Eris created a living quarters for his animals to stay in if they desired or if they were in a situation where they were in danger. Butterscotch felt the rain dropping down. He wasn't sure how electricity would affect the shield. The Pegasus knew he had to be quick if he wanted to save himself or his animals.

    "Come on guys, we got to hurry" Butterscotch said with haste in his voice. "Don't worry I will protect you guys"

    Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Eris was cleaning up the result of breakfast as she viewed outside from the window. She smiled seeing the rain. For some reason, she enjoyed the rain as she could splash puddles and feel her hair getting wet from the rain. She heard the upcoming storm and knew that they would probably be protected.

    "Ah, this day feels great. I am so glad we are inside during this storm" Eris smiled seeing a few animals making their way to the shelter she provided when Butterscotch asked her for it.

    "Well I am sure they will be fine. I mean I see they are making their way to the shelter. I am sure they can safely find their way. Oh, I even see Butterscotch helping them along. That is so nice of him to do so despite it being dangerous and somepony could get hurt or get electrocuted" Eris smiled before realizing Butterscotch was outside "BUTTERSCOTCH IS OUTSIDE"

    The goddess of chaos made her way outside seeing the rain was getting worse. She knew that her shield would last, but what if the lightning hit it. "Butterscotch where are you?"

    "I am right here Eris" Butterscotch showing her animals to the shelter area that looked more like a cellar.

    "We have to get you inside" Eris complained

    "But, what about my animals, they are in danger" Butterscotch said

    "Who cares about your animals, I am sure they will be fine. I am more concerned about you" She worried

    The Pegasus pulled Eris to him and glared at him as his magical Stare appears "You listen and you listen well. We might be safe inside but my animals could still be in danger. Even some of them have injuries that they can't make it in time. You may have this shield, but what if it doesn't last? If anything happens to them, I will make sure you don't sleep tonight. Got it missy?"

    Eris shivered seeing Butterscotch so furious, as he was getting the animals to safety. She could see her cotton candy clouds were dimming away. Eris knew this was serious as she used her magic to send every animal to the shelter as she looked to Butterscotch.

    "There your animals are safe. We have to go inside right now" Eris said pointing to the door and Butterscotch nods in agreement.

    "Ok, go ahead" Butterscotch scanned the area seeing what she said was true.

    Eris was about to snap her finger to send herself and Butterscotch inside the house, but Eris glanced up seeing lightning bolt striking down passing through the barrier as she was frightened how it passed through her barrier. She knew it to be her own fear made it pass through. She was worried about what could happen to dear Butterscotch have allowed the natural disaster to completely pass through her way of protection.

    She looked down towards Butterscotch knowing he would be fried in an instant. She would see his ashy remains on the ground as she looked at the lightning preparing to strike down the Pegasus. She knew the one thing she had to do.

    Without thinking, she pushed the Pegasus out the way, yet she didn't have enough time to get out of the way. The lightning struck her horn with deadly accuracy. This made the lightning course throughout her body, made her body vibrate and sends her flying through a tree, breaking it apart and sent her sliding on the ground.

    "ERIS" Butterscotch screamed.

    He ran over seeing the goddess of chaos unconscious. The look on her body seemed like it was dead. He remembered how she pushed him out the way. No monster would ever do that for a pony or stallion. Butterscotch was about to touch her when he felt the rain on his body. He saw the shield was diminishing as Butterscotch put his hand through where the shield was.

    It was gone.

    The Pegasus saw an opportunity for his escape. He could leave the draconequus behind. He could return to Ponyville. See his friends again. He could live his life, but knew that the draconequus would wake up and threaten Equestria again.

    Butterscotch looked back to Eris as he saw that she was still knocked out. He looked at her then at the Everfree Forest. He had a decision to make. He could leave Eris and return to his friends, or he could stay with her as she needed him now more than ever. He breathed in and decided to make his choice.


    "Butterscotch…..Pleases don't leave….me" Eris tossed and turned in her sleep as she was having a frightening dream about Butterscotch. "BUTTERSCOTCH NO"

    She rose from the bed seeing that she was on Butterscotch's bed as she wonders how she made it inside the house. She saw a wet pink cloth on her head, in which she took away wondering where it came from.

    "I see you are awake" Butterscotch smiled as he was relieved she was still alive. He jumped from the stool he was sitting in to the bed right next to her.

    "Butterscotch I don't understand- ow my head" She said as she held her head as she was in a bit of pain.

    "Oh, I managed to safely getting you inside and on my bed. You were hurt very badly, so I made sure you got the proper medical treatment" Butterscotch rubbed his hoof to his head as he chuckled

    "But….THE BARRIER" Eris screamed before she summoned it up again. She was worried that Butterscotch wasn't here and she pinched herself as she wonders if she was dreaming.

    "No Eris, I am real. I saw that the barrier was gone, but I couldn't leave you there alone. You were hurting pretty badly" Butterscotch looked away

    "You stayed here, even though you had a chance to escape" Eris looked down seeing Butterscotch had the chance to leave her but wouldn't leave her side. She felt very excited.

    "You pushed me out of the way, knowing full well that you were in danger. If I left you behind, I would feel horrible. I couldn't imagine what would have happened to you. I wouldn't live with myself" Butterscotch smiled for a moment before gazing up at her.

    "My word your horn"

    Eris felt one of her horns as she felt the tip of one of her horns breaking off due to the lightning. She looked toward his concerns that she risked her life for him. She felt very happy at that moment.

    "No harm done Butterscotch, it will grow back" Eris smiled "I am just so thankful we saved one another. I guess this concerns us even"

    The draconequus hugged Butterscotch thanking him for rescuing her as she rescued him.


    In the night time, Eris was going to her piano room to see if she could get a note in before she would turn in for the night. However, she opened the door seeing a sight that she hasn't seen since the night of the gala.

    Eris saw Butterscotch near the piano singing a lovely little lullaby. It was quite enchanting. She slithered into the room as she put her elbow on the piano as she only grins as she heard his voice, that soft as silk voice that melted her away like ice cream on a hot day.

    Her mind went back to that very night. She heard Butterscotch singing that sound, everypony didn't matter to her. Hearing him sing tuned all other ponies and stallions out. It was just her and Butterscotch. He was singing to her like a siren. She could probably mistake him for a siren hearing that hypnotic sound from his vocal cords.

    The moment was ended when the draconequus in her moment of bliss, slipped her elbow as it hit a couple of keys, those breaking the trace she had on him and caused him to see he wasn't alone in the room.

    "Eris, why are you spying on me this time? Can't I get any privacy in this place" Butterscotch felt very hurt as he walked to the door.

    "Wait, Butterscotch, I am really sorry" Eris held his hooves for a moment as she looked away "I just liked that singing of yours. Such a voice of an angel"

    "Thanks for the compliment" Butterscotch smiled while his cheeks were burning up for some reason. Whoa where did that come from He thought.

    "Well, umm I know I really want to thank you for saving my life. So, why don't we work a compromise" Eris smiled "How about you sing for me once more, and I will play anything on the piano"

    "Eris I am not sure…" Butterscotch felt fearful of singing to somepony else.

    "I am the only mare here. So, it will be just fine" She smiled as she walked over to her piano and grins waiting for him to sing a song. He was about to say no, but he looked up top her head and saw the tip where the lightning struck her. Maybe this once he would sing since it was just her and no pony else.

    He clears his throat for a minute to play a song just for Eris. He spoke it from the heart hearing the melody Eris was playing. The bond that was forming in the song was dancing in the air.

    Eris's eyes then lurked over to Butterscotch soaring in the air singing so soundly that even she sang as a duet. Eris used her magic on the piano so it would play itself. Meanwhile she dances around the room with Butterscotch as she smiled at him. Butterscotch felt nervous, but for some reason was feeling much better when the draconequus was around him.

    Butterscotch and Eris were so lost in the song that they eventually lost sight of what they were singing about. Both of them were swing around in mid-air in the middle of the room, it was like one big merry-go-round.

    As soon as Butterscotch approached the end of the song, the piano stopped. Eris smiled as she was viewing Butterscotch in a different way. Butterscotch didn't notice how goofy his face was. He suddenly snapped out of it and smiled.

    "Thanks for singing with me" Butterscotch looked away "It was lovely"

    "Not as lovely as you are" Eris giggled

    "What?" Butterscotch asked

    "Oh nothing" She said suddenly realizing what she said before. "Look at the time; I guess we should be off to bed now"

    "Yea" Butterscotch nods while yawning


    "This day was sure full of adventure" Eris smiled while thinking the highs and lows of the day. "I need to get electrocuted more often"

    "Eris" Butterscotch knowing he wouldn't want to have another heart attack after all that happened today.

    "I know I know, I was only teasing you Butters" Eris knew Butterscotch wouldn't want to go through another day of worry.

    "Teasing me will only get you so far Eris" Butterscotch stood by the door looking at the draconequus.

    "I know I know. I am glad we were able to have at least some fun; just like they say, no use crying over spilled milk" Eris smiled

    "Who really says that?" Butterscotch smirked

    "You know who I mean….you're just teasing me aren't you" Eris grinned as she caught Butterscotch's deception.

    "Yep, well good night dear" Butterscotch smiled as he opens the door going through it.

    "Well, good night honey" Eris squeaked as she saw him closing it.

    Both of them realized that called one another by pet names married couples would give one another. Butterscotch quickly opened the door.

    "I am sorry I didn't mean to call you that" Both Eris and Butterscotch said in union. The two realized they were finishing each other's sentences.

    "Good night Eris" Butterscotch smiled as he closed the door.

    "Good night Butterscotch. Sleep tight" Eris smiled

    The goddess of chaos smiled as she was glad Butterscotch stuck around and saved her life. She skipped along as she realizes something slipped her mind.

    "I forgot something to do today. I am not sure what it is?" She began to explore what it was that she was supposed to do. "It will probably hit me later tonight"

    The draconequus had forgotten to ask the question on if he loved her or not.


    Well what did you think of this chapter? Did you like it or hate it?

    Well I already know I am going to get complains of me changing the structure of the chapter. I changed it with the best intentions. I already can see the hate mail flying in my window.

    So, I wanted to promise you guys that I was somewhat going to change Groom of Eris making it similar to Bride of Discord but not too much. I will either get liked or hated for it.

    So, the first part was just to foreshadow certain events. I really didn't want to bring Zicoro into this chapter because it wasn't exactly my favorite part of the chapter. Plus, I am not so great at rhyming.

    The second part and probably the most controversial part of this story was the way I went about the thunderstorm that was happening in this chapter. I already am going to be yelled at for the logic of the forcefield breaking apartment or not working right or at least my depiction of how the forcefield works. I can imagine it would break if Discord was unconscious for any reason other than sleep. If people want to say that it would stay up regardless of what the lightning did. Yea, I hardly doubt that, but that's just me. I am going to tell you people if you try to bring logic into anything My Little Pony, then you are going to be there for a while. I also ended up going with Butterscotch choosing to decide where he wanted to go was inspired by Beauty and the Beast. I felt this was a moment for Butterscotch trying to decide where he should go.

    Yea yea, I already explained why I never include songs in my fanfiction, so don't ask why I didn't include a song when Eris played the piano while Butterscotch was singing.

    If you all have a problem with this chapter, then tell me in your review. I can already see that people are going to complain and that's normal.

    So, you are wondering why I called this chapter The Moment instead of the Advice. Well, I called this chapter the Moment because it's just Butterscotch and Eris. They are having a moment. I know it sounds a little corny, but I didn't want to call it the Advice because the chapter only touches little on the advice and I had this idea with Butterscotch that I though I would do something different with Bride of Discord.

    So, Well now let me answer a question on a character mostly everybody hates (I said mostly. I am not saying all people hate this character).

    Do you like or hate Flash Sentry?

    For me I don't really hate Flash Sentry. I don't particularly like him either. Now, people might share my opinion while others don't. So, let me explain.

    I don't particular hate him, but I don't like him either. My reasons for not liking him is not about his appearance in general. I think that it's more on that he's Twilight's crush. A Force Romance Interest if you will. He doesn't have that much personality. He's just there to be Twilight's crush. Nothing special. That bothers me because I feel he should have something called DEVELOPMENT. Most characters go through it. I just hate that Twilight just bumped into him and she suddenly is smitten with him.

    That's part two of why I 'dislike' him, because he enlightens the lowest form of love. The love at first sight cliché. Now, I hate this cliché because no one falls in love at first sight. It takes time for someone to get along with another person. With Flash and Twilight, I don't really see that. Now those of you who love this couple, you may have your reasons for liking him. You can try to convince me that this couple works all you want, I am very adamant on my decision.

    Now I said I didn't like him for enforcing love on Twilight and him needing development. Does this mean I hate him. No, I think that Flash Sentry would need at least an episode starring him to win me over. I don't mean a cameo. I don't mean him saying a line. I need an episode with him doing something. I got it. Have him in an episode with him protecting Twilight while she goes somewhere on her princess duty. The two can share a moment or moments together. I mean it's not that hard. People may like or hate the episode, but at least it would give me a chance of evaluating if I like or hate the character. The people that tell me he has two movies that do this, those movies don't really give him enough for me to say that. It seems more like cameos.

    So, that's what I think about Flash Sentry. I just think I need an episode to convince me to see if I like the character or hate him.

    One more thing. For those of you, who want to know the future of the Groom of Eris story, wait until the last chapter of Groom of Eris. I will tell you what I will be doing then.

    So, if you don't like this chapter I am sorry. I just wanted to see how this chapter would look like if it was made differently. I wrote this chapter like this because I thought it would be interesting to see Eris risk her life protecting Butterscotch in this way. So, if you don't like it, then that's your opinion because the way I see it. One's person's trash is another person's treasure. So, DF, Fans of Bride of Discord, and All my fans.

    *Puts on a suit of Armor* Hit me with your best shot

    Until then, see you all later.

    I am really shocked by the positive feedback that I got in the last chapter. I will probably lose it in this chapter. I thought people would hunt me down just because I made the story different in the last chapter. Also I apologize if I am giving this to you guys late. I am glad to see my audience approves of my originality. (I can't really say that but I digress). So I want to thank you guys for your support. I don't think I would have gotten through this story without it.

    So, we are now on chapter 12 and boy am I nervous. Sorry I couldn't get this in on time. I had a lot of issues to deal with. I was moving to another location, I had college that I am still going through, final exams, home life, and the fact that my twin brothers are in town. The reason I say this is because they are in the military and they were on leave. I love them to death, but they can be annoying at times (They are my older brothers, so siblings can be like this once in a while. I am sure you guys can relate). Anyways, so let's get to the comments.

    Dream Dragoness: Yea I know, I don't like Flash, yet I don't hate him either. Though, Rainbow Rocks made me change my perspective of him. I don't care if he was affected by the mist. I am sure he is public enemy number one after that movie.

    Guest: I guess you're right about me worrying about what you guys think. It's my high school mind thinking that people care about what I write and say. Yea, I really felt there should have been a moment where Butterscotch/Fluttershy should have had an opportunity to escape. I believe at first Fluttershy/Butterscotch would have escaped, but I am sure he wouldn't abandon Discord/Eris in his/her state of unconsciousness. I mean I am sure Discord/Eris would have gotten up, but not as long as one would suspect.

    Sofi the Pegasus: Yea, kind of weird and funny that way. I mean I really hated Flash for being a forced romance interest for Twilight. I really don't get it. Maybe the crew behind MLP wanted someone to like Twilight for the fans. That's the only reason I see for his existence, but that's just me

    Unnicornbuzzard: It's okay, I have been kind of lazy though.

    DisneyFanatic2364: It's shocking to see a chapter you don't like as much. I am sure every person that has written a fanfic regrets a chapter or two. Don't feel bad. Also, I didn't realize you had two slice of life episodes in the audio drama. I can understand why you had to cut things out. Also, I saw the series finale trailer. It was amazing.

    I am sure you would have done something like a monologue for the whole Discord feels the animals. Hopefully, you are having a great time with Episode ten, your Christmas MLP Fanfic, Son in law of Discord, College stuff, and etc. Hopefully this will help calm things for you.

    Before I begin, I think I might want to look into some coverart for my story to attract other readers. Maybe someday put this on Fimfiction. Maybe do an Audio Drama on this. I don't know, I am still new at this, plus I have college and that is getting intense. Also, this was the hardest chapter to write. So, if you have any objections to this chapter I will understand. So, I hope you like this chapter. If I have made mistakes I am sure everyone will jump at the chance to point it out.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony. I don't own the rights to the gender-swap ponies. The characters and mostly everything MLP related belongs to Hasbro. Groom of Eris is based on Bride of Discord by Disney Fanatic 2364.

    Chapter 12: The Story

    "Butterscotch, hold still pleases"

    Eris told the Pegasus as she was painting a portrait of him in the living room. The lady of Chaos was currently in a painter's attire as she stuck her tongue out trying to paint a picture of Butterscotch. She was going to put it in the Conservatory.

    "Oh, sorry Eris" Butterscotch said

    Butterscotch on the other hoof was stuck in an awkward position. He was standing on a chair with his two front hooves, While his back hooves were holding up a number of objects that included: another chair, some cushions, a goldfish bowl with a catfish in it, an umbrella, a few books, and a large feather. Butterscotch was quickly losing his balance, but didn't want to mess up the picture Eris wanted to paint. He didn't want to ruin her hard work with his complains

    "Oh, this will be my masterpiece" Eris splashed some paint on the picture frame with an easel set up. She often looked at Butterscotch to remember who and what she was painting.

    "Ummm Eris…..Eris" Butterscotch panicked "AHHHHHHHHHH"





    One by one, the objects that Butterscotch was carrying fell to the ground. Butterscotch only managed to catch the goldfish bowl. He felt pretty bad that he ruined Eris's artwork.

    "And done" Eris smiled

    Shocked the stallion was. She was able to finish it before he fell to the ground. He flew over to see the finished picture. His reaction made him glare at Eris. The picture came out to be Butterscotch standing perfectly still with his plot on the chair, while all the stuff was around him. He simply turned his head to the draconequus seeing she was laughing on the floor.

    "Eris" Butterscotch scowled

    "What, I couldn't believe you managed to carry all those things with your hooves. I guess you beat my estimates by two and a half minutes" Eris wiped a single tear of laughter from her eye.

    "I could have died" Butterscotch complained

    "But you didn't. Besides, it's my turn" Eris snapped her finger returning everything back to normal and balanced all the things on her nose while putting an empty picture frame for Butterscotch to paint. Before Butterscotch started to paint he hesitated for a moment as he stared at her.

    "Eris, do you mind if I ask you something important" Butterscotch looked away

    "Go ahead Butters, I'm all ears" Eris said before enlarging her ears for a moment with her magic before return them back to normal.

    "Where do you come from" Butterscotch slowly spoke rubbing one hoof on his other hoof.

    "Oh, umm well" Eris said before snapping her figure to make the items disappear. "Well you see, when a mommy Draconequus and a daddy Draconequus love each other very much they…."

    "Eris, you know what I mean" Butterscotch approached her

    "Okay, I guess you have been here a while now, I would assume you would want to know more about my history before I was the goddess of Chaos and Disharmony." Eris pulled up a large couch, which was large enough for the both of them to sit down on.

    "But, this story isn't going to be a happy one" Eris poked Butterscotch's snout with her eagle claw

    Butterscotch sat down on the couch to listen what she had to say and pointed to his ears with his hoof "Like you said, I am all ears"

    She patted her lap with her hands "Well here we go"


    I wasn't exactly the last of my kind. There was a land full of Draconeqi. I had a mother and a father just like any other creature would.

    My mom would call me the cutest little button, despite my nature of hating cute things. She also made me wear these cutie dresses, which I hated. My father told such great stories that I thought he would be a traveling author someday. My mother was kind and as soft as the wind. My father was strong and cheerful like a merry old soul. They were embarrassing, but I loved them unconditionally.

    However, the fun times couldn't last though.

    ("What happened" Butterscotch looked up hearing her happiness soon turned to sadness.)

    The details are still blurry to me. I only remember it being snowy and ice cold. It was a blizzard that my race couldn't control. It came out of nowhere.

    Along the way, I got separated from my parents and found myself in a cave. I survived on chocolate milk and cotton candy. That's all I knew how to do at that age. My mind didn't have much imagination at that time. Remember I was still pretty young.

    ("Understandable" Butterscotch nods knowing he wasn't capable of such thoughts when he was a few years old. "Wait, why cotton candy and chocolate milk?")

    Well, my father always gave me cotton candy from the clouds whenever I was sad or hungry. My mom would give me chocolate milk from the lakes or streams. It was what I remembered them best for and associated them with. I needed them and those two items temporarily filled the void.

    ("You must have been in that cave for a long time huh" Butterscotch looked concerned.)

    Yea, I lost track of the time I was in that cave. When the blizzard ended, it was my natural instinct to look for my parents.

    "Hello...Mom...Dad?" Eris crawled out of the cave and searched around "Somepony...Anypony?"

    Eris went to a tree as she hugged herself feeling sad and lonely as she summoned chocolate milk and cotton candy. She slowly ate her cotton candy and drank little bits of her chocolate milk feeling sadness. She summoned two large sizes of cotton candy clouds. She used her fingers to morph the cotton candy to form a male and female draconequus. Her tears poured out as she hugged them and cried.

    There wasn't anypony in sight. I will spare you the awful details of my endless journey throughout the land.

    Eris walked into the woods spying to be a strange array of pieces that were black and white. She sat down floating the pieces together and combining them to form keys that formed music. She pressed each key and giggled. She soon left out a depressing tone as she stood up and snapped her figure to make the pieces vanish.

    It didn't take me long to realize I was different from most creatures.

    The young Eris saw a bunch of birds in the trees.

    "Hello there..."Eris smiled

    Suddenly the birds flew away from her "Wait, come back, I want to play"

    The draconequus was trying to catch up with the bird, but her lack of flight training made her fall to the ground. When she picked herself off from the dirty she viewed a puddle seeing her appearance in the water, it only made her sad that it was her own face. She splashed the water in anger.

    I tried to make friends with the creatures, but they either laughed or ran away from me in fear. I wasn't sure if I would ever find a place that I truly belonged. Eventually, I found Equestria, a place of where ponies and stallions of different kind lived together in harmony. I often heard of my parents passing through that place seeing ponies of different shapes and sizes.

    I tried to see if they would accept me as their equal…but it was all the same.

    Eris ran up as she used her magic to make the ball grow wings and fly off. She looked down wondering what these ponies thought of her and her attempts to have a little fun.

    "Hey, where did our ball go" an earth pony said and looked to where Eris was "EWWWWW, what is that thing?"

    "I am not sure, but it looks hideous" a Pegasus stuck her tongue out in disgust.

    "Let's go away, maybe IT will leave us alone" the unicorn scoffed at Eris's appearance. The three ponies left Eris in her sadness.

    So, I gave up my attempts of trying to fit in with the ponies. I knew that if they gave me the same reaction, I wouldn't be able to become friends with anypony. I saw refugee in a cave high up in the mountains to where nopony could see me.

    "That cave… wouldn't be by chance the cave in which you took me from" Butterscotch asked

    "Actually, yes it is the same cave I took you from" Eris answered

    Eventually, I was found by an alicorn and a unicorn. I think her name was Swirly stars or something like that. The young Alicorn was Solaris.

    "Master, I found the creature in this cave" Solaris pointed with his hoof.

    "Solaris, calm yourself. I am sure this is a new type of creature we are dealing with. So, let's trend lightly" The mare with the magical hat spoke. She entered in the cave first looking around. Then the stallion slowly entered lighting his horn and looking around. "I was sure I saw her here"

    "What a strange hat" Eris said popping in between the two as she grabbed the hat and put it on her head. Solaris freaked out as he saw her so suddenly and moved to one side of the cave. Swirly only laughed.

    "What an unusual creature" Swirl continued to laugh. Eris growled as her lion paw glowed.

    "What a unique power you possess" Swirl looked at Eris's lion paw that was glowing. Swirl Star then glazed at her eagle claw and finally overlooked each feature of Eris's body.

    "Hey hey, what are you doing" Eris was caught off guard by Swirl Star's curiosity. She floated her tail to have a look "That will be enough of that thank you very much." Eris blushed as she pulled her tail back and rubs it feeling frightened that the mare was doing an examination on her body.

    "I apologize it's just that I have never seen a creature like yourself. I should be naturally curious. As they say, curiosity killed the cat. Come here Solaris and come meet this remarkable being"

    Solaris slowly made his way to Swirl's side. Eris soon gave the weird hat of Swirls back to the unicorn, which she used her magic to put the hat back on her.

    "Hello there, my name is Swirly Star the Magnificent and this is my student, Prince of the Sun Solaris. May we ask who you are? We have never seen a creature like you before in our land. Pleases tell us your name"

    "Eris…"Eris stepped closer to the alicorn and Unicorn. "My name is Eris"


    So, I eventually got settled into Equestria. Swirly mysteriously disappeared and Solaris told me I need to do some good in Equestria. Though, Solaris was very vague on 'his' definition of good. So, I might have turned some trees into candy canes, literally rained on everypony's parade, and even turning Artemis's hair into the night sky.

    ("Wait, isn't Artemis's hair the night sky" Butterscotch raised a brow)

    ("Yea, I sort of gave him that inspiration. It was a light blue before I played with his hair. Solaris scolded me soon afterwards" Eris smiled)

    Well, there was one day where I messed up a little bit and accidentally turned the roads to soap.

    Eris snapped her finger thinking that she turned the road into rocks that made music when somepony stepped on. She noticed that the road didn't have what she wanted, but she saw the roads were turned into soap.

    Eris saw a couple of ponies sliding on one area to the next "I am sorry you guys"

    "Eris can't you do anything right? You are such a freak" the Pegasus huffed

    Eris had heard what the stallion said to her and slowly turned around "What did you call me?"

    "Yea, freak why can't you cause trouble somewhere else?" an earth pony joined in

    "I dare you to call me that again" Eris glared

    "Freak" The Pegasus slowly called her.

    "Alright then" Eris slowly inhaled and exhaled before she snapped her fingers to work her magic on the ponies.

    I really don't like being called freak. Solaris scolded me again for doing that to the ponies even without taking my side of the matter.

    "Solaris you heard what they called me" Eris was alone in Solaris's throne room. It was night time and Artemis was out doing his duties as the prince of the night.

    "Eris, they might have called you hurtful names, but you should have shown more self control" Solaris stared at her

    "Oh my goodness, you are still going to take their side? No matter what I do for these ponies they are never going to see the good that I do for them" Eris pointed outside.

    "Eris, you must calm yourself" Solaris said

    "No I will not calm down. Why can't you support me on this" Eris cried out

    "Because Eris, you need to understand that they will eventually forgive you and see that you are more than just a freak. You are more that what you look like" Solaris put his hoof on Eris. "Don't fight me on this old friend"

    As the time passed, He got angry at me and I got angry back. Eventually, through the advice of an unusual friend, I decided to take over Equestria. You should know the rest by now.


    "Wow, I can imagine you were alone huh" Butterscotch tried to hid his tears.

    "It's okay; I was pretty alone back then. Though, not anymore that you are here now" Eris looked at Butterscotch and giggled a little bit

    "Do you miss them, Eris? Do you miss your parents" Butterscotch calmly asked a question Eris hasn't considered in a long time.

    "I suppose I wonder what has happened to them" Eris sighed as she tried to picture her parents, but couldn't. It was still very fuzzy.

    "What was it like being turned to stone" Butterscotch felt her chest with his hoof and imagines her encased in stone.

    "It is a cold place in which you can only see and hear the outside world. No way to talk to anypony. It's almost like you are in a state of suspended animation" Eris looked down. "Being in a dark place in which you can't find a way out. You try to call out for help but…"

    Eris pulled her legs to her feeling frightened and suddenly screamed "Don't take me back there. I don't want to go back into the dark abyss pleases"

    "Eris calm down" Butterscotch pounce her with his hooves as he saw her experiencing a nervous breakdown. He realized her point of view.

    "It must have been awful" Butterscotch looked up to her eyes "I can relate with you Eris. I never knew my parents"

    In all of her years of spying how did the goddess of chaos miss that crucial detail?

    "I never knew who my father was or what he was like. My mother sadly died years ago" Butterscotch sighed in sadness "But, I am sure they are with me in spirit." Butterscotch chuckled for a moment "I see that we are more alike than I thought"

    She was shocked of Butterscotch family as she scooped him up to her holding the stallion in her arms. "I am so sorry Butterscotch" She held on to him before she smirked "Well you are quite a handsome devil"

    "Don't call me that please" Butterscotch pushed her away hiding his head in shame.

    "What is with you and me calling you handsome? is it so bad?" Eris felt hurt by him rejection her kind words and she moved closer.

    "No," Butterscotch commented

    "Then, why will you not accept my comments of your appearance. You are not ugly" It was Eris's turn to hear a story from him.

    Butterscotch looked up to her and sighed. He breathed in and out for a moment. "Back at Flight camp, there was this mare…"


    "Hey Butterscotch" The mare nervously smiled

    "Oh hi, umm…." young Butterscotch blushed

    "Look, I want to get a milkshake, do you think that you can take me. I really like you and I think you are as cute as a button. Plus you are so handsome" The mare exaggerated

    "Sure, I would love to" Butterscotch grinned and blushed at the compliment. He jumped away at the chance of this romantic encounter.

    "Good, I will meet you there" The mare giggled as Butterscotch was unknown to her true intentions.

    Butterscotch was searching around for the mare in question as he stood at the counter. He had bought two milkshakes, one for him and the other for her. The stallion stood there for seven whole hours before he saw a group of mares entered the shop.

    "Oh my gosh is that Butterscotch?" one of the mares said

    "I can't believe he felt for the oldest trick in the book" the other mare joked

    "You did say he was 'as cute as a button'," the third mare laughed

    Butterscotch then saw the mare that who asked him out in the first place, He heard her speak "He is such a loser"

    Butterscotch jaw dropped. This then brought dozens of tears pouring down his face. He couldn't believe that he was tricked into doing such a thing. He ran out of the store in tears as he never felt so ashamed.


    "They did that to you" Eris gasped hearing the end of Butterscotch's story. "I can't believe how cruel that was. That is low even for me"

    "Yea, it gave me a lot to think about in the terms of shielding my emotions from other mares. I wasn't sure who exactly to truth. Over the years, many mares came up to me asking me to be their special somepony, but I turned them all down. It was hard for me to trust anypony after that event. How would I know their true intentions? It was really burning me up inside. It's why any mare that calls me handsome I would ignore. How am I sure they really mean it" Butterscotch looked away as he still remembered the laughs the mares gave him.

    "Tell me who they are" Eris growled

    "Who…what" Butterscotch raised a brow

    "Tell me who the mares who insulted you. I want to teach them a lesson" Eris glared as her hands lit up in rage.

    "I barely remember them Eris. It's all in the past" The Pegasus stood in front of her flapping his wings.

    "But, no one picks on my Butterscotch" Eris grabbed the Pegasus, who was shocked by her actions. This caused the Pegasus's cheeks to burn up in the form of a blush.

    "Well, Butterscotch I will always be truthful to you. I will never try to hurt or make you cry. I will always be with you my love" Eris looked deeply into his eyes to show him she was being truthful.

    "Wait what" Butterscotch felt overwhelmed by Eris's compliment.

    "Sorry, I went overboard with that love line didn't I?" Eris giggled while holding a blush and swirled a small portion of her hair

    "A little, but I don't mind" Butterscotch giggled


    Butterscotch felt a hint of joy on his face as he entered his room after a long day with Eris. He looked out the window seeing his animals resting for the night. Through the window, he saw the sight of a bear looking out into the woods. The bear was scratching the barrier like a dog would if it wanted to go outside.

    Butterscotch walked outside tending to the bear as he walked forward. He saw the bear in sadness as he looked to where the bear was staring at. "Oh dear"

    Butterscotch saw a female bear. He knew immediately that she wanted to be with her love.

    Butterscotch then looked seeing the other animals coming out of their hiding places as he sighed. He looked up seeing all the birds flying away that was outside the force field. He knew that the animals were happy with him, but he knew what they craved the most.


    Butterscotch galloped inside as he needed to make a simple request to the goddess of Chaos.


    "You want me to do what" Eris heard Butterscotch's words as she uses one of her claws to wiggle some earwax out to make sure she heard him right.

    "I understand what you have done for me. I am not asking you for much Eris. I just want you to release the animals" Butterscotch circled his hoof on the ground.

    "But….I got those animals to make you happy…what will happen now that they are gone" Eris wasn't sure what to say as she wanted to do it for him, but it would redo everything she had done to make him happy.

    "I won't say I would be totally alone. I have you don't I" Butterscotch looked up

    Eris couldn't help but find that corny statement adorable. "Okay Butterscotch, first thing in the morning I will set them free"

    "Okay, good night Eris" Butterscotch smiled as he walked to the door and halted as he turned back "The question?"

    "The what?" Eris said without a thought of what he was referring to "Oh, I can ask that tomorrow. Goodnight Butterscotch"

    "Goodnight Eris" Butterscotch told the draconequus as he was very confused.

    Why didn't she ask me that question?


    "…and so the prince of the castle in the woods defended the life of the poor animal caretaker. This caused the two to reform their love and they got married. Happily Ever After. The End." Barbara read out to the orphans ponies in which most of them were asleep.

    "Another successful read. Maybe next time I will read them the story of a prince that had to choose between love of a princess or becoming king. Oh wait that's the third story." Barbara snapped her finger.

    She walked over seeing most of the colts and fillies asleep in their bed as she told them a story about a prince in the woods and an animal caretaker that was living on the other side of the forest. For some reason, the events of that book sounded familiar. Barbara hoped that spending time with the orphans would make her heart heal from the heartbreak that Elusive gave her. She was feeling better every day, but it was a healing process.

    Outside the room, Applejack waited to see if Barbara was done as the dragon opened the door. "Okay Applejack we are all…."

    Suddenly, Barbara turned around seeing two orphan ponies were staring at her. The colt was tan and had a little dust in his mane. He smiled at Barbara along with the mare that was next to him. She was purple with small braids in her mane. They had pretended to fall asleep and felt bad that the other orphans were asleep. The two ponies deeply enjoyed the story.

    "Peanut and Jelly, what are you two doing out of bed? You know you should be asleep" Applejack cautioned the two ponies as he knew how cranky they would get in the morning.

    "We know, we just wanted to say thank you to Barbara for the nice story. It was really romantic. Especially the part where the prince knew she couldn't keep the caretaker in his arms" Peanut smiled adorably, but then stared at his hooves "But, what are arms"

    Jelly kept staring at Barbara and Applejack. She heard the rumor going around, but wanted to see if it was true. "Are you two dating?"

    Applejack and Barbara suddenly faced Jelly's question. Barbara was shocked at her statement while Applejack was blushing.

    "What do you mean?" Barbara giggled for a moment

    "I mean is Applejack your special somepony" Jelly smiled for a moment

    "Oh umm" Applejack and Barbara both said in union as they both giggled.

    "Well not really, he is my friend. Besides we aren't even the same species so being in that kind of relationship would be highly complicated" Barbara smiled putting her claw on Jelly's hair and pats it.

    This somewhat made Applejack sigh with sadness. He then lifted the two ponies on his back. "Okay, Bedtime for you two. Don't worry Barb, just wait outside while I get these troublemakers to bed"

    "ummm okay" Barbara waved as she walked outside.

    After putting Peanut on his bed, Applejack went to put Jelly on her bed. "So, is she your special somepony or special somedragon?"

    "You heard what she said, we are just friends" Applejack sighed

    "I have seen the way you looked at Barbara. That isn't a way a friend looks at another friend. That's the look of you are in love" Jelly smiled as she saw Applejack fluffing her pillow and puts it back on the bed.

    "How do you know that?" Applejack smirked

    "I see the Cakes have that same look when they came to bring us treats" Jelly smiled "I think you should tell her how you feel"

    "I can't" Applejack pulled the blanket on Jelly reach up as it covered her body.

    "Why not? Don't tell me it's because you two look different. There are many stories that tells of love between two species" Jelly said

    "Those stories are just fairy tales" Applejack said but calms down knowing Jelly was just a filly "Besides, Barbara and I are just friends"

    "Some friendships eventually turn into one of romance" Jelly grinned

    This halts Applejack for a moment as he shook his head. Then looks over to Peanut "Oh, maybe I should start planning for your date with Peanut"

    "Ewwwww Applejack….I don't like Peanut like that. He is my best friend. We would never start dating" Jelly couldn't bare the thought of her and Peanut being all lovey-dovey.

    "You never know what the future might hold" Applejack smiled as she tucked Jelly in as he walked out of the room.

    Jelly looked out seeing if Applejack left as she made her way to Peanut's bed as she gazes over him, not believe in Applejack's words of them being together. She closed her eyes imagining them together with their sandwich making business. She knew their future would be in that business. She shook her head denying herself that it was just a dream she had. She raced back to her bed using a tiny bit of magic to lift herself to the bed and eventually falls asleep.


    "Everything okay" Barbara smiled as she stood outside the door.

    "Yea, you know how mares are at that age. Just saying random things" Applejack smiled nervously "Let's get you home"

    "Oh, I talked to Dusk Shine today, he said it was cool for me to stay at the barn tonight" Barbara yawned

    "Oh he did?" Applejack lowered himself to allow Barbara to be on him.

    "Well, I just need some time to think for a while. So, let's held home and sleep in for the night" Barbara got on top of Applejack.

    Applejack smiled as he walked towards the apple farm. He felt that the dragon was already knocked out for the night as this brought a smile to his face feeling her sleeping on him. It was quite peaceful.

    Along the way, he viewed a particular direction in town. It was to Butterscotch's cottage. He missed the Pegasus and wonders when he, along with his friends, would see Butterscotch again.


    So, what did you think? Did you like it or hate it. Let me know in the comments.

    Well, originally I was going to set it up when Butterscotch and Eris were going for a swim, but I wanted to change it up a little bit. Also, I learned that a music room is often called a conservatory. I might be wrong though. I learned that from Luigi's Mansion.

    So, let's talk about the hardest part of this chapter, The backstory. I knew I wanted Eris's past to be different from Discord's, yet I couldn't find any way to avoid using the Audio Drama and Bride of Discord. Sorry about that. Anyways, I tried to make little touches here and there. I loved the part where Eris used her magic to temporary make parent clones to try to fill the void. I felt it would have been a touching scene if Discord did make that. Maybe it will appear in one of DF's story, but that's just me.

    I couldn't come up with a name for Starswirl the bearded, so I made up one. Plus, I wanted the inclusion of Starswirl to be a difference between mine and DF's story. Plus, I wanted to make my own spin on the story, but I am sure people will be mad that I added it to the story. I probably could have done without Starswirl, but it was an offer too good to pass up.

    Yea, I also played on the idea of Artemis's hair because it was such a strange look on Luna's appearance from Season 1 to her current look. So, I felt that those words were a little nod to it. Not saying I dislike it, but I can imagine Eris messing with Artemis here and there.

    Well, I think no matter whose version you read, you have to feel bad for Butterscotch or Fluttershy. I mean that was just cruel. There is no other way to describe how brutally cruel the Audio Drama was to Fluttershy's backstory. Curse you Bride of Discord Audio Drama and how through the voice actors/actresses, the background, and music was able to move me (About the same mood I felt when I watched one scene from Big Hero 6….not telling you guys which scene it was, but it was a sad scene)

    So, let's talk about the end of the chapter. Another Applebarb moment. You know for somepony that takes care of the Orphanage, we don't really get a lot of moments with the orphans in this story. My situation, make a scene with the orphans. Maybe DF will add this idea to her CMC: Next generation story. Would be an interesting chapter to talk about how orphans are perceived in the story. Hint hint wink wink. Also, did anyone get the reference of the story Barbara was telling. Seem familiar? You get Imaginary Christmas Cookies if you guys figure it out.

    So, you see the appearance of two OCs. Peanut and Jelly. So, you are wondering what the inspiration behind it was; just Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. That's the type of sandwich I haven't had in a long time. Maybe I should make it someday. Also, I just felt like experimenting with OCs.

    Overall, I thought Episode 9 of the Audio drama of Bride of Discord was great. Though I will have the "I DON'T LOVE HIM" stuck in my head as well. If you play it slowly you can actually pinpoint the moment where Discord's heart breaks apart and you can repeat over and over and over and over again. I know I am cruel like that.

    I can't wait to see Episode 10 in the future. Also, my hope for that episode is that DF and her fellow artists better have a cameo. Also, it's hard to tell who my favorite voice actor/actress for that Audio Drama is. It's a three way tie between Fluttershy's voice actress, Pinkie Pie's voice actress and Discord's voice actor. Though, if you have to ask me who I think has the best singing voice, it's the Applejack voice actress (BTW I already know DF 2364 does the voice of Rainbow Dash and Applejack's voice for the audio drama). Well I hope everyone tries their hardest on Episode 10, I would rather have an episode that is well done than a rushed episode that looks sloppy.

    Now, it's time to work on chapter 13. I am still having trouble on what dress I want Eris to wear. I want her to wear the golden dress, while the other half of my mind says give her a blue dress. I am still in debate about it. I am sure I will have a final decision when I finish writing that chapter.

    So, I wish every one of my bronies and Pegasisters, Happy Holidays and a Happy Hearth's Warming Eve. I think I will leave you all with a present of my own. My present will be a few lines of dialogue. I hope you enjoy this Christmas Present.


    "I'm not nuts! I'm Screwy! Cuz I'm Screwloose, the prince of Chaos! And you all made fun of me and hurt my friend! I shall have my revenge! REVENGE! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

    Well, I hope you like my Christmas gift.

    Well, until then my bronies and Pegasisters , Happy Holidays/ Hearths Warming Eve , and have a Happy New Year. Until next time, see you all later.

    Well, last chapter surprised me. I guess I shouldn't doubt myself when it comes to these chapters. So, let's see how this well goes well.

    In every single adaptation of Beauty in the Beast regardless of what version it is, I always look forward to the dancing scene. I am not sure why I look so forward to it. Even Bride of Discord does it so well, regardless if it was in the fanfic or audio drama. So, let's see how I do with this chapter. I know i have big shoes to fill. Luckily, i have fans behind me cheering me on.

    Also, by the time I publish this story it will be 2015 already. So, here's to everyone for this year and let's try our hardest.

    To the comments….

    Ria the Reaper: Thanks for having faith in me. I don't usually get as much as people would suspect. It's kind of my weakness.

    Disney Fanatic 2364: Thank you and i think your fans would enjoy that idea of yours.

    Misskoifishpony: Well, thank you and i am glad you are enjoying the story. I think i have made my choice of what dress i wanted to pick. I think that was the most stressful part of this chapter. Last chapter it was the backstory. Let's hope people enjoy this chapter.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the gender-swap ponies. I don't own the rights to My Little Pony. My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

    Chapter 13: The Date

    "Okay, the portal is ready" Eris used her magic to summon a portal

    The animals looked to the portal with fright and looked back at their owner Butterscotch, who was trying so hard not to cry. If Butterscotch had it his way, he would have wanted the animals to stay, but he knew setting them free was the right thing to do. The Pegasus couldn't bare the thought of seeing them sad any longer.

    "Okay, you are all free to go now" Butterscotch stood his ground.

    There was much disagreement among the animals upon if they should leave or stay. The group of animals had the common ground of Butterscotch's well being to consider. However, they feared the Draconequus as well; additionally they also had loved ones on the other side of the portal to consider.

    "It's okay, I will be just fine" Butterscotch pointed his shaking hoof trying hard to fake a smile. He hoped that his little white lie would convince the animals that he was alright.

    One by one some of the animals were going inside the portal. Butterscotch couldn't bare to watch anymore. He flew to a nearby tree and started to sob like a rain cloud.

    Eris hated to see Butterscotch act this way. Eris patted his shoulder in comfort. It was the bravest moment seeing Butterscotch sacrifice his happiness for his animals.

    "It's okay Butterscotch." Eris offered her arms to comfort the stallion. "That is the bravest thing i have ever seen you do."

    Suddenly, Eris turned around and raised a brow "What's this"

    Butterscotch slowly turned his head to see that Angela bunny had stuck around and also saw that a handful of animals remained. The sadness in Butterscotch diminished and turned to a soft smile.

    "Wait, why didn't you go into the portal?" Butterscotch curiously stepped forward feeling his spirits had been lifted

    The animals roared as a group (Translation: We are not going anywhere)

    The Pegasus hugged them as Eris felt a hint of relief that Butterscotch was happy. Suddenly, Eris was pulled into the hug by Butterscotch. Eris looked nervously seeing all the animals were staring at her with great disdain.

    "WHY WHY WHY" Eris kept pulling her hair and growls into a pillow. Butterscotch in turn stood there staring at the goddess of chaos feeling a bit sad of his recent answer.

    "I am sorry Eris, but I don't feel that way about you yet" Butterscotch looked down.

    "Really, because it seems every time you do this, you enjoy saying no to me. It's like a little game. The game called how angry can I make the goddess of chaos today" Eris morphed her face into Butterscotch's mocking his attempts of saying no.

    "Eris, I am sorry. I don't mean to hurt you like this, but do you think it's easy for me to say no. I just haven't figured everything out" Butterscotch told her

    "What is there to figure out? DO…YOU…LOVE…ME. It's not that complex." Eris said slow enough for Butterscotch to understand her.

    "Well, it's not that simple either. You can't just fall in love with someone you first meet. Love takes time to develop. I think I just need more time to think about this a bit more" Butterscotch felt very troubled.

    Eris sat down next to the Pegasus as she tried to think of a way to win over the Pegasus. There had to be something that would persuaded the Pegasus. She thought maybe she would control him.

    No, Eris thought It would be too easy to do it if i just made him love me like that.

    Suddenly, a thought crashed onto Eris like a plant pot crashing onto her head. This idea made her grin at the Pegasus, who was trying to determine why she was smiling at him like that.

    "How about tonight we have dinner outside" Eris looked at him.

    "You mean in Ponyville" Butterscotch said getting his hopes up.

    "No" She said as she saw the smile vanish from his face "But, instead of eating inside we can eat outside. Think of it as a date"

    "I would love to have dinner with you, tonight." Butterscotch looked up to the draconequus feeling hopeful about the date.

    Eris widens her smile as she leaned towards him "Really!"

    "I mean ummmm really, you would go with me?" Eris continued as she coughed to remain her composure.

    "Sure, I mean it is just a date right? What could go wrong?" Butterscotch grinned

    "Well, I will set everything up" Eris said enthusiastically as she teleports out of the room to commence her happy dance.

    "Okay Eris, you can do this. This is the hardest mission you have ever done in your life. You want to show that stallion that you are going to have a great time. I just really wish I didn't have to wear a dress"

    Eris was in front of her closet staring it over. She hesitated upon opening the doors. She detested wearing dresses. They were too silly and too filly for her tastes. they were as constricting as a boa constrictor and hard to get out of. She would rather die than to put one on. She however couldn't resist it anymore as she wanted to show Butterscotch the time of his life. Even if it means putting on something she would burn later on.

    "Okay, this is for Butterscotch" Eris said and pulled open her closet as a million dresses were soaring around her. the draconequus knew she had to pick a dress for her date tonight.

    "Okay let's get this started, but I think I need to know what to do on a date. I haven't been in one since Morphy… ARGGGGHHHHHH No, I am not going to think of that" Eris said wrestling with her emotions.

    She snapped her finger summoning a portal that only viewed various couples in Ponyville. The one she stops at was her usual viewing of Macreina and Cherryloo. Eris wanted to see how their relationship was like.

    "How does she do it? She barely speaks a word and he just eats it all up like cake. While I try to court a Pegasus who is 'friend zoning' me." Eris groaned tapping her foot watching the two as her dresses tries to figure out a right dress for the date.

    "Yup" Macreina passed an apple to Cherryloo's hoof

    "Oh an Apple, how did you know what my favorite food was" Cherryloo hugged Macreina and kisses her as a thank you.

    Eris growled as she snapped her finger to make the portal disappear. She found her first dress was a flowery green dress.

    "This one is too Equestria Day-ish" Eris tosses the dress to find another one. Her second choice was a white dress. The diamonds were so shiny that Eris had to shield her eyes from the brightness.

    "O goodness this is too bright. I want to win Butterscotch over, not blind him to death. Another choice"

    Her third and fourth option led her to declaring they were either too heavy or too light for her tastes. She snapped her finger to the fifth choice.

    One after another Eris kept tossing the dresses. "This one is too pink. This one isn't pink enough. This one is too sexy on me. This one isn't too sexy on me enough. This one makes me look fat. This one makes me want to puke. This one is too horrible for me to wear. Why do these ponies make such horrible dresses. Horrible! Dreadful! Out of Date!"

    Eris suddenly had her hands on a blue dress that looked sensational. "O my goodness this dress feels so good"

    The draconequus spun around as she wore the dress and viewed a mirror. She flirted with herself. "This dress is so amazing and it fits me just fine. I never understood my hatred for dresses before this dress"

    "This dress feels just right for me. It will be enough to win over Butterscotch. So sophisticated….so classy….so sexy…..So…" Eris spoke before she spotted a tag on the dress that was the price tag of one million bits. Her calm words soon turned to yelling "….Not even if I was the richest mare in the world"

    Eris clapped her hands making every single dress disappear. "Oh come on. How hard is it to find one dress? I just need one dress to impress Butterscotch. There has to be at least one dress in this world that will win his heart"

    Suddenly, a dress appeared behind Eris. She slowly turned seeing the dress in plain sight.

    The mistress of all things chaos finally saw the dress that was picked out. One of her eyes twitched as she wasn't sure what to make of the dress. "Oh you have got to be kidding me"

    The goddess of Chaos saw a golden dress flowing down. "Out of all these dresses, you had to pick the most dreadful one"

    Eris pulled the dress to the side as if it had bad odor. "Isn't there another dress I can pick? Oh what about this blue one" she was about to pick it up but most of the dresses disappeared "Okay fine. I will wear this dress. Hopefully my wedding comes soon, because I am sick of dresses"

    The draconequus knew that she cared for Butterscotch a lot more than her disdain for dresses. "Well, I guess I should get ready. Ready or not here I come, Butters"

    "Maybe this one. No no, maybe that one" Butterscotch looked over the suits and tuxedos trying to find a suitable one for his date tonight.

    Angela shook her head and jumped from the bed into his path. Butterscotch could tell what she was saying from her expression. "Why are you even getting dressed up for that thing?

    "Well, she is trying to impress me. It's only fair that I pull the same effort. Besides if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't see you. So I am grateful for that" Butterscotch moved past Angela and goes to pick out a tux.

    Angela moved to the nightstand and glared "If it wasn't for HER, you wouldn't be here either"

    "Well, I am staying here with her whether I am married to her or not. So, the least I can do is try to love her. Who knows what the future might hold" Butterscotch faced Angela and then moved back "I would like your help, if you don't mind"

    Angela huffed as she buried herself in the closet trying to find a suitable tux.

    Eris knew it was usually the stallion that would greet the mare at the door, but Eris wasn't known for making sense. She views herself in the hallway mirror as she made sure her dress was proper and clean as a whistle. She fixed her hair as she made sure her hair didn't cover her eyes. She has been doing that a lot lately now with Butterscotch and her becoming great friends. She just needed a little push to convince him to say yes to her proposal.

    "Eris, you can do this. You are going to show that stallion the time of his life and hopefully by the end of the night he will see you for more than just a friend" she said with confidence.

    She knocked on the door but noticed it was opened and floated inside looking around for the stallion. "Butterscotch where are you?" Eris worried that she might have gone overboard with asking him out on a date.

    "Oh no, maybe i pushed this date thing a bit too hard. Eris you are a fool to think he would even consider dressing up for this date" Eris crossed her arms In her strains of worries, she jumped when a hoof poked her shoulder. She turned around viewing the stallion in question as her mouth dropped.

    Butterscotch wore a tuxedo that rivaled his outfit at the Gala. The eyes of the draconequus followed Butter's body as he looked simply perfect. His mane was fixed up but still looked like the same hairdo he usually wore. She stood there unable to think properly. If she could stare at one thing for a thousand years it would be Butterscotch in that tux.

    The Pegasus folded his wings to land down as he looked up at Eris noticing her beauty right away. "You look really alluring tonight Eris"

    Eris shook her head to snap out of it and looked down at the Pegasus. "Yea, you look rather unique tonight Butterscotch"

    "I got you some flowers" Butterscotch handed her some roses with his hooves and gave it to her.

    "Thank you, they are lovely" Eris grinned.

    The two stood there for what was five minutes until Butterscotch cough on his hoof to break the silence "I think we should go, we don't want to be late"

    "Yea, you are right" She held him in her arms and snapped her finger to place them outside near the Gazebo.

    Butterscotch flew down as he tried to hold his head. Often when Eris teleported them, Butterscotch would become dizzy and would need a minute to recover. Eris held her arms to offer him her balance.

    "Well, we are here. Be careful now" Eris sat down across from the Pegasus and smiled. She used her magic to summon two bowls of salad and some chocolate milk for something to drink.

    "Eris, you're having the same thing as me?" Butterscotch tilted his head.

    "I figure I would try something new for tonight" Eris winked as she tried to eat the salad with Butterscotch.

    "It's okay, you don't have to try it if you don't like it" Butterscotch smiled feeling a bit flattered.

    "It's fine, plus I will be eating it in front of a stallion that i like" Eris giggled while attempting to eat the salad. She crinned while eating each portion of the salad.

    How can he eat this stuff? Eris thought as she tried to stomach the salad. She faked a smile hoping he would buy her attempts of eating the salad.

    Suddenly, a roar came from the woods. Eris picked up the noise that was made. She figured it must have been a Timberwolf passing through. When she looked back to Butterscotch, he was gone. It didn't take too long to see him shivering and hanging on to a table leg. Eris scooped him up and smiled.

    "It's okay Butterscotch, I am scarier than anything in this forest" Eris moved a bit of hair out of his face.

    "Thank you for reassuring me Eris" Butterscotch giggled as he goes back to eating the food Eris put in front of him. "The night really is beautiful tonight"

    "Yes it is. I am quite curious and quite brave of you that you came to me instead of any other stallion" Eris smiled as she twirled her eagle finger into the chocolate milk.

    "Oh….ummm it was the princes and that….My friends were volunteering left and right and I knew I would feel horrible if any one of them left. Each one of them had something to lose if one of them had gone to you. I was the only one who didn't have much to value, so I stepped up." Butterscotch felt she mentioned this out of nowhere.

    "You are the bravest stallion I have ever met" Eris smiled

    The two sat and ate for a little while before Eris spoke up.

    "Why don't we dance to the music in the moonlight" Eris snapped her finger summoning a violin that started to play some music by itself. "Ah they are playing our song"

    Butterscotch felt a bit suspicious from the dinner outside of the castle to the music that was playing the same song he sung at the Gala. However, Butterscotch decided to play along "I would love to dance with you"

    The two set off to dance as Butterscotch put one hoof on Eris's waist while the other was on her hand. She soon noticed the rose that Butterscotch put in her hair before they went to dinner. She looked deeply in his eyes and giggled.

    The two lovers were dancing as swift as a wave on the beach. Butterscotch looked away feeling embarrassed. Yet, Butterscotch felt he should face her. He made sure to pick up on whatever she was up to.

    Meanwhile, soaring in the sky was the prince of the night. Artemis was exploring the night sky seeing many mares and colts enjoying the night sky. This brought a smile to the alicorn's face. It wasn't often that he got to enjoy the company of his subjects. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Artemis often visited the cottage of the colt that sacrificed his life for the sake of Equestria. He looked at it like it was a gravestone of one of his fallen soldiers. Artemis felt sorry for Butterscotch being tormented by that creature. Oh what he could be going through right at this minute.

    His eyes then took a particular look of something that peeked his interest. It was a couple that was dancing near a gazebo. "Ah I see a lovely young couple are enjoying my night sky….Wait is that… Eris and Butterscotch? Eris is using her magic outside of her castle borders. This is breaking the rules of the agreement. This is my chance to act and save the Pegasus" Artemis declared as he soared to the couple.

    "Wait a minute" Artemis halted himself seeing Butterscotch wasn't scared or trying to fly away from Eris "Why isn't he fighting back?"

    The alicorn was most confused as he noticed that instead of fighting the draconequus, Butterscotch was holding her and …smiling. Artemis needed a closer look. This didn't make any sense to him. So, he flew into the bushes that was near the gazebo and stared intensely at the couple.

    Eris tried to get a grip on the stallion, but he was smaller than she was. She found the solution of her predicament by shrinking herself by a little bit. When she made her change it was much easier for them to dance and to move closer to her.

    "Eris, when did you learn to dance like this" Butterscotch noticed the dance was a waltz

    "You can be surprised what watching ponies can teach you" Eris gazes at his eyes

    "Eris I don't….."Butterscotch spoke

    Eris covered his mouth with one finger "No more questions, let's just enjoy this beautiful night"

    Artemis wiggled his eyes with his hooves. There were two impossible things broken by Eris this night. How the mistress of all things Chaos could waltz. The other was how she could get out a compliment, especially if it was about his nights. He remembered the times Eris was cruel to him.

    "Solaris you must do something about Eris" Artemis growled. "I caught her sleeping on my bed again and look what she has done to my hair"

    Solaris looked at his brother. The hair of his brother matched his night sky. Solaris grinned and held back a laugh "I will speak with her in a moment, but your hair does look nicer like that. It definitely reflects on your nights most neatly"

    Artemis looks at his hair, which looked like the night time sky. Solaris turned it back to normal as Artemis looked at his aqua blue hair.

    "I guess it does look good" Artemis smiled


    "ERIS, GET OUT OF MY ROOM" Artemis roared seeing the draconequus going into his room

    Artemis returned to reality as he looked upon the couple once more. Why was Butterscotch so calm? Artemis tried to check if there were any enchantments or if Butterscotch was brainwashed by Eris, yet Butterscotch was completely normal.

    He then looked to Eris. His eyes saw how completely different the draconequus was. She was speaking in a soft voice, her eyes kept looking at the Pegasus, and the fact she wore a dress. Artemis knew Eris hated dresses. Artemis and Solaris once had to save a fashion hall from Eris's wrath on dresses. This was not the same draconequus he helped turn to stone.

    It had to be a trick, a trap, a plot to trick Butterscotch into lowering his defenses in order for her to seduce him. It had to be it!

    Artemis soon noticed that Butterscotch was blushing when Eris laid her head on him. The alicorn noticed Eris's stare at the Pegasus. He knew this stare too well. He often saw this look whenever a mare or a stallion was in love.

    "It couldn't be. Is Eris in …..lov….. no no that is impossible" the prince of the night thought "no creature can change. Eris is still wicked and cruel. She will never change her ways"

    However, Artemis didn't want to judge Eris so hastily. He, of all people, would know what it is like. Artemis viewed the couple and understood the situation.

    'So, that is why you wanted a bride?' Artemis soon realized the draconequus's feelings.

    She was alone most of her life. Butterscotch spending nearly a month with her must have hit a powerful note in her cord. Artemis heard the song ending and saw a rock bench was summoned in front of his hiding spot. He didn't want to get caught so he teleported out of area.

    "Oh that was a wonderful dance" Eris smiled as she sat down resting her aching feet

    "It was….umm what are you staring at" Butterscotch looks up seeing her staring at him dreamily

    "Oh, I was noticing how handsome you looked in the moonlight. It does bring out the best in you" Eris snapped back at him.

    "Is looks all that matter to you?" Butterscotch said "Don't get me wrong I am flattered that you think I look handsome, but is that the Only reason you like me."

    "Oh, dear Solaris no Butterscotch. It's not just how you look Butterscotch" Eris glances over him and lists off using her fingers. "You are brave, intelligent, you speak your mind, you have a lovely singing voice, self-less, kind, gentle, your stare turns me on….."

    "What?" Butterscotch quickly turned to Eris

    "Ignore the last part, but I love all those qualities about you. I love you more than looks" she rubbed his mane feeling how soft it was. The draconequus's eyes were closed for a moment before seeing how close they were and she moved back a little bit.

    She rubbed her dress a little while watching him tug on his suit. Eris cupped her eagle claw into a fist and coughed into it to break the silence.

    "Butterscotch, do you mind if I ask you a question? It's not the usual question" Eris preparing herself for the worst. It was a make it or break it moment for her. She twiddles her thumbs and looks at Butterscotch.

    "Sure" Butterscotch moved a tiny bit closer to her. His curiosity was getting the best of him.

    "Can I kiss you" Eris blushed as she rubbed her neck feeling a bit nervous "I mean I know it is asking too much and I know we are on this date and I know we are just friends and …"

    Butterscotch heard her going on and on as he smirked and nods "Okay"

    "….and I am not sure if I would be able to handle…..what did you say?" Eris stopped her monologuing to hear Butterscotch's words more clearly.

    "I want to kiss you" Butterscotch flew up as he smiled at the goddess of Chaos.

    "Oh okay" Eris's hope rose as she turned to Butterscotch and faced him. Her cheeks were burning up. She didn't think she would get the chance to kiss him. Yet, she wasn't going to waste this one possible chance of moving forward with Butterscotch.

    As the couple leaned in, Eris couldn't help feeling nervous. She wasn't sure how he would react or how the kiss would impact the future. Would the kiss change things between the two? Would he finally say yes to her? Would he get married and start a family. Thoughts were racing with possibilities for Eris. However, her mind also thought of the possibility of him hating her. When they finally kissed, Eris's heart skipped a beat. It was silence and the only feeling she had was directed at Butterscotch's lips. She cupped her hands on his cheeks. The kiss lasted for a few minutes.

    Eris wasn't sure what to make of the kiss. At first, Eris didn't feel much change. However, when the kiss got deeper, Eris could feel her whole world spinning. She looked at the Pegasus seeing his eyes were closed as she wanted to know what he was thinking. The kiss was as pure as clear water and tasted ten times better than chocolate milk. Eris couldn't believe such a moment was happening to her. She looked at him seeing the kiss was still going on. Eris felt her heart was racing. Sweat beat down from the sides of her face. Her cheeks were burning up seeing the contact he was giving her. She gazes at the Pegasus wondering who was going to stop the kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, the couple both backed out slowly from their faces and looked at the other.

    "That was….." Eris said slowly staring at Butterscotch

    "…Interesting" Butterscotch finished as he slowly looked at her.

    It was silence as a whisper as Eris faced the Pegasus once more. "How about another dance, my love"

    "Nothing would make me happier" Butterscotch smiled

    The couple danced to a couple of songs until the moon shifted from one part of the sky to another. Eris saw how late it was getting and heard the yawns of Butterscotch. She knew it was time to cut things short.

    "I am so tired. Can we go home now?" Butterscotch tried to fight off the fatigue

    Eris's heart was affect by Butterscotch calling the castle their home. She scooped him up and teleported them to the front of his bedroom.

    "Do you want me to tuck you in?" Eris stepped forward

    "No thanks, I think I am good" Butterscotch held his hoof out. He saw her concerns with him. "It was a nice gesture though"

    Eris turned around, but not before receiving a kiss on her cheek from the Pegasus. Eris was completely unprepared for the second kiss of the night. She looked at Butterscotch, who smiled back at her.

    She saw the door had closed the door to Butterscotch's room and jumped up in the air doing a victory dance for her successful date with the stallion.

    "Oh YESSSSSS!"

    She teleported to her room and glanced down at her dress.

    "You did okay for the night. You get to be worn for another day." She snapped her finger making it disappear and jumped on her bed holding herself in her arms. She thought about ever part of that night. Soon that colt would be hers and that her happiness was just the beginning.

    "That date went swimmingly than i hoped. I didn't think i could have so much fun or even be enchanted and swept off my feet like that. I can see myself now being told that he wants to marry me. Counting down the days until we are bound by holy matrimony. Him holding me in his hooves like a gentlecolt that he is. Living here with him in this castle and occasionally going on dates and honey moons until the day i have his foals. The little foals playing in the field while we overlook a magnificent sunset. Telling that he loves me and..."

    Eris rose from her bed.

    "Oh no" Reality soon was smacking Eris in the face. "I am falling in love with him"

    AHHHHHHHH, Eris is finally falling in love with Butterscotch. Finally!

    So, what did you think of this chapter? Did you like it or hate it? Voice your opinions to me.

    It's sad that Bride of Discord audio drama is going to end soon. It was so interesting. Well, it's time to not dwell on things forever. I hope when DF does get back to doing Audio dramas. I hope that the Discord Dating Game does get adapted. Oh and Love you to the core. That one was interesting as a story.

    Anyways i have not much to say here. Also, i saw Mr. Peabody and Sherman last night. It was a great film. I asked for it for Christmas because i never got the chance to see it in the theater. Besides i was a fan of Peabody's Improbable History when i was little.

    Anyways, so i hope to get to wrote on chapters 14 and 15 together. If anyone wanted to know what are my favorite chapters of Bride of Discord. It is those two chapters. Not going to mention why though. I will save that for next chapter. So, i will have big shoes to fill when i finish that chapter.

    *the Writer smells smoke from incoming torches that was miles away*

    Me: Why do i get the sense of impending doom for me? I am probably just over-thinking things again. So, to all my Bronies and Pegasisters, Until next chapter. SEE YOU ALL LATER.

    Welcome back my adoring fans. How I have missed you guys. Anyways, you didn't think I wouldn't post another chapter on the month of love did you? Well, I thought I might tell you guys that I will be posting just this chapter and then after I have updated my other stories, I will come back to finish this story up.

    The special announcement on the future of Groom of Eris will be coming soon. I am still deciding on what to do. So, I hope you guys have enjoyed your wait for Groom of Eris chapter 14, but its here now. Other announcements will be at the bottom of this chapter so enjoy your read.

    Misskoifishpony: I felt people would pick up on Eris's dress scene. I wanted to make it different but I don't know how to change it up. I know it's sad that BOD audio drama is ending but, I also hope DF does the Discord Dating Game when she decides to do audio dramaing after her break (When she decides to do some Audio dramas that is. Don't worry DF no rush or stress). Thanks for the mentions on my series of one shots.

    Snowfrost:Thank you for you comment Snowfrost. I wasn't completely into Genderbend stories, but the idea of this story made me like it a little bit.

    Dragones: I never had a Tiki party before, but thank you. Eris's cotton socks? I find that so weird, yet so funny as well.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the gender-swap ponies. I don't own the rights to My Little Pony. My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

    Chapter 14: The Visit

    "no….no….no no….no no no Butterscotch come back to me. Pleases don't leave me here alone. Butterscotch I am so sorry" Eris murmured in her sleep.

    Her dreams became worst and worst as if she was reliving a painful memory.

    "Butterscotch, I love you…Butterscotch no I am sorry….BUTTERSCOTCH" Eris rose up from her dreams as he tears came pouring out of nowhere.

    The draconequus huddled her body to herself shaking in fear of her recent dream. She looked at her lion paw and hid it away from her sight. What she did in her dreams haunt her. She knew it was just a dream but much like other dreams she had, they kept coming true. The goddess of Chaos stood from her bed and slithered out of the room.

    Butterscotch wasn't sure why today was different. He stumped out of bed with a concerned look on his face. He scouted the window viewing what a beautiful day it was outside. He could tell today would be a great day, yet he felt the sense of doom that the day could hold.

    "Happy Birthday Butterscotch" Eris suddenly appeared holding a birthday cake out in front of the Pegasus.

    "Morning Eris" Butterscotch moved forward seeing a cake and shook his head "It's too early for cake"

    "There is no such thing as 'too early for cak'," Eris giggled holding the cake out.

    "Maybe later, I don't want to get an upset stomach" Butterscotch patted his growling stomach. He really wanted a slice of cake, yet he wanted to wait a little while longer.

    "Well I guess you are right" Eris made the cake disappear and snapped her fingers "I think this calls for a change of scenery"

    The two of them suddenly found themselves in the gazebo where breakfast was waiting for them. Eris sat down on one side and Butterscotch at the other side.

    "Well, today is going to be a fun day, I have all sorts of fun events plans for what we can do for your birthday" Eris summoning a list of things they could do today. She went down the list telling him of what they were going to do for his big day. However, the draconequus soon noticed the sadness in the Pegasi eyes. She felt very insensitive of his emotions. This was his birthday. Why was she the one in charge of what they should do? She burns the list and gazed her eyes upon him. "But, since it's your day, why don't you decide what we should do?"

    "Well…"Butterscotch looked away looking at the clouds in the sky. He sighed as he noticed the cloud had formed into the shape of his friends. Butterscotch missed them terribly and hoped that they would join him on his birthday, yet he stared at Eris knowing fully well that he wouldn't get his way. Even if that was his birthday wish.

    "Wait, I forgot your gift hang on" Eris disappeared to grab the gift that she wanted to give him.

    Butterscotch looked away for a few seconds viewing the Everfree forest and sighed in disappointment.

    "Okay, here you go" Eris teleported back as she put something around Butterscotch's neck.

    "What's this" Butterscotch asked as he looked at the ring

    "Oh just a little something for my love" The draconequus summoned a magnify glass to have Butterscotch view the inside.

    "Regardless of the moments that we are apart, I love you with all of my heart" Butterscotch reads the inscription on the ring and his eyes lingered towards the very being that made it for him.

    "Wow, Eris I am not sure what to say" Butterscotch felt really flattered by Eris's gesture

    "Say you love me" Eris didn't realize what she said out loud.

    "What?" Butterscotch was looking at her wondering what she just said.

    "I mean blow out the candles and make a wish" Eris summoned a cake to break the conversation they were going to have.

    'Nice save' she told herself.

    "Any wish I desire?" this caught the Pegasi's ears.

    "Any wish, I shall grant it for you, no questions asked." Eris smiles presenting the cake for Butterscotch

    As soon as Butterscotch blew out the candles of the carrot cake, Eris was magically cutting it "So, what did you wish for?"

    "I wish to see my friends" Butterscotch looked at Eris.

    As Butterscotch expected, Eris wasn't too happy with his request. She heard his request, but she was afraid. Afraid of what his friends might do. They might take him away from her. She wouldn't let that happen. She enjoyed the times with him. To suddenly have that taken away was too soul crushing for the being of Chaos to bear. "Ummm….Butterscotch dear, we have talked about this"

    "No, we have not and I think we should talk about it" Butterscotch stood from his chair.

    "You know why I can't risk your friends coming in here" Eris tried to reason with him.

    "Well I want to see them. Didn't you promise me that you would get me whatever I wanted? Why won't you let me see them?" Butterscotch cried

    "Yes I promised that but, it's complicated" sweat started to beat down from Eris's hair.

    "Well uncomplicated it, I really want to see my friends" Butterscotch stomped his hoof on the table.

    "Isn't there anything else I can get you? A necklace, another animal, a ring that doesn't match your eyes?"

    "I want to see my friends. Bottom line. End of story. Nothing more and nothing less" Butterscotch stood adamant towards her.

    "Dear, they have probably forgotten about you"

    "How could you say that" Butterscotch feeling hurt by the statement Eris gave out.

    "Well, not you…But I have no doubt that they have forgotten all about you due to their own memories" Eris kneeled to where he was.

    "You promised that you would grant my wish" Butterscotch scowled

    "Well, you technically didn't get it in writing" Eris cringed for the moment

    "Writing?! If you can't keep your promises then you are no friend of mine" Butterscotch turned away from Eris

    "But honey" Eris begged

    "Then let me see my friends" Butterscotch turns his head to her "I just want to see them for one day and then I will come right back to you. You can trust me"

    "You I trust, it's your friends on the other hand…."

    "Why can't you trust them? Isn't there anyway I can see my friends" Butterscotch wasn't sure what to do at this point as it seemed like a tennis match between them. The ball of their argument kept swinging back and forth. It was a matter of time where one of them was going to lose. Butterscotch didn't want to let his guard down. He knew he needed a bargaining chip in order to convince her. He only knew of one, but what would happen if he threw it on the table.

    "No there is not" Eris crossed her arms and looked away.

    Butterscotch looked around. He needed to convince Eris to allow his friends to come over. Bubbleberry would have been the most upset seeing that Bubbleberry had been planning and celebrating his parties for years and years. The Pegasus knew that he had to make a sacrifice. An idea shattered his brain like rock on a light bulb.

    "If my friends can't come, who I will get to my groomsman" Butterscotch offered his hoof.

    The ears of Eris perked up. She turned around hearing what he had to say. "Coming again?"

    "Well we will need ring bearers and I did promised Applebuck, Sweepy Belle and Scootaroll they would be my ring bearers for my wedding. I promised Barbara to be a flower dragoness. We will also need somepony with authority and the power to marry us. Dusk Shine could be that one to marry us"

    "Woah, hold the phone, don't speak much more than you have to. " Eris was trying to process what the stallion was saying "Are you trying to suggest that…."

    Butterscotch held a breath and released it slowly. There was no way out of it. He was throwing his offer on the table. "If you allow my friends to come over for my birthday, then I will marry you. You can plan whatever day you wish the wedding to take place. I will not argue with you this time. I will marry you, Eris."

    "I can't believe it. OH GOODNESS" She lifted him up in the air spinning around in a circle as she was very energetic hearing the words of Butterscotch.

    "Okay, how does the wedding being tomorrow sound" Eris grinned

    "Tommorow!" Butterscotch was shocked of how early she wanted the wedding "but…"

    "Ah ah ah" Eris waved her finger "You said you wouldn't fight about it"

    "Right" Butterscotch sighed "Fine"

    "Yes, Okay you have made me the happiest Draconequus ever. I wonder what my dress would look like"

    "Eris, my friends?" Butterscotch shook his head

    "Oh right…" Eris grinned

    "WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Bubbleberry was pouring tears into his pillow. The pillow that Bubbleberry was crying in started to soak in tears that it formed two streams that were floating down the stairs making it into a waterfall.

    "How long has he been like this" Elusive asked

    "Only a couple of weeks"Scootaroll answered "and it's starting to attract wildlife"

    A couple of squirrels were using the tears for their waterfall riding contest. A fish that floated down the waterfall hit Scootaroll in the face with his fin. "Hey"

    "Well, he isn't alone on that one" Applejack looked towards Duskshine, who was staring into the book that Barbara was holding up. All of the stallions in the room were away from Dusk Shine due to his foul odor.

    "Yea, I was lucky to get him out of the house" Barbara said revealing her face behind the book

    "Must…..fine…..way…to save…..Buttershy" Duskshine drifted between falling asleep and waking up.

    "Oh man he is sounding so sleep deprived that he is slowly forgetting Butterscotch's name" Rainbow Blitz feared

    "there there it's okay Bubble" Sweepbelle said comforting the crying earth pony on the bed.

    "Wait, it's today's Butterscotch's birthday" Applebuck realized the importance of today. The young farm stallion soon saw how clearly labeled Butterscotch's birthday was on Bubbleberry's calendar.

    Bubbleberry had stopped crying for the moment, but started up his crying again when he heard Butterscotch's birthday was today. Most of the colt and Barbara, excluding Dusk Shine and Bubbleberry were glaring at Applebuck, who merely lowered his head.


    Barbara suddenly put the book down as she held her stomach fearing something was going to come out.

    "Hit the deck" Applebuck cried out as he pointed at Barbara.

    The dragon burped up a scroll as Duskshine immediately took action.

    "Let me read that Barb" Duskshine opened the scroll with his magic. The others excluding Bubbleberry were trying to read the note.

    "It says that we are invited to the birthday party of…." Duskshine tried to read the scroll.

    "Wait, the party is at Eris's castle" Applejack relieve that they might see Butterscotch again.

    "How in Equestria are we suppose to get there when the party is starting" Rainbow Blitz stared at them.

    Suddenly, the friends found the background changing. Instead of them being at Bubbleberry's house, they were high in the sky overlooking a dark castle with checkerboard grass. Everypony was questioning how they got there or where they were.

    Sweepy Belle overlooked the ground seeing that the ground of Eris's castle was lifted high in the sky. The colt almost fell over the each as the poor colt didn't notice a piece of the ground was shaking right under him.

    "AHHHHHHH" Sweepy Bell said

    "I got you" Scootaroll caught his friend's tail before he could fall.

    "Thanks" Sweepy said with gratitude

    "Where are we" Barbara felt unfamiliar of the location they were in. She view the surrounding area

    "This must look like Eris's place" Applejack said

    "That does explain a lot. It doesn't make a lot of sense if you ask me" Elusive nauseously told the group.

    "I am the goddess of disharmony, what did you expect? I am sorry my tastes aren't as high classed as yours" Eris crossed her arms feeling hurt over Elusive's comment

    The group suddenly faced their attention to the goddess of Chaos. Everypony was prepared for the fight they could have.

    "Where is Butterscotch you jerk?" Rainbow Blitz darted his eyes in the face of the draconequus.

    "If that is the way you are going to behave, then I might as well not let you see him"

    "What" Blitz felt confused?

    "Didn't you get the invite" Eris showed them the scroll

    "I will take this" Bubbleberry swapped a bubble blower for the note as he goes to read it.

    "Yada yada you are invited…..yada yada …To the awesome castle of Eris yada yada yada…Cake, ice cream, lots of good fun yada yada yada Birthday party of Butterscotch" Bubbleberry grinned as his hair magically returned to normal as he screams "BIRTHDAY PARTY"

    Bubbleberry zoomed inside the house.

    "Wait you can't just….."Eris attempted to chase after the energetic colt. "Ugghhh yes, let's have all of you just waltz in there without me knowing it"

    The goddess of chaos opened her eyes seeing that the group of colts and Barbara were heading inside the house. "I WAS JUST KIDDING"

    "Eris" Butterscotch poked his head into the hallway. "Are they…"

    "BUTTERSCOTCH" Bubbleberry hugged the Pegasus tight. It was hard for Butterscotch to talk. Bubble's hugs were tight as a boa constrictor.

    The other came by and tackled Butterscotch and Bubbleberry in a group hug.

    "Oh my goodness it's so good to see you all again" Butterscotch smiled seeing his friends were greeting him.

    "I thought I was never going to see you again. I was crying like a flood. I mean I was crying a lot lately and even today since it's your birthday"

    "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY" the pink colt stood up. With his quick thinking he got out his infamous party cannon. He quickly put a blindfold on Butterscotch and started to fire upon the draconequus's living room.

    "Wait why do I have to?" Butterscotch said knowing his question would be ignored by Bubbleberry

    Eris managed to fly into the house, but suddenly ducked when a stream of confetti was flying towards her head. She ducked like a turtle and darted her eyes to the party planning colt. "Will you watch how you aim that thing? By the way, how did you even get that thing in here? You weren't even carrying it with you."

    "Opps sorry" Bubbleberry giggled. He fired the cannon a few more times before he took off the blindfold off Butterscotch. "I never leave home without my party cannon"

    "Let's par-ty" Bubbleberry announced.

    However, before anypony could start dancing, the group of colts started to bombard the poor birthday colt with questions.

    "It's been far too long, Butterscotch. Are you alright? Has that beast done any harm to you" Elusive checked his friend's wellbeing.

    "How are the animals doing?" Applejack asked

    "Eris seems different, have you used the stare on her" Scootaroll looked at Butterscotch

    "How do you not get dizzy?" Rainbow Blitz flew down to stop his head from spinning.

    "Are you two married?" Sweepy Belle judging the ring on the colt's neck

    "Does she make it rain chocolate milk every day" Bubbleberry giggled

    "Guys, give the colt some space" Dusk Shine smiled "It doesn't matter anymore. This is Butterscotch's birthday, so let's enjoy the moment as best as we can"

    Butterscotch summed their questions up "Eris hasn't hurt me at all. She and I aren't married yet. She has been very…..sweet to me"

    "Oh you have got to be kidding me" Rainbow Blitz facehoofed himself

    "Eris brought you guys to see me. Be grateful of that" Butterscotch looked to Blitz.

    "Well, I guess you are right" Blitz didn't like what his friend was telling him.

    The alicorn started to awkwardly dance, which many of them watched him do for a while. Butterscotch received updates on how everypony was doing in their lives.

    The first was Rainbow Blitz, who had told Butterscotch about his dates with Sora of the Wonderbolts. Blitz finally saw how cool Sora had become.

    "I mean Sora is a cool Pegasus at all. I just never discovered a mare that likes Daring Dude at all. Plus, I let her win at air hockey" Blitz blushed

    "I see" Butterscotch smiled upon hearing about his little white lie. "So, is she your special somepony yet?"

    "It's still kind of early to tell" Rainbow Blitz lowered his head and rubbed his hoof. Everypony knew that he was blushing.

    "Well" Elusive interjected "I have been spending time with Regal Splendor and I think she fancies me quite fondly"

    "Ummm Elusive what about Barbara" Applejack asked suddenly

    "What about her?"

    "You know she likes you a lot right" Applejack looked over seeing Barbara was over by Sweepy Belle, Applebuck and Scootaroll.

    "Oh, ummm I…" Elusive gulped

    "Who wants to play pin the tail on the pony" Bubbleberry scream. He threw a blindfold on Butterscotch. "Birthday colt goes first"

    As the party progressed, Butterscotch quickly noticed Eris was sitting on the far side of the room. It was as if she was on her own personal island. Butterscotch excused his friends to fly over to her.

    "Eris" Butterscotch looked at her

    "Oh, Butters. I am sorry I didn't notice you were there" Eris lied

    "I just wanted to thank you for bringing my friends here" Butterscotch brought a smile forward to the draconequus

    "You are very welcome" Eris smiled as she was glad to brighten his day

    "You know, you don't have to sit here. You can party with my friends" Butterscotch offered a hoof for her to join the party.

    "But, they're no friends of mine. Besides, they don't like me very much" Eris said pointing at them and glares.

    "I am sure they will give you a chance, if you show them kindness" Butterscotch said optimistically.

    "Have you told them yet" Eris quickly changed the subject.

    "What?" Butterscotch said with confusion

    "Don't tell me you have forgotten" Eris touched the ring on his necklace

    "Well…umm I have been so preoccupied with seeing them again that I forgot to tell them" Butterscotch said nervously

    "Hey Eris, want to play Twister with us" Bubbleberry offered

    "I will have you know that I am the Twister board champion" Eris giggled

    "Is that a challenge?"

    "I am afraid so, I will not take it easy on you because you are a pony" Eris smirked

    "You know, you have to tell them eventually" Eris said wrapping her head around her fiancé before she went off to accept the Twister challenge.

    Bubble and the three colts were smiling upon finally seeing that Eris was going to fight them in the ultimate contest: Twister. The goddess of Chaos held the advantage due to her physiology. It was her body that won her the victory. Bubbleberry complained and wanted a do-over.

    Applejack was enjoying the party, but felt he was being pulled aside by Butterscotch. Butterscotch relied on Applejack for advice, so he would figure going to him again would help things along.

    "Hey, Applejack you got a minute" Butterscotch said as he slowly brought over Applejack to the table away from the others.

    "I am glad you and Eris are getting along. I was really worried at first" Applejack smiled

    "I really have to tell you something Applejack" Butterscotch felt really nervous "I know you guys are exciting upon being here and the party is great. However…I need to tell you….the reason I brought you here"

    "Cuz it's your birthday" Applejack smiled

    "No no….you don't understand. I had to promise her…..that I mean I really wanted you guy to be here….there was no other way I could….prepare myself for…."Butterscotch was trying to find the right words.

    "Its okay buddy" Applejack put a hoof on Butterscotch "You can tell me what you have to say"

    "I want you to be my groomsman" Butterscotch said only revealing half the information

    "Oh, ummm that's great?"

    "….And the wedding's tomorrow"

    The room suddenly halted. Butterscotch realized he said the last words outloud. Everypony stared at Butterscotch with shock. Bubbleberry lost his place and slide off the Twister board.

    "YES, ERIS IS THE CHAMPION. YAAAAAAAAAAA" Eris lifted her arms high in the air. "Why the LONG faces"

    "You're marrying her tomorrow" Elusive addressed the elephant in the room.

    "Oh so you told them" Eris cheered as she floated near her fiancé and smiled "Yep the wedding is tomorrow. The four of you colts can be groomsmen, the three brats…I mean colts can be ring bearers, the dragon can be a flower dragoness and the royal pain can perform the service"

    "Mmm…me" Dusk Shine murmured

    "Aw, I thought you loved weddings" Eris gestured

    "Eris, can I talk to my friends for a moment" Butterscotch said to his fiancée

    " Sure, whose stopping you" Eris smiled as she stood in place. She was standing still and looking pretty.

    "Alone" Butterscotch urged

    "Oh umm sure. I know when to vanish" Eris, finally getting the message, snapped her fingers to go outside the door.

    "But, that doesn't mean I will miss this conversation" Eris stood outside eager to hear the conversation.

    "That was very rude of you guys" Butterscotch turned his head back to the group.

    "Rude of us" Everypony in the group exclaimed

    "You are marrying him tomorrow" Elusive shouted "How did you expect us to react"

    "You know I am engaged to her" Butterscotch stood his ground.

    "We didn't think it would happen now" Rainbow Blitz yelled "And you want us to be apart of it"

    "I thought you guys would have liked to come to my wedding"

    "Not if it means you getting married to that monster"

    Butterscotch stomped his hoof in defense "She is not a monster"

    "She took you away from us"

    "I chose to go with her. Guys, you really have to believe me when I say it's not as bad as you may think…"

    "How is marrying the goddess of chaos a good thing?" Elusive questioned

    "And Butterscotch" Dusk Shine added "I can't be the one to tie you with that…"

    "Don't say it" Butterscotch defended "She is not a monster. In fact, she has been a lady ever since I arrived here"

    "I don't get it Butterscotch" Rainbow Blitz flew in front of him "Why do you keep defending her"

    "Because she is my friend! She may have done horrible things in the past, that doesn't mean she is evil. She wants somepony to love her. Besides, she keeps asking me if I love….."

    Butterscotch froze with a large blush on his face. Applejack looked at him for a minute and knew that look. "Butterscotch, are you… Are you in love with her?"

    "Don't be ridiculous Applejack, how could Butterscotch love such a hideous beast" Elusive smirked

    "Yea, especially one that keeps him locked up" Rainbow Blitz was laughing in the air

    "She is fun and all" Bubbleberry laughed "But, think of how the kids would look like"

    "You really needed to make me think of that scenario" Dusk Shine looked down at the pink colt

    "I think it would be romantic" Sweepy Belle smiled "A beauty and a beast falling in love together. Sweet magical love at its finest"

    "I think you need to get that head examined, Sweepy" Scootaroll knocked on his friend's head

    Butterscotch was hearing his friends laugh in his horror. The only one who wasn't was Applejack, who slowly understood the situation befalling his best friend. Butterscotch could feel the turmoil overfilling his body.

    "How can you guys say that" Butterscotch said with fear

    "Oh come on, lighten up. We know you don't really feel that way about her" Rainbow Blitz chuckled for a moment and then looked at the silence Pegasus next to him."Right?"

    Butterscotch didn't respond to Blitz's words. This made the colt look at his friend once more. "This is the part where you agree with me"


    "You can't be serious Butterscotch. She tried to take over Equestria" Rainbow Blitz shouted "Twice"

    "She kept you here like a prisoner" Elusive joined in

    "She threatened the princes, my sister and my unborn nephew" Dusk Shine yelled

    "SHE BEAT ME AT THE TWISTER" Bubble berry screamed and crossed his hooves. His comment got the stares of his friends "Welllll, She did!"

    "How can you love such a monster" Blitz demanded

    "She is not a monster" Butterscotch insisted "She just wants me to love her"

    "Do you"

    After a month of being with her, now came the question. Does he love her? He wasn't sure at this point. His head tried to struggle with the right answer, but saw his friends wanted him to answer the question. Applejack saw his friend was in trouble.

    "Rainbow Blitz's that's enough. He doesn't need to answer that question" Applejack felt it was enough

    "No, he is giving us this answer now" Rainbow Blitz pushed Applejack away and glares at Butterscotch "Do you love her"

    Finally, Butterscotch couldn't take it anymore "What does it matter? You are right she does keep me prisoner here. She does do all those things you said! Do you think I had a choice? Do you think I have any other choice? It was the only way I could convince her of bringing you guys here. I wanted to see you guys but she wanted to be married to me. So, who cares if the wedding is tomorrow or next year? I made a deal with her and its going to happen whether I like it or not"

    "So, you don't…" Rainbow Blitz stared at the colt

    "NO, I DON'T LOVE HER" Butterscotch exploded. Tears came pouring down on him. His friends suddenly stopped their anger seeing their friend was hurt.

    Dusk Shine held his hoof to him. "Butterscotch"

    It was too late. The Pegasus was already making a way towards his room. His powerful emotions made him slam the door.

    "Butters, wait up we didn't" Blitz called but his tail was stuck by Applejack's hoof

    "Haven't y'all done enough damage" Applejack glared at everypony.

    "Us" Elusive questioned "I don't understand what…"

    Applejack turns his head to Elusive "Of course you don't understand. You talk of romance as if you were an expert, but you won't know romance if it was staring at you right in your face"

    Applejack turns to everypony else. "That goes for all of ya"

    "Applejack, why are you…." Barbara saw how much rage Applejack was carrying on him. Barbara felt suspicious of Applejack's change of tone.

    "Especially you Barbara" Applejack glared at the dragon

    Barbara was confused not noticing the clues behind his statement. Much like Butterscotch, Applejack was crying and head outside to keep the others from seeing him like that.

    "Bro, wait up" Applebuck cried out as he followed his brother.

    Once the commotion died down, Elusive was the first one to speak "Well, that was certainly rude"

    "I'm going after him" Barbara looked towards the front door

    "I am not sure that's a good idea Barbara. He sounded very upset for some reason" Dusk Shine warned her

    "I understand why Butterscotch is upset, but Applejack has been acting very weird lately and I want to know why"

    "Okay, go ahead" Dusk Shine sighed as he saw his assistant running towards the front door.

    Once, the fog of anger had cleared, Bubbleberry sadly looked at the box "But, he didn't open his present"

    "Why did I say that?" Butterscotch cried in his pillow looking in his room and sighed.

    He was way out of line for saying those harsh words. He stood up and breathed slowly. It didn't matter what they thought of the situation. He was going to marry Eris whether they would like it or not.

    Butterscotch flew from his bed to go to the door of his room. It didn't matter what they thought of the marriage. Butterscotch made a deal with the draconequus and he was going to hold his end of the arrangement. However, he saw Eris teleporting into his room. For once, he was really glad to see her. He approached her in a fast pace.

    "I am so glad to see you Eris I never thought that…." Butterscotch soon looked at her face and lowered his head, backing away from her.

    Eris's eyes were streaming with tears as she glares at him feeling hurt. Butterscotch could feel his doom was drawing near with her face.

    Eris's grin was soon turning sinister for a moment as she looked at him. "You know…..You had really had me fooled for a moment"

    Uh oh Eris is upset….. EVERYPONY FOR THEMSELVES.

    *hides in a bunker wearing an army hat*

    So, what did you guys think of the chapter? I knew this chapter was coming.

    If you guys see it hard enough, i think i could pinpoint the moment Eris's heart breaks *Evil grin*

    Also, i liked having fun with the line "I don't love her". It was so shocking to hear in the Audio drama. Even to have that Echoing was ingenious. I think by now DF is probably running from the Fluttercord fans.

    I loved making this chapter. I knew this part had to come sooner or later. I just hoped I made it just as good as DF made it. This is one of my favorite parts of the story because DF made an excellent transition between this chapter and the next chapter.

    I have some announcements to say before I end the chapter here.

    I now have a Fimfiction account. I have the same penname, but I am making MLP stories/challenges. That doesn't mean that I will stop making MLP fanfictions on this site. I just want more people to see how much I could do creative MLP stories. I have one story so far. It's called the Three Brothers. It's an OC stories about three brothers coming to Equestria. I am developing more stories. I am having some debate whether I should put Groom of Eris as part of my stories, yet I want to hold off on that because I am still looking through the rules of it.

    I also have a confession to make; there are a few romance movies I do not like. I will reveal the one I like the least and most people enjoy. It's a movie that most people enjoy, but I don't. The movie I dislike is the Titanic. OH Autistic Writer, you probably mean the two animated movies, one being about the Octopus and the other with the rapping dog. No, I mean those two and the hit movie Titanic. I really don't like that movie. That movie has only one redemption quality and I am sure you all can guess what that is. First one to state the reason will get first mention in the next chapter.

    Also, it will be a while until the next chapter due to update on other stories.

    Much like what Disney Fanatic 2364 said "THE FLUFF MUST END SOMEWHERE"

    And I see that the Fluttercord fans or in this case the Butteris or the ErisButter fans have come to greet me with torches and pitchforks. Well, let me tell you this.


    *Autistic Writer runs from the Fluttercord and the Eriscotch fans* AHHHH HOW DOES DF DEAL WITH THIS. Unfortunately I can't fly, but I am a unicorn. MHAHAHAHAHA, I REGRET NOTHING.

    Until next time, see you all later.

    Well, let's keep that truck going with chapter 15. OOOHHHHH this is going to be so good. This is probably my favorite chapter ever. Also, I decided to give this one to you guys to read so you wouldn't have to wait until later, but chapter 16 will have to wait.

    We are just three more chapters until this story is done. Too bad, so sad.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony. I don't own the rights to the genderswap ponies.

    Chapter 15: The Relapse

    "How long had you been listening. You weren't supposed to be listening in…" Butterscotch feared as he witnessed the Draconequus moving closer to him. He could sense the anger rising inside her.

    "Oh long enough to hear the voices of betray and stabbing me in the back. So, that is how you really feel about me" Eris crossed her arms. She looked into his eyes feeling hurt.

    "Eris you don't understand" Butterscotch tried to make Eris see his mistake.

    "No, no, no, you clearly have shown me how much you really like me" Eris glared "This was all some kind of business deal for you wasn't it"

    "But, wasn't it…"Butterscotch tilted his head.

    "It was real to me" Eris stares down Butterscotch and turned her back on him. "But, I guess you would feel that way. After all, I am some monster that keeps you locked up here like a prisoner"

    "Eris, what choice did I have? Equestria was all in chaos, everypony was freaking out, and you were going to kill the princes, Dusk Shine's sister and an unborn colt" Butterscotch exclaimed

    "Kill? Who said anything about killing them? The captain of the royal guards was pregnant. That's low, even for me" Eris felt disgusted that Butterscotch would even think she would be so cruel as to take an innocent life, especially from a colt that wasn't born yet.

    "Oh" Butterscotch looked at Eris

    "So, you still think I am a monster for that reason" Eris lingered down towards the stallion.

    "Eris, you're not a monster" Butterscotch looked at her fearing of what she was becoming.

    "If you don't think I am a monster, why won't you look at me" Eris glared towards the stallion. He was clearly having a hard time trying to face her. His reason of not looking at her was that he was scared of her when she raised her voice. She felt he was lying to her when he said she wasn't a monster.

    "Let me guess, the only reason you wanted your friends here was so that they could save you from my clutches. So, that the big bad Eris would go away" Eris looked at him with such disdain. "IS THAT THE REASON?"

    He was the only friend she had and he betrayed her. Tears were still running down her face.

    "I didn't mean anything I said" Butterscotch exclaimed.

    "So, you don't feel like a prisoner here" Eris smiled grew big.

    Butterscotch was silent

    "So, you do wish to marry me tomorrow" She said as her smile was getting smaller.

    Butterscotch again was silent

    "So, you didn't agree to marry me, just because you wanted to see your friends" Eris said to him as her heart was breaking little by little.

    Butterscotch didn't raise his head. She could tell he was being silent once more. She knew she had to ask the question one more time.

    "Do you love me" Eris asked him softly

    "I...I…I care for you greatly" Butterscotch said softly

    "But, you don't love me" Eris hoped his answer would be the opposite of what she was thinking.

    "No, I don't love you" Was the answer he gave her.

    Eris floated to the ground as she was crying in his room. Butterscotch tried to approach her, but could tell from her cries that she wanted to be alone. He stood where he was at. Meanwhile, Eris's mind was trying to comprehend what was going on. The following phrases kept repeating in her head as whispers.

    He doesn't love you….

    He lied to you….

    He hates you…

    He used you…..

    He has betrayed your heart….

    Eris's head rose looking at Butterscotch. Her eyes leaned towards him as she knew she couldn't have him willingly. She gripped her eagle claw and lion paw. All those months she had spend trying to win his heart was all for nothing. There was a great storm in her heart. She realized now that winning him by love wasn't going to work anymore. This was the greatest lesson she was ever going to learn about love. If you can't have something willingly, then take it by force. Eris grinned as she had most ingenious idea of what her brain could think of.

    "Oh Butterscotch, I have thought things over and I have forgiven you. I forgive you because I love you and I love you to death." She pulled the Pegasus in for a hug.

    "Ummm you have" Butterscotch felt really confused as he wasn't sure what to say to her response.

    "I see who is really at fault here. Oh, you poor unfortunate soul. So naïve to the reality of things" Eris held him as she hid an evil laugh. (A/N did anyone notice a huge tone shift just now or is that just me?)

    "Naïve?" Butterscotch pulled himself away hearing Eris's words to him.

    "But its okay Butterscotch" Eris pulled him closer to her "Mama Eris is going to make it all better now. Just trust in me Butterscotch."

    Butterscotch looked upon her eyes, which began to swirl. He could have fallen for her eyes, yet what really was sending him to change was what she was singing, it sounded familiar.

    It was the same song she sang to him when they were stargazing together. (A/N Look up The Spark in the chapter section if you are confused)

    "I am sorry it had to come to this Butterscotch. You left me no choice. Now, I want you to listen to me" Eris smirks as she moved closer to him.

    "I have made you happy here haven't I?" Eris whispered softly to him.

    "yes you have made me very happy and comfort in this place" Butterscotch whispered slowly.

    "Have I ever made you unhappy?"

    "No you haven't"

    "Have I ever told you that you can have whatever you wish?"

    "You have told me that many times. You have given me all that I want and so much more"

    "I am not the monster you ponies make me out to be"

    Butterscotch felt something was off as he was mildly affected by her brainwash "But, you're not a monster"

    Uh-oh Eris thought as she looked into his eyes again hypnotizing him.

    Eris touched Butterscotch's cheeks as she was stroking his mane. For some reason, Butterscotch was enjoying the way Eris was stroking his mane. He felt very goofy and giggled in a dorky way. Butterscotch looked up at Eris, who was smiling in the most sinister way.

    "I want you Butterscotch to be my King of Chaos?" Eris smiled as she suddenly used her arm to make a map of Equestria. "Imagine Butterscotch, all of this could be ours. We will rule all of Equestria. With you as my husband, nothing can stop us. Canterlot will be the chaos capital of the world"

    "Chaos?" Butterscotch said almost snapping out of the trace.

    "Oh don't be so difficult" Eris said looking into his eyes to snap him back into her control once more.

    "I mean, this world will be yours and I will give you anything you heart desires. I will give you the one thing you want most" Eris held her hand to him.

    Butterscotch looked to her realizing she knew what exactly he wanted.

    "Love" She whispers as soft as wind. She kissed his hoof and puts it back down.

    "Yes, of course. As long as we have each other, nothing will break our love"

    "I couldn't agree with you more" Eris giggled "We will be together forever, for all eternity"

    "Together…forever…for all eternity" Butterscotch repeated.

    "That's right my love. We don't need your friends, for we have each other" Eris smiled offering her hand. "Now my love, will you be my king of Chaos"

    It took a moment for the Pegasus to reply to her. When he did, he carried a malicious grin with sinister eyes.

    "Yes, my love"

    Everypony, but the Apple brothers were present in the living room. There was a great deal of silence as they weren't sure who should go see to Butterscotch. Rainbow Blitz broke the silence.

    "He's been in there for a while. I am going to see what's wrong" Rainbow Blitz flew to the door that was the hallways. "This place still

    "I would advise against that Rainbow Blitz" Duskshine halted his friend.

    Meanwhile, Barbara kept racing to find Applejack. Her thoughts were on how hurt Applejack was.

    You talk about romance, but none of you wouldn't know romance if it was staring at you right in the face.

    Especially you Barbara.

    Barbara had to be quick. Applejack was her best friend and yet, something was going on, something more than usual. Barbara hurried along to find Applejack and get him to explain what was going on with him.

    "I understand why Butterscotch's upset, yet Applejack has been acting really weird lately and I want to understand why?" Barbara said with such seriousness.

    Meanwhile, Blitz felt horrible for what he had told Barbara.

    Don't tell me you're in love with that monster.

    Blitz had no right of telling that to Butterscotch. Rainbow Blitz felt very inconsiderate and shouldn't have yelled at Butterscotch in the tone he used. What if the situation was reversed? What if Sora was some kind of monster and Butterscotch was the one against it? Blitz knew Butterscotch would have objectives, but ultimately, he would have been supportive. Blitz had to make it right with his best friend.

    "Butters, you around" Blitz asked as he was in the hallway near Butterscotch's room.

    Blitz saw the door was slightly open. He knew it would have been rude if he snuck a peek at Butterscotch, yet Blitz needed to apologize. He wasn't one for privacy of others.

    "Hey Butterscotch you got a…." Blitz said before his mouth dropped.

    He saw Eris was staring at Butterscotch. To other ponies, this moment would seem adorable. However, Blitz noticed that Butterscotch's eyes contained swirls. He guessed that Eris was using her magic on him.

    "Eris!" Rainbow Blitz shouted

    "This isn't what it looks like" Eris said "Okay, maybe it does but you get the point"

    "You have gone too far" Blitz shouted as he made his way to Eris with great speed.

    Eris stared down her target and leaped out of the way. Rainbow Blitz saw his landing and tried to steer away, but the sheer impact made it too late.

    "Ow" Rainbow Blitz said hitting the wall.

    "What's wrong" Dusk Shine rushed into the room as he was joined by the others.

    "Dusk Shine…..I want you to leave this place and never return" Butterscotch said with such blandness.

    "Don't believe him, Dusk Shine. Eris has put him under her spell or something" Rainbow Blitz said

    Dusk Shine turned towards Eris. He was mortified that Eris would do such a thing. The alicorn lit his horn and glared at her "You monster"

    Eris growled looking at Dusk Shine. "Go ahead make your move, or is the baby in need of his nap"

    Dusk Shine didn't know what she was saying at first. Then he noticed his horn had turned into a rattle. "AHHH, my horn"

    Eris laughed as she looked at Dusk Shine's horn.

    "Hey, you don't mess with my friend you big bully" Rainbow Blitz shook his head out to make the room stop shaking.

    "Oh there is not need for name calling. I think you should sit in the corner and eat a bar of soap" Eris snapped her finger.

    "AHHHHHHHHHH" Rainbow Blitz was place at the corner and sat on a stool. His mouth suddenly had a bar of soap in it.

    "Patootie" Rainbow Blitz spit out the bar of soap, only to have another bar of soap go into his mouth "Ah come on"

    "Ha ha, Rainbow Blitz has a dirty mouth" Bubble Berry giggled

    "Hey, no one picks on the Blitz" Scootaroll growled and lifted herself up to pretending to punch her with his hooves "Come on, you big bully. Let's dance"

    "Yea, let's dance" Sweepy Bell agreeing with his friend as he joined him upon fighting Eris.

    "Oh, you two want to dance. As they say, be careful what you wish for" Eris smiled as she rolled up her sheeves and snapped her finger.

    Suddenly, Sweepy Belle and Scootaroll were connected to a large sphere device. Scootaroll and Sweepy Bell looked at one another.

    "Why are you wearing a dress?" They both exclaimed and then looked at their own bodies "Why am I wearing a dress?"

    Eris began to wind up the device as Sweepy Belle and Scootaroll were beginning to dance like ballerinas.

    "This is so uncomfortable" Scootaroll screamed in horror

    "I regret so much of this" Sweepy Belle cried as he felt so humiliated

    "Don't worry, Sweepy. Your big brother will solve this" Elusive said trying to decipher how exactly he will save his brother. "Confound it, Bubbleberry. Stop spinning that music box this instant"

    Bubbleberry giggled as he did what he was told "Opps, sorry"

    Applejack, Apple Buck, and Barbara rushed into the room.

    "What is going on in here" The three shouted

    "My…my…my hair is silver" Elusive cried

    Barbara was starring at Eris, who couldn't help but laugh at the various situations that were happening around her.

    "What have you done Eris, I thought you loved him" Applejack looked at her with such sadness.

    "Oh, you need to think outside the box" Eris snapped her fingers.

    Suddenly, Applejack disappeared and in his place stood a cubed object. On the box, it had his name except it replaces the word Apple with Cinnamon. "Where am I"

    "You're in a cereal box"

    "What!" Applejack roared "Get me out of here"

    "I still think that joke is getting old real fast" Bubbleberry looked upon Applejack's situation.

    Eris started shooting her magic around the room as Bubbleberry's whole body turned dark brown. Bubbleberry looked at himself and took a bite "Oww…..mmmmmmmh I taste delious"

    Dusk Shine running away from some books as he looked upon Bubbleberry's situation "Bubbleberry, stop eating yourself"

    "But Dusk Shine" Bubbleberry complained "I taste so good"

    Dusk Shine soon saw that he was being chased by books that were coming alive. He ran as fast as he could. "AHHHH you books, why have you betrayed me?"

    Apple Buck has had enough. He knew it was wrong for what he did, but he couldn't stand by while Eris was hurting his friends and his family. So, he bit her on the leg and wouldn't let go.

    "OW, you little brat. Let go of my leg" Eris yelped as she tried to wiggle

    "Not until you let me friends go" Applebuck mumbled

    "Well, let's see how you like this" The draconequus snapped her finger making the cutie mark of Applebuck's disappear.

    "Hey, I just got that" Applebuck yelled before realizing he let go of Eris's leg, the only support he was having up in the air "Uh oh"


    "Applebuck" Everypony screamed

    "Wha-What" Butterscotch snapped out of his mind control seeing that Applebuck falling to the ground. With his wits, Butterscotch was able to catch the young farm pony with his hooves.

    "Butterscotch, you're back" Applebuck hugged the stallion

    Butterscotch ignored Applebuck and walked towards Eris "Eris, what is going on? Did you try to mind control me?"

    "Well, mind control you is such a strong word. Let's go with trying to mindfully persuading you into listening to me" Eris nervously smiled

    "I can't believe you would do something to me like that. Using your magic on me to force me to love you" Butterscotch shouted in anger.

    "You…you broke through my mind control" Eris realizing Butterscotch broke through her magic "Suddenly, I feel more attracted to you"

    "You were supposed to be my friend? Friends don't use their magic to control other friends" Butterscotch glared at her.

    "Well technically, they can and have done it can but…." Eris tried to let a joke out

    "Not the point. Eris, my friends were right about you all along. I defended you and you ended up proving them right. You are a monster"

    Butterscotch's word broke through the most impenetrable shield in Eris's heart "Butterscotch, dear pleases"

    "Don't ever call me that" Butterscotch turned his head and attempted to gather his friends.

    "You want me to be the villain, Butterscotch. Fine, then I am the villain" Eris growled with a low voice. She used her magic to pull her to him.

    "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Butterscotch screamed as he being pulled by Eris's magic.

    "Butterscotch" Everypony screamed. Suddenly, they swarmed together like flies as Eris looked at them with an evil grin.

    "Butterscotch and I will be save on this side of the ground, yet your side of the ground might be a little sandy" Eris made an evil laugh as everypony looked at the ground. They quickly noticed the ground was sinking as Dusk Shine exclaimed

    "QUICKSAND" Everypony screamed as Dusk Shine announced it.

    "Pleases let them go" Butterscotch struggled in his bindings

    "Never" Eris kept looking at the ponies that were slowly sinking into the ground.

    Butterscotch looked at the horrors that he was witnessing. He saw his friends sinking lower and lower into the ground. Butterscotch looked over Eris seeing her face grinning at the thought of his friends. He needed to think of a way out and he saw his friends couldn't get themselves out of this mess. He stared at Eris and knew exactly what he had to do. He just wouldn't like it.

    "STOP" Butterscotch roared "I'll do anything"

    "Anything?" Eris's ears perked up at the very possibilities of what he just said

    Butterscotch took a minute to think to himself. He then looked at her "Yes, I will marry you"

    "Butterscotch don't do it" Dusk Shine pleaded

    "I will not run away from you or deny your love" Butterscotch told her

    "Come on, you have so much to live for" Elusive screamed

    "I will love you and only you" Butterscotch continued as he raises his hoof.

    "Butterscotch pleases don't give into the dark side, their cookies taste terrible" Bubbleberry spouting nonsense.

    "Cross my heart, hope to fly" Butterscotch mimicked the familiar promise.

    "Not the bubble promise" Bubbleberry cried out

    "Stick a cupcake in my eye" Butterscotch finished as he looked at Eris


    Everypony looked sadden by Butterscotch's sacrifice. Eris grinned as she released him from his bonds. "That is very satisfying to hear, yet I need some proof of what you are saying is true"

    "What do you mean?" Butterscotch felt overwhelmed

    "I want you to kiss me" Eris licked her lips

    "Another kiss" Rainbow Blitz exclaimed

    "But i…." Butterscotch's eyes widened at the very thought of another kiss.

    "You said you wouldn't fight me" Eris smirked

    "Oh" Butterscotch gazed at his friends and turned to Eris in order to kiss her.

    "Don't you touch him" Rainbow Blitz shouted as he couldn't take much more of what she was saying.

    Eris turned her head back seeing the cyan stallion flying towards her "I have just about enough of you"

    Butterscotch saw Eris's hand lighting up. "Eris no"

    Eris didn't notice that Butterscotch had pushed Rainbow Blitz out of the way. However, Eris's assault was still going and clearly had made its target. Butterscotch immediately hurled to the wall. Eris realized who exactly she had hit.

    "Butterscotch" Eris suddenly saw the stallion was sent flying due to her attack. She saw four distinct marks on the side of him. She looked at her eagle claw and realized what she had done. "No no no no no no no no"

    She tried to reach out to him, but he flinched. Eris could clearly see what she had done to him. "Butterscotch I didn't mean…."

    Eris eye's looked down at the stallion, who was trying to get up. Her nightmares were becoming true. This exact moment could have been avoided if she had remembered her dream. She had hoped to avoid it, but Eris had discovered she only made her nightmare a reality.

    "Butterscotch, pleases don't look at me like that" She used her hands to try to shield the way he was looking at her. No matter what she tried to do, there was no denying that Eris had hurt Butterscotch.

    Eris sat down. Her tears were pouring out. She couldn't believe she had hurt her true love…no her only friend. She looked at her hands and collected them while remaining silent. The glow that her hands made managed to turn everypony back to normal.

    The glow affected Butterscotch and his friends seeing that everypony was back to normal. However, Butterscotch noticed that his scar was still there. He looked back at the draconequus who stood in a corner in sadness.

    "Get out….Now" Eris growled as she magically opened the doors.

    Everypony looked at Eris. Some of them understood while others looked at the Pegasus. Butterscotch sadly nods to them as he mad his way towards Eris. He wasn't sure how exactly to face her after what happened a few minutes ago.

    "That includes you" Eris said in her tone of sadness.

    "Wha-what?" Butterscotch's eyes widen by Eris's sudden announcement

    The ring that was around his neck was gone. He looked up seeing that Eris was on the verge of tears. It was just like the time when he had to release his animals from Eris's land, however this time it felt even more painful.

    "You are no longer bound to me" Eris said with such depression in her voice.

    "You're letting me go?" Butterscotch walked closer

    "Yes, your animals will be returned just go" Eris said trying to make him leave her sights, yet the stallion still drew closer.

    "Eris, I don't understand" Butterscotch felt he was getting more questions than answers.

    Eris knew she had to resort to one tactic "ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID GO"

    Butterscotch squeaked and ran out of the castle. Butterscotch's friends saw him running away from the castle. When Dusk Shine attempted to talk to him, Butterscotch ignored his friend.

    Eris looks out seeing the ponies were leaving. Tears streamed down her eyes. From outside around the castle large clouds of cotton candy were gathering together. It then started to rain chocolate milk. Eris touched the glass tracing a heart on the window. She then erased it and kept crying to herself.

    "Butt….Butter….Buttersco…Butterscotch" Eris tried to say his name a couple of times more. "I am….I am so…..sorry"

    Let us take a moment to cry at the times this couple had.

    *Two Seconds later*

    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, *Me: Blows two party cannons and has a party*

    Oh I see the horrible comments telling me I am horrible for cheering. Oh I see you hating, oh it hurts me….ah you people will get over it. It was bound to happen since this is based on Beauty and the Beast.

    So, what are your thoughts on this chapter? I really liked doing this chapter. I knew I had to do something different with Eris and Butterscotch for her reaction.

    I made a couple of changes from the chapter. I know I could have done more with the fight scene, but it feels right to me. Besides, I am not really good with doing fight scenes.

    Now, people think that i am mean for visualizing Butterscotch's scar Eris gave him. Oh trust me, i did this for a reason. All will be revealed in time.

    I need to reveal this now before I forget. Originally, I was going to do a lullaby that I came up with. This idea however was inspired to me from an idea from Misskoifishpony. Now, I will include the lullaby in the Audio Drama. But, the idea was to have Eris sing the lullaby to Butterscotch to hypnotize him. The song would have been in the tune of Lana Del Ray's Once Upon a Dream, but I will put it in the audio drama.

    I also had to make the fight scene differently than Bride of Discord. I had to laugh because I didn't want to do what DF did.

    Dusk Shine: Thought it would be funny if he used a rattle and had a great rattle sound in the story. I also had the irony of him being chased by books.

    Elusive: I actually do like turquoise. I wonder if DF doesn't like it or not. I changed it to silver for a particular reason. Not because I dislike Silver. I have a reason I dislike silver. It shares a common theme with orange.

    Bubbleberry: I originally thought of turning his hair into cotton candy and him using a nearby chocolate foundation to dunk his head and eat the cotton candy hair, but I went with being made of chocolate. Heck, I probably eat myself if I was made of chocolate.

    Applejack: Yea…Applejacks really….I don't think I need to go into this one. There wasn't much I could do with it. I just thought only replacing Applejacks with Cinnamon Jacks (Get it, because it's different….oh who am I kidding? It's nothing funny.

    Scootaroll and Sweepy Belle: just gender reverse. Plus it's a giant ballerina thiny. Doesn't get much girly than that. I challenge someone of making that on picture of them that art website (the one that starts with a D) .

    Applebuck: Eris, that was just cold of getting rid of his cutie mark. Though I wonder if this tells us that Applebuck must have gotten his last, or at the same time as Sweepy and Scootaroll.

    *Discord appears* It is so sad that DF's Audio Drama is ending. And your story is ending in three chapters.

    Me: OH yea this story is ending in three chapters let's go with that.

    Discord: Wait, you hesitated there, Is there anything we should know.

    Me: Nahhh I am sure they will figure it out when this story ends.

    So, until then, see you all later.

    Well, let's get this ball rolling with Chapter 16 of Groom of Eris.

    Before I begin, I think I need to announce something. Something people are getting too excited over. It's something that needs to be addressed in this chapter. So, I know people will dislike me for this but, I don't care anymore.

    I am not going to do a Groom of Eris audio drama. I am not doing it Groom of Eris audio drama for i hold respect for DF and her crew creating a masterpiece of an audio drama. Plus, i don't want anyone calling me a ripoff artist and kicking me in the shin (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends joke). But, i will do something with Groom of Eris, but it just won't be an Audio Drama.

    Just one more thing….. If any of you had the thought that the Audio Drama was the big reveal or the big announcement, you are incorrect. Trust me, my endgame is coming soon.

    Also, i have to apologize of how late i came up with this chapter. I was really feeling depressed because i thought everyone liked my story just because it was a gender swap version of Bride of Discord and i merely thought the reason everybody liked it was because it was connected to Bride of Discord. I am sure that is a factor of why people like it, but i am sure it's not the only reason people like it. I just need to accept that Groom of Eris is an adaptation and i can make whatever changes i want to for this story. I just need to be more original in how i move forward with this story.

    How the irony is hitting me there. So, people may notice that this is another origin chapter...kind of. Well this chapter will express more on our two main characters. By the way, i hit 10 stories on my Fimfiction account. My recent one is called 100 moments of RainbowScotch (Rainbow Dash and Butterscotch)

    In honor of that, i decided to mix Rainbow Sherbet and Butterscotch ice creams together. I am sure nothing will be wrong with that.

    Fan: Autistic Writer, I don't think those two flavors should never be mixed.

    Me: Well if fans keep pairing DF and Discord together, i am sure nothing will go wrong when i eat this rainbow butterscotch sherbet.

    *Autistic Writer eats the Rainbow Sherbet Butterscotch ice cream*

    Me: *Stomach grumbles* Well, it seems i have made a grave error on my part. You all enjoy chapter 16 while my stomach curses me for trying to mix two things that don't go together. Much like DF and Disney in a romantic setting...Seriously, you people ship DF with Discord... I could probably state fifteen reasons why DF and Discord wouldn't work as a pairing, but it would require me doing a one shot to explain it all and i am sure people don't want to read that.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. I don't own the rights to the genderswap ponies. I don't own the rights to Rainbow Sherbet ice cream or butterscotch flavored ice cream. They are two delious flavors of ice cream, but my heart will always belong to chocolate ice cream, which i don't own the rights to.

    Chapter 16: The Depression

    He was free…

    It had been a couple of days since Butterscotch had left the castle. The pegasus felt relieved on seeing his friends again on a day-to-day basis. Eris hadn't made a move on Equestria ever since he left her castle. These turn of events should have helped Butterscotch feel a bit better about his condition. Yet, something wasn't sitting right with the pegasus. He was having nightmare even more than usual. His dreams were mostly about his cruel words to Eris. He had remembered those words that haunted him so much.




    He didn't mean to say those hurtful words. No matter how many times he tried to wash his mouth out, they still felt like it was the last words he had ever said. All was happy in Ponyville, yet Butterscotch was still living in torment. The feeling of his aching body was as if he hadn't slept for thirty days. His heart ached. His mind with cluttered with unknown feelings.

    Butterscotch had gone about his morning like usual feeling his animals. Now, Butterscotch would bring a certain joy upon feeling the animals that were in or out of his cottage. Once the animal caretaker poured their bowls with their delicious food, they took great notice to see the food was lacking that flavor of love that the stallion would bring them. They looked onto Butterscotch, who simply didn't look like he didn't have much love inside his heart. It was a lack of empathy. The stallion wasn't living with Eris anymore, but the animals wondered why was Butterscotch so sad.

    Angela the bunny sensed all is not well with him. She leaped from the window making her way to Butterscotch. The bunny was tapping her foot on the ground trying to get his attention. Angela might have not been as compassionate like the other animals, but her head kept telling her to take it easy on the stallion. After all, a lot has transpired while he was in the castle of the draconequus. When Butterscotch turned his head, he merely gave her a carrot and patted her head as if nothing mattered.

    As much as Angela would have loved to take the carrot and scurry off, her concerned lied with her owner, who was still pouring out food and feeling a great deal of depression. Angela and the other animals grew concern about him ever since he has been back from the goddess of chaos's lair.

    When she got a good chance to view his eyes, there was nothing in them. It was as if all the color and happiness faded away in the back of his mind. The warm emotions she had known that came from the Pegasus were now gone. It was as if Butterscotch had died a little on the inside. Angela didn't like Butterscotch being with Eris, yet the days the pegasus spend in the castle the more like himself he was. At first, Eris was cruel to Butterscotch, but a spark happened between the two.

    It was as if there was something that wasn't there before.

    Butterscotch tried to make his way to his cottage. For some reason, he felt so empty. He halted his flight and landed hard on the ground. He felt a burning sensation to his side and inspected the four scratch marks that Eris left him with on his birthday. The events of his birthday were still playing out in his head. He remembered all the things he had said. He remembered the things Eris had said. All the anger and regret the Pegasus was feeling. He kicked the small rock that was in his way.

    "AHHHHHH" Butterscotch yelped in pain.

    Why am I feeling this way Butterscotch's thoughts haunted him.

    "Butterscotch…." Butterscotch picked up a voice calling his name. He looked out seeing the Everfree Forest from his cottage. He leaned in a little bit to hear it once more. Once he did, a little joy came up.


    He happily started to race to the area of the forest in which he thought that he heard her voice. He ran behind the tree in hopes that Eris would have been there. However, his hopes were diminished when he learned that Eris was not around there. He didn't realize that Eris had merely turned invisible. She tried to contain her sorrow. Her voice stopped once she saw he was near her. She desired to see him one last time. The draconequus had hoped for atonement for all she put him through. Her lion paw was about to touch his body, but the Pegasus had turned around. There she saw it. The four scratch marks she had made on him. Her fears and horrors made her retracted her lion paw and she held it like a teddy bear.

    She couldn't apology to him, not what she had done to him. She had controlled him with her magic, forced him to turn on his friends and even used her magic to hurt him. How could she live with herself knowing that she was the reason for those marking on his side? They might heal away, but they will be a forever reminder of what she could have done if she had lost control.

    Oh Butterscotch, I am so sorry She thought to herself before teleporting back to her castle without being seen.

    Butterscotch was lurking into the woods trying to see if Eris was hiding from him. He searched for an hour and didn't find the Draconequus around the border of the Everfree forest from his cottage. Yet, Butterscotch had a funny suspicion that Eris was spying on him. He smiled upon the memories of Eris.

    I just wanted to see how you were settling in; didn't mean to bother you, honey.

    Oh Butterscotch you are so funny. I never knew a stallion that could make squirrels dance the way you do.

    You are the most handsome creature I had ever laid eyes on. Nothing matches your charms my buttery handsome stallion.

    The stallion stopped in his tracks as he started to cry while he huddled to the ground. He wasn't sure why he was remembering Eris in this way. He had missed her so much. What if he went back to her castle? Would she open her doors to him once more or would she just make him scared of her. Angela quickly noticed her owner in such terrible pain and brought him inside the house with help from the other animals.

    "Butterscotch, it's Eris, Can I come in?" Eris tried to gain a breath. She was so afraid to enter the room, but eventually she gained the courage to open the door and enter the room. She examined the area. Her eyes lowered when she realized the sad reality. "Oh yea, that's right. He doesn't live here anymore."

    She sat down on his bed. Memories of greeting the pegasus made her feel overjoyed and overwhelmed her emotions. The draconequus felt like running across a field of daises. It was such a pleasure greeting him in the morning. Now, that those days were gone. What was she suppose to do now? Eris had made it a habit of bringing a tray of food to Butterscotch's room when he wasn't even around. Old habits die hard.

    Eris grabbed a small picture seeing it was of her and Butterscotch…..holding one another….happily together. Eris is holding onto Butterscotch as she had held a camera in the air. She kissed his cheek while he was awkwardly blushing. Eris had managed to sneak attack him with a kiss. She giggled remembering that after the photo was taken, he never felt so embarrassed in his natural born life. Eris giggled touching the picture and smiled knowing that Butterscotch wanted her to kiss him, yet his emotions would deny anything further than that. Wet spots touched the glass of the picture. She used her tears to trace a heart shape around him. Eris got off the bed and stared at the outside window. She saw that it was still raining chocolate milk. It hasn't stopped raining since he left.

    Eris, returning to the bed, remembered the day she had learned that all of her efforts she put into loving him was meant nothing to him.

    "Maybe just a little peek" Eris smiled as she listened in on the conversation at the door. She couldn't help but feel proud of announcing their engagement.

    "I know that look. Butterscotch, are you in love with her" Eris heard Applejack's words as she looked upon her fiance.

    "Well, do you love her" Rainbow Blitz remarked

    "Rainbow Blitz, it's so obvious that he does" Eris cheered as she shook her head.

    "Don't be ridiculous, of course he doesn't love her. I mean she looks absolutely repulsive" Elusive laughed

    "Hey" Eris glared as she growled at Elusive in silence.

    "I love that chocolate rain of hers, but think of what the kids would look like. Would they be a normal colt or filly or an arrangement of different animals. would they have webbed feet or even a beaver tail? I mean the possibilities are endless you know. I mean what would they really look like?" Bubble Berry giggled

    "You had to get that in my brain" Dusk Shine looked down at his friend.

    "Hey, I think that our children would look lovely. Though, it would be cool if my son did get a scorpion tail." Eris crossed her arms. She heard Dusk Shine's words. "Says the last stallion that will have his own foals"

    "Do you love her" Rainbow Blitz yelled.

    "Of course he loves me"

    Eris suddenly hears Butterscotch's answer.

    "Oh, why does it matter? You know she keeps me prisoner here. Do you think I have any other choice? The only way of convincing her to let me see you was to say yes to her proposal" Butterscotch roared

    Eris was taken aback. Butterscotch had lied to her. Everything the draconequus did for Butterscotch was out of love. Sure, she might have taken him prisoner before, but something had changed. Something was different. She thought she was going crazy with hearing this.

    "no, no, no" Eris was in complete denial. "I am sure he doesn't mean those things. I know in my heart that Butterscotch loves…."

    "So….you?" Rainbow Blitz asked

    "NO I DON'T LOVE HER" Butterscotch yelled

    Eris's heart shattered when she heard the words of her stallion. She huddled the wall holding her heart with her eagle claw. Her breathing was irregular. Her eyes couldn't stop seeing Butterscotch's hate. His words of disdain kept echoing in her brain. She disappeared before Butterscotch flew to his room. Her heart was completely shattered.

    She returned to her room in complete outrage.

    "He doesn't love me? He doesn't love me? I DID EVERYTHING FOR HIM AND HE DOESN'T LOVE ME" Eris growled in outrage of hearing the truth in his words.

    Eris growled as she put her mirror back together. "SHOW ME THE PEGASUS, BUTTERSCOTCH"

    She saw he was in tears. At first, she felt bad, but the mirror reminded her of his words.

    "No, it is a lie. Everything he told me is a lie. So….He thinks I am the villain, fine I will show him how much of a villain I could be" Eris growled in her anger as she snapped her finger to teleport into his room.

    Eris looked at herself. She realized now that she had overreacted. Yet, there was nothing that she could do. Even if she was to teleport to his cottage, what chance did she have that he would love her? She wanted to look him strange into his cyan colored eyes and tell him how much she felt about him, but with how much has happened, Butterscotch probably wouldn't want to see her again.

    She held her head and kept hearing the words Butterscotch echoing in her head. Eris covered her eyes as she saw the ghostly heads of Butterscotch kept repeating phrase in her head.




    She kept covering her ears "No, STOP IT. Pleases, Butterscotch. No more, i had enough. I SAID STOP" She roared

    "ARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Eris roared as she used her magic to cause the bedroom to spin in a horrifying tornado as she started to claw the curtains and destroy the bed. She tore the bedroom from top to bottom. She used a combination of her strength and magic to destroy the room in which he stayed at.

    The last piece that remained untouched was the photo of the both of them together. She was about to let out the full extend of her fury on the photograph, what had stopped her dead in her tracks was the picture turning into a wounded Butterscotch.

    "Eris….." He softly said. "Why?"

    Eris looked in horror seeing what she had done. She stopped her assault on Butterscotch's room as she huddled to a wall seeing all she had caused. She looked at her hands and put them on her face crying herself to a corner.

    "Butterscotch, I am so sorry" She said to herself "How could you possibly love me now? You were right about me. I am a monster, and who could ever love a monster?"

    "There has to be a way to end my pain, but how?" Eris sniffled as she looked up at the sky. Looking at the moon, Eris smiled as she knew what exactly to do.

    "A way of never hurting him again, even if it means going back to that state once more."

    In the morning, Dusk Shine stared upon Butterscotch, who was staring out at the window. Dusk Shine was a bit worried about his friend. He hadn't been outside for the last few days since his birthday. He didn't sleep as much, and he didn't eat very well. Angela stood right next to Dusk Shine using her intense stares and stomps to tell Dusk Shine all that has happened. Regardless of the training Butterscotch had given him upon trying to understand animals, the prince was at a loss of what the bunny was saying to him.

    "Hi Butterscotch" Dusk Shine smiled hoping to bring a little happiness upon his friend. However, he saw Butterscotch still staring at the window as if the Prince said nothing. Dusk Shine decided to not quit and continue his efforts upon making his friend feel better.

    "I brought some books you might like. I think it might help you in your sadness." Dusk Shine put a few books about animals from his saddle pack. Butterscotch seemed to enjoy certain types of stories depicting animals.

    Butterscotch turned to Dusk Shine. It was apparent that his method of cheering up the grayish gold stallion wasn't effective as he had hoped. "I don't think reading is going to make me feel better"

    "Well, the others and I were going to Canterlot and see the Princes. They had heard of your return and wish to thank you for all you had done for them. It is a small gathering and you are the guest of honor, so I was hoping you would come with us"

    Butterscotch was about to protest, but he knew his absent would gain the attention of the Princes. He didn't want to raise any suspicions and force the Princes to confront him about his sad mood. So, he had no choice. He faked a smile and nods at the purple alicorn. "Okay"

    Well, that's the end of Groom of Eris chapter 16, what did you think?

    I decided to go with Butterscotch and Eris only for this chapter because I felt that their loniliness wasn't touched upon really well. I felt the end of chapter 15 was like a bad break up, plus the beginning of Chapter 16 reminded me of the sad moment from Shrek (Where they played the Hallelujah song).

    I am now feeling better from what i just ate and i am sure i am feeling better *Grins* Though, i must never attempt to mix two things that don't go together. So, you are probably wondering why i don't approve of the relationship of Disneycord.

    Fan: AW, what do you think of Disneycord.

    Me: Well, Fan i think that...

    *Autistic Writer turns to a window. Despite the heavy rain, he saw an orange pegasus with a blue hat glaring at him. The Writer shook his head and looked to the window once more seeing nothing at all. The Writer gulped in fear.

    Me: ...Disneycord should be left to interpretation, i really don't believe they would make a great couple...Besides we have Fluttershy here who is totally in love with Discord.

    Fluttershy: *Blushes* wait, what?

    Me: Go tell them how you feel about the big lug *Autistic Writer vanishes*

    Well, ummm that's sort of my fan reason why i don't ship Disneycord. *Reads the chapter a bit more* Wait a minute, Angel Bunny wasn't in Daughter of Discord. I wonder why that is?

    Discord: I can answer that.

    Me: Discord? what are you doing here?

    Discord: I have a theory of why Angel wasn't including in the story.

    Me: Okay i will give you my answer if you give me yours.

    Discord: Angel Bunny gave DF too many demands if he was ever to be in the sequel. From ten thousand carrots, to asking to get a full month's stay at the most expensive penthouse in Manehattan.

    Me: Wow,

    Discord: Well, when DF said no, Angel Bunny got his revenge by eating most of DF's hat. He was quickly kicked out of the story. I managed to repair the hat before DF could get mad or feel very sad.

    Me: Yikes, Angel bunny is a jerk.

    Discord: What's your theory, Writer?

    Me: I think that Angel Bunny was living with Fluttershy and Discord in the castle. DF didn't explain much of what happened to the cottage in DoD (Daughter of Discord). So, i can assume by that point Angel Bunny met up with a nice girl bunny and had little bunnies who either were nice or turned into jerks. I can assume Angel bunny was middle aged when Screwball was born. Angel became an old man when Screwball was about a filly going to school. During the timeskip, Angel became deceased due to the natural lifespan of a rabbit. Though, i think Zany would be a newborn foal by the time Angel past on. Again, this is just a theory i had, but i am sure DF will explain Angel Bunny's disappearance in DoD.

    Discord: Man that sounds dark.

    Me: I know, but theories could be debunked so, i am not taking all that i have said seriously. I am sure DF has an explanation as to why he wasn't in DoD much. I just think that Daughter was Screwball's story, but it would have been nice to at least see Angel Bunny in the story.

    Discord: This was fun, we should do more theorizes on DF's stories or her personal life, like how she got the hat? Or maybe we can review Bride of Discord.

    Me: *Walks away* Yea...not happening.

    Now, I am not going to give you my opinions on episode ten. If you want to know my thoughts on the episode, PM me if you wish. Otherwise, my opinion of episode ten will go unnoticed.

    Now, before I go, I shall move on to the next chapter to write. I am going to assume that everyone has read Bride of Discord and is assuming what will happen after this chapter. Well, you are on the right track, but you will all be shocked of how different it will be. So, don't expect things to be completely the same. Either people will like me or hate me for it. I don't really care; let's see how people will react to the next chapter.

    Next chapter will be called

    The Acceptance

    Me: I am so glad DF has a story about her and Discord. It makes me laugh a little bit.

    Fan: I don't think you should make fun of DF like that.

    Me: Why not?

    Fan: Because maybe me or some other fan might write a fanfic about Eris being paired with you.

    Me: I highly doubt any fans of mine has the guts to write that story. I will dare double dare, I will triple dog dare any writer foolish enough to come up with a story like that.

    Fan: Careful what you wish for?

    Me: yea, i would like to see any fan try to pair me with Eris in a story. Me the talented Green coated, black mane, glassing wearing, cutie mark that is of a puzzle piece and two pencils intersecting it. I highly doubt that writer would ever create such a story. Bwhahahahahaha.

    So, until the next chapter of Groom of Eris, see you all later.

    Hey guys,

    I love you guys so much and you guys are really smart. Some comments were a little dark, but don't worry i am sure Eris will be just fine...i think.

    I can't guarantee people will like the change in the story, but I am sure there will be a small percent of people that will like it. I have to think positive. My story might not be the best, but I am sure there are moments people will love about it.

    I have seen Rainbow Rocks...Don't have it on DVD yet. I thought it was pretty good. My hatred for Flash Sentry has increased tenfold. Probably will make him pay for making Twilight cry. Anyways...

    So, here's chapter 17.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. I don't own the rights to the genderswap ponies.

    Chapter 17: The Acceptance

    On the train ride to Canterlot, everypony were sharing tales of what is going on in their lives. There has been an advance between Sora and Rainbow Blitz. Butterscotch looked out the window while the cyan Pegasus was telling his tale.

    "So, are you two dating" Elusive smiled looking at the blushing Pegasus

    "Yea, okay it's official between her and me. Eventually, she would have fallen for my stallion charm." Rainbow Blitz put his hoof in the air pointing it at Bubbleberry. "But, don't start announcing it to everypony now."

    "Are you sure that she didn't date you because she felt sorry for beating you so many times?" Bubble Berry giggled. Rainbow Blitz glared at the party stallion. "Though, I will still want to setup a party for you two. It might turn into an engagement party."

    "Don't you think it's a big early to start announcing that?" Rainbow Blitz nervously stated

    "Well, it isn't too late to start planning in advanced. You need to be prepared for when that mare wants something more than being your marefriend" Elusive smiled

    "I am sure that won't happen for a while" Rainbow Blitz said with confidence before a stream of worries enters the colt's mind. "….I think"

    "How's it going with what's her name…." Bubble Berry poked the white unicorn with his hoof.

    "Everything is going on quite nicely with Regal. She and I are getting along quite nicely." Elusive cheerfully declared

    Everypony was laughing along, except for Butterscotch, who simply stared into the glass window. He didn't want to be rude to his friends, but something inside him told him to be elsewhere. The colt then heard a familiar voice.

    Butterscotch darling, are you alright?

    Butterscotch snapped out of it seeing the eyes of his friends were now on him. He saw Elusive's mouth had closed. Butterscotch soon took in it was Elusive, who was talking to him. He simply took his voice for….hers.

    "I'm sorry what's wrong?" Butterscotch snapped out of it and focused on Elusive.

    "I said is everything alright, you have been sitting there in silence for a while." Elusive asked again.

    "Oh yes, everything's fine. I just didn't want to bother anypony in their conversation." Butterscotch said to everypony.

    "Oh okay." Elusive smiled going about his conversation.

    Butterscotch looked back at the window. Everypony but Applejack was buying Butterscotch's words. Applejack could tell something is wrong with the Pegasus. He wasn't the only one. Barbara had a funny suspicion something wasn't right with Butterscotch.

    In the castle, Prince Solaris was holding a small feast upon Butterscotch's return. Prince Artemis sat besides his brother. Prince Tempo was sitting down right next to his brother in-law. He explained Gleaming Shield's absent had to do with returning to the Crystal Empire to care for their newborn foal.

    "You decided on a name for my little nephew?" Dusk Shine smiled as he was excited to hear the name of his newborn nephew.

    "We have decided to call him Butterbe Nepal. We were walking by a lily one time and it came to us." Prince Tempo nods as he looked over at Butterscotch. Butterscotch felt a bit honored in the recent announcement, but due to his sad mood, his spirits weren't lifted. He knew that he would attract the attention of the others if he didn't show some sort of reaction, so he faked a smile to appeal to everypony. Applejack still wasn't buying the fake smiles Butterscotch was giving them.

    "Butterscotch, you have hardly touched your food, is everything alright?" Solaris noticed that Butterscotch had taken two bites in the last forty-five minutes since they have sat down to eat.

    "Oh, I am not particularly hungry at the moment." Butterscotch sighed and pushed his plate away.

    "Maybe our chefs can cook something you like." Solaris smiled with sincerity

    Butterscotch thought for a moment. He thought about what he could have to eat. Remembering what he ate a month ago, His mind traveled back through the months being with her.

    Butterscotch, I hope you are in the mood for waffles this morning.

    Butterscotch let me warm up this soup for you.

    Oh dear, now I am crying over spilled milk.

    Look at me Butterscotch, I am juggling cupcakes

    Stupid ketchup bottle, I SHALL OPEN YOU BY THE TIME THIS DAY IS DONE.

    I am sorry I ruined lunch in the kitchen; maybe we can have it outside. Let's enjoy this carrot cake that I just conjured up.

    Suddenly, a waiter had spilled some sauce on Butterscotch's plate. The earth pony looked in horror of what he had done. "I am terribly sorry sir; I didn't mean to spill this. I am not having a good night."

    Instead of anger, Butterscotch started to suddenly burst into laughter. Everypony including the waiter and Barbara noticed Butterscotch's complete change of mood. They were shocked he was laughing for an unknown and strange reason. Bubble wasn't even laughing and he was the most energetic out of all the stallions in the room. Butterscotch couldn't help but notice his laughter and slowly calm down. He realized how loud he had laughed. "ummmm…its okay I forgive you, Eris."

    Butterscotch noticed he had called the waiter Eris. The Pegasus lowered his head noticing how much everypony was staring at him. He went back to staring at his food, covering in sauce. He noticed how much the food resembled Eris's face. Her long hair, her gorgeous smile, and even the cutest little eyes he had ever seen. He noticed it had talked to him.

    Do You Love Me?

    Butterscotch moved back from his plate. Prince Solaris felt alarmed that Butterscotch had moved away from his chair. "Butterscotch, are you sure you are alright?"

    "Yes, I am. I just was just shocked by my plate." Butterscotch nodded quickly and sat back down.

    "So, Dusk Shine, how it's going with guard?" Bubbleberry smirked with interest. Hoping to embarrass the Prince that sat across from him.

    "What guard?" Dusk Shine tried to play the pronoun game.

    "You know that bodyguard from the Crystal Empire that you first bumped into. Then, you went into the mirror and met another version of that guard that magically fell in love with you for no reason at all. You know Flare Warden." Bubbleberry smirked as he patted his brother in law on the back.

    "Oh, ummmm I ummmm" Dusk Shine blushed as he felt his cheeks were burning with embarrassment.

    "Ahhh, Dusky is blushing" Bubble Berry giggled

    "You're in love with a castle guard Dusk Shine" Elusive cheered

    "Do you love her" Rainbow Blitz teased

    The words of the Wonderbolt held great familiarity with Butterscotch. His mind was flashing with imagines of Eris and the times she used those words

    Butterscotch, do you love me?

    Do you love me?

    Do you love me?

    Oh pleases tell me you love me yet?

    Butterscotch, pleases tell me you love me?

    Love me pleases, oh pleases say you love me?

    One of these days Butterscotch, I will get you to say that you love me?

    I know you love me; you know it in your heart.

    Oh the question, don't worry you don't have to say it, I know your answer.

    Butterscotch, can I kiss you?


    Butterscotch flew back on his chair after hearing his harsh words. The others had noticed Butterscotch's fall. Some of the guards approached the young Pegasus. Tears were streaming from his eyes.

    "It's my fault. It's all my fault" Butterscotch repeated his words.

    "Butterscotch…?"Prince Solaris said with a questionable look. All of Butterscotch's friends worried for him.

    "If I had said yes to her, then I wouldn't be feeling this way and I would be…." Butterscotch lifted his head

    "Butterscotch?" Artemis softly approached the stallion

    "I'm sorry. The food is delicious. I am really tired. So, good night everypony." Butterscotch quickly worded as he ran out of the room. The others looked on seeing the pegasus disappearing from their sights.

    "Butterscotch…."Applejack saw his friend running away from dinner.

    "Explain to me again, how Butterscotch escaped Eris's clutches? I don't think you have explained how Butterscotch was able to convince Eris to let him go." Prince Artemis said returning to the table as he looked at the doors that Butterscotch went through.

    "Well, Eris just let him go" Dusk Shine explained to the Princes and his sister.

    "Eris, let him go?" Solaris said with such confusion

    "Why would she let him go?" Prince Tempo asked

    "I am not sure." Dusk Shine looked at the Princes.

    Solaris was looking at his brother, who was deep in thought.

    Why did she let him go? Eris isn't one for making sense, but her actions would have reasons behind them. Why did she let him go? Wait a minute, their little date. Artemis smirked as thoughts were clicking in. I see, that's why you let him go.

    "Brother…. is everything alright" Solaris looked to his brother.

    "Yes, everything is alright. I am sorry to leave you all, but I must attend to my duties of being the Prince of the Night. I will see you again in the morning." Prince Artemis bowed to everypony. "Enjoy your meal."

    "He was supposed to say Buen Provecho. How rude." Bubbleberry crossed his hooves in a joking matter.

    Prince Artemis flew off into the night. There were now four empty chairs at the table. Elusive was the first to notice.

    "Where is Applejack and Barbara?" Elusive raised a brow of confusion.

    "Butterscotch, are you around little buddy?" Applejack stuck his head out in the corner.

    Applejack was searching room to room hoping to find Butterscotch; however he wasn't having any luck upon locating the Pegasus. He wondered if it was Eris that was driving the pegasus mad.

    Wait, I know that look. Butterscotch, are you in love with her?

    Applejack was staring to put the pieces together. He hoped to confront Butterscotch on this situation. Applejack didn't realize he was about to be confronted by a different creature.

    "Ahhhhh" Applejack said bumping into something.

    "Applejack is that you?" a voiced extended her hand.

    Applejack looked up noticing it was Barbara that confronted him. Applejack stood up as he didn't have time to talk to Barbara. As much as he wanted to avoid the dragon at all cost, Barbara was making her presence known. Applejack tried to move away from the dragon, however she gripped him hard with her hand on his hoof.

    "Applejack, I need to talk to you" Barbara ordered the stallion

    "I would love to stay and chat, but I need to…." Applejack said

    "Well, I want to talk to you about what you told me yesterday" Barbara boosted her voice up a little louder. Applejack stepped his ground as he remembered the moment with her yesterday.

    Applejack was upset that Butterscotch had ran of the room. He was tired of everypony was picking on him. The apple farm stallion had every right to yell at them. How could they do that to poor Butterscotch? They pressured him into saying something that probably wasn't true and now look at the mess. They didn't know what love was. To every one of them, love was just a phase of life, not something that still kept moving. Most of his anger was towards a particular dragon, who was so thickheaded that she didn't see how he felt about her. He glared down looking at the ground. He heard the voice of Barbara and Applebuck bickering.

    "Will you let me see him? I want to talk to him. I don't understand what I did wrong" Barbara said

    "My brother doesn't want to see you right now" Applebuck was moving side to side blocking Barbara's view of Applejack.

    "Applejack, what do you mean by I don't understand love" Barbara said "What did I do wrong?"

    "Nothing" Applejack muttered under his breath.

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A scream was yelled inside the mansion. This caused Applejack, Barbara, and Applebuck to head back inside to investigate.

    "Just tell me what I did wrong? I don't understand why are you acting this way?" Barbara said confronting Applejack about the chat they had during Butterscotch's birthday.

    "Barbara, I don't think now is the best time for this." Applejack shook his head. He couldn't believe he was confronting the dragon about this.

    "Oh, this is the perfect chance to talk. Why won't you tell me what I did wrong? I am not the enemy Applejack. Just let me in." Barbara moved in the spaces the Applejack needed to move through. She wasn't going to move out of his way. Every time he would leap to the side of her, Barbara would jump in front of the stallion.

    "Barbara, you just don't understand…"Applejack said

    "No, you don't understand. I am tired of you avoiding the issue, Applejack. The way you have been acting lately. I understand why Butterscotch is upset. I just don't understand why you are all upset. Your stubborn attitude and your distant from mares is the very reason you don't have a marefriend." Barbara yelled at him

    Applejack growled as he looked down staring at the angry eyes of the dragon in front of him. He felt insulted at the moment, but he saw Butterscotch was passing by in the halls. He looked down seeing the dragon not letting him through. He needed something to say to her. He needed closure. He knew whatever hope he had for his relationship with Barbara was died. There was no way the stallion would earn her love.

    "You know, Barbara. It's so ironic. I support and help along with my friend's romantics. Helping them understand and how they could feel the love of their special somepony. But, when i need help with my romance, there is no pony around that will lift a hoof to help me. Additionally, the special somepony i am in love with doesn't even know how i am feeling. So, my reason for my 'distant' and 'stubborn attitude isn't what you think it it. You don't even know why because you can't even see it. But, i don't need a special somepony or somedragon to make me feel special. So, I don't need you, Barbara." Applejack growled as he leaped over Barbara, who was taking in all that Applejack had said. Applejack meanwhile was trying to hold back his tears.

    Barbara sat down feeling the words that Applejack left her with. She looked in his direction with her hands out feeling confused.

    "ARGGGGGHHHH, Stallions are so confusing." Barbara screamed.

    "Where am I?" Butterscotch told himself as he saw a garden full of red roses. He recognized the place being Eris's castle. He soon saw a being lying in the middle of the roses.

    To his surprise, Eris was lying on the ground. Most of her body had disappeared. What was floating out of her were purple petals. Butterscotch raced to her.

    "ERIS!" He screamed immediately rushing to her side. "What's wrong?"

    "I'm dying Butters." Eris giggled but felt the pain of her laugh.

    "How are you dying? You're immortal. Immortals can't die." Butterscotch looking around trying to find some way to help Eris along, but she gripped his hoof. More purple petals were leaving her body as her body was staring to disappear. Even her head started to vanish bit by bit.

    "Everything dies eventually Butterscotch. I am no exception." Eris looks away.

    "I don't understand." the Pegasus felt very confused. He rubbed her cheeks trying to understand what was happening to her.

    "Trust me, things are better this way. I am sorry for causing you so much pain. I just wanted to earn your love. But, it would seem that i have driven you away by my crazy antics." tears floated down her eyes.

    "No, it can't end like this Eris. You are going to be alright. We are going to return to your castle together. You are going to live a very long life Eris. You just need…" Butterscotch tried to reassure her, but the draconequus wasn't going to have it. Seeing him like this was causing her to cry as well.

    "Just know that i will always love you" Eris tearly took her last breath and faded away from Butterscotch's vision.

    Butterscotch started screaming in agony. He didn't even know why. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ERIS!"

    "HELPPPPPPPPP!" Butterscotch searched around "SOMEPONY, ANYPONY. I don't want to be alone."

    Butterscotch curled up into a little ball as he continued to cry. Eris was his best friend and she had died for some mysterious reason. Yet, he felt so confused. If he was set on Eris being his friend, how come it was hurting him so much? This pain felt more than Eris was just a friend. This pain was hurting him as much as if she was something more to him. He lies on the ground where Eris once laid. He continued to cry as if an important part of him withered away, never to be seen again. It was just like his mother's death. In the shadow of the fog, a figure came from behind Butterscotch.

    "All is well, young colt. The draconequus still lives."

    "Artemis!" Butterscotch quickly rose in the presence of the Prince of the Night.

    "May I ask of what you are doing here?" The prince of the night spoke with such authority.

    "I am not sure, I believe that we are in a dream." Butterscotch wiped the tears from his face.

    "I mean why are you here and not with Eris?" Artemis corrected himself

    "Well….She let me go." Butterscotch down at the ground.

    "Why did she do that?" Artemis raised a brow

    "I don't know." Butterscotch turned his head

    "I believe you do know the reason, your heart is very conflicted on how it feels. You want to tell me the reason, but you are afraid of what that truth might hold." Artemis pointed his hoof at Butterscotch.

    "You think that my heart is feeling hurt because I am in love with Eris, but that is impossible. I can't be in love with her." Butterscotch looked in the direction of the prince of the night.

    "You can't be in love with her, or do you deny on what your heart wants to feel?"

    The Prince walked with Butterscotch down a pathway in the garden as he looked at him. The prince used his magic to show Butterscotch moments between him and Eris. "For many years, I have known the creature you call Eris. Many different emotions and appearances she has expressed. I only saw the creature heart of what she was capable of. All the destruction and chaos she blanketed Equestria with...I thought redemption was not possible with her."

    Butterscotch sighed as he saw Eris's lonely eyes. For some reason, tears started to stream from his eyes. He looked up seeing Artemis had shown Butterscotch the night of the date between him and Eris.

    "Yet, the way she looks at you is something I have never seen in her before. It was as if I was seeing her for the first time. She showed you a side I have never seen Eris express before. I kept asking myself why hasn't she used her magic on you. It would have been much easier for her to control you with her magic. Why was this feeling so natural?"

    Artemis focused his magic on memories of Butterscotch and Eris. He found one where the two had made snow ponies together. Eris was giggling in the memory.

    "I never thought Eris could create such wonders with her magic." Artemis expressed happily for the stallion and Eris. "Yet, there was something that wasn't there before. There wasn't any love in the creature's heart."

    Butterscotch looked at Artemis, who was still rambling on.

    "I always compared Eris to fire; always causing destruction in its wake. Burning those who aren't careful to its tricks and something that will never stop until it calms down" Artemis said using his magic to show a single flame of fire. "However, I have forgotten that fire could also be used for good. It shows great beauty lies within its glow. Eris has had such fire in her eyes. Yet, it was you that managed to tame this fire of hers. How you were able to show her that she can be more than just chaos. So much more than what she appears to be. Yet…"

    Artemis showed the stallion the day that Eris set him free. "….She loved you too much to harm you. Her heart felt lifted upon letting you go. Yet, she still cries for what she had done to you."

    "That's horrible." Butterscotch gazed upon Eris. He saw how lonely she was becoming. "So, what must I do? I am not sure she even wants me around." Butterscotch tearfully looks at her. In his heart, he knew he wanted to be with her. But, what happened if she rejected him? If she told him to leave her sights and never return. What if her love for him was gone? He did tell her that he didn't love her. What chance was there that she still loved him?

    "Go to her" Artemis smiled as the Pegasus turned to him "If you feel your destiny lies with the Draconequus, then go to her. She needs you. In your heart, you know that she still loves you."

    Butterscotch nods as he starts to disappear. He realized he was waking up from his dream.

    "Thank you, Prince Artemis"

    "Thank you, Butterscotch. Good luck on your journey"

    Butterscotch left as Prince Artemis waved goodbye. "Well, I am sure things will change. I just hope Eris will change for the better"

    Once he did he made one realization.

    "I am going to see Eris."

    Butterscotch looked to his left and saw nothing. He looked in the other direction and saw there was no pony in sight. It was good as he didn't want to wake up anypony in the middle of the night. He had a saddlebag at the ready on his back. He didn't want to let anyone in on what he was about to do again. He was going to make his return to Eris's castle. He was going to look at her straight in the eyes and talk to her. He needed to apology. He was the one at fault for this whole ordeal. There was no use crying and play the blame game. Now was the time for action. He needed to hurry up. There is no telling what Eris could do.

    The Pegasus looked around every corner of the castle. He needed to find a way out of the castle and fly to the Everfree Forest. He had done it once before and he can do it again.

    As soon as the close was clear, Butterscotch raced towards the next corner.


    Butterscotch looked upon what he had hit. He knew he would be busted if he had bumped into a guard, however the stallion wasn't in the usual royal guard attire, in fact the hat he had on fell down. The stallion picked it up. Butterscotch recognized the colt right away.

    "Howdy Butterscotch, I guess we keep bumping into one another like this." Applejack stood up before noticing the saddlebag on his friend's back.

    "Oh, I am sorry Applejack, I didn't mean to bump into you like that." Butterscotch came to the rescue of his friend.

    "It's alright buddy, I see you have a saddlebag ready. I take it you are going to see Eris." Applejack deduced the intentions of his best friend

    "Yes" Butterscotch nodded fiercely

    "Have you figured out what you want to say" Applejack said as he saw his friend had made it past him, however not far enough as he saw the sudden halt of his friend.

    "I have no idea what to say" Butterscotch cowered in fear as he comprehended the missing component in his flawed plans.

    "Well, let's talk about this." Applejack stood there with a smile

    There they were once more. In the kitchen, it felt like it was a month ago. Butterscotch stared at Applejack. The colt stood there waiting to hear what the pinked mane pegasus had to say. Butterscotch held a breath and exhaled it.

    "At first, I was in constant fear of her. Everywhere I turned, she was there. She was haunting me and constantly scaring me. Eventually, I started to warm up to her. I found that we shared some things in common. She even made me laugh so hard. We had a lot of great moments together. We even went out on a date. We played bowling and I knocked down a strike on my first try. I mean it was exciting. It was during the party I said some things I didn't mean to say. After that, I started to feel all sad and lonely; it was as if a big piece of me remained with her. I couldn't sleep or eat at all. I still feel pretty sad. But, I realize that Eris is suffering just as much as I am. It's all my fault. I am the one who said I didn't love her."

    "It's alright Butterscotch. I was the one who put you on the spot. I had no right to do that." Applejack smiled as he tilted his head.

    Applejack looked at him and smiled. A month ago, Butterscotch was scared of his own shadow. He saw such a change in him as of late. He looked at the Pegasus being very strong. He sighed as he had to tell him something about his love life.

    "I told Barbara i didn't love her anymore" Applejack lied. He really didn't want to make it about himself, but he had to lift the huge weight out of his way.

    "I am so sorry, Applejack" Butterscotch hugged the stallion. He felt sorry that the apple farmer's romance had to end. Butterscotch was actually rooting for Applejack in support of his attempts to win Barbara, but failed. He wondered what was going to happen to his love life now?

    "I will be alright. I guess i just need to move on from it. I shouldn't dwell too much into it"

    Butterscotch put on his saddle bag and looked at Applejack. "You realize that I have to see Eris again. I have to go back into the Everfree Forest to go back and see her. She might reject me, she might not. I have to go and see her again. Every day she lives in torment because I told her I didn't love her. That's not true. I know it's not true."

    "Do you love her?" Applejack asked the familiar phrase.

    "Yeah" Butterscotch smiled with confidence. For the first time, he was confidence in his answer. He did love her. Tears of joy rained down from his face. He wiped his eyes as he looked at her. "I am going to see her and that's final. You can stop me if you want to, but I am walking out of this castle and into hers. I am going to tell her I love her and hopefully she will take me back."

    "I am not going to stop you, little buddy. Though, you might need a little help getting through the Everfree Forest. You aren't going to have the same luck you had last time. That's why I am coming in with you"

    "I can't ask you…." Butterscotch was about to speak, but he saw the hoof in the air.

    "Wasn't asking you" Applejack smirked.

    Butterscotch grinned as he wasn't going to deny Applejack out of an adventure in the Everfree Forest.

    Butterscotch and Applejack made sure they weren't caught by the royal guards. They familiarized themselves with the guard's motions and moved on when the guards weren't looking. The two stallions thought they were in the clear. However, a magic produced wall blocked their paths.

    "Butterscotch and Applejack." Dusk Shine voiced his princely duties "What are you doing out of bed?"

    Butterscotch and Applejack saw Rainbow Blitz, Bubble Berry and Elusive standing with the alicorn. Applejack saw that their exit was being blocked by their four friends. There was no other way out. Applejack saw Butterscotch could barely speak, so he decided to speak up.

    "Well….." Applejack was about to say, but the pegasus stood in front of him. He stared down all four of his friends. He had no time to deal with their defiance.

    "I am getting out of this castle to the Everfree Forest. I am going back to Eris's castle and talking to her once more. I am going to be with her again." Butterscotch stood tall among his friends.

    "Are you crazy, Butterscotch? After all the trouble you went through getting out of that mad house, you want to go back there? That crazy witch could have hurt you. She has hurt you. Look at your side. Do you not remember what she did to you?" Rainbow Blitz pointed his hoof at Butterscotch's scar.

    "Do I need to remind you, Rainbow Blitz, that these scars would have belong to you, if I had not been there in time to push you away?" Butterscotch told the cyan stallion. "She overreacted. She has been nothing but nice to me for the time I was there. It was my fault that i lied to her. I didn't want to push you guys away. Besides, i would support you guys if the mare or special somepony you love is different."

    "Nice to you? I am afraid I don't understand." Elusive asked "Butterscotch, we are only looking out for you."

    Elusive wanted to calm the stallion down. He extended his hoof to touch Butterscotch, but the sharp whip of his wing on his hoof made the stallion back up to the entrance. The four were shocked at Butterscotch's stare, which he was giving them all.

    "Butterscotch?" Bubble Berry worried about his friends.

    "Now, I know you all don't understand what I am going through, but I am in love with her. I am in love with Eris. Yeah, I do love her. I love her more than I think I do. I love her more than all the animals that I care for. I love her more than bunnies and rain clouds. That is how much I love that draconequus. So, i am going to be with her, whether you like it or not."

    Butterscotch made his peace. He stood tall as he knew what he had to do. He didn't care anymore if Dusk Shine or his friends would not approve of his actions. He talked in such a voice that they didn't even recognize. This wasn't the same Butterscotch they have known. "Now, I am going to see her. Either move out of my way, or I am going to go through you guys."

    Elusive thought the pegasus was joking. Butterscotch didn't hold much strength. Yet, the Pegasus stood in a charging position with his wings ready. This slowly made the white unicorn realize that the stallion wasn't joking. He was dead set on charging through them. "Oh, you are serious"

    Butterscotch looked at them. Dusk Shine sighed as he looked up to his friend and sat down. "I can not allow you to go off on your own, but I can see that you are devoted to her."

    Dusk Shine moves out of the way. Butterscotch raises a brow and Rainbow Blitz throws his hooves out. "What the hey, Dusk Shine?"

    Dusk Shine stood up as he walks to the defense of Butterscotch. "I may not sympathize or wonder why you love her so much, but I can see you are willing to do anything to go to the one you love."

    "You can't be serious Dusk Shine"

    "Well, I mean I see how she has made you happy, so I am in support of you as well. That is a Bubble Promise." Bubble Berry did the familiar Bubble promise and bounced over and grins "Besides, Eris is a lot of fun to be around. I know she must really love you so much."

    "Thanks, Bubble Berry" The Pegasus felt the hoof gripping hug that the energetic stallion was giving him.

    Elusive stares intensely at the four stallions that stood in front of Rainbow Blitz and him. "Well, you do need a suit if you want to convince Eris you are in love with her. She will need to see you at your best."

    As Rainbow Blitz saw that he was all alone while staring at the four stallions, who surrounded Butterscotch with their friendship. Blitz was perplexed "But….how the…..I mean…..Butterscotch. Eris is…..I mean she is…..How do you expect me to"

    "I don't expect much from you, Rainbow Blitz" Butterscotch put a hoof on his best friend. "I just need to know that you will be there with me to confront her."

    Rainbow Blitz wanted to object at first, but smiled at the stallion "Fine, but that doesn't mean that I completely trust her."

    "I wouldn't expect you to" Butterscotch grinned.

    Suddenly, a royal guard ran up to Dusk Shine "Prince Dusk Shine. Prince Tempo is searching for you. There has been a disturbance in the throne room."

    Dusk Shine looked to his friends, and looked back to the guard. "Take us to my brother in-law"

    Butterscotch and the others raced down the hallway seeing a row of guards marching. "Prisoner goes to the dungeon"

    "Prisoner?" Butterscotch felt confused.

    In the distance, footsteps were heard. Butterscotch wasn't sure who the prisoner was. It could have been a big scary dragon for all he knew. He hid behind Applejack as he could tell the prisoner would reveal himself or herself to the mane six.

    Butterscotch saw the creature in plain view. She was familiar to all of them, especially Butterscotch.

    "Eris" Butterscotch came from behind Applejack. The draconequus turned her head. She couldn't face him. She had shackles on her arms and chains attached so she wouldn't have much arm room. She could have escaped her captors, but she was willing to be imprisoned. She walked away, but heard the voice of Butterscotch.

    "Eris, wait why are you…."Butterscotch called out before the wings of two royal guards stopped him. "No formal contact with the prisoner"

    Butterscotch stepped back. Prince Tempo raised a brow before seeing a royal guard rushing to him. Prince Tempo turned to the guard.

    "Prince Tempo, Prince Solaris wishes to speak with your brother and his friends. It sounded really important." The guard saluted the Prince of Love and the Prince of Friendship.

    "Is this about why Eris is here?" Dusk Shine intruded on his brother in-law's behalf.

    The guard nods.

    "Dusk Shine" Prince Solaris stood with Prince Artemis

    "We just saw Eris was here. Why is she here and being taken to the dungeon?" Dusk Shine asked.

    Prince Solaris sighed as he looked at Butterscotch mostly. "Eris appeared here using her magic. She came here willingly and surrendered herself."

    Most of the stallions were shocked. Butterscotch looked up at Solaris just trying to process Eris was willingly put herself in a position of defeat.

    "I think it's a trick." Rainbow Blitz sensed. "I bet Eris is just waiting until our guard is down and then she will hit us where it hurts the most."

    "As much as I would like to think so, it didn't seem like it. Eris just appeared and gave herself up. But, what was most strange was her request." Solaris raised a brow.

    Artemis looked down at Butterscotch. He looked away not wanting to face the stallion after what his brother would have to say.

    "What kind of request?" Dusk Shine asked as his curiosity was peeked.

    "She requested the Elements of Harmony." Prince Solaris announced.

    Dusk Shine and Rainbow Blitz reacted in outrage. Elusive and Bubbleberry were shocked upon this request. Applejack and Butterscotch were shocked more than seeing Eris in chains. The apple farmer looked to his friend. He sensed Butterscotch was slowly processing this.

    "No way" Rainbow Blitz crossed his hooves "She just plays on getting rid of them. We aren't going to give her the elements. She could use them to take over Equestria or destroy them so her rule remains unchallenged."

    "She must plan on using them for her own mischievous acts." Dusk Shine looked at Solaris, who shook his head.

    "I am afraid that is not the reason she needs them. She even told me why she needed them." Solaris said as he looked to his brother, then at Butterscotch and then at the six stallions once more.

    "Then, what does she want?" Elusive asked

    "If she doesn't want the Elements, why did she ask for them." Dusk Shine was trying to understand Eris's reasons for wanting the elements. It made no sense. If she didn't want it for her own schemes, what did she need them for? The only ponies that could use them were his five friends and him…

    "The reason Eris wants the elements is that she requested the bearers of the elements of Harmony…"Solaris slowly said before getting to the point.

    "…..She wants you six to turn her to stone once more" Solaris announced.



    Let's end things here. How did you enjoy the change I made to this story?

    Let's go over this chapter.

    There were some things that i kept in this chapter that was from BoD. Some moments were great and some weren't and i don't blame you if you felt the scenes were too forced.

    Oh yea, i am probably going to be yelled at for this one. Butterbee Nepal. So, he is DF's OC Genderswapped. Now, he is the genderswapped Flutterby Lily. I know Butterbee Nepal doesn't make any sense, but let me explain myself here. ButterBee, Butter named after Butterscotch of course. Bee sounding a bit like by but it wouldn't make sense if i named him Butterby. Nepal is named after the lily called Nepal Lily. I couldn't come up with a manly name for a flower. ughhhhhh.

    The Applejack Barabara moment needed a bit of an end to it. Now, this chapter was called the acceptance, so i had to make Applejack accept that no matter what he was doing, Barbara still didn't like him in that way. In BoD, Applejack might had let it go a tiny bit and to not dwell on her feelings for the moment. Applejack (Male) still had those lingering feelings despite talking to Zicoro. He just didn't let it go as much as his female counterpart did. There was still a chance he wanted to convince her of his crush on her. In the original draft of this chapter, Applejack's outburst would have been along the lines of society's standards on how a stallion had to find a love for their hearts to be complete and how Applejack didn't have to abide by that. You can see why i lost track of Applejack's words. So, i changed it to have him feel the irony of him helping his other friends find love yet, his love life was nonexistence. The one part of the outburst that i decided to keep was the line "I don't need you, Barbara". People might think this is a slip, but it really isn't. Maybe it was a slip from Applejack, but i had a purpose for it.

    Now, i love the dream sequence for Butterscotch and Artemis. I knew i had to make this the center of the chapter as this moment reminds me of Simba and Rafiki from the Lion King (BTW favorite Disney Movie. Have some personal history with it.). Artemis is convincing Butters that he is in love with her and that he should go to her. It is what makes them both happy. This was a great moment in the fanfic as well. I just needed to add more to it. Even the moment Butterscotch was sneaking out of the castle made me think of the walking in sand moment from the Lion King.

    Anyways, well i didn't do much for Applejack's discussion with Butterscotch on his feelings towards Eris because Artemis had talked to him about and i didn't want to have the message repeated again, so i only had a small chat between them and Applejack joins Butterscotch on his journey. The reason i felt the four friends should have been an obstacle was because it would be like turning back time, so Butterscotch could fix what he had messed up on.

    Let's talk about this ending shall we?

    Why did i decide to change the ending of this chapter? Well, i didn't like the whole settling of the Everfree Forest too much. So, i changed it to Eris being imprisoned in Canterlot. Eris feels distraught after hurting Butterscotch. She doesn't care about taking over Equestria. So, to keep herself from hurting him, she decides to do the one thing she wouldn't normally think about doing; turning herself into stone. That was why i decided to change it up a little bit. Now, originally i wanted to put something in the end of the chapter as well, but i think you guys will find out next chapter, what i am up to.

    Also, originally Gleaming Shield would have been the one in Canterlot and Prince Tempo would reside in the Crystal Empire. You will learn soon why i changed it to Prince Tempo being in Canterlot.

    So, tell me your thoughts on this chapter and what you think might happen in the next chapter.

    Well, Discord seems like to do things to enrage me. So, first was making me pay for Chapter 15 by placing me in a room full of enraged Opalescence. Then, there was the 'love potion' incident. Discord made Midnight Summer's Dream look tame by comparison.

    *puts on a suit of armor* now i have to fix another problem Discord has done. Let's just hope i can turn an orange cat wearing a blue hat back into a pegasus once more. *Picks up book on converting cats to pegasus*

    Me: *Walks offscreen* How to Turn Your Disney Fanatic 2364 from Cat to Pegasus by Fluttershy. Seems very specific,but okay. Chapter 1: when enraged cats attack...

    *It's funny because i can see Discord turn DF into a cat multiple times enough to where somepony would write a book*

    Next chapter is called

    The Confrontation

    Until then, see you later.

    Chapter 18?: The Fool

    Eris was walking down as she stared at the royal guards who were bringing her out to the garden. Today, her sentence would be carried out as commanded. She looks up and sighed. Her month of imprisoning the stallion and forcing him to marry her was about to be served with some justice.

    Solaris stood forward as he glared down at Eris, who was looking at Butterscotch. She hoped that he still loved her. However, Butterscotch only glared back at her in distain. The lady of Chaos quickly looked down as she still felt his glares at her.

    "Eris the draconequus," Solaris spoke "Today the sentence of your imprisonment is to be carried out. Do you have anything you wish to say?"

    "There is. I am sorry for all that I have done and I hope Butterscotch can forgive me."

    "I don't forgive you." Butterscotch summoned a death glare at her. "You put me through so much torment. I don't love you at all. In fact, I never liked you to begin with. I thought you were a horrible monster and you deserve a worst punishment than putting you into stone."

    Eris felt his harsh words and sighed.

    "It would seem that we won't be putting you to stone." Solaris said changing the punishment of Eris. "Instead, we will be removing your head from your body. If we turn you to stone, then you will just break out of it and cause mischief once more. We need a permanent solution to stop you."

    "Solaris, no stop I beg of you." Eris tried to use her magic, but her shackles prevented her chaotic magic from coming out. "Oh, that's right."

    Eris started to scream as Solaris used his magic to remove Eris's head from her body.

    "ERIS," Butterscotch turned back to see the mistake he had made.

    Butterscotch rushed over to the draconequus and started to cry.

    "Eris, I am so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?" Butterscotch cried over Eris's body in sadness.

    "I already have Butterscotch." A voice crawled out of Eris's body. Everypony was shocked at what exactly was crawling out of Eris's body. It was an orange cat with a black tipped tail. She looked at Butterscotch, using her paw to make him look at her.

    "Eris?" Butterscotch raised a brow

    "I am not Eris, Butterscotch. I am sorry I lied to you." The cat told the stallion while digging out a blue hat from Eris's metallic head. Her tail then placed the hat on her head like a crown.

    "My name is Daphne." The cat lifted the stallion from the ground. "Ever since this story was started, I have always been in love with you. Given that I am a cat and you are a guy pony, I thought our love couldn't come to be. That's why I have been posing as Eris. So, I could work my way up to telling the truth about you."

    Butterscotch felt touched that Eris went through all this trouble just to get him to like her in that way.

    "But, I know that you don't love me anymore. So, I might as well give up my attempts to earn your love." The cat told her love before walking away slowly.

    "Wait, Daphne." Butterscotch halted the feline's movements by holding her paw. "I thought this was a really nice gesture. I never thought a cat like you would ever have feelings for me? In fact, I need to tell you that I am in love with you and I want to marry you."

    "Wait, are you saying you want to…"

    "Daphne the kitty cat, will you marry me?" Butterscotch kneeled down to propose to her.

    The cat grinned hearing Butterscotch's confession of marrying her. She got so excited that everypony saw her bouncing off the walls, despite the fact that they were outside.

    "I mean, ummm yes. I would love to marry you as well." Daphne coughed to remain calm about this moment. She held the stallion in her paws. "We must now come to gather everything we need for this wedding. You guys are invited to the wedding as well. Come Butterscotch, let's fly to my castle in the clouds to plan out our wedding."

    "Daphne, how can you fly or even live in the sky if you don't have wings." Butterscotch was confused.

    "Oh, my foolish love, you have a lot to learn about me. You don't need wings to fly" Daphne winked before holding the Pegasus in her paws and lifted off leaving a bright rainbow trail behind.

    "That is so wickedly cool" Rainbow Blitz felt jealous of Daphne's flight ability.

    Daphne and Butterscotch would have a wedding about three thousand times bigger than Gleaming Shield and Prince Tempo. There, the two lived together for many years, having about thirty kids before growing old together and died about two hundred years later.

    "So, let me get this straight," The Autistic Writer spoke "Eris is not Eris at all, just Daphne the cat controlling the robot Eris in her attempts of falling in love with Butterscotch. You used an execution to get the truth out, and Butterscotch still loves her despite this bombshell."

    Eris nods. "So, what do you think?"

    "I thought this chapter was horrible, this isn't what i wrote. Where is chapter 18?"

    "Well, stop being lazy and release it already."

    "I am sorry i have been busy with other things."

    "Okay, but don't come crying to me if people hate your story. The only reason people like it is because it is a genderswapped Bride of Discord."

    Eris disappears and the Writer looks to the audience. He shook his head not believing what Eris said about the only reason people read this story.

    "I am so glad you enjoyed my little April Fools joke. So, April Fools Everypony/Everybody. I really enjoyed making this chapter. Don't worry; this isn't actually chapter 18 of Groom of Eris. Just a little April Fools joke I am cooking up just to prepare you guys for chapter 18. Don't worry about it, chapter 18 will be done soon."

    "You are wondering why did I repost chapter 17? Well, there was a big hole that one of my frequent readers noticed. I want to thank that person for noticing my flawed chapter."


    The Writer covering his poor ears hearing the voices of his fans crying out that question.

    "Well, chapter 18 will be posted by next month or sometime later. I am still working on it. So, don't quote me on it. The reason why it will take me a long time to do so is because I have other fics to catch up on. Plus, I have school and other obligations to get to. Unfortunately, I cannot be fully committed to this story."

    "Well, I have to go, but I want to thank you all for sticking by this story. I never thought i would get so many likes for this story. I know it's not that good, but it doesn't matter as it is a good story. Nothing will stop me from finishing it. See you all in the next chapter."

    The Autistic Writer uses his superspeed to run off into the next chapter.

    Hello again my friends. How are we doing today? Well i am doing just fine with updating this story once more. I am so glad that we are approaching the end of this story. It will be over soon. Everything that has been building up to the end of this story. In two more chapters, this story will be finished. The talks of the future of this story will be revealed. My endgame will be coming soon.

    So, let's see what happens in this chapter. I am sure people will either be shocked, happy, or upset by the events of this chapter. So, let's see how you feel about this chapter.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. I don't own the rights to the genderswap ponies.

    Chapter 18: The Confrontation

    Butterscotch stood there as he saw the draconequus laying in her cell, awaiting the sentence she had desired. The Pegasus stood there wondering why Eris was willing to turn herself to stone. None of it made any sense. Being turned to stone would be the last thing Eris would do.

    He remembered one of the many conversations they had during the night.

    I know I already asked you….can you tell me again about your experience being turned to stone..

    *Sigh* Well Butterscotch, being turned to stone is the most horrifying experience in my life. At first, I didn't expect it. I thought Solaris and Artemis's little Elements of Harmony would do nothing to me. I just simply phased it as magic that wouldn't work. Then I felt my whole body being heaiver than it usually was. Every minute, my body had hardened up, until the point that I was completely petrified. I couldn't move my body, I couldn't use my magic, and I couldn't do anything. like being inside a small box with a hole in it.

    All I could do is let the world pass by my eyes. I could listen as well. Feel the pain that ponies were watching me as if I was some attraction in a museum. All of them laughing at me, pointing to one another how I was a monster, and birds had the nerve to lay their droppings on me. How disgusting. Luckily, Artemis and Solaris hired clean up crews to clean every statue that was in the garden.

    The worst part of it all was that I felt alone, like more alone that usual. How I couldn't do anything to stop it. It was such an painful moment. I never want to experience it again…..EVER.

    Butterscotch stood there with his friends. The Pegasus wanted to talk to Eris, but a barrier, that Eris produced with her magic, made it impossible to even talk to her. He kept pounding on the barrier trying to get her attention. Yet, nothing was working. She was ignoring him. This wouldn't stop the stallion from at least making an effort to save her. She turned to face him.

    "Just leave me alone, Butterscotch." Eris turned her head to the corner. "I will only let down the barrier if you and your friends have decided to use the elements to turn me into stone."

    Butterscotch growled "Eris, pleases let me in. I just want to talk to you. We can work this out. Pleases, I want to hear your joyful voice once more. I forgive you for everything that has happened. Pleases don't shut me out. I don't want to put you into stone. Not now, and not ever again. I am begging you, don't make me do this to you. I am going to get you out of here. You don't deserve this."

    The Pegasus noticed how his voice wasn't reaching Eris at all. He growls as he kicks a nearby pebble while his friends were looking at the cell. Dusk Shine and Elusive went off to talk to the Princes to discuss what was going to happen. The others would have supported Butterscotch, but the chance to finally put Eris to stone was gift wrapped to them. The question that needed to be answered was if they were going to take that chance or not.

    The dungeon doors opened as Dusk Shine came down with Elusive. The four other ponies marched towards them. They all wondered what exactly the Princes told them.

    "Well, what does the Princes have to say?" Blitz looked at his friend.

    "He is leaving it up to us to decide on the course of action that should be dealt with." Dusk Shine looked over at Butterscotch. "In my heart, I want to turn her into stone."

    "You can't." Butterscotch yelped. He ran over to Dusk Shine hoping he would hear him out.

    "Butterscotch, Eris has done too much to deserve another chance. I understand what you are feeling at the moment and I am taking that into consideration. However, I must take the needs of Equestria as well. If we don't seal her in stone, she might destroy Equestria once more and we will lose this chance."

    "I am not willing to turn her into stone. I love her." Butterscotch looked at Dusk Shine.

    "Butterscotch, I need to think..." Dusk Shine pleaded.

    "…I understand that you need to think of Equestria before me. But, think of what you are doing in order to preserve peace? Think of the consequences of what will happen. Do you think for a minute that I will be willing to forgive you knowing we did this to her? No, we need to think of another way. Some way that doesn't involve turning Eris back into stone. What if it was Flare Warden that was causing chaos in Equestria? Would you have the same mindset as well?" Butterscotch stood in front of the Prince.

    "Butterscotch, you are not being fair." Dusk Shine backed off feeling insulted by Butterscotch, yet the thought hadn't occurred to him about how difficult this was on Butterscotch.

    "Oh, I am sorry. We haven't met, my name is Butterscotch. The last time I checked, I am the element of kindness, not forgiveness." Butterscotch darted his eyes at Dusk Shine.

    Butterscotch looked to his friends and back at Dusk Shine. "I am not going to use my element against her. After all that she has done, if i do this, then i would betray everything i believed in. I know you guys mean well, but until we can agree on a course of action that doesn't involve turning her into stone, I will not use this."

    Butterscotch took off his necklace and gave it to Dusk Shine. With a gust in the wind, The Pegasus ran out of the room. Prince Tempo stepped inside the cell as he just missed Butterscotch.

    "I see things aren't going well with Eris's sentence?"

    "Not really. Butterscotch is still upset that we still want to turn Eris into stone. Its not like we don't understand him, it's just that we are finding it difficult to justify Eris's actions. We didn't spend a month with her, so we wouldn't know how he is feeling." Elusive sighed.

    "Yeah, I mean I want to help out Butterscotch, but I can't seem to jump for joy when it comes to Eris." Bubble Berry said as he literally tries to jump for joy, he only moved a couple of centimeters off the ground.

    "Well, we need to make a decision. We can't just leave Eris here. She could be a threat." Rainbow Blitz stared at Eris.

    "I say we put it into a vote. All of us needs to make the right decision." Applejack looked up at the door of the dungeon.

    "You ponies get Butterscotch and try to make a decision on what will be the best course of action. I will watch over Eris and make sure she doesn't do anything" Prince Tempo ordered.

    "You got it, just be careful" Dusk Shine told the Prince before making off with his friends.

    Prince Tempo saw them leaving as the doors closed. Prince Tempo only glared at the lady of Chaos, who was merely wept in her cell. "I understand that you want to save me, Butterscotch. But, i am not worth it."

    Butterscotch stood there gazing out at the window. He knew his words were harsh to Dusk Shine, but the Pegasus wanted to make Dusk Shine see how he was feeling. It wasn't right for his friends to play judge, juror, or executioner. Butterscotch felt sick to his stomach when they tried to seal Eris the first time.

    Butterscotch gazed out the window as he knew his friends were now facing him.

    "If you are going to sway my decision of not punishing Eris, then you are wasting your breath. No force in Equestria will stop me" Butterscotch took a breath before turning around to face them.

    "Pleases, Butterscotch. Think about…" Dusk Shine stepped forward.

    "I know I should be thinking about the sake of Equestria, but think about my feelings. I know I am just being selfish, but you don't know what it is like being turned to stone for that long. Eris will have to live in torment for the rest of her life." Butterscotch turned his head.

    "Butterscotch, it was her decision to make." Dusk Shine looked to the Pegasus. Dusk Shine was trying to make him see the reasons he had to pick to seal her in stone.

    "Butterscotch, I understand that you want to be loyal to Eris after all you have been through, but we have to make a choice." Elusive decided to be the civil one in the group and try to calm down the situation.

    "Yes, but I will tell you all what will happen if we do decide to put Eris to stone." Butterscotch told them.

    I won't forgive any of you for it. I will choose to remain in the gardens overseeing her imprisonment. I will watch over her.

    "But, what about your animals?" Applejack asked

    I will set them free as my last request. I will choose to live out in the Canterlot gardens and wait until Eris is free. I will not move from my spot. I will fight anypony that tries to stop me.

    "Butterscotch, come on, let's not go crazy here. You can't expect to survive in the Canterlot garden" Rainbow Blitz trying to persuade his friend to reconsider his actions.

    I live off of whatever is in the gardens. I am not going to leave her side. While she remains in stone, I will be like her, always standing, staring and listening. I will never leave her side. I will remain with her.

    Bubble Berry and Elusive stared at him. They were frightened by what their friend was saying. Was he really that loyal to Eris that he will spend the rest of his life with her? Dusk Shine shook his head. Butterscotch was being foolish."What if Eris never turned back to normal? Eris has been in stone for many years. What if you grow old? What if she returns to the world after you are long gone? Are you willing to risk your life for her? Are you prepared for the heartache you will go through? Are you sure you will understand the sacrifice you are making?"

    It took a moment for Butterscotch to process Dusk Shine's questions. The Pegasus answered them without any hesitation in his vocal cords. "Yes, i am prepared to spend the rest of my days waiting for her. I don't care if I have to wait a year, ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years. For love is timeless. There might be a day where i will grow old. I will eventually be gone from the world, but my love for her will live on as long as she does. I will stand by her side, because my heart is not going to forsake her. It doesn't matter who you love, it matters how much you are willing to go for them. Love has no form, no preference, no limitations or appearance. I am going to make many sacrifices to ensure that Eris is happy to be with me. So, it doesn't matter how many steps i take, nor it doesn't matter how many years i have to wait. I love Eris and if you guys can't understand that, then i am a monster as well." Butterscotch finished his speech to look at the reactions of his friends.

    They tried not to cry over the extent Butterscotch was willing to go so far to be with the one he loved. To sacrifice everything to be with her. They were speechless. All of them understood the reason why Butterscotch went forward. They couldn't give up the things they had in their lives. As much as they wanted to save Equestria, they also had to consider how lonely Butterscotch would be if Eris was turned to stone. Dusk Shine view the Pegasus before he breathed in and out very slowly.

    "Butterscotch, are you sure you are willing to wait that long? If so, I am afraid I can't imprison Eris to stone knowing it will cause you such anguish." Dusk Shine hugged the Pegasus. "You really love her that much?"

    "I really do, Dusk Shine." Butterscotch nods his head.

    "Well….we have to do something?" Bubble Berry tilted his head.

    "We are, Bubble." Dusk Shine smiled "We are going to tell Eris we are not turning her into stone. We just have to convince her that Butterscotch really loves her."

    "YAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" Bubble Berry grinned as he was glad that they wouldn't make Butterscotch sad.

    "What are we waiting for? Let's get going." Elusive smiled

    As the six began to move towards the hallway, Applejack halted Elusive. The others stared at Applejack and Elusive.

    "What's up, Applejack." Rainbow Blitz raised a brow.

    "You guys go on ahead, I want to talk to Elusive alone for a minute" Applejack said

    "Okay, whatever" Rainbow Blitz left with the others.

    As the other four left, Applejack walked slowly with Elusive. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

    "It's about Barbara. You know she really likes you right?" Applejack sighed.

    "Yes, of course I do." Elusive said

    "Wait what? You already knew she loved you." Applejack was shocked.

    "Come on, you can't expect me not to know that the dragon was feeling something for me. My suspicions were confirmed when she tried to tell me how she felt when we were falling to the ground the one day she became a rather large and rude dragon." Elusive told his friend.

    "I see" Applejack felt silly that Elusive already knew about Barbara's feelings for him. "But, why do you lead her on like that. Knowing her feelings for you and just tossing them aside."

    "I am not tossing her aside. I guess I have been so grateful for the help Barbara gives out, that I never had the chance to tell her about how I don't see her in the way she sees me." Elusive sighed. He looked to Applejack and smiled.

    "But, if there was some stallion that liked Barbara, I believe that stallion just need to tell her his real feelings before another stallion sweeps her off her feet." Elusive continued. He looked at Applejack and tilted his head. "Is that all?"

    "Yea" Applejack nods his head quickly.

    While Elusive was catching up to his friends, Applejack was left to think over what the stallion told him.

    If some stallion liked Barbara, he just needs to tell Barbara his feelings before another stallion will sweep her off her feet.

    "Is Elusive right? If I don't tell Barbara how I feel, some other stallion might sweep her off her feet." Applejack sighed as he thought of the possibility of Barbara ending up with some other stallion other than him.

    "Applejack, are you coming?" Elusive poked head to where Applejack just stood there.

    "Yea, just thinking to myself" Applejack galloped along as his mind was troubled by Barbara ending up with another stallion.

    Solaris and Artemis were in the throne room thinking to themselves. "Brother, do you think that the six will imprison Eris in stone."

    "I don't think so, Artemis." Solaris told him. "Knowing what Butterscotch has been through and his feelings, I highly doubt that he will be okay with turning her into stone. We just have to keep an eye on Eris just in case if she causes trouble once more."

    "That is true, but I am sure Butterscotch will have what it takes to keep Eris in check." Artemis smiled. the alicorn was confident that Butterscotch was more than capable of controlling Eris.

    "My Lords Solaris and Artemis" A lone guard galloped into the room. He was out of breath and his armor was heavily damaged. "I flew as soon as I could to warn Canterlot of an incoming threat."

    Solaris flew down to see to the safety of the guard. He held him to hear the words the guard was gasping over.

    "Being…made of wood…..coming this way…to attack Canterlot"

    Solaris saw the guard faded into unconsciousness. Solaris put him down seeing other guards ran to the Prince.

    "Prepare for battle, it seems that we are going to be attacked, but take this guard to the infirmary" Solaris ordered.

    "Made of wood" Artemis closed his eyes for a moment. "Wait, does this mean that…."

    "Yes, they are at our gates once more to retake Canterlot" Solaris looked outside overlooking the fields that would soon be flourished with the enemy's army.

    The mane six were running trying to locate the dungeon, so they could convince Eris to listen to Butterscotch's words of love.

    "So, do you have any plans on what you are going to tell Eris?" Elusive asked Butterscotch, who was in deep thought about Eris.

    "What do you mean?" Butterscotch tilted his head.

    "Well, you have to be romantic with this. You are going to sweep her off her feet. There is a book about these types of things" Elusive stomped his hoof.

    "I plan to apologize for all that I have said, before telling her how I feel" Butterscotch told the stallion.

    Suddenly, guards started to march from the hallway towards the outside doors. Prince Tempo managed to find his way out of the guard's march.

    "Prince Tempo, what is going on." Dusk Shine looked at his brother-in-law.

    "We are under attack." Prince Tempo announced. "Butterscotch, we could use your assistance."

    "But, I need to tell Eris something." Butterscotch kept insisting on seeing Eris. But, Prince Tempo brought him outside with the others.

    "What are we under attack by, if I may ask" Elusive questioned.

    "Look for yourself." Prince Tempo opened the doors to the balcony.

    Down towards the Canterlot gates and into the field, appeared the creatures that were ready to attack the city. Applejack's eyes rose when he finally saw what exactly was going to invade Canterlot. Elusive's hooves were shaking with fear. Bubble Berry hid behind Prince Tempo. Dusk Shine stood there and witnesses the creatures gathering together in a group. The large creature jumped on a rock, ready to attack Canterlot. Dusk Shine leaned his head over to Butterscotch.

    "By any chance, do you know how to talk to Timberwolves." Dusk Shine asked nervously.

    Butterscotch stood there as his mind grew with fear seeing thousands of Timberwolves growling at the gates of Canterlot. "Of course i can, i mean all those years i spend in the Everfree...ARE YOU INSANE? I don't know how to communicate with theses creatures. They have very large teeth, and i highly doubt that they are used for talking."

    The large Timberwolf with the scar on his right eye roar in command of his fellow Timberwolves. "GRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH"

    The creatures started to move to attack the gates of Canterlot. Butterscotch could only watch with fear in his eyes seeing the large numbers of Timberwolves were charging at the gates of Canterlot. He knew this would be a long night.

    The invasion of Canterlot has begun.


    So, what did you think of this chapter? Well, let's go through everything here.

    Oh the tragedy irony. Eris's plan was tying on the edge that Butterscotch would fall in love with her and not want to turn her into stone out of love. Now, that she wants to get turned to stone, Butterscotch doesn't want to turn her into stone. Begs the question if the person we are in love with goes further and further into darkness, would we do the same thing as Butterscotch or make the difficult choice of stopping them. No matter how far down a person goes, we still care about them. Or something like that, idk i am just rambling on. Also, i will explain in the next chapter why Prince Tempo isn't participating in the battle too much and why he is watching over Eris. Things are going to come full circle on that front, but i know you guys are really smart to figure out the whole situation between Eris and Prince Tempo.

    The Applejack and Elusive moment was a bit fun to write.

    Elusive: They have books for these types of things.

    Me: Yeah, those book is right next to another book called, How to offend Woman/Mares in four syllables or less. Ironically, chapter one of that book is called 'What Else Is There'

    Now, for Butterscotch's moment with his friends. I know this is old news we are getting that happened in the last chapter, but i felt his friends wasn't convinced enough. Also, that moment with Dusk Shine and Butterscotch, so moving. It's actually based on the one negative of Fluttercord and Butteris or Eriscotch or just Butterscotch/Eris. Don't worry, we will come back to that moment sooner or later.

    Finally, the Timberwolves. Okay, you guys knew that they were going to come sooner or later. There is quite a mysterious around it, i am sure you guys are smart enough to figure it out.

    So, two chapters until i am all done with this story? Well, let's answer a question.

    What can you tell us about the next two chapters of Groom of Eris?

    Well, chapter 17 will probably be a long chapter. Consider this chapter and next chapter to be like chapter 17 of Bride of Discord. I can say that things will be a bit different. Plus, the return of my OCs Peanut and Jelly. Plus, i plan to change some things that happen. I am still doing some editing and rewrites, but i will have it done.

    Chapter 18 was the hardest to write in my opinion. There are things that are different in that chapter as well. A lot of great moments in that chapter as well. But, i need to play catch up on my work and stuff. So, just the decision on making something red. Now should i go with slippers or heels. Slippers obviously are more comedic, but heels are more feminine. Oh don't mind me, i am just debating to myself. I am sure i will find my answer when i release this chapter...but what to do about it. I will figure it out eventually.

    Well, if you guys have any questions i will answer them if i can. If you guys excuse me, i have some confetti cannons i need to hide.

    Discord: Writer!

    Me: Discord, what do you need? Doesn't DF need you for another chapter of Son in law of Discord

    Discord: Well, i am not doing much in that store, besides it's just me and Fluttershy watching Zany and Twinkle

    Me: Wait, shouldn't you be helping her?

    Discord:I am sure she can handle Zany and Twinkle...

    *Meanwhile, at Castle Fluttercord*

    Fluttershy: DISCORD! Where are you? Zany is defying gravity and...ZANY, Stop spinning Twinkle around. You know how weak her stomach is after she eats...


    Zany: EWWWWW Mommy, Twinkle Twinkle little Sparkle threw up on me. This is going to be in my hair for weeks.

    Fluttershy: Discord, where are you? *Fluttershy sadly said.

    *Returning to the Writer and Discord* (Zany and Twinkle are owned by Disney Fanatic 2364).

    Discord: She can handle them,

    Me: Right...Why are you here again?

    Discord: I heard that Groom of Eris is ending in two chapters, what do you have planned for it.

    Me: Actually, i am not sure.

    Discord: You do realize that eventually the fanfic will end.

    Me: *being sad* Oh yeah, i forgot about that?

    Discord: Are you making a sequel?

    Me: I don't know...I mean i have thought about it and whatever decision i make will impact my fans. I never really given any thought about one. Besides, they will know when i post the last chapter of this story.

    Discord: Well, that's okay i guess. Besides, you still have a lot going for you. It's not like people or ponies only like this story just because its a genderswapped version of Bride of Discord.

    Me: Yeah, *Gives a humorless laugh.* i am sure it's not the reason.

    *Once Discord left, The Autistic writer was in deep thought of what the draconequus said.*

    Me: I mean i am sure people don't like this story only because it's a genderswapped Bride of Discord. *The Writer sighed* I mean this story has a lot of differences to it. I mean it's about Butterscotch being forced to marry Eris...which is similar to the plot of Bride of Discord. *He sighs for a minute, before lifting his head up.* But Eris gives him a garden...Which also happened in Bride of Discord except for Discord gives it to Fluttershy. *thinks hard once more* But, Eris and Butterscotch have a romantic date...Which Bride of Discord had Discord and Fluttershy go on a date as well...What exactly is different?

    Me: Maybe Discord is right...Is the only reason people like this because they only see it as a genderswap version of Bride of Discord. I am really not adding anything new to it. I mean what difference does it make? People won't enjoy it. No matter how many differences i make, no matter how much i change the dialogue or some actions, no matter how much ButterEris or AppleBarb i try to put into this story, it won't matter. Maybe all that i am for nothing. Maybe the reason people like Groom of Eris is because it closely resembles Bride of Discord. *He lowers his head while his coat turns grey. The writer looks to his audience in sadness.* Maybe i should just quit writing for this story? I mean the fans that i seem to draw into this story is people that enjoyed Bride of Discord and its many stories around it. Maybe i am no better than a copycat. Maybe someone could do a better job than me.

    *In his sadness, the Writer looked up. He saw a bit of sunlight in the dark clouds. His eyes lowered for a minute, before his coat slowly starts to gain a little color.* But, it doesn't matter. People will like Groom of Eris, others will prefer Bride of Discord and...I'm okay with that. I never made this story with the intention of it being better than Bride. I never made it to be popular. I made it because i thought that i could create a unique version of Bride of Discord that people would enjoy. I didn't think it would get laughs. I didn't think people would like it. I didn't think by creating unique moments that people would enjoy them. So what if people hate it? So what if people think this story isn't very good? I don't need anyone's approval. I don't need all these haters mocking my story. It doesn't matter.

    *His coat turns bright green* It matters that i do a good job on this story and i see it through to the end.

    *Turns to the fanfic* I almost gave up on you. I will not make the same mistake again. I have a job to do. I asked DF if i could make this story. It's only fair that i see it through to the end. Maybe it took a lot of energy from me. But, that doesn't mean i don't have any left to give. It is time that we finish this. Maybe then my decision of the fate of you will ultimately be decided. So, Watch out people, i have a fanfic to finish.

    *The green unicorn teleports away. Discord hides behind a tree*

    Discord: Darn, i thought i could dash his hopes away. No matter, i am sure that i will get him eventually.

    (Sorry folks, that was small drabble about my recent stress while writing Groom of Eris. I will express it more with a one shot someday. Yes, i almost gave up writing this story. But, luckily i snapped out of my sad mood and convinced myself to complete this story. Maybe it will be on its own or maybe it will have a sequel, but i really don't know. We will have to wait and see. Don't worry people, i am fine. I just felt overwhelmed about completing this story. Don't worry, i am in a better mood now. It's time to give it my all.) So,

    UNTIL NEXT TIME, my friends, see you later.


    Yep, I have returned from my trip to Rome. I went there to see my older brother, and to explore the city as well. It was very hot, but very beatiful as well. Now, it's time to come back to do something i love. So, let's see.

    Wow, 19 chapters of Groom of Eris. I feel it was only a few months ago i asked DF if i could write this story, and now it's going to end soon. I feel so touched. But, i do own all of my success to Making New Friends, but Keep Discord...I mean Bride of Discord. I am sure it's just a coincidence that the episode shares similiarities with BoD or maybe DF IS PSYCHIC. Nah, but it would be weird if she was. I really can't see her reading minds or moving objects out of the way.

    Well, this chapter will have some action scenes and i am not good at those. So, pleases bare with me.

    Also, i have seen a strange animated movie called Strange Magic. I was only curious with it since it was supposed to be based on Midnight Summer's Dream. At first, i didn't like it, but once i saw it a few more times, i kind of like it. I am still wondering why people hate it so much? But, that will be a topic for another day. But, expect a fanfic by me from that movie to come out at some point in the future. Anyways, Strange Magic might be far from perfect, but at least it was good. SpongeBob Movie: Sponge out of Water on the other hand,...Let's just say it's 92 minutes that i am never getting back.

    Also, announcement DUH DUH DUHHHHHHHH: Groom of Eris is turning into a comic. Fanshipping713 asked me if she could turn it into a comic. I said yes and we are getting that comic. I feel so proud. So, thank you Fanshipping713 for making the comic. I wish you the best of luck for the comic and pleases don't push yourself. So, let's start chapter 19 of Groom of Eris. I have a lot to announce, but i will save that for the end.

    Snowfrost:l try to answer that question at the end of this fanfic. So many people want to know if i am going to do a sequel for some weird reason.

    Misskoifishpony: Thanks for supporting the story.

    Marina Stars: I liked that little song about the Timberwolves, it was nice. I am glad you like the story.

    Now, let's press forward. Oh yea,

    *WARNING* Bring out your tissues boxes. This chapter will be both heartwarming and sad. You have been warned.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. I don't own the rights to the genderswap ponies. Groom of Eris is based on Bride of Discord by Disney Fanatic 2364.

    Chapter 19: The Confession

    The six stallions watched with great intensity and fear as the Timberwolves were attack the ponies in Canterlot. The wolves showed no signs of stopping their invasion. Dusk Shine looked to each of his friends. He wasn't going to stand by while the ponies of Canterlot needed his help. He needed to do something. So, he started to declare orders of his five friends.

    "Elusive and Applejack will handle crowd control. Make sure everypony gets out of the city or into a safe place. I don't want to see any casualties."

    "Right" Both stallions nods before leaving to handle the crowds.

    "Rainbow Blitz, I need you to take to the skies and try to at least slow down the Timberwolves with the other Pegasi. I am sure Prince Solaris has called Flamethrower and the other Wonderbolts as reinforcements. Your mission is to stall the Timberwolves until reinforcements have arrived."

    "Roger that." Rainbow Blitz saluted before taking to the skies.

    "Bubble Berry, I need you to act as a distraction, so the ponies could get out of the way." Dusk Shine spoke to the energetic colt.

    "I am on it" Bubble Berry smirked before wheeling away in his party cannon. "YAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, PARTY CANNONS AWAY."

    "What about me?" Butterscotch told Dusk Shine. He wanted to feel important and contribute just as much as the others were. He felt bad that he couldn't communicate with the Timberwolves, but he had to do something. He wasn't going to let Canterlot fall due to his inaction.

    Dusk Shine froze as he didn't take into account of Butterscotch's usefulness in the battle. Since the colt couldn't communicate with the invaders, Dusk Shine didn't know what to do with him. Dusk Shine saw a wounded guard limping away. He found the task for Butterscotch.

    "I need you to take any soldiers to the infirmary, okay?" Dusk Shine held his hoof to his friend.

    "Okay, Dusk Shine." Butterscotch nods.

    "We need to defend the city from these creatures. But, this whole thing doesn't make any sense. Timberwolves only attack in the forest. Why would they suddenly attack Canterlot?" he told himself seeing the Pegasus take the wounded guard over to the hospital.

    Rainbow Blitz took to the skies as he was overlooking where the Timberwolves were attack. He saw them separating and diverging on different paths. Blitz zoomed down to the ground leaving a rainbow trail as he bolted into some of the Timberwolves. Despite the splinters they were giving the cyan pony, Blitz demolished about seven Timberwolves.

    "Ha, try to heal from that." Rainbow Blitz laughed at the seven large piles of wood. Suddenly, the piles of wood gathered together to reform themselves and growl at the rainbow colored mane of the stallion that destroyed them.

    "Oh, I forgot you guys had the ability to reconstruct yourselves. Hehe, no hard feelings, right?" Rainbow Blitz chuckled nervously before one of the Timber wolves tried to bite him.

    "AHHHH" He fled from the battle. "I am not running away, I am making a tactical retreat."

    Rainbow Blitz raced away before bumping into another Pegasus in the sky.

    "Hi Blitz, you aren't running away from a fight, are you?" Sora smirked. She was with Flamethrower and some other Wonderbolts.

    "You guys made it." Rainbow Blitz was really glad to see them.

    "I wouldn't want my coltfriend to have all the fun" Sora smirked

    "Coltfriend?" Flamethrower froze for a minute. He had only heard rumors about Rainbow Blitz and Sora dating. He didn't believe any of it. Flamethrower saw the mare kissing Blitz on his lips. He wanted to make sure that it was just a prank Sora was pulling on him. She had been known to do that.

    "Hey, Rainbow Blitz." Flamethrower stopped the colt. "I know we don't have any time to talk, but I just want to ask if you and Sora were dating?"

    "Yeah, we are dating. Sorry, if we haven't announced it to everypony yet." Rainbow Blitz smiled before joining Sora with the other Wonderbolts. Flamethrower still was in mid-flight as he was trying to digest what he had just heard from the colt. He snapped out of it before he joined the battle.

    "Come on, Everypony. We need to get you out of the city. It's not safe to be here." Elusive said rushing crowds of ponies out of the city through a passage way.

    "It's okay, little ones." Applejack smiled to the small orphans.

    Applejack and Elusive were at the orphanage in Canterlot. It was one of the few stops they had to make. Luckily, the orphanage was near one of the exits out of the city. Applejack figured that the orphans were his top propriety. This was a place he helped establish. So, he cared not just for the orphans in Ponyville, but in Canterlot as well.

    "Wait, the sandwich twins are still inside." One of the orphans announced to Applejack.

    Applejack noticed coming from outside was the familiar duo, Peanut and Jelly. Both of them were outside bringing a lot of papers with them. Jelly smiled when she saw Applejack.

    "Look, i see Applejack. Didn't I told you to leave them inside?" Jelly complained to Peanut, who carried a lot of books, scrolls, and useless material.

    "I am not giving up our plans to create the ultimate sandwich." Peanut groaned. "Besides, one day you'll thank me for this."

    "The day I start thanking anypony is the day I get married." Jelly joked.

    "Jelly and Peanut." Applejack galloped to the two. They were called the sandwich twins due to their bond. They weren't really siblings; they just acted like an old married couple. The other orphans, teachers, and even Applejack joked about how they might get married some day.

    "Applejack" The duo sang as they moved towards him. Elusive joined them. "Okay, everypony is out of here. Let's go."

    "What in Equestria is that?" Peanut pointed as they saw a large Timberwolf blocking their path.

    Jelly quickly grabbed her best friend holding him close to her. "Peanut, protect me."

    Peanut blushed when he felt the braids of Jelly's mane. He quickly dropped his papers as he held her close. Applejack held the two ponies as Elusive stood behind Applejack. "You have handled things these, take care of this one."

    "How do you expect me to take care of it?" Applejack looked towards Elusive with a look that said 'are you really doing this?'.

    Suddenly, the Timberwolf saw a ring of green flames surrounding it as it looked behind him. The caster of this green fire was none other than Barbara, who was glaring at it. "Either, you leave my friends alone or things are about to really heat up."

    The Timberwolf leaped out as it ran away as it was scared of being on fire. Barbara dispersed the green fire as she ran to where Elusive and Applejack were. "Are you guys alright?"

    "Why, yes we are Barbara, thanks for saving…." Elusive said before he opened his eyes and saw that Barbara ran passed him. He noticed that the dragon's concerns remained with Applejack.

    "I was so worried about you. I mean you could have been seriously hurt. What were you thinking?" Barbara said with concern in her voice. She checked on the well-being of Jelly and Peanut before going to Elusive. "Umm, you alright Elusive?"

    "yes, I am quite alright, darling." Elusive shook his head before Barbara announced.

    "We need to hurry up, because Dusk Shine might need us. I will take these two out, you go by Dusk Shine" the dragon ran out with Jelly and Peanut. Applejack looked at Elusive, whose mouth dropped.

    "You sure you are alright?" Applejack looked at him. The stallion nods his head. "I am alright. Let's head out."

    Both stallions ran to other areas of Canterlot. Elusive was wondering what was that moment between Barbara and Applejack.

    Eris sat in her cell awaiting her sentencing. The draconequus was too upset to hear the chaos that was going on outside. Her mind was fixated on thoughts of the stallion she has hurt. Eris only hoped that Butterscotch had forgotten all about her and moved on with his life. She really wanted to make him forget everything they went through in the past month.

    "Butterscotch, i am sorry for everything i have done. I just hope you make up your mind pretty soon and imprison me in stone." Eris said with deep sadness in her voice.

    "I think you deserve a far more sever punishment." A voice opened the door to Eris's cell. It was Prince Tempo who dropped a plate of food in front of Eris. "Thought you might be hungry."

    Eris turned to see Prince Tempo glaring at her. "Oh, it's you. Is it time for my sentencing to be carried out?"

    "No, it isn't." Prince Tempo said. He was going to tell her about what was actually going on, but he needed to get something out of the way first.

    "I know why you are here? You still haven't forgiven me for what i did to your wife and child?"

    "You really think i would? You threatened their lives, You put me through emotional torment, and you endangered the future of the Crystal Empire." Prince Tempo roared.

    "I might be evil, but i am not That evil." Eris told him.

    "It doesn't matter. I still feel you deserve far worse than imprisoning you in stone." Prince Tempo told her.

    "Then do it. Do what you set out to do, then. Make it so i won't harm any pony ever again. Make sure no pony has to go through my chaos." Eris transformed herself in a small ball that revealed her face. She turned away as she hoped that Prince Tempo would destroy her. She didn't want to be a threat to anypony, especially to Butterscotch. He was the last pony she ever wanted to hurt.

    "As much as i want to be the pony that saves Equestria, i can not do so." Prince Tempo stood adamant. Eris morphed back into her draconequus form. Prince Tempo unlocked Eris's chains, much to her confusion. She didn't understand why was he letting her go?

    "I don't get it."

    "I am the Prince of Love. I sense the love in your heart for Butterscotch, as i see his love for you." Prince Tempo told her.

    "What are you prattling on about? I have no love for Butterscotch, and he doesn't love me at all." Eris crossed her arms and curled up into a ball.

    "You might think that your love is died, but it is still alive. I sense how much you love one another."

    "Butterscotch hates me. He doesn't love me like you say he does. You're mistaken." Eris looked to the corners of her eyes.

    Prince Tempo sighed. "Why are you doing this to him? You think that this will make him forget? Do you think that imprisoning yourself in stone will make him get over you. You are trying to justify yourself by thinking that he will just abandon you like everypony has."

    "I'm not trying to justify anything. Butterscotch should just stop delaying the inevitable. Once i return to stone, everything will go back to normal. Like the way things use to be before i became free. He will finally get over me." Eris sighed.

    Prince Tempo shook his head. "Yeah, only except that it won't."

    "What are you talking about?" Eris asked him.

    "You thought you severed the connection during his birthday party." Prince Tempo summoned an magical projection of Eris.


    "As they say, 'if you truly love something, set it free'," Prince Tempo made the projection go away as he looked to the lady of chaos, who was trembling on the floor. She turned away not wanting to remember that time, yet it was all coming back to her. All the rage and pain she went through on that day.

    "Yet, you don't realize is that you were trying to cut the strings of your love, yet you only made that connection stronger." Prince Tempo shows a string connecting Eris's heart to Butterscotch's. The line soon grew bright when Eris's hurtful words came to surface. Eris was perplexed as to how was their love stronger than before. She was sure that her words would have kept him away.

    "You think that he will forget all he experienced in your castle. You fail to see that not only has he changed you, but you have changed him as well." Prince Tempo used his magic to summon a magical portal inside Eris's cell. "Come with me and you'll see why your plans will only hurt him."

    Eris saw him entering the portal. She hesitated at first as she didn't think she was hurting Butterscotch, yet her curiosity was peeked. She entered the portal as it closed behind her.

    Eris and Prince Tempo were traveling through a hallway of memories. Eris saw that these memories were of the time that Butterscotch stayed at the castle.

    "Through your heart, i can see the memories of his love for you. When it started and when it would end. In order for you to understand the future, you must understand the past."

    Prince Tempo brought Eris inside her own castle. Eris recognized Butterscotch sleeping on the couch. "This is the first night he came to the castle."

    "The connection you two shared started a long time before this moment. Yet, i bring you here for a purpose. This is to show you that love requires great sacrifice. Butterscotch gave everything up just to make you happy."

    Eris stood there not saying a word. Prince Tempo looked at her.

    "You could have used your magic to force him to marry you. You could have been married the moment he woke up, yet why didn't you?"

    "Funny enough, i wanted to win his love. It was mostly for the selfish reason of not being turned to stone. I couldn't have him hating me for any reason."

    "Unfortunately, you two didn't start on the best of terms." Prince Tempo saw repeated episodes of Butterscotch slamming the door on her.

    "Well, i did try to make him like me." Eris grumbled. Prince Tempo showed him another moment of Butterscotch's time with Eris.

    You promised yourself to me and you are going to be my husband. Love me or not.

    Prince Tempo leaned a smirk at Eris. She crossed her arms. "Maybe i overreacted just a tiny bit."

    The Prince of love shook his head before showing the garden that Eris created for Butterscotch.

    "Zecoro taught you to gain his love through other means."

    "That zebra is very strange, but i guess he did teach me something."

    Eris and Prince Tempo saw Butterscotch hugging Eris in the memory. Prince Tempo brought them to the next moment. Eris saw the shattered mirror and Butterscotch comforting Eris. Once past Eris left the room, Present Eris saw Butterscotch holding a hoof to his heart.

    "I don't understand, why are we here?"

    "It's at this moment that Butterscotch started to feel something more for you, but hasn't realized it yet." Prince Tempo said to Eris. "Yet, the next memory will be quiet an interesting one."

    Prince Tempo teleports Eris outside of her castle on a particular day. The lady of chaos looked upon the sight of Eris being unconscious. She saw Butterscotch going from looking at her to staring at the bridge. However, Butterscotch soon choose to pick up Eris's body. Prince Tempo saw the pony struggling to lift her off the ground.

    "I still wonder why he stayed with you." Prince Tempo raised a brow.

    "What?" Eris turned to him.

    "He could have left you behind. He could have had the chance to escape you, but he didn't."

    Eris looks over at him.

    "Are you beginning to see now?" Prince Tempo asked Eris.

    "See what? All you have shown me is things i already remember." Eris complained.

    "It would seem you haven't learned anything at all." Prince Tempo sighed. Off to the next memory they went.

    When Prince Tempo and Eris arrived at the next memory, it was during night time. At first, Eris didn't recognize where they were or how far back did Prince Tempo take them. She suddenly heard familiar music and a violin playing. Peeking through the bushes, Prince Tempo and Eris arrived at the moment of Butterscotch and Eris's date.

    Eris smiled upon seeing her past self dancing with Butterscotch. "I love this moment."

    "Hush, i am trying to watch." Prince Tempo covered Eris's mouth.

    Prince Tempo and Eris watched over the couple dancing together. Eris began to understand why Tempo took her to this moment. Prince Tempo turned to Eris when the music stopped. He saw the tears of joy she was expressing at the current moment. He saw her whispering to him. "Thank you,"

    "I will take you to a memory that you are most familiar with." Prince Tempo used his magic to create the next memory

    Eris and Prince Tempo arrived at the next memory. It was a memory that kept repeating inside Eris's mind. She looked over seeing Butterscotch was hurled against the wall.

    "BUTTERSCOTCH," Eris raced over to Butterscotch but he phased out of her clutches. "I forgot, this was only a memory."

    Butterscotch, don't look at me that way.

    The present Eris looked over the events that was going on. Prince Tempo flew over as he could tell this was bothering her.

    "I can tell this is probably a memory you don't want to talk about." Prince Tempo said

    "It's not that, its just me looking back upon all that i have done to him. I didn't want to hurt him anymore. I knew that after i hurt him that he wouldn't love me after that."

    Present Eris and Prince Tempo looked upon past Eris returning Butterscotch's friends back to normal.

    "I couldn't live with myself. I didn't want him to marry me out of fear. It was why i had to get him out of my life no matter what the cost was." Eris sighed.

    Are you deaf? I SAID GO!

    Prince Tempo sighed as he saw the draconequus continued. "Don't you see? I have to do this. I have to do whatever it takes to keep Butterscotch safe. No matter what."

    "You think that you will heal his heart by what you plan to do, but you must learn that it will do the exact opposite." Prince Tempo lit up as he took Eris to a event that isn't apart of her memories.

    Eris shielded her eyes, but put her arms down. In front of her, She saw Bubble Berry, Elusive, Applejack, Rainbow Blitz, Dusk Shine and Butterscotch in a circle. In the middle of the circle was herself. This must have been the day that her sentence was carried out. She stepped back once she saw the elements lighting up. The rainbow came out of Dusk Shine's element and surrounded the depressed Eris.

    She covered her eyes seeing herself being turned to stone once more. However, she had to look at Butterscotch. Overwhelming emotions overtook him as he had to watch turning Eris to stone.

    Once it was done, Eris smiled with relief, "Well it's over. I am stone once more. Let's go."

    Prince Tempo halted the draconequus. "You need to see this,"

    Prince Tempo pointed his hoof over at Butterscotch who didn't join his friends once they were celebrating Eris's defeat. The five stallions went over to Prince Solaris and Prince Artemis.

    "It would seem that Eris has been turned to stone." Prince Solaris said

    "Yes," Dusk Shine nods.

    Butterscotch slowly walked to Dusk Shine. "Dusk Shine,"

    "Butterscotch, look i know it must be hard..." Dusk Shine said before Butterscotch stopped him.

    "I understand that this was all for the safety of Equestria. It had to be done." Butterscotch said.

    Everypony was silent. Butterscotch breathed in and out before looking at everypony once more. "Which is why, i am not fit to wear this any longer."

    The Princes and Butterscotch's friends were shocked when the stallion took off his element necklace. Eris was shocked that she saw Butterscotch was renouncing his element.

    Once Butterscotch surrendered the element of Kindness and gave it to Barbara. He flew over to Solaris and Artemis. "I thank you for everything."

    Butterscotch walked in between them. Solaris was about to say something, but his brother stopped him.

    Eris looked to the situation and darted her eyes towards Prince Tempo. "What was that? Why did Butterscotch give up his element?"

    "You see, turning you to stone was too much for Butterscotch to bear. He surrendered his element out of love for you." Prince Tempo teleported Eris to Butterscotch's cottage. She saw how some of the windows were broken. Many of them were boarded up. Eris used her magic to search around his cottage looking for him.

    "He is not there anymore." Prince Tempo sighed.

    "If he is not here, then where is he?" Eris growled.

    "After imprisoning you once more, he sold his cottage and freed all of the animals. He did all of this before Dusk Shine and the others would arrive to persuade him to stop." Prince Tempo looked away.

    "He is at my castle then," Eris quickly teleported to her castle.

    "He wouldn't be there either," Prince Tempo told her.

    "Where is he then," Eris yelled as she came back in five seconds after her search.

    "Let me show you," Prince Tempo took Eris to the Canterlot Gardens.

    Eris was confused. Out of all the places she could think of, why would Butterscotch be at the Canterlot Gardens. There was no rhyme or reason for Butterscotch to be there. So, why was he there?

    The Prince of love and the lady of chaos both walked over to Eris's statue. They saw the sadden look on the statue's face. "You know, i could have given myself a better pose."

    Eris turned around seeing a stallion with a dark brown cloak with a saddle bag next to him. Eris saw that under the cloak was...

    "Butterscotch? What is he doing here?" Eris was shocked upon him standing right in front of her statue.

    "I guess he is waiting." Prince Tempo said.

    "Waiting," Eris was perplexed. "Waiting on what?"

    "For you to be freed." Prince Tempo guessed.

    "Why is he waiting for me to be freed?" Eris looked from Prince Tempo to Butterscotch.

    "He loves you." Prince Tempo answered. "He loves you so much that the only thing he cares about was you. So, he waits and waits and waits."

    "But, it would be a long time. The only way that i could be free is with the elements or if the six lose their connection to the elements." Eris said.

    "Yes, he knows that. That is why he waits."

    Suddenly, Eris saw time speeding up. She saw how long it was taking. Butterscotch stood there. While time passed, Eris saw that Butterscotch's friends, the Princes, and other ponies tried to convince him to leave, but he intent on staying where he was.

    Suddenly, time was slowed. Eris and Prince Tempo saw Butterscotch having some wrinkles on his face. They saw streaks of grey in his mane. Sitting along with him was a small colt with a short rainbow mane. He had cyan coat and emerald eyes.

    "Who in Equestria is that?" Eris asked. "Looks like the spawn of Rainbow Blitz."

    "That's because this colt must be Rainbow Blitz's son."

    Eris and Prince Tempo turned to Butterscotch and the small colt.

    "Uncle Butterscotch," The small colt was sitting with great impatience. "Why do you keep sitting here? Bolt keeps saying you are waiting for your lost love or something."

    "Yes, do you see that creature right there?" Butterscotch pointed at Eris's statue. The colt nodded thus causing Butterscotch to continue. "She was a mare i fell in love with a very long time ago.

    "Really? You fell in love with that thing?" the colt pulled his head back.

    "I know it seems strange, Chrom, but I love her a lot."

    "You loved her?" Chrom raised a brow.

    "You'll understand when you are older." Butterscotch held Chrom close to him.

    Eris stared at Butterscotch. Tears went down as time sped up once more. She saw him aging older and older. The more old he got, the more Eris's heart was shattering. Despite how many years it was, Eris's statue still remained the same. Eris saw that time had slowed and showed an aged Butterscotch. Her tears poured down her face hearing his wheezing coughs and how slow he moved. Even raising his wings made him groan. She saw him slowly flying towards the statue.

    "Well, Eris. Looks like my age is catching up to me. I probably won't be around when you come back, but i hope you will learn to love again." Butterscotch kissed Eris's lips. He knew she was just a statue, but he could probably tell her heart was lighting up like fireworks. The stallion flew down slowly. She saw him patting the ground. Eris saw that Butterscotch wasn't going to wake up. She heard his breathing and broke down in tears. She looked at him taking his last breath before his time came.

    "Butterscotch..." She didn't care if he was an illusion to her, but she needed to grab, touch, or hold him. She stood there with tears in her eyes. Prince Tempo sensed her pain and sadness.

    "This is why you shouldn't go through with your plan."

    "Take me back, Prince Tempo. I don't want to see anymore." Eris cried out.

    Prince Tempo did what she asked and took them back to her cell. Prince Tempo waited a few minutes sensing that Eris needed them. Seeing Butterscotch like that wasn't something she ever wanted to see, but Prince Tempo had to show her Butterscotch's death. It was important. Prince Tempo needed to show her what the consequences were for this course of action she was going to take.

    "It's okay, Eris. Butterscotch is still alive. For the moment, that is." Prince Tempo told her while looking away. It was time to tell her what was going on in Canterlot.

    "Wait, what do you mean by 'for the moment'?" Eris said to him in anger.

    "Well, we are under attacked by Timberwolves and…" Prince Tempo was about to say more when Eris gripped him hard.

    "TIMBERWOLVES, IN CANTERLOT? HOW COULD THIS BE? I THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE IN THE EVERFREE FOREST. Butterscotch is…." Eris looked outside and feared that Butterscotch could be hurt or worse….. "Butterscotch, don't worry, Eris is coming to save you."

    The draconequus vanished out of the cell to save the one she loved. Prince Tempo couldn't help but to smile and hope for the best. He walked out of the cell wiping his tears and coughed.

    "You can come out now, Artemis" Prince Tempo noticed the dark blue stallion coming from the shadows.

    "How long have you known I was here?" Artemis smirked

    "Not long," Prince Tempo spoke, "You knew that I wouldn't harm Eris."

    "As much as you were angry with her when she imprisoned your wife, you knew her heart was suffering from love sickness."

    The Prince of Love nods slowly "Yes, I guess I still help those who are have troubles with love, even if they tried to destroy my family."

    "Well, my brother might need our help with the battle, so let's not waste any time"

    "Right" Prince Tempo nods his head before disappearing with Prince Artemis to where Prince Solaris was.

    "Help me, Somepony" Butterscotch walked in fear seeing that five Timberwolves were surrounding the Pegasus.

    Butterscotch didn't have any energy left to fight. He was defenseless. He found himself drawn to a corner seeing the stares of the mouth-watering Timberwolves ready to pounce on their prey.

    "This is really it for me? I just regret one in my life. Allow me to say my peace before you finish me off." Butterscotch told the Timberwolves of his final words as he took a breath in. The wolves halted before looking down before the stallion. They listened on what he had to say. "I am sorry Eris. I am truly sorry for everything. I will always love you. I just hope some other stallion will love you like I do."

    With that, Butterscotch covered his eyes with his hooves and started to shake. Suddenly, Butterscotch heard a voice in the distant.

    "There will never be a stallion that will love me like you do." A voice called out.

    Before the Timberwolves could pounce, they saw that a figure appeared before the Pegasus. Butterscotch uncovered his eyes and who exactly was going to defend him.

    "Eris!" He shouted as he stood up as some energy came back to him.

    "DON'T YOU DARE HARM ONE HAIR ON HIS GORGEOUS MANE" Eris roared as she glared at the Timberwolves. The Pegasus smiled when he saw Eris was going to confront the Timber Wolves.

    The Timberwolves started to growl, but Eris wasn't scared of them. She hissed in return. "Why don't you pick on someone you own size; like a Chihuahua."

    The draconequus transform the Timber wolves into smaller versions of themselves. The three looked at one another before running away.

    Eris turned around to face Butterscotch, until she saw that one of the Timberwolves snuck past her. The Timber wolf was a lot small that any of the timber wolves that Eris has ever seen. She saw it trying to harm Butterscotch. Eris got so upset that she glowed her lion's paw and thrown the small timberwolf all the way into some part of the Everfree Forest.

    Eris soon turned to Butterscotch. She prepared a long speech just to chew him out for this.

    "You had me so worried. What were you thinking defending Canterlot from these creatures? What if I wasn't here to…."

    "You…saved me," Butterscotch uttered.

    "Of course, I saved you. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to…."

    Eris was cut off by Butterscotch flung his hooves around Eris. She stared at him in confusion. She was waiting for him to push her away and tell her to leave his sights. Yet, that didn't happen.

    "Butterscotch, are you alright…." Applejack came running towards the Pegasus. Along with Elusive, the two stallions noticed Eris was by his side. Elusive turned his head away from Eris. The draconequus shook her head.

    "Yeah I know I shouldn't be here. the big bad Eris is going to destroy us all. Blah Blah Blah,"

    "You saved our lives," Elusive was dumbfounded.

    "Pardon," Applejack let out a questionable gaze over from Elusive to Eris.

    Rainbow Blitz came galloping towards the group. "Sorry if I took so long, my wing was injured during the battle and…..What is she doing here?"

    "I know I get it. I am going back to my cell." Eris groaned

    "She saved our lives." Elusive told Blitz.

    "She did the what now?" Blitz leer his eyes over at the draconequus.

    "It's true! She turned three Timber wolves into puppies."

    "Well, isn't that interesting," Applejack smirked as he was trying to believe Eris actually did a good thing.

    "If you guys are done, I have a cell to get back to." Eris told them, but before she could disappear, Butterscotch tugged on her eagle claw. He looked at her just to whisper, 'don't leave me'.

    "Hey, where are Dusk Shine and Bubble Berry." Rainbow Blitz interrupted Eris.

    "Over here!" Bubble Berry said bringing Dusk Shine along. Both of them were injured.

    Butterscotch saw the injuries on the two stallions and looked up at Eris. "Do you mind, Eris?"

    "Fine, I guess I can do a little community service before I go back to my cell." Eris told him. Butterscotch didn't like how she phrased her words.

    The Mane Six and Eris were in the throne room of Solaris and Artemis. Eris wore a nurse attire as she looked over Dusk Shine and Bubble Berry, who were on hospital beds. "Don't worry about Dusk Shine, he is alright. He has a sprained wing, much like stunt flier over here."

    "Hey!" Rainbow Blitz said feeling insulted by Eris's words.

    "Bubble Berry over here is alright. Though, he should put some ice on his back for a while." Eris pointed to Bubble Berry's back.

    "Thank you, Eris." Solaris nods.

    "If you all will excuse me, I have a cell that's calling my name." Eris told the group. This might be the last time she saw Butterscotch, but she was glad to have that chance.

    "If she is going into a cell, then you better have one more." Butterscotch came forward. Eris turned back seeing Butterscotch was stepping forward.

    "Butterscotch, what are you doing?" Eris slithered her way to the stallion, who was acting crazy.

    "I am done talking," Butterscotch said. "I am not going to see you be put into a cage any longer. I am done with hearing everypony call you a monster or a freak. You are not a freak. If loving you will put harm to me, then I will love you forever."

    Eris looked at Butterscotch. He was talking like a crazy pony. She needed to talk some sense into him. She turned around seeing Everyponie's eyes were on them. "Can we have a moment to ourselves?"

    Eris used her magic to open a door. Butterscotch looked through the door recognizing it to be his old room in her castle. She had brought his door to Solaris's castle. Eris and Butterscotch went through the door and closed it when both were in Butterscotch's old room.

    Once the two were alone, Eris was about to question Butterscotch on what he was thinking. Why did he want to be caged alongside her? Eris had tried to take over Equestria twice and Butterscotch had stood in her way. Why did he want to shoulder her burden by being imprisoned? That wasn't a fate she wanted him to have. He deserved to be happy with some other mare. She wondered why he didn't want to let her go?

    "Eris, I need to tell you something." The stallion looked up at her.

    "What is it?" Eris uses her magic to teleport herself and Butterscotch to the bed. This would make things much easier for the two to talk.

    "I wanted to apologize." Butterscotch looked down as this wasn't going to be easy.

    Eris turned her head towards him. "Apologize? You? Butterscotch, you don't need to apologize. I took you away from your friends, forced you to marry me and I have….hurt you. You have nothing to apologize for."

    "But, I do." Butterscotch ignored what she had to say. "A few days ago, I had told you things that were untrue. Things i never meant to say to you. However, i did and this is all my fault. If i had only been brave and upfront with you, we wouldn't be here right now. Besides, How could I say those things after all that you had done for me? I'm the monster, not you."

    "Are you kidding me? Look at yourself and look at me. It's oblivious on who is the monster. Quit wasting your time with me and go after some mare that won't hurt you. No need to pity me."

    "I do pity you. But, that is not the reason for our current conversation." Butterscotch told her. "I missed you."

    "You missed being my prisoner,"

    "I missed being your friend. Although…I gathered that you wish for our relationship to mean more than just being friends." Butterscotch looked away for a moment trying to hide his blushing cheeks. "But, before I go on…there is something I must ask you."


    "Did you really love me?" Butterscotch turned his eyes back to her.

    "I…I…I" Eris grew nervous with the question. Of course, she loved him, yet she never really considered if the love was real.

    "You kept asking if I loved you. I want to know whether it was because you wanted me to love you back, or was it a game to you. Was I just some trophy to you?"

    "No, Butterscotch. You mean more than that."

    "Well, do I mean more than that?"

    "I…ummm…" Eris brushed her hair with her hands trying to find the right answer.

    "During the beginning of all of this, I thought it was all a game. I feared being turned to stone. So, I came up with a plan in order to prevent that. My plan was to take in a groom, but not just any groom, a groom that was one of the elements of harmony. I couldn't take in Dusk Shine because he was too noble and stuck up, I couldn't take Bubble Berry because he couldn't take it seriously. Applejack would have fought his way out of my clutches, plus he has feelings for another creature, Elusive would have complained the whole time, and Rainbow Blitz would try to fly away or avoid me."

    Butterscotch looked at her while she was in discussion.

    "You were different. You were the best of them. Out of all your friends, you would have been the easiest to mold into my groom; the perfect groom that wouldn't handle turning me into stone. That is why I had hoped for you to step forward. Once I had seen you accepting my offer, I took my plan and started to play it out. You were right. I was very lonely. It was another reason I decided to take in a groom."

    Eris took a slow breath

    "I spent years watching a variety of ponies walking off into the sunset together. I wanted to hurl, seeing so many couples kiss or hold hooves…but I was only disgusted because they had something that I didn't have. I was just tired of being alone. I just wanted somepony to call my own. I denied this, and I merely pretended to fall in love with you."

    Eris giggled to herself before continuing. "It's funny that things don't work like you plan. Once you started to act differently around me and actually wanted to be around me, my plans fell over. I forgot the whole plan and started to fall in love with you. At first, I thought it was just a funny feeling I had. Something that I thought would pass. But, the more time I spend with you, the happier I began. I know this sound incredibly cheesy."

    Eris used her magic to produce some cheese and crackers. "Want some?"

    Butterscotch nods and Eris handed him the cheese and crackers. "It was then that I wasn't trying to please you because I wanted you to be my king. I wanted to see you happy because I really wanted to see you smile. I…grew to love you so much."

    "Its funny how love is similar to chaos. It drives you to do crazy things, yet is very unpredictable. I love you, yet the problem was that I wanted you all to myself. My selfishness was the reason you couldn't see your friends. I was afraid of losing you. Even if you didn't love me, I wanted to keep you with me, always."

    "I guess you know how upset I felt when I had learned you didn't love me. I lost control of myself and I…." Eris looked at Butterscotch's mark on the side of him. This made her turn away feeling really horrible for what she had done. "I toyed with your emotions, I tricked you into loving me and in my rage I hurt you. I didn't want to lose you."

    "Eris, did you…" Butterscotch asked again.

    "I am not finished yet. I had to let you go. I caused you so much pain and misery. I only bring misery and pain to everypony I come across. You are no different. Even if we were married, you would never love me. I couldn't bear to have you go through that fate. So, I had to let you go."

    ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID GO Eris closed her eyes remembering the words she roared in hopes that the stallion would keep away from her. "I am still a monster."

    "Are you done?" Butterscotch said sitting on the bed hearing her expressions of sadness.

    "Yes," Eris nods before collecting her hands with her ears lowered.

    He put a sympathetic hoof on her shoulder. "Without you, I am also miserable."

    She turns her head towards him, "You are?"

    "Why do you think I want to be imprisoned with you?"

    "Out of pity?" Eris guessed.

    Butterscotch shook his head. "Now, it's my turn. I thought you were a monster. I was petrified upon seeing you. I feared you more than anything else, but that was before I got the chance to know you. You have done horrible things, yet most ponies make mistakes. At times, I felt like I was being possession, but you were also kind and giving. You did your best to make me forget that I was imprisoned, and you showed me a different side of you no pony knew about."

    "I will admit, it was hard for me to answer your question. I wasn't sure if I was in love with you. I thought there was a possibly that I loved you, but I was too scared to understand those feelings. I wasn't ready for marriage. I am still not ready for the idea of being married, but it hurt me that you were disappointed with my answers.

    "But, like I said, I missed you. I missed waking up to hear you voice. I missed the way you would carry me in your arms. I missed ever waking minute to see you smile. You've proven to me that you aren't that bad, that you are capable of being good as well. Look at the way you have saved me and Canterlot from Timberwolves. Now, at this very moment, I…I can't imagine a life without you. What I'm trying to say is…"

    Eris leaned in. Was he trying to say what she thinks he was trying to say? Eris didn't want to get her hopes up, yet everything he was implying was leading up to those words.

    "I love you."

    She stood there in silence hearing his words. He stood there rubbing his hooves awkwardly hoping she was okay. This was the first time he confessed to somepony.

    "I know it took me a while to realize it, but I love you."

    Eris wasted no time. She moved towards him as she pressed her lips upon his while holding his shoulders. Butterscotch was shocked at first, but closed his eyes and returned the kiss. Both of them were releasing the passion they have both held back for a very long time.

    Meanwhile, the five ponies peeked through the door. Bubble Berry giggled while peeking through it.

    "They're kissing, they're kissing" He bounced as he kept repeating.

    "Yuck," Rainbow Blitz looked away while expressing his disdain upon seeing his best friend and Eris making out.

    "I guess we should get use to that." Elusive rolled his eyes.

    Butterscotch never felt so happy. During the kiss, the stallion thought he heard fireworks going off. the stallion broke the kiss to see fireworks were happening above them.

    "What?" Butterscotch was very confused.

    "Magical reaction," Eris giggled. "Let's not ruin the moment, my love."

    The couple return to kiss one another. Eris caressed his small body. She held him close to her. she pulled back and stared at him.

    "Are you sure this is what you want?" Eris asked as she really wanted to be sure that this wasn't a dream. She swirls a bit of her hair. "I am not exactly as pretty as a princess."

    "I'm sure. I don't really care what you look like. To me, you are perfect." Butterscotch smiled.

    "Then, let's get married. You will belong to me once…." Eris squealed. "There I go again. Would you marry me? I will allow you to see your friends."

    "I can't" Butterscotch looked away.

    "But, we already made up. You love me and I love you. What's the problem?" Eris was trying to understand the reason for his rejection.

    "I want you to make up with the ponies, all of them. That includes the princes. Show everypony that you can use your magic for good instead of evil. I want my friends to see that you can make me happy." Butterscotch said "If you can do that, then I will marry you."

    "But, I thought you didn't care what your friends think?" Eris tilts her head.

    "I don't, but if they appreciate you, then everypony will be happy. I want you to reconcile with Equestria before we do anything."

    "I understand." Eris nods in agreement.

    "What are they saying?" Rainbow Blitz asked.

    "I don't know, I make out what they are saying." Bubble Berry tried to listen in.

    Suddenly, the doors opened up as Butterscotch and Eris walked through it. Prince Solaris and Artemis looked at the couple. Then, Butterscotch's friends looked at the couple.

    "Everypony, I am here to apologize for all the deeds that I have done. They weren't right and I know that I have a lot to make up for." Eris said before getting poked by Butterscotch.

    "And….." Butterscotch said

    "And, I realize that it's going to take a very long time for me to make up for everything I have done. So, I hope that by doing good things, that I will earn my rightful place to live here among the ponies."

    "And….." Butterscotch knew Eris had something else to say. He was just helping her along.

    Eris stood tall and yelled."And….FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC,"

    "See, that wasn't so bad." Butterscotch smiled. Eris was thinking her cell was looking to be a nicer place to hang out at the moment.

    The couple told everypony in the room of what their current plans are.

    "Yes, I get to design all the dresses and suits." Elusive grinned.

    "I get to plan how the performance is carried out." Bubble Berry grabbed Elusive and bounced with him.

    Rainbow Blitz flew close to Eris. "If you even think about hurting Butterscotch or betraying Equestria, you will answer to me."

    "I understand, Blitz." Eris rolled her eyes.

    "Don't you dare roll your eyes at….whoa" Blitz said before Applejack gripped his tail.

    Dusk Shine approached the couple. Solaris and Artemis looked at Dusk Shine before the purple alicorn faced the draconequus.

    "Thank you for saving our lives," Dusk Shine smiled. "We owe you a debt of gratitude. Though, i will advise you not to cause any trouble in the future. Just because you want to be redeemed doesn't mean that we won't use the elements against you."

    "I won't put it past you." Eris told him.

    Once the alicorn said what he needed to say, Butterscotch and Eris went back into the room.

    "Where were we," Eris giggled before picking him up in her arms. "I remember."

    The two gave one another a romantic kiss before she used her magic to close the door. The large door disappeared taking Butterscotch and Eris back into the castle.

    *sniff...Sniff* Oh my gosh this was so sad and heart warming *Sees the audience and puts the box of tissues away*

    I mean i wasn't crying while making this chapter. I have no idea what you people are going on about. It was just raining and there were raindrops in my eyes.

    So, what did you think of this chapter?

    Let's go over this whole event.

    Flamethrower is Spitfire's genderswap and in the last chapter of Bride of Discord explores that Spitfire was a bit jealous of the relationship between Rainbow Dash and Soarin.

    Me: *Reading the last chapter* wait what? When was this addressed….no I want answers, when was this addressed? I didn't even read this last chapter. This is the first time reading this chapter….and this subplot about Spitfire's jealousy came right the heck out of nowhere. I want answers to this. DF better explain herself*Goes into a portal to get answers*

    *Comes back a few minutes later with a black eye*

    Discord: So, how was it.

    Me: I'll ask her later. *He puts a bag of ice to his eye* Note to self, never wake a mare while she is asleep. She will hoof you in the eye.

    Sorry about the Applebarb moment. I felt that Barbara would have at least been worried about Applejack. I felt the need to add this for one pure reason.

    Me: *As Applejack, gloating at Elusive while dancing*: Haha In your face

    THAT FELT SO GOOD. OHHHHHH THAT FELT REALLY GOOD. It might make no sense in the long run, but it still was great to write. I think this is how every Applespike writer feels or any pair that isn't Rarity/Spike.

    You all see the reason why I put Prince Tempo in Canterlot. It was finally going to bring closure for Eris imprisoning Gleaming Shield. You don't know what a man/stallion is capable of when it comes to their soulmate and their child. You don't mess around with that. Eris is lucky Prince Tempo didn't hit her with his hoof. I could have had Artemis do this, but it made more sense as Prince Tempo is the prince of Love.

    On the death of Butterscotch in the future dream. I felt that Eris should learn that how long Butterscotch was willing to wait for her. Dang this part was sad. BTW, yes Chrom is a gender-swap version of DF's OC, Prism. I am guessing you guys want to know why his name is Chrom. Well...Chrom is a root word that means color. So, because his rainbow mane is muptile colors, give him a name that means colors. Thus, we have Chrom. Bolt is an genderswapped OC of Thunder, Prism's brother...Sister?... I am not sure, i am sure Thunder is the boy but i am too lazy to try and research it.

    Some announcements.

    Groom of Eris is ending soon. We are down to the final chapters. So, if anyone has any questions for me, the future of this story, or anything else, now is your time to ask them.

    Second piece of news. We all know how Season 5 is going on strong. We've have a few episodes, but there is one that currently isn't my favorite and that's Tanks for the Memories. I have even stated that Tanks for the Memories will continue to be my least favorite as the season progresses. So with that being said. I decided to put my writing skills where my mouth is and issue a bet on myself.

    I said to myself that i was going to do a Season 5 episodes list countdown thingy to see if my words hold truth to it. From Today until Season 5 ends, if Tanks for the Memories is on Number 24, 23, or 22 on my list; then, i win the bet. However, if it ends up being at 21 or higher, i will lose the bet.

    So, why do i want you guys to hear this? Because the people who decide what i do if i lose the bet is you guys. Meaning you guys get to decide what i end up writing about when i lose. But, i set the rules for my stipulations.

    1. I am not being mean spirited or poke fun towards a writer or a fanfic.

    2. This is to be Strictly MLP Related. To make things challenging for me, I am not to do any crossovers with ANY universe. This must take place in the Friendship is Magic Universe only.

    3. Since i am booked with Fanfiction at the moment, it will be posted on Fimfiction. It will eventually come here, but i can't make any promises.

    4. Here is the things i will be doing if i lose the bet:

    Blog on something MLP related, A One-shot, Poem, A top ten of some kind, A Review of an MLP episode (Anything other than Season 5), or a Multi Chapter fic 24-26 limit since it would match the total episodes of season five.

    5. Along with the fourth rule, everyone can pick up to 3 stipulations, but they must be different ones. For the One-shot and Fanfic, don't give me plots, just give me the pairing.

    So, that's the rules of this little bet. Let me show the the stipulations i have so far.

    Misskoipony: Do a Poem Based on how much you love "Tanks for the Memories"

    Me: 26 Fic about Rarity/Spike (Someone had to do it, let's just hope i win this bet. I really don't like this pairing)

    Me: a top ten list on the Bride of Discord Audio Drama episodes (There's ten episodes of it. I will count episode 11 as an honorable mention, despite the fact it was an April Fools Joke)

    Me: a Re-Review of Tanks for the Memories.

    Those are the things i have to do if i lose. I am sure you guys can come up with better stipulations. So, i can't wait to hear it. But, i hope you guys like the chapter, suggest stuff i should do if i lose the bet and i know what my plans are after Groom of Eris is done. Also, the next chapter might be the last, so if you have questions, go ahead and ask it. I still can't believe we are close to the end. I feel really sad.

    Next Chapter: The Wedding.

    Now then, i need to decide on something. Hmmmmmm...Let's see, Red Heels or Red Slippers *Walks away while thinking his current thoughts.*

    Until then, see you later.

    Hello Everyone,

    We have arrived at the wedding chapter of Groom of Eris.

    This is really it, huh? The feeling of ending this story is coming soon and i am not sure if i really want to let this story go. However, I can't hang onto it forever. I have to let it go. I have to thank all of you for letting me write this story for you guys. It's been a trip, yet it's not over yet. I need to show it to everyone. Plus, i even have a special surprise. It's the surprise i have been saying throughout this story.

    What? You guys didn't think i would forget? I wouldn't forget such a thing and my surprise will be coming soon, so stick to reading this chapter and i will tell you my surprise.

    So, without any further ado, let's introduce Chapter 20.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. I don't own the rights to the genderswap ponies. Groom of Eris is based on Bride of Discord by Disney Fanatic 2364.

    Chapter 20: The Wedding

    It was a sudden shock when Eris had announced that she wanted to change her ways and reform. Prince Solaris was hesitating to trust her words. After all, Eris says a lot of things. Howver, Prince Artemis spoke in her defense.

    "I say we give her this chance. After all, I was given a second chance."

    It took an earthquake that Eris protected Equestria from, to finally convince the god of the sun that her words were true. Solaris decided to give her a second chance at redemption.

    Just because she was being reformed, doesn't mean she wouldn't play a trick on ponies every now and then. Things would have gotten boring without her chaotic magic. It wasn't exactly easy for a former villainess to stop her conquest of Equestria, but through the efforts of her beloved, Eris controlled herself.

    Things were settling down in Equestria. Butterscotch and Eris went on dates without all the stress of things that happened before. When she wasn't hanging around the stallion, the draconequus was helping settling disputes of everypony. For example, Flamethrower was giving Rainbow Blitz and Sora a hard time as of late. Through Eris's involvement, it turned out that Flamethrower had unrequited feelings for Sora. A talk between the three ponies would resolve with Flamethrower approving the couple's relationship, but warned Blitz like a strict parent.

    Eris used her magic to stop incoming disasters that would harm Equestria. From turning Tornadoes into spaghetti and heavy rain into peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ponies started to appreciate the good deeds that Eris was doing. Butterscotch couldn't have been more proud of his marefriend.

    A year later, Eris would try to propose to Butterscotch again for marriage. This time, the atmosphere between the two could have never been better.

    She took him over to the Rainbow waterfalls where she had constructed a ring for the stallion to hold in his hooves. Eris knew it was usually the stallions that would do this type of courting, but when has she ever made sense. She hoped that he would be her husband and say yes to her question. This time, he was more than willing to accept. He reads the inscriptions of the ring:

    "To the love of my life, Butterscotch" He read carefully trying to decipher the words "The stallion that made me whole again, the pony I cannot live without; if falling in love with you is just a dream, then it will be a dream of pure perfection. You are the best thing that happened to me. I just hope you feel the same…"

    Butterscotch was trying to read all of it as it was getting smaller and smaller. "I am not even going to ask how you were able to fit all this into a small ring."

    "Believe me, that's the short version."

    It took a month and a half to plan out the wedding. It was such a large gathering of ponies. The event was ten times bigger than Gleaming Shield and Prince Tempo's wedding. Most of Canterlot were attending the wedding by the thousands.

    Butterscotch was in his tux getting ready to finally become a husband. He felt extremely nervous and happy at the same time. Bubble Berry claimed her was nervouscited, but Applejack was still convincing the party planning colt that such a word can't exist. Elusive was looking over his masterpiece.

    "You look simply dashing, Butterscotch." Elusive smiled as he made sure the tuxedo his best friend was wearing.

    "Thanks, Elusive. You have really outdone yourself with this one." Butterscotch gave props to Elusive on the tuxedo he would be wearing.

    "There is no need to thank me." Elusive halted Butterscotch's comments. "I simply made you look better."

    "This does seem a bit weird." Rainbow Blitz smirked "I would have never thought Butterscotch would get married before all of us."

    "Well, I would have thought I would be the first to be married. If Eris had simply waited on her proposal, this would be my wedding." The unicorn sang. The others shook their heads in dismay.

    "Well, Blitz could be next," Applejack joked, "It's just a matter of time of when he is going to pop the question to Sora."

    "Oh my gosh," Bubble Berry grinned. "We can have another wedding next week?"

    "Stop it, you guys," Rainbow Blitz complained "Sora and I have only been dating for a year."

    "So have Butterscotch and Eris."


    "You love her, right?"


    "Admit it, you love her." Bubble Berry kept repeating.

    "Alright, I love her."

    "YAY," Bubble Berry jumped around Rainbow Blitz. "Another wedding will happen."

    "Hang on, I haven't even proposed to her yet."

    Every stallion was laughing, except for Scootaroll, who was pulling on the collar of his tux. "Butterscotch, is it really necessary for us to be ring bearers? We already have our cutie marks."

    "Yeah, but I can't think of any ponies better suited for the job." Butterscotch walked over to them. "Plus, Eris was thinking about turning you into mares and making you three be flower girls alongside Barbara."

    "Ummm, no thank you." Sweepy Belle chirped as he was thinking his name could have been Sweetie Belle if Eris had went along with that plan.

    "We're good." Applebuck added before the three zoomed out of the room.

    Butterscotch walked back to the mirror as he fixes his hair. Dusk Shine walked behind him and smirked.

    "We really are happy for you."

    "Even if, the mare I am going to marry is Eris." Butterscotch looked to all of them.

    "We might hold objections to that…" Elusive spoke.

    "We might not understand your taste in her." Rainbow Blitz added.

    In between the two stallions, Applejack threw both his hooves at them, making them lose air for a moment. "But, we still are going to support you one hundred percent. Isn't that right, guys?"

    Elusive and Rainbow Blitz nods their heads quickly to agree with Applejack.

    Knock! Knock! Knock!

    Applejack and the others turned their heads towards the door, hearing that somepony was knocking on it.

    "Applejack, I need your help?" the voice sounding a lot like Barbara's.

    Applejack walked towards the door seeing that Elusive freaked hearing Barbara. The unicorn had put a blanket over Butterscotch in case that Eris was behind Barbara, hoping to see her handsome groom.

    When the stallion opened the door, he looked upon the sight of Barbara in a gorgeous dress. The dragon was oblivious to Applejack's feelings, but he wasn't going to let that bother him.

    "Applejack, we have a slight problem with….."

    Barbara froze. Something about Applejack was different. It might have been the hat, but Barbara was noticing other features about the stallion in front of her. He wore an autumn colored tuxedo. His mane was nicely trimmed and showed off his blonde hair real well. His coat was glowing with orange so much that he could have been the sun for all she knew. She was lucky staring at him didn't blind her. She wore a sky blue dress adorn with purple and green bow ties on it. Applejack stood there puzzled by Barbara's halt of her words. "Everything alright, Barbara?"

    "Oh, ummm why was I here again?"

    "You said we had a problem?"

    "Oh, it's about Eris." Barbara whispered as she saw the large blanket in the room. She whispered to Applejack, "She is getting cold feet."

    "Oh boy," Applejack sighed. He looked to the others, "I will just be a minute, start heading down without me. I will meet you guys at the altar."

    Barbara and Applejack started to make their way towards Eris.

    The draconequus needed a best man or stallion since the only close friend she had was Butterscotch, and he wasn't an option for oblivious reasons. Besides, Applejack was the first to support the relationship. So, why not make him the best man.

    Applejack entered the room seeing the dress hung up on a coat rack. Barbara and Applejack looked all over the room for the lady of Chaos. Luckily, they found her dangling on the chandeliers.

    "Eris, get down from there," Applejack stomped his hoof. "You are about to get married."

    "I don't wanna" Eris pouted like a royal pain. "I am going to stay up here all day."

    "You aren't going to abandon that stallion at the altar."

    "To be honest: I can't marry him. I can't do this."

    "You're the one who wanted to marry him in the first place. Besides, you are only getting cold feet." Applejack pointed out.

    "I am not the only with cold feet." Eris told the stallion snapping her fingers to make blocks of ice appear on the stallion's hooves.

    "Eris, quit this nonsense and get down here. Butterscotch will be heartbroken if you are not there."

    "Why is he going to get heartbroken?" Eris summoned herself in front of a mirror.

    "Look at me? How can I stand the chance to face such a gorgeous stallion?" Eris used the mirror to see Butterscotch and the times they were happily together. "He is the most handsome stallion that has ever lived, and I am a lowly draconequus. Even if I am not evil anymore, what hope do I have?"


    Applejack attempted to walk towards Eris, when he noticed his hooves were still covered in ice. Barbara used her dragon breath to melt the ice. "Thanks,"

    "You see that stallion" Applejack made Eris face the mirror imagine of Butterscotch. "I have known that stallion for many years. I have never seen him so happy in that way before. You may not be of the same species, but love comes in many forms…"

    "Yeah," Barbara stood besides him. "Like me and…."

    "Elusive," Eris laughed. "Like that will ever…."

    Applejack stepped on her tail with his hoof. The draconequus made a yelp sound and gripped her tail. "OW!"

    "My point is that I know what love looks like. I have never seen two ponies or creatures, for that matter, more in love than you and Butterscotch."

    Eris still faced the window, while Barbara winked at Applejack. The stallion raised a brow in confusion.

    "You are right, Eris. You don't love Butterscotch." Barbara smirked

    "What" Eris and Applejack looked at Barbara. Applejack was wondering what the dragon was thinking.

    "Well, you aren't going to show up to the wedding, Butterscotch will be heartbroken that he will call off the whole thing. He will be depressed and eat a lot of ice cream. Another mare is going to help him along and pick up the piece."

    Eris's eyes were twitching at the very thought of any mare putting the moves on her Butterscotch. That mare would instantly be a target for Eris.

    "Butterscotch will develop feelings for this mare and after a few months of dating, they will be married. Only this time, this mare will not get cold feet and be more willing to marry the stallion you left at the altar." Barbara continued.

    Eris had destroyed a piece of stone that was in the room. Applejack looked worried. Eris looked like she was about to summon a volcano with how red her face was becoming from the sheer rage.

    "I will just tell the groom that you are nowhere to be found." Barbara started to make her way towards the open door.

    Eris teleported in front of the dragon; Eris was in disbelief that Butterscotch would be capable of such an act. "Butterscotch wouldn't do that."

    "Well, since you aren't going to marry him. Maybe some mare would make a better wife than you." Barbara moved passed Eris as the dragon headed towards the door once more.

    "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO?" Eris roared. "Butterscoth loves me and i am going to do whatever i can to win his heart. Give me that dress." She grabbed her wedding dress and put it on.

    "I am going to show that stallion that i am the only mare that he will ever love." Eris picked up her bonquet and breathed calmly.

    As Eris walked slowly, Applejack understood what Barbara did to Eris. "You used reverse psychology on her, didn't you?"

    "Yeah, it was probably the only way to snap her out of it." Barbara smirked. "Besides, Dusk Shine pulls it on me all the time."

    "Wow, I guess we make a pretty good team." Applejack tapped on Barbara's shoulder as he walked outside to escort Eris to the wedding.

    Barbara stood there as a small grin escapes her mouth. "Yeah, quite a team…"

    "I can do this," Eris repeated the words for each step she took. She felt a deal of great confidence. She was going to marry Butterscotch.

    "I can't do this?" Eris said with tears in her eyes. She took each step repeating the phrase that she was currently using. She looked to her left in hopes of making a breakaway. Applejack stopped on her tail.

    "Don't you dare pull a 'runaway bride'," Applejack glared.

    "Will you stop doing that?' Eris pried her tail from Applejack's hooves. She was lucky she was still walking down staring at the door. She looked to her left hoping to make a breakaway, but the stallion stopped her.

    The two stood by the door. Eris tried to calm herself down. Applejack could only let out a small chuckle. "It's okay to be nervous, Eris. I know how badly you want to marry him."

    Eris looked over at him. "I know that, I am just afraid I might do something to mess up my marriage. Give him a reason to divorce me."

    "Do you love him?"

    "Is that even a question? Of course, I love him. I love him with all my heart. If I could give up all my magic just for him, I would." Eris told the stallion while holding together the flower bouquet in her trembling hands. Once those doors opened, everything will change between herself and Butterscotch. She was too afraid of opening that door. She was afraid of everypony's eyes will be on her. She was afraid that Butterscotch wouldn't be there. She was afraid that she would become a laughing stock, causing her to lash out at everypony and repeating the same mistakes.

    Yet, she had to do this.

    Not only did she want to marry him, but she wanted to be apart of his life. To live in his world. To be apart of his universe.

    "Then, let's get inside. I am sure Butterscotch is as nervous as you are." Applejack said before seeing Eris twist the doorknob while he pushed the doors open to walk with Eris down the aisle.

    Once inside the doors, Eris stepped forward seeing the thousand eyes of everypony staring at her. Eris almost got overwhelmed by the sheer number of eyes looking upon her, but Applejack was able to help Eris along; after all, it was his job as the best stallion to make sure that everything went smoothly between Eris and Butterscotch. Eris was glad she and Butterscotch made Applejack their best stallion.

    The draconequus saw through her veil the various ponies and stallions staring at her. She looked to her front to witness Butterscotch looking at her. Despite the veil obscuring her vision of him, she could tell that Butterscotch was looking right at her.

    Eris managed to make it to the altar. Applejack let go of her before moving towards Barbara, who was standing on one side of said altar; on the other side of the altar stood Bubble Berry, Elusive, and Rainbow Blitz. Eris saw the shadow of the stallion she intended to marry. Dusk Shine was in between them ready to start the ceremony.

    Meanwhile, the three former Cutie Mark Crusaders were talking among themselves.

    "You know, they do make a great couple." Sweepy Belle smiled.

    "I just hope she doesn't go crazy again." Apple Buck worried

    "If anyone could handle Eris, it's Butterscotch," Scootaroll gave his friends a look as if he was going to say 'Oh yea, Butterscotch has this.'

    Dusk Shine coughed before he started the wedding of Eris and Butterscotch. "Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Butterscotch and Eris. Never been have I seen any mares or colts right for one another than these two standing before me. Though, their romance did start in the most unusual of circ*mstances, these two have proven that love can come in many forms."

    "Butterscotch, do you take Eris to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Dusk Shine said

    "I do." Butterscotch grinned. He never felt so proud saying those words to the draconequus.

    "Do you, Eris, take Butterscotch to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

    The lady of chaos didn't hear Dusk Shine's words until he repeated himself again. "Oh, I do. I really do."

    "By the power invested in me." Dusk Shine told them. "I proudly proud now, husband and wife."

    Butterscotch lifted Eris's veil to reveal himself to her. The stallion was wearing the same suit she had picked out for him to wear, however there were a few modifications to the suit via Elusive. Eris wanted to kiss his lips right away. Before Dusk Shine could speak, Eris and Butterscotch hushed Dusk Shine before he could continue.

    "Butterscotch, ever since I met you, I never felt so alive. You were a very mysterious stallion. In all of my years of living, never has any stallion touched me more than you have. You have shown me that I can be more than just a being of chaos. I don't think anypony will understand me more than you. I love you Butterscotch and I hope our future will continue to grow as we age together." Eris saying her vows before taking her hand away from Dusk Shine.

    "Eris, we might have had our differences, but I am glad to have met you. I guess my nightmares were trying to tell me that I was missing something from my life. I would have never guessed that what I was missing from my life was you. We might have started off on the wrong hoof, but eventually we came together, changing our worlds. I hope that our marriage takes us on all sorts of adventures." Butterscotch took his hoof away. Eris and Butterscotch stared intensely at one another before Dusk Shine made them glow with a purple aura around them.

    "You may kiss one another now," Dusk Shine told them. Eris and Butterscotch wasted no time with complying to those words. Eris and Butterscotch held one another as the kiss could launch them in the air like fireworks.

    Elusive poked Rainbow Blitz on his shoulder. The unicorn pointed to the couple.

    "Oh, yeah," Rainbow Blitz took off into the air to perform his sonic rainboom. Butterscotch and Eris pulled from their deep kiss to watch the performance.

    Bubble Berry cheered in the air. "BEST WEDDING EVER."

    The reception was being held in the gardens. Record Scrape was playing the music that Eris requested. Bubble Berry rushed over to help Record. However, before he could lean a helping hoof, he had bumped into a mare in the process. Landing downward, Bubble Berry picked himself up before seeing the mare he had bumped into.

    "Ahhhh," Bubble Berry slipped on the floor. He picked himself up and pulled out a duster. He uses it to collect the dust from his body and throw away the duster. He walked over to lift the orange mare with the poofy red mane off the ground.

    "Are you okay, miss?" Bubble Berry asked. "I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I am very clumsy sometimes."

    "It is quite alright. I should have watched where I was going." The mare smiled before looking at him. She leaned back as his face leaned forward towards hers.

    "Do I know you from somewhere? You look awfully familiar." Bubble Berry puzzled as he could have sworn he has seen this mare before. He knew every mare and colt that came to and from Equestria. Yet, this mare was a mysterious.

    "Nope." The mare lied. "My name is Red Heels."

    "Oh, I see." Bubble Berry raised a brow before smiling his usual smile. "It was very nice to meet you. I really do hope we can talk or meet again. I guess we will meet again someday."

    As Bubble Berry bounced away, Red Heels took a great look at him. A smile peered up her lips. "I only wish I could tell you, Bubbles."

    After a while, slower music started to play. Sora gazed over at Rainbow Blitz before coughing on her hoof. Rainbow Blitz looked down wondering what did she need. He saw that she was staring at the other ponies that were slow dancing.

    "That's if you are up to it. I know how you like to do things fast." Sora looked at Blitz.

    "You think I can't handle a slow dance." Blitz felt insulted.

    Sora giggled and nods to tease him. "Yep,"

    "I will show you," Rainbow Blitz grabs Sora's hooves in order to prove to her that he could dance a slow dance.

    Over the other side of the garden, Elusive was looking over the scenery. "Mr. Elusive,"

    The voice made Elusive turn over to see the familiar mare that upset Elusive during his last Grand Gallopping Gala, Blue Belle. "Oh, it's you."

    "I do believe in our last encounter you were very rude. I shall forgive you, but i think it's time for you to dance with me." The rude mare offered her hoof.

    "Actually, my heart belongs to another." Elusive told her as he zoomed past her while he held out his hoof to offer a dance to Regal Splendor.

    "Pardon me, my coltfriend and i were just about to dance together." Regal grinned before she went off with Elusive to dance together. One of Blue Belle's eyes started to twitch on seeing the mare having the nerve to make a move on Elusive.

    Over by the punch bowl, Barbara sighed seeing Elusive and Regal dancing with one another. Applejack saw Barbara in her sadness. He knew he had to say something to get her out of her funk. Yet, he could he say?

    "Sorry, sugarcube." Applejack sympathized with her.

    "It's alright, Applejack. I guess some things aren't just meant to be." Barbara swirling her glass of juice with her claw. She sends the liquid inside her glass down to her stomach before placing it on the table to be refilled.

    "I don't know about that. They could be friends." Applejack tried to give Barbara some hope.

    "But, what if they aren't just 'friends'?" Barbara air quoted the relationship Elusive and Regal were before crossing her arms.

    "Then, you leave them be. If you truly love something, set it free." Applejack said before returning to refill all the glasses of punch that were empty. Barbara turns around to look at him. His hat was back on his head, but it didn't matter to her. Her heart was rapidly increasing. Something about Applejack made the dragon focus on him instead of Elusive. This feeling was similar to his previous feelings for the fashion designer, yet Barbara just passed it off. Thinking of it as nothing.

    "Hey AJ, do you….I don't know….care to dance with me?" She asked him offering her claw to him.

    "You want me to dance with you?" Applejack thought he was losing his mind when the dragon asked him to dance.

    "Do you see any other stallions around that are named Applejack, who is the element of Honesty?" Barbara smirked while she still held her claw in the air.

    "Sure, I would love to dance with you." Applejack walked around to the dance floor with Barbara.

    Dusk Shine smiled seeing many of his friends were dancing with the mares that they were in love with. He sighed wishing to join them. However, he knew that his love was probably miles away from here. Unknown to the stallion, a mare royal guard was looking directly at him. She gazed at him in a loving way. Prince Tempo saw this and walked up to her.

    "Flare Warden." Prince Tempo scared the guard, who was struggling to regain her composure. Her helmet fell off revealing her aqua colored hair.

    "Prince D'amore Temporus" Flare Warden saluted while attempting to put her helmet back on. "The festivities are looking lovely this evening, sir."

    "Indeed, they are. May i ask why you are here instead of being at the party."

    "I was told by Prince Artemis to defend this wall."

    "Well, i have brought a few guards. I think our walls is overly defended. Come and walk with me."

    "Sure, your majesty." Flare said flying to the ground with the prince.

    The heartbeat inside the mare was beating fast when she saw Dusk Shine. He didn't see them, but Prince Tempo looked over seeing Flare looking right up at Dusk Shine. Prince Tempo knew Flare's heart raced whenever Prince Dusk Shine was around. Flare would do anything to be at Dusk Shine's side. Yet, she was a soldier and he was a prince.

    "I think Dusk Shine is rather, unguarded." Prince Tempo smirked as he saw Flare Warden was looking direction at him, unsure of what to do next.

    "I believe he is." Flare gulped. She knew what the Prince wanted from her.

    "Then, your mission is to protect him." Prince Tempo walked away from Flare Warden. "That's an order, soldier. I will also be taking your helmet. You won't be needing it."

    Go get her, Dusky. Prince Tempo's last thoughts came when Flare flew right in front of Dusk Shine.

    "Hello, my lovebirds and salutations. I wanted to tell you both congratulations." Zicoro shook the hands of the happy couple and gave them a hug.

    "Hello Zicoro," Butterscotch smiled. "We have you to thank for this?"

    "What do you mean? I never told you anything." Eris looked down at Butterscotch

    "Before I accepted your deal, I went to Zicoro for advice. What do you mean, I never told you?"

    "Well, I went to Zicoro for advice and he told me to make you a garden….Wait." Eris turned to Zicoro. "You planned this from the start, didn't you?"

    Zicoro only laughed. "Nice to see you finally catch up. Why do you think I set you two up?"

    "But…How? You aren't even a unicorn." Eris puzzled before Butterscotch flew to her vision.

    "Eris, does it really matter?" Butterscotch tried to tell his wife to let it go.

    "Yes, it does matter. I want answers about all I had to go through in order to make this happen." Eris argued. Zicoro slipped away from the happy couple before Eris could see where he went.

    Eris smiled as she danced with Butterscotch. The couple twirled away from one another at the moment. Eris looked at the neck off the forest near the Canterlot Gardens.

    She smiled feeling overjoyed that she was now married to Butterscotch. However, before she went back to dance, she saw two figures standing at the tree. Her whole body stopped seeing two creatures that looked similar to her. Tears of joy came down her face as she saw them smiling at her. Eris knew who these two creatures were. She couldn't help but cry.

    "Mom...Dad," She whispered.

    "Everything okay, Eris?" Butterscotch came up to the draconequus. She turned to Butterscotch for a minute and then turned back to see that her parents were no longer there.

    "I am fine, Butterscotch."

    "You're crying?" Butterscotch saw his wife was crying up a storm.

    "No, it's something in my eyes." Eris took her husband's hoof and walked back. She looked back and smiled.

    Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.

    "Okay, boys. I think we can drive ourselves home. You guys can take it easy, tonight." Eris told the six stallions as they went off on their own. Eris used her magic to possess the carriage and opened the door for the stallion.

    "Shall we be on our way?" Eris said.

    "Ahem," Bubble Berry told Eris as she still had the bouquet in her hands.

    "Oh yeah, that's right. I still have this whole silly event." Eris said before teleporting in front of five mares, well six if you include Barbara as a mare. Barbara, Regal, Red Heels, Sora, and Flare stood in position to catch the flowers that Eris would throw.

    Eris threw the bouquet, but started to flow it around by using her magic. She couldn't resist, but to have a little fun at her wedding. Butterscotch stood next to her and gave her a look that told her, 'you can stop now, Eris'.

    Groaning that her fun was interrupted, Eris rested her magic and allowing the bouquet to fall into the ring of the mares hoping to grab the flower. Suddenly, Sora leaped forward and gripped the bouquet in her mouth.

    Feeling triumph, Sora walked over to Rainbow Blitz and put down the arrangement of flowers right in front of him. She stood next to him to give him a cheeky smile.

    "Look like the next wedding will be with Rainbow Blitz." Bubble Berry laughed.

    Sora looked at him and winked. "Is there something you want to tell me, Blitz."

    "Oh boy," Rainbow Blitz sighed in embarrassment. (A/N: Hey look, its Disney Fanatic 2364's reaction to every time I post a chapter of this story.)

    Eris and Butterscotch went inside the carriage. Everypony waved to them until they were a spot in the distance.

    Inside the carriage, Eris leaned over to Butterscotch. "We are alone at last, my love."

    Before she could kiss him, an acorn was tossed into her eye. The draconequus turned to see Angela with a group of animals in the carriage.

    "What are you guys doing here?" Eris growled while holding her lion paw to the injured eye.

    "I kind of told them that they would be living with us." Butterscotch said.

    "WHAT!" Eris turned to her new husband. "I am not going to clean up after them."

    "I told them that they could stay in the garden." Butterscotch said. "I also said they could ride with us until we get to the castle, then I am all yours."

    Eris crossed her arms staring at Angel and the other animals. She couldn't get close to Butterscotch without them freaking out or throwing acorns at her. Once they reached the castle, Eris opened the door.

    "We have arrived, so get out before i make you all into animal soup." Eris roared before the other animals scurried away. Butterscotch knew it was mean of Eris to just kick them out like that.

    "You are going to have to get along with them." Butterscotch told her.

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will get along with them later." She said before teleporting him in front of the castle, which was more colorful than it originally looked. "Do you like it?"

    "I like it, very much." Butterscotch nods.

    "I figured you would. I felt the dark and brooding color was wearing a bit thin, so I changed it." She carried him in her arms while walking slowly inside the castle.

    "I am glad you like it. I just hope you don't want to leave here." Eris continued as if her words were like a large weight holding her down.

    "I think I want to stay here all my life." Butterscotch focused Eris to look at him as if he was telling her 'I want to stay with you'.

    Once Eris and Butterscotch walk inside, the stallion took great notice of how different the place looked. Some things like the living room was kept the same, other rooms had bright green and blue doors.

    "So, how do you like the inside of the house?" Eris grinned

    "Less dizzy," Butterscotch complimented her.

    Eris opened the golden doors to their 'honeymoon suite'. Entering the room, Butterscotch felt repulsed by what he was seeing. Everything in the room was shaped like a heart. The bed, the pillow, the chandelier, the pictures, and even the outside windows were heart shaped. Butterscotch didn't want to be rude, but even he didn't want to look at the room any more than he already has. He turned his head to Eris. She had taken him to a nice suite for their honeymoon, so he had to stomach it for as much as he could.

    "It looks horrible doesn't it?" Eris cringed.

    "Yeah," Butterscotch couldn't deny how horrible the room looked.

    "Well, I am too tired to change anything now." Eris said feeling bushed. She snapped her fingers closing the doors and putting up a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. The draconequus took her husband to the bed. She snapped her fingers to take the wedding dress and Butterscotch's tux off.

    "I will give this bed credit; it actually feels comfortable to sleep on." Eris said before Butterscotch warmed up to the bed as well.

    "Yeah, I guess so." Butterscotch said before he felt Eris swirling around him. She pulled him into a kiss while she held him close. "We are finally alone."

    Butterscotch was now married to her. Butterscotch was now hers and is married to her without any strings attached. There was no threat to Equestria. There was no more nightmares of evil intentions and despair. The two beings were in love. They will continue to be in love until their final moments. Maybe in the future they could start a family and raise a foal of their very own. Yet, that would have to wait. Eris wanted Butterscotch all to herself at the moment. To Eris, that sounded more rewarding than taking over Equestria.

    Butterscotch grumbled in the bed. Eris took great notice of it.

    "Something troubles you, my love?" Eris asked.

    "Just a bit nervous," Butterscotch told her truthfully. "This is a big step for me."

    "Whatever challenges we face in the future, we face them together." Eris told him with no fear in her voice.

    "I love you, Eris." The stallion told her.

    "I love you more, Butterscotch." Eris couldn't help but give a big grin to him. "Oh you handsome groom of mine"

    With her final words for the evening, Eris clapped her hands and turned off the lights.

    And they lived Happily Ever….

    *The green unicorn known as the Autistic Writer started to smack down the Happily Ever After sign until it was reduced to bits and pieces.* Now that we got that noise out of the way, why don't we talk about this chapter.

    I decided to change where Eris(Discord) proposed to Butterscotch(Fluttershy). I wanted to make things different from Bride of Discord. Yeah, you know, that other story. But, enough about that.

    I wanted to create like a small scene between Flamethrower and Rainbow Blitz because I was even shocked that Spitfire was in the story.

    I had to laugh for the gender swapping reference with the CMCs. Is it me or would Sweepy Bell enjoy being genderswapped. But, I think it's just me.

    I know people will enjoy the AppleBarb moments in this chapter, but I felt Barbara was just so cold during her reverse psychology mode. Makes me think of how well they would be a couple. Plus, their feelings were resolved in Discord's Dating Game….Though that would probably be Eris's Dating Game if it was genderswapped.

    Originally, I was going to have Eris call the other mare a hussy, but I felt I was going overboard with that one. Though, I can imagine Eris calling a mare that.

    So, I felt that the Wedding Chapter of Bride of Discord was missing vows, so I put them into the chapter. I will have to wait and see how effective this worked.

    I now revealed a genderswap version of Red Shoes, Red Heels is her name. Who is she? I guess we will never know. I also added Flare Warden into the scene to have a real cute moment about her supposed feelings for Dusk Shine. Everything worked out in the end.

    Now, the whole parents thing. I think you guys can guess those were ghosts. But, i felt Bride of Discord was lacking the whole parents resolution. It felt like something DF might have forgotten or maybe she wanted to include it but didn't for some reason.

    Well, this looks like the end right? I could thank everyone, but i think i should reveal my surprise.

    Chapter 21: The Epilogue

    Yep, we are almost done with this story. A lot of clearing up to do. But, i am sure you guys will enjoy the next chapter. Let's just say it was very fun to write. So, let's see the questions I will answer in the next chapter.

    1. What shocked you the most out of this story?

    2. Will Groom of Eris be on Fimfiction?

    3. Five facts about yourself?

    4. If you could genderswap another story, which one would it be?

    5. Will there be a sequel to Groom of Eris?

    If you people have any personal questions (But not too personal) or Questions about Groom of Eris in general besides the ones on top, then display your questions in your reviews and i will answer them to the best of my abilities.

    Until then, see you later.

    Well, people.

    We have arrived at the epilogue. It might have taken a while, but I am glad that people have enjoyed this story.

    This story has been an education for me. It was fun Gender swapping Bride of Discord. People enjoyed it while others disliked it.

    Now, let me thank each and every one of you that has read these chapters and followed me on this journey. Now, that the journey is almost over, I am not sure if I am willing to let this go. But, i have to. I have to accept the inevitable. I have to end this story.

    So, guests, fans of Groom of Eris/Bride of Discord, Disney Fanatic 2364 and future readers; I thank you for reading this tale. We may or may not see each one another again, but I am glad to have done this gender swap. I hope you enjoy this epilogue.

    So, let's end Groom of Eris on a high note.

    Disclaimer: I don't own the rights My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. I also don't own the genderswap ponies. Groom of Eris is based on Bride of Discord by Disney Fanatic 2364.

    Chapter 21: The Epilogue

    Solaris stared deeply down the piles of wood. Each piece either was a fallen Timberwolf, or a fraction of what it once was. He couldn't believe these creatures attacked his kingdom so randomly. He had fought these creatures many times before, but the attack pattern was so random that something wasn't sitting right with him.

    However, what could that be?

    "Does something trouble you, my brother? It is quite the change of events." Artemis flew down to his brother, "Eris, who was once our enemy, is now our ally once again. A draconequus married to the pony, I never thought I would see the day."

    "Something troubles me on this attack? Why did these creatures attack now?"

    "Timber Wolves are mindless being my brother, they wouldn't...attack like this." Artemis realizing his brother's viewpoint on the strange attack that recently transpired. "You think they were provoked by some sort of magic?"

    "Yes, but I am not sure who would do such a thing and why?" Solaris looked onto the forest wondering who provoked the Timber Wolves on attacking them.

    The small-sized timberwolf with the scar on his eye was limping into the forest. He had hoped to get away from the battlefield and licked his wounds. However, he wouldn't have time to do that when he saw two distinct green flames growing in the distance. The beings came out from the green goo as they glared at the large timberwolf. The Timberwolf recognized these beings as Changelings.

    "State your business," One of them buzzed.

    "You have forgotten your Major General have you?" The Timber Wolf smirked before green flames morphed him into a female Changeling. She glared seeing the two guards shut their mouths really quick.

    "Major General Killer Wasp. We are shocked that you are here." One of the guards trembled in fear of the female changeling.

    "You are lucky that I am here to see our King to report the status of a secret operation I was working on. Otherwise, I would be scraping you both from my hooves." Major General Wasp growled. "Move out of my way, Now."

    The two moved out of her way before they stood back into position. "What crawled into her beehive?"

    "She is probably cranky for losing another fight again." The other Changeling snickered.

    A green aura surrounded the two helmets of the guards, making them crash into one another. This sent a grin up Major General Killer Wasp's face before returning it to her angry demeanor.

    Major General Wasp passed General Bumblebee along the way. Her inner thoughts spoke of greed.

    One of these days, my General. I will make you take an 'early' retirement.

    Major General Wasp walked into the throne room hoping to gain an audience with his king. She saw the back of the throne, yet she was petrified of flying over there to check if he was there.

    "Major General Wasp, you better have a good reason for coming back here. You have returned sooner than expected." The voice of her king roared like a manticore. The king could take down thousands of them just for fun. No one wanted to get on the King of the Changeling's bad side. That would usually spark trouble for those who did.

    "My King, I have come to report on the status of operation: Timber Falls." Wasp spoke as she shivers with fear. "It was a failure."

    The King drew his breath in irritation. "Will every Changeling except for the Major General and one guard, step out of this room for the moment."

    After most of the Changeling's bailed out, Wasp and a guard were standing next to one another. Both were scared of their king's wrath. They knew what he was capable of and didn't want to face him in combat. The King was worst than any type of venom. Most ponies would wish they were bitten by a spider or a snake rather than suffer the bite from the King of the Changelings.

    "Major General Killer Wasp, I need you to fully understand how this failure makes me feel." The King said calmly.

    Suddenly, the green aura of magic surrounded the royal Changeling Guard. He gulped as he was saying his prays before the King began to launch him around the room making him hit the walls, ceiling and ground at such a velocity. Major General Killer Wasp managed to avoid the hits of this other Changeling. It felt like this guard was like a pinball as he hurls around the room. He was screaming while the King continued to toss him around like a rag doll.

    Finally, the Changeling's motion was stopped by the King, who slammed him down where he originally stood. Major General Killer Wasp was shocked at how much damage that guard took. That attack would have crushed a pony, but luckily the guard was still alive and kicking. Yet, moving was still very catastrophic for the guard. The two guards collected him to go to the infirmary.

    When the king turned to face the Major General, she begged for mercy and shout out all that happened during the battle.

    "My King Metamorphosis, I apologize for my failure to acquire Canterlot. It wasn't my fault. We were stopped by Prince Solaris, Tempo and Artemis. The bearers of the Elements of Harmony were also there. There was also a mare i have never seen before. Her magic was beyond comprehension. She was able to throw me far into the Everfree forest. How she was able to defy reality with her mere existence is beyond my comprehension. She looked a lot like a Draconequus, I thought they were all wiped out in the great blizzard."

    King Metamorphosis stopped when he heard about the draconequus. He knew of one mare with that description, yet it couldn't be.

    Impossible. Solaris and Artemis turned her to stone. Yet, is she still alive?

    "Are you certain it was a draconequus?"

    "Yes, my lord. She looked a lot like this." Killer Wasp morphed into a miniature version of Eris.

    Metamorphosis looked closer seeing shadows of his past coming back to him. He moved closer and closer to her. Until he stomped his hoof in frustration.

    Metamorphosis had his back to the changeling for a few minutes until he turned towards her direction. "That's a very interesting development, Major General Killer Wasp. I do believe there is a chance you can redeem yourself."

    "Anything my King" Wasp begged her king to allow her to earn back his good side.

    "I need you to spy on that Draconequus. Learn as much as you can from watching over her. If anything in the slightest happens, I want to know about it." King Metamorphosis ordered.

    "Yes, your majesty." Major General Wasp used his morphing powers to transform herself into a common house fly before buzzing away to carry out her mission.

    "So, you have returned to me, Eris. Let us see how much you have grown throughout the past few years." Metaphosis laughed manically hoping to be rid of the lady of Chaos forever.

    Two months have passed since their wedding day. Eris was having the time of her life. She couldn't believe she was now married. Things seemed to work out for her and her love in the end. She was still working on trying to convince his friends that she was completely reformed, but she knew it would take some time for that to happen.

    Eris was dusting off some old pictures when she removed the tarp from an old relic from her past life. It was her shattered mirror, which had reformed back, but still was cracked. Eris grumbled as she looked at her mirror self, who looked displeased.

    "Oh it's you."

    "I told you that getting rid of me is impossible. What do you think you are doing?"

    Eris was dusting somewhere else hoping to ignore the mirror.

    "Ignoring me isn't going to help." The mirror roared before she noticed that Eris was wearing a ring. "Please tell me that we are the rulers of Equestria right now or else that is a ring of enslavement."

    "If you think enslavement means my devoted love to Butterscotch, then we are married." Eris hummed a tune before carrying on with her work.

    "I can't believe you married him without taking over Equestria. Things would have been better if we were running the show. But, you had to get all noble and grow a heart."

    "…And risk losing the only stallion who ever loved me? No thank you, I don't want that kind of life." Eris told her mirror self while making a few boxes disappear.

    "What kind of a future do you think you will have with that stallion? Living the boring pony life where you and him get married, have a few brats, and then do what?"

    "As a matter of fact, that was the plan. I love him more than you realize." Eris glared at the mirror. She was letting her emotions get the better of her. She wasn't going to let the mirror insult her family like that.

    "Do you think Ponyville will accept you and your family? Do you truly believe your future foals will be welcomed to this world so openly? A cruel world such as this will never accept them. They couldn't even except us. What makes you think that they will accept them. After all, you did try to take over Equestria twice. Maybe one more will seal your fate?" The mirror showing off her two foals being laughed at by various shadows of ponies.

    "They will accept them because they will not only be my foals, but they will be Butterscotch's as well." Eris yelled at the mirror.

    "That's another thing. Do you really intend of staying with that wimpy Pegasus forever?"

    "That is what I declared and that is what it will be." Eris crossed her arms.

    "Forever is a really long time. Do you think that the love with you two share will last forever?"

    "Yes, he loves me." Eris covered her eyes hearing the echoing voice of her mirror.

    "Oh does he now? Let us now take a peek into the future. I can see him betraying your love…with another mare….in an alleyway…making out with her as if you never existed. Kissing her because she stole his heart." The mirror grinned in a sinister tone.

    "That is not true." Eris tried to cover her eyes and ears, but couldn't due to the mirror making her see the future of events through her eyelids.

    "Believe it to be the truth. He will betray you and your heart will grow cold and alone once more." The mirror smirked "Even if it is not true, what hope do you have? Do you really think the love you two share will survive even after he is gone from this world? It's ironic, really. Eris, the lady of Chaos, the being with unlimited power, can not stop the cold hooves of death from claiming the one you love."

    "I can make him immortal, just like myself," Eris screamed

    "What good will that do? You will be robbing him of his afterlife. Didn't you promise not to hurt him with your magic, anymore? Well, you will be hurting him as he sees friend after friend passing on from this world. Yeah, you really do love him. Love him enough to see him suffer for it." The mirror laughed.

    Eris looked downward towards the ground. The mirror was right. She had no way of stopping Butterscotch from dying. It was a hard fact of life. There had to be some way she would be able to keep their love strong….and she was going to find out that night while he would be asleep.

    "No, pleases don't Butterscotch. Please...Don't leave me. I still want you to be with me. I am sorry for all I have done to you." Eris said as he tossed and turned on the bed.

    "Butterscotch NOOOOOOOOO!" Eris awoken abruptly.

    The lady of Chaos looked to her bedside seeing Butterscotch was snuggling besides her. She could tell his dreams were about their future together. Eris smiled and patted his head. She kissed the Pegasus making him grin upon the kiss. He felt so happy to be married to Eris. Their bond was really strong. The moments in seeing the stallion smile made Eris want to grow old with him. Yet, it was impossible. She put his hooves away as she got up. She knew the fact of the reality is that Butterscotch would age and she would not.

    She got a good taste of the future with Prince Tempo. That was a nightmare she didn't want to see again.

    When the Draconequus got up, she didn't realize that that her husband woke up seeing her tail vanish out the bedroom door.

    "Eris?" Butterscotch tilts his head in confusion.

    The lady of Chaos stood outside the balcony. She looked over the Everfree Forest while she was drinking chocolate milk. She hoped that her cold beverage would calm her nerves of the nightmares she has been having. She didn't want to believe any of it. Yet, she felt the strange feeling that the mirror wasn't lying about this. She had a few dreams about herself staying the same age while Butterscotch's body began to age and deteriorate. Eris wanted to do anything in her power to keep her husband alive, but it was no use. It was ironic that despite all the reality bending powers Eris had at her disposal, she was powerless to stop her loved ones from death's grip.

    "I can make chocolate rain and make it snow marshmallows, but I can't keep the one I love most from death" Eris said with sadness.

    She pounded his lion paw on the wood that the railing was made of. "NO, i will not let it end this way. I need to think of some way to save him."

    Eris went inside hoping to do some research. She was going to do everything in her power to prevent him from dying.

    Butterscotch journeyed through the dark corridors of the castle. He kept his head down hoping to seek out his wife, who had mysteriously vanished from the bedroom. She was no where to be found. He knew they were married just months ago, but he felt something was bothering his wife. He wasn't sure what it was, but he wanted to get to the bottom of it. He needed to find her and get answers. Was she unhappy with their marriage? The Pegasus flew from room to room as he would never rest until he found his wife.

    Suddenly, he heard from downstairs a strange noise. It started low and then it gradually grew louder and louder. He landed on top of the stairs overlooking his wife, who was reading books trying to look up something. She wore reading glasses and was so fixated on the books that she didn't notice her husband coming towards her. Butterscotch wasn't sure if he should bother her, but the fear of something he did wrong was deeply troubling him and he wanted to talk with Eris about it.

    "Eris?" Butterscotch asked with a soft voice

    "Ahhhhh Butters, i was just..." Eris said making the books and desk vanish before his eyes.

    "It's okay; i just noticed that you weren't in bed?" Butterscotch smiled looking at his love. He could tell something was bothering her. As her husband, he was going to help her through it. "Is everything alright, dear?"

    "Yes, everything is just fine. Just a bit of trouble sleeping, I am sorry I have made you worried." Eris rubbed her lion arm and hoped her lie would convince him of her well being. It did not.

    "Eris, we have been married for a few months now. I think you should learn to be a bit more honest with me" Butterscotch showed a look of concern. "What did we talk about?"

    Eris sighed "You should always confront a friend if you are having a problem with something."

    "I am begging you. I have seen you get up in the middle of the night. I have watched you become unpleasant ever since we have gotten married. Please tell me it isn't another stallion. I would understand if it was that was…." Butterscotch told her.

    Eris could tell by his concerns. "O Solaris no, my honey badger."

    The lady of Chaos immediately took Butterscotch into her arms and hugged him tightly. "I married you, honey. There is no other stallion like you. I am sorry if I had made you feel that way. Plus, I don't think you can help the situation I am going through."

    Butterscotch smiled feeling relieved that she wasn't cheating on him. Otherwise, they would be having a different conversation. "Oh thank goodness". Butterscotch then heard the second part of her statement. He put his hoof on her eagle claw "What do you mean I can't help you? We are a team, Eris. We will work through our problems together no matter how unreachable they are."

    "Can you stop yourself from dying?" With sadness in her eyes, Eris looked upon her husband.

    This stopped Butterscotch cold. He saw where the real problem lied. The stallion understood that Eris had been in stone for many, many years. Her powers could allow herself to live forever. Yet, much like any other stallion or pony, he had a more 'limited' life span. He looked to the Draconequus's eyes. Butterscotch sensed his wife's suffering. It was like a big piece of her was taken out. The Pegasus could sense that this problem was eating away at her. This problem wouldn't go away until somepony could tell her how to deal with the situation. Luckily for the draconequus, his job as a husband was going to do just that.

    "Come with me" He offered her hooves to her.

    She was hesitated at first, but his smile was getting to her. "Okay Butterscotch, you win. I will go with you."

    The couple waited for a precise time before the Pegasus pulled her to the roof. Despite how scared he was, that wasn't going to let that stop him from being a proper husband.

    "Okay, now look," Butterscotch smiled as he had taken Eris on top of the cottage to overlook the rising sun that was coming up soon.

    "You took me up here just so, we can watch a sun rise?" Eris questioned the actions of her husband.

    "If my memory serves correctly, I think you showed me what the mornings were like out here." Butterscotch smiled seeing a perfect view of the sunrise.

    Eris looked puzzled. The sunrise was just a sunrise. It offered no uniqueness or solution to her problem. What did he want her to see? Prince Solaris was raising the sun throughout Equestria. It wasn't anything new in that routine. Eris looked over at Butterscotch trying to understand what he found special about the sunrise.

    "You see Eris, what I see in the sunrise isn't the sunrise itself. It's the memories I share with the ponies I watch it with," Butterscotch smiled bringing out two photo albums.

    Eris recognized the pure white album of being their wedding photos they took with their friends. Eris chuckled looking over various pictures of the guests and themselves. The wedding and the reception was in a word of itself, chaotic.

    Eris then opened the old brown album. Her shock almost made the book go down to the ground. Butterscotch smiled as he looked at his wife, who couldn't help but feel glad of the moment she was feeling with him. The photos consisted of the last few months leading up to their wedding. Butterscotch gazed to his wife with a big grin on his face.

    "Eris, these memories are very special to me. I hold on to them as a reminder that no matter how old I may get, I will look back to these memories and enjoy each one of them. They make me feel young and special. That I have experienced a taste of the joy life brings and how I will continue to taste more of it in the future. That is why I am not afraid to do all I can for my friends and loved ones." Butterscotch announced.

    Eris felt her husband lifting her chin up slowly. His smile was still holding up strong. She didn't think of his memories in the way that he was telling her.

    "Eris, your nightmares are only out to scare you. In your fear, you failed to see that just because somepony is not with you; it doesn't mean that they have gone away from you completely. It means that their spirits will be with you. They are guiding you no matter what obstacle in your life that you currently face." Butterscotch kissed his wife as she looked deeply into his eyes.

    After the long kiss, He giggled for a tiny bit. He then turned back facing her into seriousness. "I might not be able to stop myself from aging, that doesn't mean I won't live the rest of my life span in fear of when it is my time to go. It means that there will be more memories to make with you before I leave this world."

    Tears rose from the Draconequus's face. She couldn't believe those words came out of her husband. She lived for a large amount of years, and never once had she heard words like that. She has lived for a thousand years, but each day he was telling her something she hasn't learned. She picked him up in her arms.

    "You are definitely right my handsome prince. Thank you for snapping me out of my nightmares." Eris pushed her head forward kissing him back. She then swirls her around his hooves. She laughed along with him and felt very positive this morning. Maybe it was Solaris's sun that was brightening the darkness of her doubts. She looks to Butterscotch and smiled.

    "You are right, my little pony. There is no sense living in sadness, when you have somepony with you by your side. I know you may not share my immortality, but I am going to make sure you are one happy husband."

    Butterscotch smiled looking at his wife in support. "With you by my side, I already have all that I wanted"

    "Maybe not everything yet," Eris flirted with him.

    "What...what do you mean?" Butterscotch looked to Eris. Now, it was his turn to be confused.

    "Well, I think that one day, we can have foals of our own for us to teach." Eris smiled holding the stallion in her arms.

    "Fo...Foals?" Butterscotch blushed realizing what she was referring to. Doing those sorts of things in their bedroom. Butterscotch's cheeks were burning up.

    "How many foals do you think we should have? four...eight...oh how about forty eight?" Eris was thinking of the number of foals they could have together.

    "Fourty...Eight...foals" Butterscotch was adding up the possibilities of providing for that many foals. The overwhelming number made him faint.

    "Butterscotch" Eris said as she realized her words had just made him faint "Maybe we should talk about this another time then?"

    As Butterscotch and Eris flew around town chasing one another. They were being watched by eyes of a female alligator. Her final thoughts on the various couples plagued her mind.

    Upon this rock, I watched them enjoying their love together. Such a strange love it is. Between a pony and a draconequus. Do they not realize the dark future they set in stone. Will their love survive the harshest of challenges? Will their love be accepted by the other ponies?

    What of the Apple farmer who tries to win the heart of his fair dragon? Will the dragon see the love that the orange earth pony tries to reveal? Will their love ever become true? Will they continue to live for years without telling one another how they really feel about each other?

    What of the fashion designer and his love for a mare that lives in a difference town. Will their love overcome the distance or is it just another romance gone bad?

    Can the 'Fastest Flier of Equestria' overcome his fear of commitment in order to be with the one he loves? Or will his arrogance be his own undoing and destroy the relationship he had set up?

    Is the love of the fabled 'Prince of Friendship' and a royal guard doomed? Or is there other issues with the love between them? How does one fall in love at first sight? Will they truly understand one another?

    What of the party pony with his encounter of love at a party? Does his heart not understand the concept of what took place at the party? Will he see her again and their romance becomes pure love?

    And what of the orange pegasus with the blue hat? Does she have a part to play in all this? Does she not realize the universe that she has created? Does she not see how much of an impact her 'idea' has brought to this world? Are we just simple creatures playing on a checker board? Are we the pawns or are the writers ,themselves, pawns of something much bigger? And what of her flank? Is she destined for more than just the letters "D" and "F"? Does her cutie mark defy her or does she define the cutie mark? What do i know, i am just a silly female alligator licking her nose.

    Gummette licked her nose before looking back at Butterscotch and Eris

    We mark the tale's end here, but just know that the future of these two will live on. The strangest love i have ever seen between a beauty and his...

    "Gummette, There you are." Bubble Berry giggled as he picked up his pet alligator and put her on his head. He turned his attention over at Butterscotch and Eris. He sighed in happiness seeing them together and happy. "They really do look happy together don't they, Gummette?"

    They do, Bubble Berry. They really do.

    "Sometimes, i wonder what goes on in that head of yours?" Bubble Berry held out the alligator, who remained silence and licking her nose.

    "Well, let's get you inside and give you a bath." Bubble Berry giggled.

    Bubble Berry closed the door as Butterscotch and Eris flew up in the sky. They held each other closely and kissed.

    *Sniff* *sniff* That story was so sad, yet so happy.

    Computer: Sir, the story is finished?

    *Snaps out of it* Yeah, *Coughs* I am glad it's over. I wasn't crying. I cried in this story as much as i cried during the film Inside Out.

    Computer: *Monologues the moments that the AW cried during Inside Out* you cried about 90% of the film.

    I did not, i am a man. Men do not cry.

    Computer: Bing Bong

    *Starts crying* WHY Inside Out. Why must you make the feels real. THE FEELS WERE REAL. *Wipes tears* Let's just get on with the whole thing.

    The first part was to answer the plot hole about how the Timber Wolves mostly attack in a forest. Solaris and Artemis thought it was weird that Timberwolves attacked Canterlot.

    I wanted to see how people would react to King Metamorphosis. Man, he is ruthless. I fear him more than Chrysalis.

    The scene of the mirror was inspired by two characters from different movies. The part where the mirror puts doubt into Eris's mind was inspired by Stinky Pete from Toy Story 2. The second part where the mirror shows Eris the future was inspired by the 2003 Peter Pan film. That was a good Peter Pan film, i don't care what you guys say.

    Now, for those of you that don't read my fanfics. The scene with Butterscotch and Eris actually comes from the Fluttercord chapter in my story "Love In Equestria".

    The last part with Gummette was a last minute decision since i watched the 100th episode for the second time while writing up this Epilogue. I also liked the idea of Gummy having the last words. Originally, i saved that for the author's note, but it was just too funny to past up.

    What did you think?

    So, let's answer the big questions?

    1. What shocked you the most of this story?

    I think the one thing that shocked me about this story was how well this story was received. I thought that people might say that "How dare you rip off a good writer's story" or "This story feels more like a slap to DF's face for creating such a horribly written mess". Yet, I didn't feel such harsh criticisms. I will probably get bad reviews from people that review this story, but I never expected the reviews to be positive. I just told myself. "Just write what you feel. If people hate it, then they will hate it. It's as long as you tried in your attempt to genderswap Bride of Discord, that's all that matters."

    I mean I am sure people didn't want me to rehash what DF wrote, but wow, you guys really praised me for the differences I made to this story. I feel so touched and warm inside. I am so glad to leave this story on a high note.

    2. Will Groom of Eris be on Fimfiction?

    Hmmmm, a tricky question this is.

    I like Groom of Eris and probably would do my best to put it on other sites like Fimfiction, but I really don't see the chances of that happening. One, I would need to approve it with DF and the Fimfiction admins. Two, the story would look a little different than what it is now. I mean I would like to try, but don't get your hopes up if you don't see this story on Fimfiction.

    3. Five Facts about yourself?

    a. The first letters of my first and last name make up the first two letters of my first name. Also, I have two middle names.

    b. My favorite color as a kid was green. Now, my favorite colors are Red, Black, Blue, White, Grey and Gold. Least favorite is turquoise.

    c. When I was in middle school, my locker would be empty and all of my stuff would be in my bag. Teachers and some students laughed because they thought that I carried my whole locker with me everywhere, which was kind of true.

    d. I can never have cookies without milk. It feels weird eating the cookies without some milk to go with it. It's like dancing without music

    e. the five TV shows that I watched when I was very little was Blue's Clues, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Sesame Street, Barney and Friends, and The Big Comfy Couch. I am sure i watched more, but those are the ones i remember off the top of my head. I had both Blue and Molly (From Big Comfy Couch) as stuffed toy. It's not weird…..DON'T JUDGE ME!

    4. If you could genderswap another story, which story would you love to genderswap?

    Surprising enough, there is a story I WISH to gender swap if I could. Most would either know this story or haven't heard of it before. It's the second Rainbow Dash centered story I like. First one is My Little Dashie and the third being DF's I Am Not Gay.

    The story I would like to create a genderswap story of is a story called Instant Mom by Brush Stroke. I came across it one day while looking up stories on Fimfiction and instantly got hooked on it. Now, I am only saying I would like to genderswap it, It's not in the plans. Brush Strokes would have to approve it, which seems very unlikely. I mean, i could ask, but i hardly doubt she would go for something like this.

    5. Do you have a favorite Play?

    Tough to say, I mean I really do like plays, yet picking a favorite play is hard. But, I like Romeo and Juliet. However, it depends on what you mean.

    Favorite play: It's a tie between Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado about Nothing.

    Favorite play that has became a movie: RENT

    6. Is there anything you learned from this?

    Yeah, just go with the flow.

    DF can be scary if you do things behind her back, so don't try to upset her.

    Fluttercord is amazing

    Location, location, location

    Be Different

    7. Is there anything you regret while working on Groom of Eris?

    I guess the one thing I regret is not trying harder with Groom of Eris. I mean I like the differences I have made, but I feel I could have made more differences in the grand scheme of things.

    8. What is your favorite Groom of Eris moment?

    Well, let's see….

    It's a tough call to make. There are plenty of moments I liked in this story. However, if I had to pick my favorite moment. It's not the wedding, and it's not the chapter called The Moment. those two would take 2nd and 3rd place respectively. If I had to pick my favorite moment it would be.

    When Eris wanted to be turned to stone. I feel this was the greatest change from Bride of Discord. I know in Bride it was different, but I felt that Eris didn't want to hurt Butterscotch anymore, so that was the choice she wanted to make. Fun Fact: I actually cried when writing that moment in the fanfic. I hope you people are happy. I poured my tears into that moment. Why must you make the feels real?

    9. What is your least favorite cartoon show?

    OH, ummmm yeah…

    Uncle Grandpa. That's my least favorite cartoon show. My mind broke when watching the first two minutes of that show; makes me think of that scene from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls when he first walks into that room with all of those animals heads.

    10. Will there be a sequel to Groom of Eris?

    Well, this is the big one. I know this question was coming to me. Now, it's time for me to answer it.

    When i asked DF if i could do this story, some thought of genderswapping Daughter of Discord did come to my mind. However, i wanted to get through this story first. Now, that we have reached the end...

    To be honest, i have no idea if i want to continue this story. I know the Bride of Discord series has two sequels, with one more coming along the way. So, i don't really know if i should continue this story? I mean, the story i want to make is an Applebarb story. That's only because i wanted to conclude what i already shared in this story.

    So, it's unknown at this point if i should continue? It depends on a lot of factors. But, let's hope to the future.

    I see two paths. I could make a sequel or i don't. I be okay with both. If i will make a sequel, then i would be honored, but if this is the only time i do something like this, then it was worth it.

    So, everyone. This is the end of Groom of Eris.

    I would like to thank the following people.

    Various Guests, Disa-Ray, fluttercordrocks, Amelia Rose, zzdragon, Misskoifishpony, Marina Stars, Fanshipping 713, fluttercord, ec, Dream Dragoness, Derpy, bookworm1515, meip, Snowfrost, Badgerpelt103, Stingray16, unicornbuzzard, Ecomonococo, KittenKitKat, Dragones, Skylar seed, scarboroughj96, Catherine Heiser, Ria the Reaper, Sofi the pegasis, Awesomeness, .2015, Purple Shivers, Stephanie 123, Hysteria Rogers, FanlovesFics16, AngelinTraining, Lovefanfiction12, Rainbow Bullet, Silkmouse, KLR213, Ataxia Bedlam,

    Any future reader, and last but certainly not least.

    Let's thank Disney Fanatic 2364 for approving this story. I wouldn't be able to do this without you guys, Especially DF.

    This has been a fun experience. I was glad to have genderswapped Bride of Discord and DF was so nice with letting me gender swap her story.

    So tell me your thoughts on this story, it's ending and your overall thoughts?

    Just one more thing,

    What is your reaction to the Daughter of Discord Audio Drama Casting Call?

    LIES. YOU LIE, DF. The Blue hatted Girl lies to you all.

    I am just teasing.

    i am happy and excited for everyone and the project itself. Would have thought she would have waited a bit more, but it's her decision when she wanted to put it forward. I won't be able to audition due to the fact that i don't have the equipment necessary for me to project my majestic voice. But, everyone else should try their hardest to get the part you guys want. It's going to be EPIC and AWESOME.

    So, this is it. Now, if you guys excuse me, it's time for me to get the Triple Dent Gum Jingle from Inside Out stuck in DF's head.

    So, everyone. Until the next story, see you guys later.

    Groom of Eris - (2024)
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    Author information

    Name: Trent Wehner

    Birthday: 1993-03-14

    Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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    Job: Senior Farming Developer

    Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.