Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
3 Jan 1912
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. GLAISER of Algona Saturday,
December 25. Their Emmetsburg friends are glad to learn the news.
Miss Gertrude JOYNT has been home from Des Moines during the holidays. She
is taking a course for a professional nurse in a hospital in that city.
Tony THOMPSON, Terril's well known wrestler, was thrown twice at Monticello
Friday night by HOUSE, the light heavyweight champion of Illinois.
S.J. GUERDET was down from Graettinger Saturday. He recently visited his son
at Armstrong. The latter owns a fine half section farm near that place. He
has it well tiled.
W.J. COLLINS, who had been home visiting his parents, returned to Ellsworth,
Minnesota, the first of the week. He has a good position in the Rock Island
depot of that place.
J.B. LAMBE and daughter, Miss Lucile, came down from Graettinger Monday
evening. The latter left for Dubuque Tuesday to resume there duties at the
Visitation academy.
There was quite a blizzard Sunday. Considerable snow fell during the day and
the wind was high. Trains were more or less delayed. The snow is deep. There
is excellent sleighing.
F.A. MEANS has rented his farm to Floyd LAWHORN for the coming year. He
intends going to Indiana and Pennsylvania to visit relatives during the
coming summer. He will have a sale February 12.
It has just been learned that Mrs. M.P. ADAMS, formerly of Emmetsburg, was
married in Chicago, early in August, to Mr. John WALSH of Dubuque. Mrs.
ADAMS is a niece of Mrs. M.DWYER of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. BLACK of Madison, Wisconsin, came to Emmetsburg to spend
New Year's with old neighbors and relatives. It is needless to say that they
enjoyed the day fully as well as did a couple of hundred more of our
Mr. and Mrs. KLIEBENSTEIN of Tripp, South Dakota, were the guests of local
relatives the first of the week. Mr. KLEBENSTEIN [transcriber note: spelled
differently-not typo] was among the receivers at the T.J. DUFFY home and
Mrs. KLEIBENSTEIN [transcriber note: spelled differently again] was out
calling with a party of ladies.
Lot LAUGHLIN reports that 49 years ago Christmas day was almost so fine and
as pleasant a day in October. He says that many people drove to Estherville
from a radius of 20 miles to attend a dance. He was serving as a soldier at
Ft. Defiance at the time.
A few days ago Lot LAUGHLIN received a large photograph of his son P.J., who
has a good position in the Denver National bank. The picture contains 43
countenances, this being the number of employes [sic] in the institution.
Mr. LAUGHLIN's salary has been advanced to $100 per month. He is a most
trustworthy young man. We are pleased to learn of his success. He is about
23 years of age.
Leo HESTER of Red Wing, Minnesota is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
T. BURT was down from Spirit Lake last week visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. BURT.
Miss Lyda, daughter of H.N. OSHER, of Graettinger, returned to Grinnell
college Monday evening.
Miss Clara MOWRY returned to Rose Creek, Minnesota Thursday. She had been
visiting her sister Mrs. P.N. ADAMS.
Chris THOMPSON has rented the MUIR farm in Independence township on which
C.C. KNUDSEN has been living for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. DOOLEY returned from Algona Tuesday evening of last week.
They had been holiday visiting with relatives.
Miss Josie GUERDET of Graettinger returned to Minneapolis the last of the
week. She had been home spending her Christmas vacation.
Carl HELGEN of Ottawa, Illinois, who has been home spending the holidays,
recently visited his brother, H.M. HELGEN, of this city.
Mrs. C.E. COHOON visited her mother at Laurens last week. From there she
will go to Los Angeles, California, to spend the winter.
New Year's day one of the lady callers left a white muffler at M.F.
KERWICK's home and took another by mistake. She will please call and get
Mrs. Wm. STEINER went to Estherville Saturday. From there she and her
husband went to Armstrong to spend New Year's with Mr. STEINER's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim R. STEDMAN came up from Ft. Dodge to spend New Year's with
local relatives and friends. They were among the many who participated in
the festivities of the day.
S. SALVEN reports that he had a very successful sale. He sold a mare coming
five years old for $246. She weighed 1,785 pounds. His cows average $42.30
per head, one selling for $61.60.
C.C. KNUDSEN of Independence township will have a sale January 24. He
recently bought a half section farm near Fergus Falls, Minnesota. He will
move onto it March 1. He has been living on one of the MUIR farms.
Andrew HENNINGSON, son of Charles HENNINGSON, will take charge of the store
at Fallow this week, his father having bought the property some time ago.
The Democrat wishes him success in his venture. Mr. SANDE, who has been
conducting the place will take charge of the Farmers' Co-Operative store at
Jahard AXELTON is visiting his parents at Graettinger. He has been in the
west for several years.
Miss Mayme SULLIVAN came down from Graettinger Thursday evening for a few
days' visit with friends.
W.J. RYAN has gone to Ames to take the short course in the Iowa Agricultural
college. He will be absent about ten days.
The opera house at Graettinger will be opened some time this month. The
building is neatly constructed and presents a fine appearance. It is a
credit to the town.
There will be a basket social at the center school house in Great Oak
township on Friday, January 5. Miss Alice O'BRIEN is teacher. Everybody is
cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. ALEXANDER came down from Estherville and spent Sunday at
the home of Capt. and Mrs. E.B. SOPER. Mrs. ALEXANDER remained until Monday
and joined a party of ladies in making New Year's calls.
Hugh McLAUGHLIN of Rockwell was a New Year's guest at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. T.A. O'BRIEN.
A.G. CLENNON of Joliet, Illinois is visiting his cousin Eugene and Joseph
CLENNON of this place.
Miss Mildred BRAND of Sibley was a New Year's guest at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. J.H. HINKLEY, of this city.
Mrs. Wm. HOPSON, who has been home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
HOELZNER, will leave for Chicago today. She is the traveling saleslady for
the American Corset company. Mr. HOPSON is at present at Houston, Texas.
Misses Lyme FILATREAN, Bessie HOWARD, and Celia CASEDY of Minneapolis were
New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. JOYCE. During the
past week Miss Anna RUTLEDGE, Josephine DEALY, and Mary DUFFY were
entertained at luncheons by the E.M.A. club at the homes of Miss Nell M.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
31 Jan 1912
Wm. LYNCH was up from Mallard Friday.
W.W. STONE was up from West Bend Thursday.
J.H. GODDEN was a passenger to Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. A. ZIEHLKE was a passenger to Whittemore Wednesday.
L.H. IHLEN was down from Estherville on business.
Martin VANDERVELDE recently visited relatives and friends at Hospers, Iowa.
Miss Loretta NOLAN of Ruthven was the guest of Emmetsburg relatives Thursday
and Friday.
Miss Millie GALLEGER left for Des Moines Friday to visit her friend Miss
M.GOSSMAN left for Des Moines Wednesday to spend a few days before returning
to Kansas City.
Editor MERRIMAN of Graettinger has installed a new Simplex typesetting
machine. It arrived last week.
Frank McCORMICK will have a sale on his farm four and one-half miles west of
West Bend Tuesday, February 13.
Mrs. Robert LAUGHLIN visited Graettinger relatives Wednesday. She was
accompanied by her sister, Miss JACKMAN.
Mayor PHILLIPS of West Bend is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever.
He has been quite ill for some time.
There will be a basket social in the school house three miles west of
Graettinger, Friday, February 2. Miss Mayme SULLIVAN is the teacher.
Miss Madeline MacKENZIE of Faribault, Minnesota is her visiting her cousin,
Mrs. Albert TROTTER, and her aunt, Mrs. F.A. WARNKE.
News of Twenty Years Ago.
A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of January 20, 1891
Little Mildred SCOTT has been quite sick during the past few days.
J.J. SHAW spent last week with friends at West Union.
J.C. BAKER was a Des Moines visitor last week.
C.J. MIKESH was at Cedar Rapids Sunday.
The water works tank at Spencer bursted a few days ago. Fears of a fire are
Capt. E.B. SOPER returned from Hot Springs last week.
A.H. KELLAR has been appointed assistant cashier of the First National Bank.
James PENDERGAST, Sr. was very ill last week. He is quite advanced in years.
Mrs. M.B. AYERS is visiting friends at Anamosa.
Mr. TERWILLEGER has sold his store building and stock of goods at Cylinder
to Kelly Brothers.
Sherriff MADDEN of Spencer has been appointed warden of the Anamosa
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. DOYLE recently moved into the Thomas CARMODY residence.
Attorney SULLIVAN of Algona was in Emmetsburg Monday. He was on his way to
Estherville to try the attempted murder case in his home town a short time
The ANDREWS Opera Company was in a wreck on the Northern Pacific road last
Friday. Mrs. ANDREWS was burned to death.
Mr. FURLONG of Fort Dodge visited Mr. and Mrs. DEALY Sunday.
Mrs. BATES died at her home near Rodman last Saturday.
Were Married Wednesday
Mr. Archie C. SHAFFER and Miss Daisy Florence ROUSE
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William R. ROUSE, near this place, was the scene of
a very pretty wedding Wednesday, when their attractive daughter, Daisy
Florence ROUSE, became the bride of Mr. Archie C. SHAFFER, of near Ayrshire.
Promptly at noon Miss Dora ROUSE, cousin of the bride, took her place at the
organ rendering the sweet strains of the wedding march. The couple entered
the parlor accompanied by Mr. Bert ROUSE, brother of the bride, who acted as
best man, and the groom's sister, Miss Laura SCHAFFER, being bridesmaid. A
corner of the parlor was prettily draped with an arch of lace from which was
suspended three wedding bells. The couple on taking their places beneath the
arch were met by the Rev. J.P. WILSON, pastor of the M.E. Church, who
performed the marriage ceremony. The bride was handsomely attired in a
beautiful gown of white messaline silk. After the ceremony a bounteous
dinner was served. A number of guests were present, being mainly relatives
of the couple, and many handsome and useful presents were received.
The bride is very popular in this section, being a young lady of unusual
qualifications and having a winning attractive disposition. The groom is a
very successful farmer, being a young man of business ability and sterling
character. They have the best wishes of a host of sincere friends.
The young couple left this morning for Marshalltown where they will spend
their honeymoon. The Chronicle extends congratulations.-Ayrshire Chronicle.
Emmetsburg Democrat, 14 Feb 1912
John Jackman Meets With Mishap.
Monday evening while riding a horse, John Jackman met with an accident thatmight have cost him his life. He was driving cattle a short distance north ofOsgood when his horse stepped off the track and fell. Mr. Jackman was thrownbeneath the animal. The horse was in such a position that it could not get upquickly and lunged about considerably before the rider could release himself.Mr. Jackman had his left shoulder bones dislocated. Dr. VanGorden was promptlysummoned and succeeded in rendering all the relief that could be expected underthe circ*mstances. Mr. Jackman was able to come to Dr. VanGorden's officeyesterday and was feeling pretty well.
The Work is Highly Deserving of the Support of Our Citizens.
The Short Course opened in this city Monday morning and is attracting a greatdeal of attention, although attendance in the stock judging and corn departmentsis not so large as it should be. Farmers and their sons certainly do not realizethe advantages to be derived from this line of work, or they would be here inlarge numbers to take advantage of the opportunities that are offered to them.Professor McDonald of the Iowa Agricultural college has charge of the cornexhibits and judging, and Professor Bush of the same institution is conductingthe live stock department. Miss Eva Murphy of the Iowa Agricultural college isdaily giving demonstrations in the Domestic Science department. So far 44married ladies and 58 girls have entered for this important line of instruction.All are delighted with the work and feel that they will, in the end, be morethan repaid for the time spent and the cost of membership tickets. Owing to thelateness of the hour and because various other items that have been handed infor publication just before going to press, we are not able to give an extendedaccount of the many excellent features of the course. It is not too late forpeople to enter for the remaining few days of the course. There should be twiceas many in attendance. It is hoped that many more will come in tomorrow, Fridayand Saturday.
Monday evening a booster meeting on the Short Course was held at the CourtHouse hall. Professor McDonald, Professor Bush, and Miss Eva Murphy, who areconducting the course, made short addresses. Brief remarks were also made byRev. Herbert Clegg, Rev. J. E. Brereton, Professor J. R. McComb, L . H. Mayne,Miss Anna Donovan and D. G. McCarty. All promised to do what they could towardsencouraging the continuation of the Short Course work in this city next season.The Company K orchestra and the Junior orchestra furnished several enjoyableselections during the exercises. Herman Marks was also present with his Victrolaand favored those in attendance with a few short numbers on his instrument. Theentire program was highly appreciated by those who were present.
Our citizens should not forget the old fashionedspelling contest to be held at the Court House Friday evening. It promises to beone of the most interesting events that has been witnessed in Emmetsburg forsome time. Several of our older citizens are making special preparations to takepart in the contest. We understand that Charles Duhigg has hunted up his oldMcGuffy speller, which is to be used during the evening, and that he isdetermined to win the laurels. Come out and enjoy an affair such as used to bewitnessed from twenty-five to forty years ago.
Pleased With Their Oregon Home.
E.M. Hughes recently organized a council of the Knightsof Columbus at The Dalles, Oregon. The new organization starts out with a largeand promising membership. Mr. Hughes is treasurer of the council. The Dalles isa prosperous little city and seems to have a very bright future. Mr. and Mrs.Hughes are highly pleased with their new home.
Business Changes at Ruthven
Bro. Johnson of the Free Press was over from Ruthvenyesterday. He reports that Archer Brothers have sold their implement business toa Mr. Simmons of Iowa Falls, that Mr. Monsell has disposed of his restaurantstock to Rex Hubbard and that Thos. Currans has bought Charles Sammon's hardwarestore. This makes quite a number of business changes for Ruthven within a shorttime.
Will Move to South Dakota
Joseph and George Schwindt were up from Mallard Monday.Joseph bought a quarter section farm near Oldham, South Dakota last June. Hepaid $40 per acre for it. He will move onto it in March. Oldham is situated ashort distance northwest of Madison, which is the best part of South Dakota. Mr.Schwindt must have struck a bargain.
Will Move to Minneapolis
Mrs. Dimler accompanied her niece, Miss Mary Macklin,to Minneapolis yesterday. She intends remaining in that city. Mr. Dimler willalso go to Minneapolis in a couple of weeks. He will dispose of his residenceproperty in Emmetsburg. Mrs. Dimler has not been feeling well for some time andshe decided that she would like to be close to her sister, Mrs. McLaughlin. MissMackin has been here visiting her for some time. [Note: surname spelled Macklinand Mackin. Not error in transcription.]
Mrs. Acers is Dead
Mrs. Acers, mother of Mrs. W.E. G.Sanders and Mrs.Frank Illingsworth, died at Mercy hospital at Davenport last Sunday morning. Theremains were brought to this city yesterday afternoon and were laid to rest atEvergreen cemetery. Owing to the lateness of the hour, we cannot publish a moreextended obituary notice until next week.
A Snap if Taken at Once.
One bay driving mare with foal. One by mare colt eightmonths old. One single buggy, one single hand made driving harness. The mare andcolt are highly bred drivers and will be prized by lovers of fast horses.Enquire of J.S. Atkinson.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
21 Feb 1912
Town Topics of a Week
Mr. OXLEY spent Sunday at Humboldt
Mrs. C.R. VAN GORDEN left for Keokuk Sunday.
Mrs. J.H. CURRANS was over from Ruthven Saturday.
Miss Frances GIDDINGS was down from Osgood Monday.
H.M. HELGEN was a passenger to Fort Dodge Monday.
J.J. WATSON was home from Peoria, Illinois over Sunday.
Miss Nealie SCOTT was home from Spirit Lake over Sunday.
Thomas KERWICK was a Des Moines visitor the first of the week.
P.H. DONLON was the guest of Father JUNGBLUT of Wesley over Sunday.
Mrs. J.D. McCARTY went to Eagle Grove Saturday to visit her son Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank GOTCH of Humboldt have gone to Cuba and Panama on a
pleasure trip.
Miss Julia MURPHY came up from West Bend Saturday. She is teaching in the
Carter school near that place.
Mrs. O.L. BECK returned from Cedar Rapids Thursday. She had been spending a
week with relatives at that place.
A bunch of keys was found in this city Monday by Mrs. M. AYLWARD. The loser
can have same by calling at this office.
Mrs. E.M. THOMPSON returned to Graettinger Monday afternoon. She had been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. HESTER.
D.G. McCARTY was at Ayrshire Thursday evening. He addressed the Woodmen
organization of that place on the subject of rates.
The married people's club had a dance at K.P. hall last evening. The Star
orchestra played. There was a good attendance and all present enjoyed the
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. FLOOD and family left Monday for Carroll where they will
spend a week visiting relatives. Mr. FLOOD stopped off a day at Fort Dodge
on the way down.
A marriage license has been issued to Mr. J.H. SHUMPP and Miss Dora
BUCKHOLZ, both of West Bend, and to Mr. John SIMONSON and Miss Lena
CLEMITSON of Lost Island township.
A.P. NELSON was over from Spencer Friday.
Henry KNEER was a West Bend visitor Saturday.
Mayor DUFFY was a Whittemore visitor yesterday.
M.M. KNAPP was down from Estherville Thursday.
Charles ALLEN of Laurens was looking after real estate interests in this
locality Wednesday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S.D. BICKFORD Friday. Their many friends
extend congratulations.
C.L. McFARLAND was up from Goldfield Friday evening. While in town he
visited the Farmers' Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. James BURNS little daughter, who had been quite ill for some
time, is not improving much.
We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Edward McNALLY, who has been very ill
for some time, is much better and is considered past danger.
Joe SHEA will leave today for Red Deer, Montana. From there he will go to
Seattle and neighboring points to remain during the summer.
The Emmetsburg school election will be held the second Sunday in March. The
outgoing directors are J.H. KNOBLAUCH and J.H. GODDEN.
Mr. George W. SCHALLEY of Story county and Miss Emma AIRHART of Whittemore
were united in marriage in this city Thursday, February 15, Mayor DUFFY
officiating. Mr. G.H. AIRHART acted as groomsman and Miss Carrie AIRHART was
Mr. and Mrs. George FEY of Perry, Iowa, were visiting the J.A. SUSS home in
Lost Island township for a few days last week. They left for Everly, Iowa,
Tuesday evening to visit other friends before returning home.
Miss Minnie GREEN, who had been taking the Domestic Science instructions in
the Short Course during the past week, returned to her home near Ruthven
Monday morning. She felt highly pleased with her six days work.
The Ladies' Guild of Trinity church will hold their first Lenten market
Saturday, February 24, at Mrs. SCOTT's store, and will continue each
Saturday during lent. Home cooked meats, cakes, pies, etc. will be on sale.
Roy DONOVAN and family have moved into the P.R. WELLS residence in the south
part of town. J.P. JENNINGS and family will occupy the residence vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. Henry JOHNSON of Royal and Miss Agnes BYGGERE of Spencer were
visitors at the THOMANN home Wednesday. Mr. JOHNSON was here attending a
joint meeting of the Clay and Palo Alto county fathers.
Daniel LARSON of Walnut township went ot St. Louis about ten days ago where
he will remain for some time. He had a sale a short time ago. Mrs. LARSON
died during the early part of the winter and he was forced to give up
The many friends of Mrs. K.O. GORDON will be pleased to learn that she is
now out of the Iowa City hospital. She is at present at Thompson, Iowa. She
is still quite weak, but is steadily gaining in strength. She was in the
hospital for five weeks.
Paul SCHANEY will build a house, barn, hog house, and chicken house, and
will make other substantial improvements on his 60 acre farm just south of
this city. He will begin work on them early in the spring. He intends moving
onto the place next fall.
J.L. BOWERS, who shot one of his companions while playing a game of cards at
Mason City one Sunday morning a few weeks ago, has been indicted for assault
with intent to commit great bodily injury. During the past year, Paris has
had fifteen murders, London twelve and Mason City eight.
Mrs. C.G. WORLEY [Mary FINN] of Rowley arrived in Emmetsburg Thursday
morning to attend the funeral of John JOYNT. She made her home during her
childhood with Mr. and Mrs. JOYNT. Mr. WORLEY is the Rock Island station
agent at Rowley. He was formerly a resident of Emmetsburg.
Joseph LEUER was up from Mallard Wednesday. He came to meet Mr. and Mrs.
John KOELLER and family of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who recently arrived to
spend some time with relatives in this county. Mr. KOELLER owns a fine half
section farm close to Moose Jaw. He has done exceptionally well since moving
to that locality.
Dr. R.J. NESTOR came up from Waterloo Thursday morning to see his uncle,
John JOYNT, but the old gentleman had passed away before he arrived. He
could not remain long enough to attend the funeral. He has a fine practice
at Waterloo and holds front rank among the leading physicians of the city.
Our many local citizens will, we are confident, be pleased to learn of his
professional license.
Dr. M.F. JOYNT came up from Jessup, Buchanan county, Thursday morning to
visit his uncle, John JOYNT, but he came too late to see him alive, as Mr.
JOYNT had died the previous evening. Dr. JOYNT has been practicing in Jessup
for several years. He reports that he has a good field and that he is having
a very satisfactory patronage. He was one of the most diligent students who
ever attended our local high school and he has since made his opportunities
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
28 Feb 1912
Petit Jurors for May Term
The following named parties will serve as petit jurors in the March term of
Dorweller, Joe-West Bend
Christiansen, Chas.-Ruthven
Osterbus, J.F.-Ruthven
Herrick, Chas.-Mallard
Johnson, C.O. -Cylinder
Dreosch, Andie-Rodman
Sanders, Glen-Plover
Gates, A.E.-Ayrshire
Baldwin, T.A.-Emmetsburg
Lugeland, John J-Cylinder
Haman, C.L.-Laurens
Watson, Dave-West Bend
Nelson, Will-Graettinger
Schmidt, Wm.-Ayrshire
Olson, C.O.-Ruthven
Draman, Geo.-Mallard
Wilcox, Arthur-Curlew
Wegoner, Robert-Whittemore
Pierce, W.E.-Graettinger
Huthinson, L.A.-Ayrshire
Hamilton, Fred-Cylinder
Duffy, John A-Emmetsburg
Christenson, L.C.-Emmetsburg
Kirby, T.J.-Emmetsburg
Fisher, Geo.-West Bend
Andrews, O.E.-Emmetsburg
Hubbard, H.D.-Emmetsburg
Eaton, Robert-Ruthven
Myers, C.G.-Ruthven
Wilcox, D.M.-Emmetsburg
Catholic Bazaar at Graettinger
The ladies of the Catholic church of Graettinger held their annual bazaar
February 14 in the elegant new opera house at that place. Dinner and supper
were served in the basem*nt of the building. Following is the program that
was rendered during the afternoon:
Welcome, Emmet Lambe
Piano Solo, Miss Theresa Montgomery
A comedy entitled " A Proposal Under Difficulties," was thenpresented.
Reading, Mrs. L.E. Crim
Song, Alice Wildey, Esther Larsen, and Mary Donlon.
Piano Solo, Gertrude Mahan
In the evening a dance was given. St. Mary's orchestra furnished the music.
The net proceeds of the day's doings amounted to nearly $250.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
13 Mar 1912
Mr. James N. SKOW , the second oldest son of Mrs. and Mrs. N. SKOW of
Graettinger, and Miss Mirtie B. ASHMORE of Lake Park, were united in
marriage at the M.E. parsonage at that place Monday., March 11, Rev. GERKINS
officiating. The young couple are at present visiting the groom's parents at
Graettinger. They will make their future home on a farm near Lake Park.
The bride is said to be one of the estimable young ladies of Lake Park and
is, we understand, deservedly popular among those who know her. The groom is
energetic, industrious, frugal and upright. He is a member of one of the
pioneer families of our county. Scores of local friends who join with the
Democrat in extending hearty good wishes to him and his worthy bride.
J.H. KNOBLAUCH and C.J. BERGER Chosen Directors
The school caucus held at the Court House Friday evening was very largely
attended. There were perhaps 200 voters present. There had apparently been
some quiet, effective work done in getting out so many. T.J. DUFFY was
chosen chairman and L.H. MAYNE secretary. Mr. HOELZNER nominated J.H.
KNOBLAUCH for director and John DOOLEY suggested the name of C.J. BERGER.
There were no other nominations, and the gentlemen named were, by
acclamation, declared the choice of the gathering. Robert LAUGHLIN was
nominated for school treasurer, L.H. MAYNE and W.I. BRANAGAN were appointed
to call the school caucus next year, after which the meeting adjourned.
The election was held Monday. During hte forenoon it was learned that there
was an independent candidate, although there was not a very spirited
contest. Only 175 votes were cast. The result showed 154 for Mr. BERGER, 121
for Mr. KNOBLAUCH, 76 for Mr. GODDEN and a few scattering. Messrs. BERGER
and KNOBLAUCH were declared elected. Mr. LAUGHLIN had no opposition for
treasurer. The proposition to sell the old site of the East Side school
building carried by a large majority.
Mr. Albert THORESON and Miss Edith BONSTEAD of Lost Island township were
united in marriage at the Norwegian Lutheran church Wednesday, March 6. The
brief ceremony that united the young people for life was performed by the
pastor, Rev. S.O. SANDE. Messrs. John and Gerald THORESON acted as
groomsmen. The bride was attended by Misses Dora BONDHUS and Mable THORESON.
A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Theo.
THORESON. Mr. and Mrs. THORESON will immediately begin housekeeping on a
farm in Lost Island township. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to
this estimable young couple.
Mrs. Thomas CONLON is reported quite ill.
Lot LAUGHLIN, Jr. arrived from Oklahoma last evening for a short visit with
his parents and other relatives.
Frank KELLY was called ot Colfax the last of the week by the death of his
mother. The funeral was held at Hartley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. KELLY has the
sympathy of our many citizens in their bereavement.
Capt. J.E. WILLIAMS of Mason City was in Emmetsburg Saturday night attending
a meeting of the local Elks.
Edward TAYLOR of Curlew was an Emmetsburg visitor Tuesday.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Mar 20, 1912
West Bend
Mr and Mrs J.P. WALKER of near Whittemore were visiting relatives in town
G.G. SCHRIEBER has his poultry house raised prepartory to building a
basem*nt addition.
Guy RICH and family have moved to Ft. Dodge. We understand that Mr RICH will
continue in business here in connection with Mr. McFARLAND.
At the school election held recently H.M. MANTZ and G.A. IVEY were elected
directors and Clyde BOURETT treasurer. There was quite a spirited contest
for the office of treasurer.
L.P. HARRISON of Minneapolis, Edward KUNZ of Wesley, nad W.I. MEAGHER of St.
Paul were in town the greater part of the week on business.
Mrs. John COBB was quite sick the last of the week.
The teachers' meeting at the High School building Saturday was a success in
every way. Many teachers of the county were present. Supt. Lillie PATTON of
Emmetsburg and one of the instructors from Highland Park college were in
Mrs. Michael TILGES died at her home in the north part of town, Wednesday,
March 18. Mr and Mrs. TILGES came to this cty from the St. Joe neighborhood
several years ago. When reaching here they purchased a fine residence. Mrs.
TILGES was a highly respected woman. Her death came as a surprise to all.
The funeral was held Friday. The interment was in the parochial cemetery at
St. Joe.
Wm. D. POWERS died at his home near this city a few days ago. He was 84
years of age. He was familiarly known as "Uncle Billy" and was one ofthe
original settlers of our county, coming here in the early fifties. He was a
son-in-law of Allen CARTER, Sr. He spent several years in the regular army
and was an old soldier of the rebellion. He had a kind disposition and a big
heart. He has many friends who will regret his death.
CULLEN & FISK shipped two cars of stock Saturday.
Omro COTTINGTON is taking osteopath treatment at Boone.
Joel TAYLOR of Algona is visiting at the WARD and TAYLOR homes.
Miss Nellie EASTON returned to her school duties Monday, after a week at
Mrs. V.W. FISK and son Avery are visiting at the M.BRENNAN home in Des
Marie BLEY returned to Mallard last week after a few days visit with Mrs.H.
Mrs. J.P. HUNTER left for Eldora Saturday. Her motehr, who is 83 years of
age, is ailing.
Ivis WHITMER, returned with her father from Des Moines. She will not resume
her studies there.
Walter FERGUSON and friend came up from Valley Junction Saturday to spend
Sunday at the parental home.
Winnie TRESSLER, who finished her course in music at Highland Park, has
resumed her class in music here.
Jack GRIFFIN came up from Mooreland Saturday for an over Sunday visit. He is
section foreman at that place.
A.H. GARD of Graettinger was here Monday.
Rose JACOBSEN returned to Graettinger Monday.
Geo. KLIEGL went to Waterloo Sunday evening.
Mrs. W.C. SMITH of Mildord is visiting at the E.W. REID home.
Mrs. Ralph BUTLER spent the past week with her parents at Dolliver.
Margaret WELSH of Algona visited at the Wm DURANT home the latter part of
the week.
Art DOWD went to Sanborn Sunday to begin his work with the Milwaukee repair
Mr and Mrs SELBERG will give a musical concert at the M.E. Church Friday
evening. Admission 25c. These people come very highly recommended. Everybody
Saturday afternoon there was a most enjoyable party at the home of Mrs. Geo
OLSEN in honor of Miss Inez 13th birthday adn Master Russell's 8th birthday.
Elegant refreshments were served.
Wm. MULRONEY of Nevada Twp spent Monday in town.
Chas. KRIEG has a nice new line of buggies for sale which he will handle
this summer along with Ford autos.
Adam SCHAUBECHER is expected home this week from Germany
Mrs. NAMER, Sr, who has been very sick, is improving.
Chas. CARMICHAEL fell from his hay mow and broke some of his ribs last week
but is now able to be out again.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Fred WELLS, March 17th, a son.
Mrs. Wm BARRETT returned Friday from Kansas City, where she visited her
sister, Mrs. WILLIAMS.
Mrs. Chas. KRIEG injured her ankle last week and is unable to be around.
Geo. PETERS, Hans ROLLA and Mr. BUCK went to Ft. Dodge Saturday to purchase
a threshing outfit.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 17, 1912
Hon. D.E. Kulp was up from West BendWednesday attending the republican convention.
Monday morning the Knights of Columbus had a requiem mass atAssumption church for the late E.P. McEvoy.
J.H. Chartlon, who was one of the leading business men ofRolfe for thirty years, died a few days ago of apoplexy.
The Journal says that Noah Falls of West Bend hasaccepted a position in a department store at Webster City. He formerly worked inthis office.
John Dooley reports that he cut 400 tons of hay last seasonon the land that he hand rented southwest of Lost Island lake. He managed tosave all of it from the spring's floods. He is now marketing some of it for $20per ton.
Geo. Crook was up from Rodman Friday evening. He intendedleaving for Winthrop, Arkansas, where he will make his future home. He recentlybought a farm a mile from that place. He was born in Fern Valley township and ofcourse is reluctant about leaving his many old friends and neighbors. TheDemocrat wishes Mr. and Mrs. Crook and family health, happiness and prosperityin their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Groves of Estherville are home formthe South after an absence of some time.
Editor Nicholas of the Estherville Vindicator and Republicanhas been laid up for some time with rheumatism.
Hon. P.A. Mullen of Fort Dodge is a candidate for districtdelegate to the republican national convention at Chicago.
We notice that Father Dobberstein of West Bend is visitingrelatives in western Canada. He will remain a couple of weeks.
Prof. Agnus McDonald has been retained as superintendent ofthe Spirit Lake public schools. He receives $1,500 per year.
W.H. Annett, who published the Spencer News for severalyears, has bought the Tribune at Buffalo Center, Kossuth county. He spent sometime in Idaho.
The coroners' jury in the case of Robert McGannaghan, who waskilled by a Milwaukee freight train at Sanborn a few evenings ago, held that hisdeath was due to a defective brake on one of the cars. If so the company is infor a big damage suit.
J.T. Maguire of Ayrshire was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday.He was on his way home from Minnesota where he had been for a several days. Heattended the Senator Kenyon meeting at the Court House Thursday. He reports thefarmers of Minnesota pretty well along with their spring's work.
Mrs. John Early visited her daughters at Rock Rapids severaldays last week.
Mrs. C.G. Thyle is in a sanitorium at Prairie du Chien,Wisconsin, taking treatment.
Mr. Gilmore has been retained as the superintendent of theMason City schools for the ensuing year. His salary has been increased from$2,200 to $2,500.
Capt. E.B. Soper mourns the death of his sister, Mrs. J.W.Ridley, who passed away at Estherville a few days ago. he was absent in theSouth when she died. She settled in Emmett county at an early day. Her husbanddied 23 years ago.
E.B. Soper, Jr., left for Woonsocket,South Dakota, Friday morning to look after business interests. He is presidentof the First National bank of that place. He will retain his position althoughhe will reside in this city and will, of course, spend most of his time here.
Thursday morning Dr. T. S. Waud and J.W. Bergorf ofSwea City, Kossuth county, were badly injured by the explosion of a sodafountain while they were charging it. Mr. Bergorf had one of his legs broken.Soda fountains are occasionally as dangerous as a bucking auto.
A few nights ago A.C. Hageman, a Rock Island operatorat Laurens, skipped out taking with him $50 in cash belonging to the company,several tickets and mileage books, and a case of beer. He was an extra man whowas sent to relieve the regular agent, Ray Shoemaker.
Editor Cookinham came over from Ayrshire Wednesday totake in the convention. He is looking sleek, fat, and hearty. He says it musthave been some other "Cook" who lost a pocketbook in Emmetsburg aboutten days ago. He seemed to be well supplied with green goods. He did not actlike a fellow who felt poor. C.H. is all right.
A.W. Wagner is arranging to build a barn on one of hisfarms in Great Oak township. W.H. Walsh will do the work for him.
Thursday Walter G. Middleton's big team broke loose andran two miles. They did not break anything and were not injured.
Edward McNally of Rock Rapids visited his parents, Mr.and Mrs. John McNally of this place several days during the past week.
John D. McCarty left for Des Moines Friday to visit hisdaughter, Mrs. O.O. Williams. He intends spending some time at Colfax. Hishealth has not been good for some time and he hopes that the change will benefithim.
R.G. Nolan was up from Oelwein Friday and visited localrelatives for a few days. Mrs. Nolan had been here for some time. Mr. Nolaninforms us that he has sold his business at Oelwein. He has not yet made anyother arrangements for the future.
John P. Metz has given up his position in the R.G. DunnAgent office at St. Paul. He has engaged in the real estate, loaning andinsurance business. His office is located in the Merriam Park bank building inthat city.
Ewart Saunders has now a good position with the GasConstruction company a short distance from Calgary, Alberta. He likes the workand thinks there are great opportunities in western Canada for young men. He hasbeen attending the Chicago University.
Clem McNally has been home from Kansas City during thepast ten days visiting his parents. He reports that Kansas City has the worstnewspaper war in its history. The opposing firms have had brass bands paradingthe streets in their interests. Such wars are usually pretty serious affairsalthough they very seldom result in bloodshed.
S.A. Smith of Lost Island township was in EmmetsburgWednesday. He intends leaving next week for the Rosebud reservation in SouthDakota. He drew a quarter section last fall but has not yet selected it. He mayspend the summer in South Dakota although he has not yet made any definitearrangements to do so. He has rented his farm in Lost Island township.
H.F. Fish of Terril, brother of A.M. and H.H. Fish ofthis place, died last Wednesday. The funeral was held at Spencer Saturday. Mr.Fish had been ill for some time with consumption. Mrs. Fish died a number ofyears ago. He is survived by three full grown children. He was about fifty yearsof age. The Messrs. Fish have the sympathy of their numerous citizens in theirsorrow.
Cattle Pastured.
I have rented the Ed McNally farm west of Emmetsburgand will take in cattle for pasture. They will be called for and delivered asheretofore. Please phone me or leave word with Edward McNally---Elmer Benson.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
1 May 1912
Local Happenings
Mr. and Mrs. COLBURN of Ruthven were Rolfe visitors last week.
Beef was the highest in New York last week that it had been in twenty years.
Mr. MOLISON of Graettinger has bought the auto of Dr. BARNEY of Estherville.
Miss McKENNA of Park Rapids, Minnesota, is the guest of Miss Margaret
Two Britt druggists have been indicted for selling intoxicating liquors
contrary to law.
Do not fail to hear Father DOUGHERTY ata the K.C. hall next Sunday evening.
Admission free.
Mrs. FAIRBACK of St. Louis is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas McBRIDE and
other local relatives.
John BRENNAN, son of Marshal BRENNAN, is now a member of the police force in
San Francisco.
Edward McNALLY, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McNALLY has secured a position with
Sconberg & Kilgore of Estherville.
Roy BARTLEMAN was in Emmetsburg Thursday evening. He has been playing first
violin in one of the MOORE orchestras for some time.
A.B. CARTER has almost decided to become a resident of Emmetsburg. He finds
it inconvenient to come so far to attend to his office work.
The GUNDERSON farm near Wallingford was destroyed by lightning a few nights
ago. The renter, Mr. MONSEKA, lost his horses, cattle, and hay. The total
loss is $1,500.
The big ice house at Clear Lake was destroyed by fire a few days ago. Loss
$10,000. The building was insured for $5,000 and the ice, singular as it may
seem, for $3,000.
Mr. and Mrs. LEACH have given a small tract of land to the Congregational
church at Spencer to be used as a play ground. This is thoughtful and
generous on their part.
Dr. McGREGOR left for Des Moines last evening to attend the Iowa State
Dental association.
The Chronicle of Fort Dodge reports that P.O. MALIA, of Ayrshire, was a
business visitor at that place Wednesday.
Several parties put in phones during the past week. The new terms are so
reasonable that several have taken advantage of them. Every one who can
afford the price should have one.
Father COSTELLO was up from Livermore Friday evening. He left on the south
bound train on the Rock Island where he delivered a short address at an
entertainment given under the auspices of the Sisters' school.
Father CONWAY was the guest of Father DOBBERSTEIN of West Bend Wednesday. He
reports that Father DOBBERSTEIN is setting out 150 trees on Sts. Peter and
Paul park this spring. He is making it one of the beauty spots of Iowa.
Prof. SUNDERLAIN formerly of New Hampton now of Garner has been elected
superintendent of the Estherville public schools. Prof. REHN will retire
from school work and engage in business at Estherville. He taught in Ruthven
before going to Estherville.
Attorney S.E. McMAHON of Algona has been secured by Supt. McCOMB and the
Emmetsburg board of education to deliver an address at the graduating
exercises. Mr. McMAHON is one of the real orators of Iowa. He will deliver
an address that will be well worth hearing.
I.T. CARTER left for Des Moines Friday. From there he will go to Chicago to
make arrangements for the manufacture of the new knife that he has invented
for skinning cattle and horses. It is a very convenient little tool. Mr.
Carter has every confidence that it will make him money.
Mr. and Mrs. John McBRIDE were Emmetsburg visitors Thursday.
Miss Grace NOLAN of Ruthven, who is teaching at Estherville, has been
elected for another year.
F.L. WILTSE arrived home from Excelsior springs Tuesday of last week. He is
satisfied that the trip benefited him.
Geo. THEILE of Everly died in the Sheldon hospital a few days ago after
undergoing an operation for appendicitis.
The Rock Island comapny has left Foreman COLLINS only one section man for
the spring and summer. A railroad bed can not be kept in proper condition
without sufficient help.
Mr. McCARD of Spencer is one of the Eleventh district delegates to the
national republican convention at Chicago. He is not a TAFT man.
Mr. and Mrs. T.F. LOWE of Mallard visited Mr. and Mrs. J.P. DOWNS of this
place Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. LOWE is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DOWNS.
Patrick HOWE, who was the Rock Island road master for several years is a
candidate for the republican nomination for supervisor in the Estherville
Ray McNALLY, who was called home by his mother's sickness and death,
returned to Garner the last of the week. he has charge of A.E. LIEN's drug
store at that place.
Dr. Daniel PEARSONS, an uncle of Mrs. J.P. DOLLIVER, recently died in
Chicago. He was once worth several million dollars but he died penniless. He
left practically all of his money to educational institutions. He ws nearly
95 when he passed away. He frequently expressed the wish that he would live
to be a centenarian.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
12 June 1912
Safe Blowers Secure About $1,000 in Friday Night's Robbery.
Use Seven Charges of Nitro-Glycerine.
Sheriff and Deputy Clearly Outwitted Two of the Robbers and Land Them Safely
in County Jail
Quite a sensation was caused in this county Saturday morning by the news
that the Cylinder Savings bank had been robbed by safe blowers, who secured
about $1,000 in cash and had made good their escape. Sheriff CULLEN was
called by 'phone about 2 o'clock Saturday morning. In company with Deputy
McNALLY, Dan. HICKEY and Glenn BROWN they immediately started for Cylinder,
by auto, making the trip in a little over ten minutes. After turning on the
road south leading into the town they shut off the lights on the auto. They
were informed by citizens that the robbers were still in the bank. Sheriff
CULLEN placed a guard in the rear of the building and he started through the
front window. However, no trace of them could be found. No one saw them
enter the bank or leave it. The sheriff and his party traveled through the
country for several hours but could not find any clew [sic] as to the
whereabouts of the safe blowers. Entrance to the bank was made through a
window in the rear of the building. Seven charges of nitro-glycerine were
used before the money could be secured. The safe and the front of the
building was blown to pieces. Charles McCARTY, one of the citizens of
Cylinder, sat in a room in the hotel, about 30 or 40 feet from where the
safe blowers were at work. He saw two men working on the safe and one man
standing guard in front. It is his opinion that there were four men in the
gang. One may have been watching the rear entrance. Mr. McCARTY was too
frightened to make any attempt to scare the thieves away. We are informed he
had a loaded 44 revolver close at hand. The seven explosions aroused all the
citizens of the town, but no effort was made to stop the men at work in the
bank. Saturday Sheriff CULLEN spent most of the day in the timber along the
Des Moines river in the south part of the county, but no trace of the
thieves could be found. Sunday afternoon a telephone call was received here
that two suspicious looking men had stopped at the farm home of Peter
HEARRITY and had asked for something to eat. Sheriff CULLEN and Deputy
McNALLY immediately went out there. After leaving the HEARRITY home the men
were seen going west on a cross road. The sheriff took a hay road leading
across a field and got in ahead of the two men. The latter did not see the
auto until it came over a hill close to them. Mr. CULLEN jumped out of the
auto and covered the men with two revolvers, ordering them to throw up their
hands. They were a little slow abut doing it and the sheriff shot close to
the head of the older one of the two. He immediately dropped to the ground
as if wounded. The younger man surrendered. The man on the ground put up one
hand, but kept the other on the ground. Mr. CULLEN ordered him to put up
both hands or to suffer the consequences. He finally yielded. When he stood
up it was seen that the hand that rested on the ground was clasping an ugly
looking revolver. They were immediately searched and taken to the county
jail. They had about $326 in silver, gold and paper money with them. They
admitted robbing the bank. They said that the night of the robbery they saw
the sheriff and his party turning off the lights on the auto some distance
to the north of Cylinder. They also said that the sheriff was within a mile
of them Saturday. They were hiding in the timber near the Geo. CROOK farm.
When night fell the two men that were captured started west, the other two
going south. It appears that they had some kind of a quarrel over the
division of the money. The men that started west got lost on the prairie and
when morning came they were practically at the same place from where they
started. They were hungry and stopped at the HEARRITY home and asked for
something to eat, offering to pay for it.
One man gave his name as Jim GLEASON. He is five feet, nine inches tall and
weighs 140 pounds. The name of the other is Frank COLLINS. He is six feet
tall and weighs 190 pounds. He is about 47 years of age. He has a slight
scar on the right cheek and one hand is partly crippled. GLEASON is about 21
years old.
A detective from the BURNS agency is here working on the case but he was not
with the sheriff when the two robbers were captured. So far no trace of the
other two members of the gang can be found. They may, however, be
apprehended in a day or two.
W.J. O'BRIEN was over from Whittemore Friday.
Fred SPIES of Graettinger has purchased a new automobile.
John RUPPERT drove up from Mallard in his auto Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. WILLIAMS of Hawarden was the guest of W.E. LOSEY of this city Wednesday.
Mrs. Dora DOWD and sister Miss Ellen PUGSLEY, were over from Cylinder
W.J. LULL of Fenton has secured the contract for the erection of the new
opera house at Ringstead.
P.F. LITTLETON was over from Cylinder Wednesday evening attending the bazaar
at the Armory.
Mrs. C.S. WELLS of Walnut township is visiting her sister, Mrs. McFARLAND at
Whitewater, Wisconsin.
J.E. WILLIAMS was over from Mason City Sunday visiting local relatives and
friends. He was also interested in the trimming Mason City gave Emmetsburg
at the ball park in the afternoon.
Miss Effie SMITH of West Bend was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.
A ten pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'BRIEN Monday.
Miss Mildred DALEY arrived from Cedar Falls Monday for her summer's
Mr. Herman BOETTCHER and Miss Emma DREYER will be married at Fenton
Mrs. Alice KOHL of Minneapolis is visiting Mrs. John McNALLY and other local
Ed BERRIER of Curlew had one of his eyes quite badly injured Sunday by being
hit with a piece of steel.
Mrs. W.E. DUNKELBARGER of Rock Rapids, arrived in Emmetsburg Thursday for a
visit with local relatives.
Mrs. H.D. CLARK of Colony, Kansas arrived this morning for a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McNALLY.
Mrs. B. BRADLEY [Mary QUINN] left Sunday evening for Milwaukee to attend the
funeral of her sister. Mrs. BRADLEY was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
John [Margaret Jane] BRENNAN.
A birthday party was held at the home of Major and Mrs. S.W. SMITH a few
evenings ago in honor of their daughter, Miss Eleanor. A good time was
enjoyed by those present.
Major and Mrs. S.W. SMITH went to Mason City Monday evening to attend a
Department Encampment. Mrs. SMITH was selected as one of the color bearers
in the exemplification exercises of the W.R.C.
Mrs and Mr. Joseph P. JOYCE have been enjoying an outing in the vicinity of
Pine City, Minnesota. There is an abundance of fish in the lakes of that
vicinity and it is needless to say that J.P. caught a few of them.
A reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. CROWLEY Friday
afternoon in honor of Mrs. Wm. O'CONNELL of Redfield, South Dakota. A number
of the old neighbors and acquaintances of Mr. O'CONNELL were in attendance.
An enjoyable afternoon was spent.
Mr and Mrs. Dwight McCARTY left for Grinell Monday to be present at the
annual commencement exercises. Mr. McCARTY will also be initiated into the
order of the Phi Beta Kappa. This is a national honor society.
W.H. MORLING left for Burlington yesterday.
Dennis Martin of Ayrshire is visiting local relatives.
M.W. FANDEL was over from Whittemore Tuesday.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. TROTTER Monday.
Mrs. F.H. FORDYCE is visiting local relatives at Washington, Iowa.
Miss Nellie CARMODY left for Keokuk, Iowa, Sunday evening.
Martin BRENNAN will graduate from Marquette university June 21.
Miss Leah CAMERON is enjoying a visit from her sister from St. Paul.
Mr. IRVINE and John YOUNG were Chicago visitors the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. MILLER's daughter, who has been visiting them, returned to
Chicago Saturday evening.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
19 June 1912
Judge COYLE Gives Them Ten Years Each in Penitentiary
The two bank robbers who gave their names as Frank COLLINS and Jimmie
GLEASON, appeared before Justice DUFFY Wednesday forenoon. They waived
examination although they were willing to plead guilty. They were informed
by County Attorney BURT that it would be best for them to make their plea
before Judge COYLE, as court was in session at that time. In the evening
they were arraigned in court under the new statute which allows criminals to
plead guilty and be sentenced for offenses without being indicted by the
grand jury. The Judge asked them if either of them desired the services of
an attorney as all who are charged with a crime are entitled to this
privilege. They told him that they did not care for a lawyer. He then asked
them if they wished to make any plea to the charge against them for the
robbery of the Cylinder Savings bank. GLEASON, the younger of the two,
replied that they both wished to plead guilty. Judge COYLE next asked them
if they wished to make any reference to the motives that prompted them in
the commission of the crime. GLEASON said that they did not care to make any
explanations and gave his honor to understand that they were prepared to
take their medicine, as they would not have any pull on the outside to
assist them. Judge COYLE then enquired if they wished to make any reference
to their past record as such information might, in the future, be of service
to them, should they ask the board of parole to take up their cases. GLEASON
stated that their records were against them. He thanked the Judge for his
kindness and interest in them, but gave him to understand that the realized
it was hopeless for them to offer anything in extenuation of their actions
in committing the offense with which they were charged. The Judge finally
pronounced sentence on them imposing a penalty of then years each at hard
labor in the Ft. Madison penitentiary. The prisoners were apparently the
coolest men in the court room. Both are undoubtedly hardened criminals. They
were taken to Ft. Madison Friday evening by Sheriff CULLEN, assisted by W.H.
Melvin Fisk left Wednesday with his trotters for SacCity.
Mrs. Dr. Adams and son James of Wesley visited at theJ.W. Ferguson home last week.
Chris Breckler and son Bill and daughter Erine, wereHumboldt visitors Tuesday. They were called there by the illness of Mrs. OraMorgan.
Mrs. G.P. McBride entertained the Ladies Aid Thursday.
Willie Bley was laid to rest in the cemetery south oftown Thursday.
Blanch Christesen returned home Sunday evening. She wascalled there by the illness of her mother.
John Coakley, Sr., is employed in the meat market forthe summer.
John Conlon, Jr., of Watertown, Sough Dakota, has beenvisiting friends in this city during the past ten days.
Prof. Harry O'Neill has gone to Cedar Falls to attendthe Iowa State Teachers' college during the summer term.
Mrs. M.W. Joynt arrived home from West Bend Wednesday.She had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Felhauer.
Lloyd White arrived home from Iowa City Saturdaymorning. He was a student at the State University of Iowa during the past year.
Dr. Robert Joynt of LeMars spent Sunday with Emmetsburgrelatives and friends. He came to participate in the K.C. doings. He enjoys agood practice at that place.
Cards are out announcing the coming marriage of Mr.William F. Eagan and Miss Josephine Marie Sherlock, which will take place at theSacred Heart church at Ayrshire Monday, June 24.
Vincent Riordan of Charles city was the guest ofEmmetsburg friends over Sunday. He was a student at St. Joseph's college duringthe past year. He was a member of the K.C. class Sunday afternoon.
Miss Imelda McGovern of Whittemore spent Monday eveningwith Emmetsburg friends. She recently returned from Dubuque where she graduatedfrom Mt. St. Joseph college. Her many local friends congratulate her on hergraduation.
Wm. Coonan, Jr., graduated from the academic departmentof St. Joseph's college at Dubuque last Wednesday. His mother and his sisterMadeline were present to witness his graduation. The Democrat congratulates himand hopes that he will take up a higher course in some institution of learning.He was a member of the veted choir while attending college.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Walter G. Middleton gave amiscellaneous shower for Misses Alice Brugg and Dell Bowden. There were 24 youngladies in attendance. The guests hemmed some dusting cloths during theafternoon. A two course luncheon was served in the evening. Misses Bragg andBwoden were the recipients of many presents from kitchen utensils to silverware.
R.J. Dooley arrived in this city from Waurika,Oklahoma, a few days ago, accompanied by his mother. He will remain for a shorttime. Crops were rather light in southern Oklahoma last year, but they promiseto be good this season. Waurkia is more than holding its own. P.F. Dawson hasinvested in some more property at that place. He has apparently confidence inits future.
Thomas Murray Married.
Mr. Thomas A. Murray and Mrs. Frances Murray wereunited in marriage at St. Thomas church Tuesday morning. Mrs. Rose McNamara,sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Mr. E.F. Murray was best man. Mr. andMrs. Murray will, we understand, make their future home in Emmetsburg. TheDemocrat wishes them many years of health and happiness.
L.E. f*ckner Taken to Penitentiary
L.E. f*ckner was taken to Des Moines Tuesday by SheriffCullen to appear before the state board of parole, but his application wasdenied. He was immediately taken to the penitentiary. When George Goemans wasbrought back to Emmetsburg from Anamosa for he Antel trial, the prisonauthorities did not believe that f*ckner would be paroled. It appears that hehad trouble before he came to Graettinger.
Great Western Company Settles With Mrs. Mayer
Mrs. Mayer of Humboldt county, whose husband was killedby the Great Western train at Ft. Dodge a year or two ago, while he and anotherparty were coming home in an auto, has finally settled with the company for$3,050. She sued for a large amount soon after the accident. The case was triedin federal court and she was defeated. She brought another action in thedistrict court and the company came to terms.
Death of Willie Bley
Monday, of last week, at 12:30, the friends andneighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bley were pained to learn of the sudden death oftheir son, William Bley. He was taken ill with pneumonia the Thursday before.All that loving hearts could suggest was done to relieve him and restore him tohealth but without success. God knows what is best for all of us. His will, notours, is done. After four days of suffering, Willie passed away to his heavenlyhome. The funeral was held Thursday at 10 a.m. Rev. Snidker of Mallard wasofficiating clergyman. The burial was in the cemetery near Curlew. There was alarge attendance of old friends and neighbors of the family.
Graduation from St. Mary's
Commencement Exercises Held Thursday Evening.
The St. Mary Academy commencement exercises, held atthe Iowa Thursday evening, were largely attended. The program was a mostcreditable one and it was rendered in a manner that was pleasing as well asedifying to the large audience. The state was beautifully decorated with largebouquets of yellow roses and peonies.
The various musical numbers consisting of the openingchorus and the several instrumental and vocal selections showed taste inchoosing and they were well executed. All present appreciated them highly.
The number, "Hide Behind the Door When PapaComes" by the minims, and "The Magnolia of Tennessee" by thesmall boys, were decidedly popular with the audience. Such selections addgreatly to the pleasing effect of an evening's program. It takes pains andpatience to prepare so many little children for work that is so exacting, butthe good Sisters are unusually equal to any demand that may be made on them inthis line.
The class greeting was given by Miss Mary Neary, theclass poem, "Arcady" by Miss Mary O'Brien, and a satire on "TheSuffragette," by Miss Mary Dunigan. They were comparatively short, but theywere good and they were all delivered with distinctness and self possession. Weare sure that all present enjoyed the "Dance of the Sunbeams" by anumber of small girls, the "Star Spangled Banner" which was given withspectacular and impressive effect by the intermediate class of girls, the"Harvest of Wisdom" and the club drill by the Eighth grade girls.
At the close of exercises diplomas for the completionof the four years' high school course were awarded to Misses Mary Dunnigan, MaryNeary and Mary O'Brien.
Certificates in Eighth grade were awarded to EugeneCarney, Shermare Deneen, John Gallager, John Hanifan, Edmond Higgins, SylvesterHand, Ora Bough, Catherine Corcoran, Margaret Carney, Helen Duhigg, MargaretEagain, Loretta Flemming, Clarisse Lynch, Vera McNally, Loretta McNally andColetta Kelly.
Palmer certificates in penmanship were awarded toEdmond Higgins, Catherine Corcoran, Margaret Carney and Lorena Neary.
The gold medal for Christian doctrine in the highschool, donated by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, was won by Miss Mary Neary.
Gold medal for excellence in high school donated by theKnights of Columbus was merited by Miss Mary Neary.
The gold medal for application and deportment ofgrades, the gift of the Knights of Columbus, was won by Carena Steil.
The $5 gold piece for essay on Irish history in theEighth grade, the gift of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, was won by Leo McEvoy.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
26 June 1912
A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of June 22, 1892
Will GODFREY of Britt is visiting Emmetsburg friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. KNOER will move to Whittemore tomorrow.
Miss SOPER of this city will graduate from Cornell college today.
Miss A STONE will give a musical at Music hall Friday evening.
Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LONG of Ayrshire June 7.
Professor and Mrs. GEMMIL arrived home from the east Sunday evening.
Miss Kate HERLEY of Rockwell is visiting her brother George of this place.
Monday of last week was the warmest day ever reported in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DEALY left for Chicago Monday to remain for several days.
Saturday evening the M.& St. L. passenger train was ditched near Livermore.
A.R. KENNY of West Bend served as U.S.grand juror at Ft. Dodge last week.
James EGAN is home from Highland Park where he had been attending school.
Miss CORCORAN of Wisconsin is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dennis FLYNN of this
The old KENNEDY restaurant building has been moved on to a lot near thestandpipe.
Wm. HERLEY of St. Paul has been visiting friends in this city during the pastweek.
CARNEY's string band will furnish the music for the Fourth of July dance atJOYCE's hall.
J.C. JOHNSON of Ayrshire was thrown from his wagon a few days ago and badlyinjured.
Michael EGAN will deliver the Fourth of July oration at the Fairfield townshipcelebration.
Supervisors McNALLY and STAFFORD are busy this week settling with the countytreasurer.
Mr. Joseph HANSON of Clay county and Miss Letta FOLGER were married in this cityThursday.
Lumber is being hauled for the new Lutheran church in the north part ofFairfield township.
Editor Peter JOHNSON of the Estherville Democrat was in Emmetsburg Monday. Hewas on his way to attend the democratic national convention at Chicago.
Among the ladies who accompanied the Hibernian division to Des Moines last weekwere Mesdames JOYCE, McEVOY, and McNULTY and the Misses KELLY, DOYLE, andCORLEY.
Ruthven will celebrate July 4. B.E. KELLY of this place will be orator of he dayand the Juvenile Band will furnish the music. Brother TEED will be marshal ofthe day.
T.L. CROSE, C.I. REIGARD, Dr. BACHMAN, W.A. CRISTY, F.H. TEED, and A.H. KELLERwill represent the republicans of this county in the state convention at DesMoines June 29.
A triple wedding took place at the West Bend Catholic church one day last week.The contracting parties were Joseph DORWEILER and Mary MILLER, Valentine MILLERand Catherine DORWEILER, Gerland PUNKE nad Margaret DORWEILER.
The republicans of Kossuth county held a demonstration at Algona a few eveningsago to ratify the nomination of Benjamin HARRISON for president. It is said thatmost of those in attendance refused to enthuse. James G. BLAINE seems to the theidol of western republicans.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership between E.J. HIGGINS and E.M. CARNEYunder the firm name of the Higgins Pharmacy company, has been dissolved bymutual consent. E.M. CARNEY retiring and E.J. HIGGINS continuing the business.All accounts due to this firm must be settled promptly.
Brick Laying and Mason Work
We, the undersigned, are prepared to do all kinds of mason work, brick laying,etc. on short notice on short notice. Will work by day or take contracts. Firstclass work guaranteed. Julias A SKOW, Emmetsburg, Iowa.
WANTED- 6 yearling Holstein Bulls and a few heifers. D.H. GLENN.
Mrs. Fred ENGLER of Mitchell, South Dakota, recently visitedfriends in this
city. She went to Whittemore Tuesday evening to spend some time with
Rev. John McNAMARA of Key West has been appointed Catholic pastor at Iowa
Falls and Eldora as successor to Father CONVERY who has been transferred to
Charles City.
Miss Lulu WILCOX left for Denver Tuesday of last week where she will visit
her sister, Miss Alice WILCOX. From there she will go to Montana to spend
some time with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. P.V. NOLAN will leave early in July for Tacoma, Washington,
where they will visit relatives for a short time. From there they intend
going to California to remain until early next summer.
Farmer COFFIN of Fort Dodge recently gave a donation of $10,000 to the
Y.M.C.A. organization of his home town. He is quite a philanthropist, having
given generously to various charitable and other institutions during the
past thirty years of his life.
T.G. McDERMOTT, formerly of Kossuth county, is the democratic nominee for
county attorney in Cerro Gordo. He is an excellent lawyer and is a most
deserving gentleman. He has for several years enjoyed a good practice at
Mason City. The Democrat hopes to learn of his election.
The Democrat says that James CLAYTON of Estherville slipped and fell while
boarding a freight train a few days ago at Wacoma, Minnesota, and had his
left foot crushed under the wheels. He was taken to a hospital at
Minneapolis where he had his leg amputated just below the knee.
A few days ago Miss Myrtle SEIFERT of Rolfe was married to L.S. ANDERSON of
Fort Dodge four hours after she received the degree of B.A. from Morningside
college. She was apparently in a hurry. Most young ladies are when it comes
to taking advantage of matrimonal opportunities that they consider favorable
to them.
Mrs. R.M. J. McFARLAND, Sr., and her daughter, Mrs. BEDIER, have gone to
some point in Oklahoma, where they intend to make their future home. Mrs.
McFARLAND was one of the pioneer ladies of West Bend township...
Mrs. Wm. MOLLOY and Miss Ellen MOLLOY went to Dubuque Monday evening to
visit Miss Nellie BRENNAN, sister of Mrs. MOLLOY, who has been at that place
for some time.
Miss Lola OLIVER of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor several days during
the past week. She came to meet Miss Laura LYNCH, who taught in the
Emmetsburg public schools last year.
B.F. McFARLAND of West Bend was a pleasant caller Thursday morning. He has
not been in Canada this spring though he gets good reports from that
section. Lands are, as a rule, increasing in value.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. MIDDLETON were at Bode Thursday evening. They took
Mr. and Mrs. Chester BRAGG and Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. CAMPBELL to meet the
south-bound Rock Island passenger at that place.
Mrs. and Mrs. George B. McCARTY, Mrs. and Mrs. W.J. BROWN, Mrs. and Mrs. Asa
BROWN, Mrs. T.W. HARRISON, Miss Mary HARRISON and Gaylord McCARTY are
spending the week at the McCarty cottage at Lake Okoboji.
Mrs. and Mrs.J.W. SHELBY passed through Emmetsburg Monday evening on their
way to Charles City to visit friends. Thy are still living at Mitchell,
South Dakota. Mr. Shelby reports that crops are excellent in sourthern South
Dakota and that business in general is very satisfactory.
Emmetsburg will shortly enjoy another musical treat. The ladies of Trinity
guild will shortly present a beautiful operetta under the direction of Miss
Winnie WILMERS. Miss WILMERS will have charge of the training of the
children and the preparation of the operetta. A delightful evening is
assured. The date will be given later.
Mrs. M.F. KERWICK arrived home from Sioux City Monday evening, having spent
several weeks in St. John's hospital at that place, where she underwent a
surgical operation. It was performed by Dr. JEPPESON, the well known
specialist. Although she is somewhat reduced in flesh, she feels quite
strong and is greatly encouraged. Her many friends are pleased to have her
back in Emmetsburg again and to know that she is steadily improving.
A.L. SPROUT arrived home from Chokio, Minnesota, Saturday. He owns a large
farm in that locality. He spent several days fishing with his son, Jess
SPROUT, and Mr. MOSSNESS, who live near Rothsay. Mr. SPROUT says that land
seekers are very numerous in Stevens county. One firm sold 2,100 acres of
real estate in that county last week. Values have increased from $10 to $15
per acre during the past year or two. At Benson he noticed six autoes filled
with real estate buyers. Crops are looking fine in southwestern Minnesota.
The barn and corn crib on the MOSHER farm on section 8, Great Oak township,
was destroyed by fire Monday forenoon. The origin of the blaze in unknown.
The barn was insured but we understand the policy did not cover the corn
crib. Mr. MOSHER will rebuild at once.
W.P. REINDERS was up from Mallard Monday afternoon.
Mrs. E.J. BRADLEY of Ruthven visited Emmesburg relatives yesterday.
Dr. McGRUDER and Dr. MACLEAN were West Bend visitors Monday evening.
Mrs. J.J. MARTIN of Ayrshire visited her mother and sister in this city
P.J. CLAER and Mrs. Thomas CLAER of Ayrshire were Emmetsburg visitors
Misses Julia DRUMMY and Alice BRENNAN spent Monday evening with friends at
West Bend.
Edward FORD of Cedar Rapids arrived in Emmetsburg Sunday morning for a short
visit with his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. J.P. DOWNS.
F.A. CALLISON and R. BOOTH of Carroll passed through Emmetsburg in an auto
Tuesday morning. They called to see Father FARRELLY and enoyed a pleasant
half hour with him.
Michael DRISCOLL arrived home from Ackley Thursday. He was called to that
place to attend the funeral of a friend. He said he enjoyed an excellent
meal of new potatoes while at Ackley.
Eugene CLENNON arrived in this city from Prairie de Chien, Wisconsin, Monday
evening. He was a student at Sacred Heart College during the past year. His
sister, Miss Josie, who has been visiting local friends for a week,
accompanied him home Monday evening.
Among those who came from a distance to attend the funeral of Mrs. Patrick
CLAER, which was held at Ayrshire Sunday, were Sister Mary Ignatius of
Independence, Iowa, Mrs. Thomas CONNOLY of Minneapolis, Mrs. O'TOOLE, of
Dubuque, and Miss Mary DORAN of Grand Junction, Iowa.
M.J. BRENNAN graduated from the law department of Marquette university of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a few days ago. He will remain in that city for some
time. His many local friends extend hearty congratulations to him on his
graduation. He is an exemplary, energetic young man. He is a worker and
should succeed in his chosen profession.
Leonard JOHNSON left for Annawan, Illinois, on Monday. He will remain there
for some time. He has secured a position with Frank STEVENS of that place.
Attorney General COSSON has ruled that owners or drivers musthave the
lights in the front and rear ends of their autos lit at night in order to
prevent collisions.
E.E. GREEN, who lives northwest of this city, was called to Denison a few
days ago to attend the funeral of his mother, who died at Rolfe. He had to
drive to Rolfe during the night.
Donald HUNTER has become a partner of Earl BRONSON in the publication of the
Spencer Herald. Mr. HUNTER was employed in the Spencer Reporter office for
some time. The Democrat wishes the new firm success.
Mrs. Edith SMITH, who had been calling on Emmetsburg friends for some time,
returned to Sioux Falls Tuesday evening of last week. She was accompanied by
Miss Celia KELLY who will visit her for a short time.
John CROWDER and Robert WILSON were at Primghar Wednesday attending the
district picnic of the Modern Woodmen of America. There were a large number
present and the gathering was both successful and enjoyable.
Miss Mayme KNIGHT of Woonsocket, South Dakota, was a guest a few evenings
ago at the home of Capt. and Mrs. E.B. SOPER. She graduated a few days ago
from Northwestern university at Evanston, Illinois, and was on her way home.
The Times reports that Mrs. and Mrs. Ole P. SORENSON, who lives west of
Graettinger, celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their marriage Friday
of last week. They were the recipients of many valuable presents. The
Democrat hopes that they will live to celebrate their golden wedding.
The citizens of Mallard will observe the Fourth of July in grand style. The
program appears elsewhere in this issue. Hon. F.C. DAVIDSON of this city
will be orator of the day. He will give them an excellent address. The
Mallard people usually have very creditable celebrations.
Sheriff CULLEN, who recently visited Anamosa, informs us that young STONE of
West Bend, who had been a convict at tht place for some time, has been set
back a year in his sentence and that young BAILIE, the stranger who robbed
an old man in Independence township about the time that STONE wasconvicted
will be required to serve out his full sentence. The penalties in both cases
were imposed because of disregard for the prison rules.
Mrs. MITCHELL of Fort Dodge fell down stairs a few days ago and broke one of
her hips. She is quite advanced in years. Her son, E.J. MITCHELL, resides at
J.R. JONES, who was engaged in business at Algona from 1870 until a few
years ago, died Tuesday of last week. He was well and favorably known
throughout Kossuth and adjoining counties.
Thursday evening an unknown man about fifty years of age shot and killed
himself in a room in a cafe at Sibley. There were no papers in his pockets
giving his name or anything that would identify him.
John P. BIGLEY has rented the E.M. CARNEY residence. Our reporter asked him
if he intended keeping bachelor's hall, but he refused to make any
statements for publication. He simply looked wise and smiled.
Tuesday evening of last week a number of the local friends of Laura LYNCH
gave her a pleasant surprise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. KELLER. The
occasion was happily spent and all in attendance enjoyed the affair.
Melvin MUCKEY of Algona, who participated in a debating contest with members
of the Emmetsburg high school in this city three years ago, won the $50 cash
prize donated by Judge WADE for excellence in debating at the State
University of Iowa. Mr. MUCKEY was one of the best debaters in the contest
of this city.
We understand that "Wick" McNally, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McNALLY,is now
traveling with the Sells-Floto circus. He has charge of a number of ring
horses. The circus recently visited Weiser, Idaho. Mr. McNALLY writes home
that he met A.H. KELLER and family while there. The circus car in which the
21 horses in his charge were shipped to a neighboring town took fire. He
succeeded in saving 16 of the animals
Paul STILLMAN of Jefferson reports that his canvas for the republican
nomination for congressman in this district against Frank P. WOODS cost him
$2,232.59. He evidently did not care for expenses. We do not understand that
he peddled either beer or cigars. We venture the statement that Bro. MAYNE
did not spend one third of this amount when he made the canvas two years
ago. Still, he made almost as good a showing as Mr. STILLMAN.
Misses Nora PHILLIPS, Iva EMERSON, and Alva MOREY of West Bend spent
Saturday in Emmetsburg.
Peter HOELZNER and F.L. WILTON have bought the A.G. MILLER 120 acre farm two
miles south of Cylinder.
Lester LITTLE of Lincoln, Nebraska, is a guest at the home of Mrs. J.S.
ATKINSON. He is one of the professors in the Nebraska State university.
Mr. and Mrs. Sac KELLOGG of Lawn Ridge, Illinois, are visting at the home of
Mrs. J.S. ATKINSON. Mrs. KELLOGG is a sister of Mrs. ATKINSON.
Mrs .and Mrs. F.L. WILTSE and Mr. and Mrs. Peter HOELZNER drove to Spirit
Lake and Okoboji Sunday in Mr. WILTSE's fine E.M.F. car. They had a most
delightful day of it.
Thomas McCORMICK writes us from Washburn, North Dakota, that crops are the
best in that locality than they have been for many years. There is a large
acreage of small grain and there has been an abundance of rain.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
17 July 1912
Mrs. E.J. HOLMES returned from Knoxville, Illinois, Saturday morning. She
had been visiting relatives at that place for several weeks.
Miss Kate CROWLEY left for Cedar Rapids Saturday. She will go from there to
Chicago to attend the national convention of the L.A. of the A.O.H.
Cut the weeds and light grass about your residence premises. If you are too
busy to attend to this matter hire some one to do it. Lawns should be kept
The M. & St. L. people are preparing to do some special work on the north
end of their Ruthven-Des Moines line. They will get their gravel in their
pit near Ruthven.
The Western Union company has of late made considerable of a reduction in
telegraphic rates. They have been too high. The government should own the
telegraph lines.
Thomas HORAN has bought the old McKENZIE farm near Ruthven. He is a good
citizen. His many friends will be pleased to learn that he and his family
are to remain in our country.
Miss Mayme NALLY left Sunday on an extended trip. She will visit relatives
at Clinton, Sioux City and Fort Dodge before returning home. She is
accompanied by her cousin, Miss HAGAN of Ayrshire.
Miss Mayme NALLY has been elected one of the teachers in the Mallard public
schools. She graduated from St. Mary Academy in 1910. She has since been
teaching in the county. The Democrat congratulates her on her election.
Edwin J THOMPSON of Freedom reports that one of his neighbors drove down
sticks beside two hills of corn a few days ago and found that they grew
three and one-half inches in 48 hours. Corn has made great progress during
the last three weeks.
John DRUMMY was at Fort Dodge and Rockwell City during the past week. He was
looking for a location to engage in some line of business, but he has not
yet arrived at any decision. Business promises to be brisk during the fall
months. Crops are good and prices are fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward MILLERKE of Crary, North Dakota, have of late been
visiting relatives in Walnut township.
Miss Gertie FROMBACH returned from Estherville Saturday morning after a
week's visit with relatives at that place.
The Times reports that Mrs. John SHERLOCK recently arrived from Wisconsin
and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank CARNEY.
The Chronicle reports that Mrs. Geo WIGEN and daughter Marie of Ayrshire
have gone to Story county to visit relatives.
Miss Margaret WELLS returned to Mason City Wednesday evening. She had been
visiting local relatives and friends for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. G.M. DYER were over from Ayrshire in their auto. They were
accompanied by Mr. DYER's parents, who live in Buena Vista county.
Miss Mattie TELFORD left Wednesday for Hawarden to visit relatives. She will
go from there to Alcester and Elk Point, South Dakota, to remain for some
We understand that P. O'GRADY of Ayrshire has bought a fine new Auburn
automobile. Mr. and Mrs. O'GRADY are well situated and we are pleased to see
them enjoying life.
Rev. L.O. WIGDAHL was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. He seems to be a
tireless worker. He has a number of charges and he gives close attention to
all of them.
We understand that J.A. SUSS of Lost Island has bought a fine auto. We are
under the impression that he would sooner or later catch the fever. Mr. SUSS
is well situated, is enterprising and tasty and deserves all of the
advantages that our time affords. We hope he will long enjoy his auto and
that he may never have any accidents.
Superintendent AVERY of Spencer was in Emmetsburg Friday. he caem to arrange
for the advertising of the Chautaqua, which will begin next Tuesday. It
continues for six days. A half page ad of same appears elsewhere in this
issue. All of our citizens should boost for the Chautaqua during the coming
few days.
James McLAUGHLIN of McGregor was in Emmetsburg Thursday. He had just
returned from Madison and Flandreau, South Dakota. He says that crops in
that section are as fine as he has ever seen.
P.H. DONLON and Myles McNALLY left for Chicago Saturday to attend the
national A.O.H. convention. Mr. DONLON is state secretary of the
orgainization and Mr. McNALLY is county president of Palo Alto.
Mr. and Mrs. E.L. DRURY of Chamberlain, South Dakota, were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin AUSLAND a couple of days during the past week.
They were on their way home from Wisconsin where they had been visiting
J.E. WILLIAMS and daughter, Miss Ruth, visited local friends and relatives
the last of the week. Mr. WILLIAMS was a business visitor at Okoboji
Saturday. Mrs. WILLIAMS is visiting her sister, Mrs. M.A. BRENNAN, of Des
John NEARY was an over Sunday visitor in Emmetsburg. He is still traveling
for the International Harvester Company. At present he is busy setting up
binders. All the salesmen of the company have been put on the road putting
up machines. This is an exceptionally busy time of the year for the company.
The sales so far for 1912 have doubled those of 1911.
A few evenings ago while doing some work in one of the local garages Melvin
HAND used some gasoline to take some gum and grease off his hands. Later a
boy who was with him lit a match to look for something close by and Melvin's
hand caught fire. They were very badly blistered but the flames were
extinguished before his clothes could take fire. He has suffered a great
deal but is able to be about again.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
7 Aug 1912
T.J. Duffy was at West Bend Saturday. He reports the sale of theMrs. Brown
half section farm northwest of that place to W.S. Stults of Evanston,
Illinois, for $100 per acre.
Thomas Conlon has sold his 240 acre farm in Great Oak township to A.S.
Stults of Evanston, Illinois, for $100 per acre. J.E. Schooley made the
deal. Mr. Stuits is investing in a great deal of land in this locality.
E.Maland, who lives near Rodman, had a cow killed by lightning one day last
week. It was insured in the Continental company of which Wm. E. Mahoney is
the local representative. The loss was promptly adjusted.
Wm. E. Mahoney reports the sale of a 120 acre farm near Ceylon, Minnesota,
which is just north of the Kossuth county line to Elmer Camden and Gus
Weideskind of this place for $60 per acre. There are fair improvements on
the place.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steil have moved from West Bend to Emmetsburg and are
occupying the Ganley residence near P.V. Nolan's.
A week ago Saturday Mr and Mrs Wm Crane of Ida Grove celebrated the golden
anniversary of their marriage. The following day Mr. Crane died.
E.J. McEvoy is having his annual vacation and is spending it in the Twin
Cities. He will visit Dubuque and other points before returning home.
Thomas Higgins is now north of Ringsted making some improvements on one of
Mr. Saunders' farms. Mr. Saunders has kept him and his several helpers busy
during the past couple of years.
Edward McNally reports the sale of his half section farm just west of
Emmetsburg to Editor Burt of Henry, Illinois, for $115 per acre. He takes in
some real estate elsewhere in part payment. He paid something like $50 an
acre for the place a few years ago.
John Kerber has bought the C.E. Taylor 80 acre farm a short distance
northeast of town. He paid $100 per acre for it. There are no buildings on
it. It is well located. Mr. Kerber seems to have his eye on most of the land
close to Emmetsburg. He is a splendid farmer and a fine fellow and we are
glad to see him investing.
W.A. Hofmaster, a registered pharmacist of Charles City, is assisting at the
Higgins' Pharmacy during the absence of Miss Cameron.
Mrs.C.F. Nedderman and children are visiting relatives at Fort Dodge.
James Jennings, Jr., left for Cushing, Iowa, Monday to work in a barber
Ray McNally was up from Garner Sunday evening. He returned home Monday
Auditor J.R. Martin is at Burlington this week attending the annual
convention of the county auditors of Iowa. Auditor Frank Norton came over
from Algona Sunday evening and accompanied him on the trip.
Sunday evening some parties who were traveling in a covered wagon started to
put up for the night near the home of Mr. Twig, who lives southwest of town.
As such outfits are not, as a rule, reputable, Mr.Twig told the driver to
move on. The fellow refused to do so and some words followed. The stranger
then drew a knife and threatened to stab him. The local officers were
notified and the offender was placed under arrest and brought to town. He
paid his fine and left.
The Women's Missionary Society of the Congregational church will meet at the
home of Mrs. MIDDLETON, Sr. this afternoon.
Mrs. and Mrs. DAVIDSON of New Virginia, Iowa, have been visiting for several
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.C. DAVIDSON of Emmetsburg.
Some people claim that prairie chickens are numerous this year. There is
usually a fair crop of them when there is an abundance of small grain.
Father CARROLL came over from Ayrshire by auto Sunday evening. He is pretty
clever with his machine but he occassionally gets into trouble with it the
same as other people.
Joy CROSE is home to remain until the end of summer vacation. He has been
assisting the Redpath Chautauqua people for several weeks in Michigan and in
other states.
C.A. ANDERSON, who has been chief dispatcher at Mitchell, South Dakota, for
some time, has been appointed assistant superintendent of the Iowa and
Dakota division of the Milwaukee railroad.
James PENDER was up from Waterloo over Sunday. He is already an enthusiastic
booster of that place. He says it is the most enterprising city in Iowa
today. Waterloo is alright.
Charles DUHIGG informs us taht a farmer living six miles east of Gilmore
City refused $60,000 for his half section farm a few days ago. The place is
well improved. This is a trifle over $187 per acre.
The city authorities wish to notify the public that all dues for water must
be paid on or before August 20 or service will be discontinued without
further notice. Payments should be made at the Farmer's Savings bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GODDEN have moved back to Emmetsburg. They found it
impossible to secure a suitable residence at Estherville. Knut THOMPSON will
take charge of the GODDEN & BALLARD factory at that place.
About a year ago John GALLEGER bought the T.W. HARRISON quarter section farm
east of this city for $70 per acre. A couple of days ago he refused $120 per
acre for it. This is enough to make the average man feel pretty chesty.
We notice that a number of restaurant owners and druggists in Minnesota have
been fined for violating the state law, which requires that ice cream shall
contain 12 per cent of butter fat. So far as we know there is no such
requirement in this state.
Henry SHERLOCK, who was home visiting his parents for several days, returned
to Bancroft, Nebraska, Wednesday. He is operator for the Minneapolis & Omaha
company at that place. He reports that crop conditions are fair in
northeastern Nebraska but they are not so good as they are in this locality.
Mr. SHERLOCK is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P.H. SHERLOCK of Emmetsburg township.
Mrs. Ella McFADDEN of Valley City, North Dakota, moved to Algona six months
ago and now she applies for a divorce. She left her husband last October.
A colored man who was cook at the new Durdall hotel at Algona, was arrested
a few days ago for attempted rape, but he was discharged. However, he had to
Mr. and Mrs. A. FIGLER and little son arrived from Grundy Center Friday to
visit Mr. Figler's mother for a few days. Conditions in the vicinity of
Grundy Center are very satisfactory this year.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNULTY, who had been visiting their many relatives in
this locality, returned to St. Paul last Friday. Mr. McNULTY has a good
position in one of the railway yards at that place.
Dr. WOODBRIDGE was over from Cylinder Thursday. He intended leaving
yesterday for North Dakota to see about the harvesting of his crops. From
there he will go to Geyser, Montana, where he also owns land.
Leo O'CONNOR has bought an 80 acre farm east of Michael MURPHY's place. He
paid $75 per acre for it. It is unimproved. Mr. O'CONNOR will begin at once
the erection of a neat bungalow on it and will in other ways improve it.
B.F. REED, formerly editor of the Algona Advance, is writing a history of
Kossuth county. His parents were among the first residents of northwest
Iowa. He should be able to write a very interesting account of pioneer
Edwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.P. SCHMIDT, of Graettinger, recently went to
Cass county, Minnesota, where he will remain for some time. he has been
troubled for several years with hay fever. It does not affect him in
northern Minnesota.
John D. ROCKEFELLER has advanced the price of gasoline oil about 25 per cent
during the past two years. Our citizens are doubtless assisting him in
making up the large amount that he gave to the Chicago University and other
institutions during the last year or more.
John NAMER was up from Mallard Wednesday. He threshed his early oats a few
days ago. They averaged 48 bushels per acre. Michael SCHULLER's crop yielded
55 bushels per acre. The average for six fields in the same neighborhood is
50 bushels per acre. The quality, of course, is excellent.
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. STRATEMEYER were Algona visitors Wednesday. They spent the
day with friends at that place and they also took in the circus.
Ray SKINNER, John FRAKES, Joe MILLETTE and Glen BROWN were at Estherville
Saturday taking in the carnival and witnessing the base ball game.
Mrs. Geo HELGEN left Hammond, Indiana a few days ago. Mr. HELGEN having
decided to locate at that place for the practice of his profession. He is a
brother of M. HELGEN of this city.
Miss Kate BURKE of Woonsocket, South Dakota, who had been visiting in
Emmetsburg for a few days, returned home Saturday evening. She makes her
home with Mr. and Mrs. E.B. SOPER, Jr.
The State bank of Dunsmuir, California, charges B.O. TUPPER, formerly of
Spencer, with embezzling $7,000. Mr. TUPPER was at one time assistant
cashier of the Citizen's National Bank of Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. BUTLER of Fort Dodge passed through this city Thursday on
their way to the lakes. They stopped for a few moments at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John P. BIGLEY. Mr. Butler is an uncle of Mr. BIGLEY.
Mrs. J.M. DAVIS, who had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MAYNE for
some time, returned to Sioux City a few days ago. Seh was accompanied by
Miss Hortense MAYNE, who will remain with her for some time.
The latest drink in Iowa saloons is the Bull Moose co*ck tail. Our third
party citizens know how it is made. When a second drink of it is taken it is
said that the Bull Moose is willing to butt into the first stand patter or
democrat who comes along.
Miss Lizzie McNALLY arrived home from Red Wing, Minnesota, the last of the
week. She spent several weeks with relatives at that place, Caledonia and
Houston. She had a most delightful time. She reports that crops are not
quite so good in southeastern Minnesota as they are in north western Iowa.
Representative KULP of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Tuesday evening of last
week while on his way home from Ayrshire. He owns five farms in this county.
He reports that Mr. Williams, who lives near West Bend, threshed a field of
barley a few days ago that averaged 50 bushels per acre. He sold it for 65
cents per bushel. A crop of this kind every year would soon pay for Iowa
land even at present high prices.
Julia McCARTY returned home from Monona, Iowa Saturday evening. They had
been visiting relatives at that place for a week or ten days.
C.A. BISHOP of Charles City was an over Sunday visitor with Emmetsburg
friends. His wife had been here for several days. Mr. BISHOP is employed in
the Hart Parr factory.
Capt. J.E. WILLIAMS came over from Mason City Saturday evening to visit
relatives for a short time. He is president of the Iowa State league and is
quite an ardent base ball fan.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. F.W. HICKS of Ames July 28. They have named
him Francis Arnold. Their many Emmetsburg friends extend congratulations.
Mr. HICKS says the boy is a progressive republican.
It is claimed that the prohibitionists will have to tear down the silos
before they will be able to stamp out intemperance. Those who have made the
test say that the fermentation the silage makes is an excellent quality of
John BURKE was over from Ruthven Monday. His sisters, Misses Mary and Anna
have been home for some time visiting. They are professional nurses and have
good positions in the Minnesota hospital for the insane at Faribault. His
sister, Miss Lizzie, who teaches in the Rolfe school, is also home spending
her vacation.
Fred SPIES of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday evening. He has
been in the meat market business at Graettinger and is enjoying a
substantial patronage and is prospering. He is an officer for the telephone
company at that place and is manager of the Graettinger Tile works. His
various outside duties take up considerable of his time.
Hereafter people who visit Des Moines should bring their own towels and
drinking cups with them. A new ordinance which goes into effect at once in
the Capital city does away with all public drinking cups and also with
towels in toilet rooms in hotels. The ordinance also requires a sleeping
room containing 400 cubic foot of air space for each person.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 21, 1912
Rev. John NOLAN, vice-president of St. Joseph's college, was a visitor at
the home of Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY Monday evening. While in town he made
brief calls at the homes of a number of our citizens whose sons have been
attending St. Joseph's college. He also visited Whittemore, West Bend, and
Estherville while in this locality. He went west Tuesday evening. Several
new students from this vicinity will attend St. Joseph's college during the
coming year.
R.F. McFARLAND was up from West Bend Monday evening. He returned from
Winnipeg, Sunday. He and five other parties are having 1800 acres of land
broken up twelve miles from the Winnipeg car line. They will incorporate.
They will crop it next spring. They have bought a 45 H.P. engine and will
attach a ten plow gang to it to do their breaking and plowing. It will haul
several drags and seeders at the same time. Six self binders are operated by
it. There will be two sets of buildings on the land.
Dr. and Mrs. POWERS enjoyed a visit the first of the week from the Doctor's
sisters, Miss Etta POWERS, principal of one of the Satl Lake City schools
and Miss Nellie POWERS, art teacher in the schools of Spokane, Washington.
They were accompanied by their niece, Miss STRONG of Lake City. All left for
Carroll Monday to visit at the home of Judge POWERS for a few days. Miss
Mildred POWERS, who had been home for her vacation, went to Carroll with
them. She will return to Salt Lake City with her aunt, Miss Etta POWERS, to
take up her work in the schools of that place.
A large crowd was in attendance at the Titanic moving picture show Saturday
Miss Alice ASCHAN returned to her home in Des Moines last week.
Miss Ollie HAHN accompanied her cousin to Chicago. The latter had been
visiting her.
Mr and Mrs Edward KRESS and children have gone to Dubuque for a two months'
visit. Mr and Mrs John SEGAR are occupying their house during their absence.
We are pleased to note that Len KUNZ, who had been very sick, is able to be
about again.
Mr. HATFIELD's father and mother who had been visiting him, returnedMonday
to the southern part of the state.
Miss Mary PETERMAN is visiting relatives in Ft. Dodge.
Colletta CULLEN of Cylinder is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. J.P. MULRONEY.
Born: To Mr and Mrs Joe HUGHES, August 17, a boy.
Luke RIDENOUR has purchased the Frank LODES' pool hall for a consideration
of $3,000. Luke took possession Monday.
W. VANCE sold the SCOTT farm near Cylinder to Sherm BEDERBECK of this place.
Consideration $100 per acre.
Daisy HAHN returned to her home in Rolfe Friday having visited her
grandparents here.
The Misses TROUDs and Carrie SEGAR of Bancroft arrived Wednesday for a visit
with their brother John and sister, Mrs. Jake GRETHEN.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
28 Aug 1912
A.J. WOLFGANG was a West Bend visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H.H. JACOBS had
just arrived there. They will be in Emmetsburg in a few days.
Miss Mary HARRISON was a passenger to Kansas City Thursday. She had been
visiting local relatives for some time.
Mrs. Jake SCOTT arrived home from Spirit Lake the last of the week. She had
been visiting her daughter, Miss Neahe.
Monsignore SAUNDERS of Ft. Dodge, vicar general of the diocese of Sioux
City, is the guest of very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY today.
Father CARROLL is at Hot Springs, Arkansas taking treatment. Father
SCHAEFFER of Ruthven has charge of his parish during his absence.
Mrs. P. MONTGOMERY, of Graettinger has been in Mercy hospital at Des Moines
for some time. A few days ago she underwent a surgical operation.
P.F. McMAHON was at Whittemore yesterday, His daughter, Miss Irene, will
attend the Sisters Academy at that place during the coming school year.
Father SWEENEY enjoyed a visit Saturday and Sunday from his friend Frank
PALEN, of Dubuque. They were classmates at St. Joseph's college several
years ago.
P.O'GRADY and K.J. McELROY were Emmetsburg visitors yesterday. Mr. O'GRADY
has one of the finest autos in the country. It is of the Auburn make and
carries seven passengers. It is a very fine family turnout.
Yesterday we enjoyed a pleasant call from James HICKEY of Vernon township.
Though in his 81st year, he is hale and hearty. He came to Palo Alto county
when he was 27 years old. He thinks this year's crop is the best we have
seen since 1856. Mr. and Mrs. HICKEY have eleven sons and daughters living.
Three are dead. They have 44 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. We
doubt if there are any other parents in this county who havea larger number
of children to bless their names. The Democrat wishes Mr. and Mrs. HICKEY
health and happiness.
John WALSH came over from Algona this morning and spent teh day with
Emmetsburg friends. He has been employed in the Courier office for several
years. He reports Bro. HINCHON slightly under the weather these days. He
attended a reception a few evenings ago and the refreshments were rather
tempting. Mr. WALSH also informs us that Bro. SHEARER has disposed of his
interest in the Upper Des Moines Republican to Sid BACKUS, the county
Joe SCHUMACHER of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday.
Mrs. T.A. WALSH and Joseph were passengers to the east Tuesday evening.
P.H. DONLON spent Sunday with his brother Peter DONLON at Graettinger.
Mrs. Joseph MULRONEY and Miss Florence MAGUIRE arrived home from Elkader
Monday evening.
Miss Nell M. KERWICK arrived home from Yellowstone Park Friday. She reports
a most delightful trip.
Charles THOMAN came down from Sibley Sunday evening to attend the funeral of
his brother-in-law, Elmer W. CAMDEN.
Miss Mary DONLON of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Friday evening on her way home
from Chicago. She was purchasing her fall stock of millinery.
The Women's Foreign Missionary society of the M.E. church will meet Mrs.
F.C. DAVIDSON next Friday afternoon at three o'clock. All are invited.
S.I. OLSON was down from Graettinger Monday. He has put on some flesh since
he lived in Emmetsburg a number of years ago. He is still working at
Mrs. and Mrs. G.H. SANDS of Mallard were in Emmetsburg Friday. They left in
the evening for Kinsbury, South Dakota, whre thy will spend some time
camping. Mr. SANDS says that hunting is good in that locality.
W.E. JACKMAN, who was in the vicinity of Ringstead last week buying cattle
says that the farmers in that locality are doing more things than those of
other communities. The assesment against the old HAYNES section is $13,000.
A thirteen inch tile is being placed across it. The work is being done by
Thomas McNALLY, who had been visiting his brother and sisters of this place
for several weeks, left Monday for Rockford, Iowa to spend a short time with
another brother. From there he will go to Milwaukee, where he has other
relatives. Later he will return to his home at Gary, Indiana.
Thos. O'CONNOR arrived home from Toledo, Iowa a few days ago. His sister,
Miss Mary O'CONNOR, died at Boulder, Colorado. He was called to that place
and reached her bedside 24 hours before she passed away. She was 34 years of
age. She graduated from the Toledo schools in 1891. For several years she
followed teaching. She went to Boulder seven years ago for the benefit of
her health. She taught at that place, at Greely and at Ft. Collins. The
burial was at Tama City. There are six brothers and three sisters living.
Mr. O'CONNOR has the sympathy of our many citizens in his sorrow.
Miss Marie MURRAY has been visiting Whittemore relatives for some time.
Miss Josie BRENNAN returned from Ruthven Monday evening where she had been
visiting friends for a few days.
Miss Margaret GUERDET arrived home from Colfax Friday. She had been at that
place for some time taking medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. STEBBINS were up from Curlew Thursday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Peter JONES. They intended going to Des Moines this week to attend the
Iowa State fair.
Mrs. Effie SMITH, who had been visiting friends at Perry and neighboring
points for some time, returned to her home near Rodman last week. She will
leave for Livermore this week.
Miss Julia CURTIS is enjoying a visit from her niece, Miss CURTIS, of Hull.
Ray SWEENEY enjoyed a visit with Harold and Wm. O'BRIEN of Whittemore
Rev. Oliver WIGDAHL of Detroit, Minnesota, was callling on Emmetsburg
friends Tuesday.
Tom J. WHITE is over from Whittemore today. He took a trip by auto to
Graettinger this afternoon.
Mrs. Bertha RONNING of Boyd, Minnesota, is spending a few days with her
sister, Mrs. Thos PETERSON.
Miss Ella PETERSON leaves for Canton Thursday as a delegate to the
conversion of the Lutheran Young People.
Mrs. M. JOYNT was called to Des Moines Saturday to see her daughter, Miss
Gertrude, who underwent an operation at that place for appendicitis a day or
two before.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
3 July 1912
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. JONES of Manson came up in their car Sunday for a
short visit with the latter's sisters, Mrs. Frank ILLINGWORTH and Mrs.
W.E.G. SAUNDERS. They will go to the western part of the state from
Major SMITH informs us that he recently visited Winnipeg, Canada. The
weather was very warm while he was there. He was surprised at the size of
Winnipeg and the numerous evidences of enterprise and thrift that are
Mrs. FARRELLY, mother of Mrs. John LYNCH of this city, who had been visiting
her, returned to Parkersburg, Iowa, Monday morning. Though 80 years of age
she is apparently rugged and hearty. She was accompanied by her daughter,
Miss Belinda FARLEY.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael CONLON of Great Oak township
Saturday, June 29. As this is their first and only child, it is needless to
say that the parents are proud as well as happy. Mr. CONLON could not be
blamed today were he to feel like celebrating.
Mr. Clarence HENNICK of Graettinger and Miss Etta HENDERSON of Emmetsburg
were united in marriage in this city on Monday. Justice T.J. DUFFY
officiating. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to the contracting
parties, and wishes them health and happiness.
Among those who came from a distance to attend the funeral of the late
Cornelius DRISCOLL were Mrs. DRISCOLL of Dumont, Iowa, sister-in-law of the
deceased, N.J. CLARK of Eagle Grove, Mr. and Mrs. M. COLLINS of Dell Rapids,
South Dakota, and Tim COLLINS of Dell Rapids. All went to Ackley Monday to
attend the funeral.
The last of the week, A.H. KELLER of Weiser, Idaho, shipped to his parents
in this city a large box of as fine cherries as we have ever seen. Mr.
KELLER sent a few of them to this office. Our boy says he would like to live
in the country where such cherries are grown. Idaho is apparently quite a
fruit country. Many thanks, Mr. KELLER.
Those who went to Ackely Monday to attend the funeral of Cornelius DRISCOLL,
were Attorney John DRISCOLL, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel BURNS, Miss Katherine
DRISCOLL, P.F. McMAHON, his sons Earl and Leo and daughter, Miss Irene. Mrs.
Dr. O'BRIEN, Mrs. Wm. GRADY, and the several others who came from a distance
to be present at the obsequies. Their names are mentioned elsewhere in this
James W. JOYCE made a couple of trips to the lakes during the past week in
the new Ford auto which he recently bought of John SCOTT. He is enjoying the
use of it.
Mrs. James McNAMARA and her sister, Mrs. George NELSON, and children arrived
home from Lake Mills Thursday evening where they had been visiting relatives
for a short time.
Thursday morning a kerosene stove damaged slightly one of the W.I. BRANAGAN
houses. The loss, however, will not exceed $50. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'BRIEN
occupy the house.
Mrs. Dr. M.J. JOYNT and little daughter, Regina Margaret, recently visited
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. JOYNT of Emmetsburg township. They returned last
week to their home at Jesup, Iowa.
Patrick KELLY who lives in North Vernon, was the victim of a sun stroke last
Thursday. He was in a serious condition for some time, but he is steadily
improving. Dr. O'BRIEN is the attending physician.
The last of the week W.S. PALMER wrote his wife from Winnipeg, Canada, that
he was just leaving for Edmonton. He will inspect western Canada quite
closely. He will probably invest in some real estate before he returns home.
A traveling company gave vaudeville and moving picture entertainments at
Graettinger every evening of last week. On Saturday evening a prize was
given for the most popular lady of Graettinger. It was won by Miss Mildred
Mr. and Mrs. Charles CHRISTIAN and Mr. and Mrs. Peter PAULSON and family,
who live in the southern part of Emmet county, were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. McNAMARA of the Ayrshire neighborhood a few days ago.
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas KELLY, who recently died near Graettinger, was
held from the M.E. church at that place Sunday afternoon. The remains were
laid to rest in High Lake cemetery. She is a daughter of Eli CRAVEN of
Graettinger. She will be remembered as Mrs. Martin JAARD.
Mrs. W.C. MAIDEN, while using a sewing machine a few days ago, ran the
needle through her thumb, holding her fast to the machine until she was
released. The needle was so badly bent that it was necessary for the
attending surgeon to cut the thumb open in order to extricate it.
The Champion reports that John CULLEN has sold his Buick auto. He doubtless
intends buying a new one.
Frank MURRAY of Osgood was a business visitor in this city Monday. He is
engaged in tiling in that vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. FLOOD have moved to Sheldon where they will make their
future home. Mr. FLOOD has secured a good position with the telephone
exchange at that place. He likes the town and has decided to locate in it.
He worked at Fonda for some time after giving up his position at
We are pleased to report that Mrs. Henry SELLE, Sr., who is still at
Excelsior Springs, is steadily improving. She was so badly crippled up with
rheumatism when she went there that she could scarcely move. She is now
able, with some assistance, to walk about the room in the hotel in which she
is stopping. This is good news to her many local friends.
We notice by our exchanges that there are a great many auto accidents this
season. Drivers should be very careful.
P.H. STEADMAN was at Fort Dodge Sunday spending the day with his son, Sim R.
STEADMAN. The latter has been quite ill for some time.
There will be a picnic dinner in the grove of Mr. MOWITT, who lives near
Hoprig, tomorrow. Several who live in this vicinity are planning on
M.L. BROWN informs us that he has commenced excavating for the new savings
bank building at West Bend. It will be a very fine structure when completed.
Frank SULLIVAN of Graettinger, who had been attending a telegraph institute
at Minneapolis, is now working for the Great Northern company at Hunter,
North Dakota.
William, son of C.S. ALLEN, of Laurens, who frequently visits Emmetsburg,
and who owns large tracts of land in this vicinity and throughout the
county, was married to Miss Clara MERDINK of Omaha last Wednesday.
We notice that Ray McNALLY frequently comes up from Garner to Whittemore to
visit friends. We can not understand why he should stop at Whittemore and
not come to Emmetsburg. An explanation is in order, Ray.
Thomas LARSON was up from West Bend Saturday. He was accompanied by his son
Adrian, who returned from Minneapolis the last of the week. The latter
recently graduated from a telegraph institute at Minneapolis. He will work
as helper in the depot at Graettinger.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
30 July 1912
Thomas McNally Tells Our Reporter About Steel Trust City
Thomas McNally of Gary, Indiana, is visiting his brother, Myles McNally and
other family relatives in this vicinity. He will remain for a few weeks. He
was in Emmetsburg 32 years ago when the country was new. He was also here 16
years ago. He notices a wonderful improvement in the surrounding country
since that time. Gary, he informs us, is a place of 35,000 to 40,000. It has
had the most remarkable growth during its brief history of any city in the
United States. It was platted six years ago. The biggest steel plant in the
world, the property of the American Steel trust, is located at that place.
Formerly the leading industry of the company was at Pittsburg. The change of
location to Gary was made in order to save the expense of shipping iron ore
from the Messaba range, north of Duluth, to Pittsburg. Besides, Gary being
only 26 miles from the business section of Chicago, is more favorably
situated than Pittsburg for making shipments to the various parts of the
United States. The trust has a lake frontage of eight miles at Gary. It has
its own harbor. Two hundred steel vessels are regularly employed in carrying
iron ore and unfinished products from Duluth. The vessels are 700 feet long.
Each has 32 hatches. The immense freighters can be turned in the Gary harbor
without tugs. The steel plant employs 8,000 men. The American Bridge Company
which requires 3,000 hands in operating, is also one of the leading
manufacturing institutions of the place. The American Tin Plate company has
a force of 3,000 men and the American Nut and Bolt company 1,200. Mr.
McNally says that perhaps 20,000 of the city's 40,000 inhabitants are Poles,
Italians and other foreigners. They are frugal and industrious but of course
cling tenaciously to their native manners and customs. Some of them have of
late started up in business for themselves. The city inspectors and others
whose business it is to enforce the pure food laws have considerable
difficulty in making this class of business men observe the state laws and
city ordinances.
Gary has eight steam railroads and five interurban electric lines. Hence it
has favorable connections to important points in all directions. A person
can go to Indianapolis or to Louisville, Kentucky, on interurban lines.
Electricity is used in operating most of the great industries in the city.
The principal business street of Gary is six miles long. It has very wide
sidewalks. It is 100 feet in width from curb to curb. It is lit up with
lamps 50 feet apart. The sight is one that elicits the admiration of all
visitors to that place. Mr. McNally is 75 years of age but stands his years
well. He is robust and quite active. He has lived at Gary for five years.
His son owns a large restaurant at that place and serves from 300 to 500
people daily.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
2 Aug 1912
Mr. and Mrs. Edward COLLINS, who have been guests for some time at the home
of Mr. COLLIN's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter COLLINS of this place, will soon
return to Moose Jaw, Canada. Mr. COLLINS has a good position in the
C.P.R.dispatchers office at that place. He likes western Canada.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 21, 1912
A large crowd was in attendance at the Titanic moving picture show Saturday
Miss Alice ASCHAN returned to her home in Des Moines last week.
Miss Ollie HAHN accompanied her cousin to Chicago. The latter had been
visiting her.
Mr and Mrs. Edward KRESS and children have gone to Dubuque for a two months'
visit. Mr and Mrs John SEGAR are occupying their new house during their
We are pleased to note that Len KUNZ, who had been very sick, is able to be
about again.
Mr. HATFIELD's father and mother, who had been visiting him, returned Monday
to the southern part of the state.
Miss Mary PETERMAN is visiting relatives in Fort Dodge.
Colletta CULLEN of Cylinder is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. J.P. MULRONEY.
Born: To Mr and Mrs. Joe HUGHES, August 17, a boy.
Wesley VANCE was in Algona Friday on business.
Luke RIDENOUR has purchased the Frank LODES' pool hall for a consideration
of $3,000. Luke took possession on Monday.
W. VANCE sold the SCOTT farm near Cylinder to Sherm BEDERBECK of this place.
Consideration $100 per acre.
Daley HAHN returned to her home in Rolfe Friday having visited her grand
parents here.
The Misses TROUDS and Carrie SEGAR of Bancroft arrived Wednesday for a visit
with their brother John and sister, Mrs. Jake GRETHEN.
Saturday C.A. REELY, who lives near Ruthven, had a cow killed by lightning.
Charles D. SLATER is in Minneapolis visiting friends and looking after
business interests.
The residence of William SULLIVAN who lives near Ruthven, was damaged by
lightning August 12.
James ALWARD has rented his residence to Mr. HAWK, the new partner of A.M.
FISH. Mr. ALWARD intends moving to Sioux City in September.
Saturday the barn on the Auto LUTGEON farm near West Bend was struck by
lightning. The damage was considerable though a large quantity of hay in it
was not burned.
T.W. MILLEA informs us that he did not have any insurance on his crop of 90
acrs of corn which was destroyed by hail about ten days ago. This is a great
loss to him. A few of his neighbors had some insurance.
Dr. HENNESSY informs us that the Iowa Board of Health has not reduced the
time for quarantining for diphtheria from 28 to 14 days. Hence the old rules
of the board must be observed by attending physicians and by officers.
Mr and Mrs Sim R. STEDMAN and family of Ft. Dodge are visiting local
relatives. Mr. STEDMAN is still rather weak but he is looking well and is
steadily gaining in strength. He was in bed for five or six weeks. He was
taken ill nine weeks ago. Doctors and nurses handle cases of typhoid fever
in a different manner than they did a few years ago.
Mr and Mrs J.J. WATSON went to Boone Monday.
Misses Alice and Katherine KANE returned to Davenport Friday evening.
Michael BRENNAN of Des Moines visited his mother and other relatives in this
city Monday.
Thomas O'CONNOR was called to Toledo, Iowa, Saturday by the death of one of
his sisters.
J.P. CLAER has bought of Mr. WAGNER a 40 acre tract of land adjoining his
place. We have not learned the price he paid for it.
Miss Rose LAUGHLIN who had been home to see her parents and many relatives,
returned to Davenport last evening. She was accompanied by a Miss DUNN of
Mr and Mrs Ray McCARTY of Plummer, Idaho, are visiting local relatives. They
were married several weeks ago. The affair was a pleasant surprise to many.
H.H. JACOBS leaned against a dynamo on his farm near Deming, New Mexico, a
few days ago and was nearly electrocuted. Two large holes were burned in one
of his shoulders. The unexpected burning out of a fuse saved his life. He is
all right again. He and Mrs. JACOBS will be in Emmetsburg in a few days.
John D. KEATING is home from Spokane, Washington visiting his parents and
other relatives. He conducts the KEATING Art Studio at that place. He is
doing a fine business. Spokane is prosperous. A $2,000,000 hotel is in
course of erection and the Great Northern company is spending $4,000,000 for
improvements. He thinks that sentiment for Colonel Roosevelt is dying out in
the west. Wilson is strong in that state.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
28 Aug 1912
Mrs. COLLIPRIEST of Ruthven visited her daughter, Mrs. AddisonWELLS several
days during the past week.
Geo. HENDERSON nad wife of Independence township recently visited his uncle,
J.A. HENDERSON of this vicinity.
We understand that Mr. E.J. HIGGINS and Miss Lillie PATTON are to be married
at LeGrange, Illinois, tomorrow.
John McNAMARA of Ayrshire and Grant NELSON of this city are visiting
relatives in Jack Creek township, Emmet county.
Miss Pearl TAYLOR arrived home from Mason City Tuesday morning where she had
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. STARR, for a few days.
Frank ILLINGWORTH informs us that the Catholic people of Ladysmith,
Wisconsin are building a $30,000 school building instead of a $6,000 one as
was stated in last week's Democrat.
M.L. BRADY informs us that he bought a quarter section farm near Madison,
South Dakota yesterday and a couple of hours later sold it by wire at an
advance of $5 per acre. Land in that locality seems to be moving rapidly.
Wednesday night a few pairs of shoes, a number of neckties, and a small
amount in cash were taken from C.J. BERGER's store. A window pane at the
rear end of the south side of the building was taken out and the window was
raised. In this way the burglars gained an entrance to the building. So far
the offender has not been located.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. BAKER and their son Herbert arrived home from Miller's Bay
last evening. They had been spending a couple of months in their beautiful
cottage at that place. Their location is an ideal one. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B.
McCARTY have a fine cottage on an adjoining lot. Miller's Bay is one of the
beauty spots on the lakes of the picturesque West Okoboji.
Mayor BICKFORD has notified all property owners in Emmetsburg to cut the
weeds on their premises. He should enforce promptly his order. People in
general are entirely too careless about this matter. They should have more
taste than to allow ugly looking weeds to grow high enough to peep into
their windows. Do not spare the careless, Mr. Mayor. Get rid of the weeds
and do so without further delay. They should have been cut six weeks ago.
Thos. EGAN is home from Ada, S.D. He recently proved up on his farm near
that place.
Mr. and Mrs. E.H. DICKEY are attending the state fair at Des Moines this
Mr. and Mrs. David STARR went to Des Moines Saturday to attend the State
Raymond BECK was down from Estherville Monday evening. He went to Livermore
Tuesday morning.
Miss CAMERON recently enjoyed a visit from her sister from Denver. The
latter returned home Monday.
Ray SWEENEY of Sheldon has for several days been the guest of his brother,
Father SWEENEY, of this place.
Mrs. Anna ROWAN was a passenger to Garfield, Utah, Sunday evening. She had
been visiting relatives in this vicinity.
P.O'MALIA of Ayrshire was greeting Emmetsburg friends Wednesday afternoon.
It is needless to say that he took in the ball game before returning home.
Mrs. Wallace SIMPSON of Whittemore visited her father, George C. SEELEY in
this city several days last week. He has been quite ill for some time.
Mrs. Eugene HARRISON of the Cylinder neighborhood came to Emmetsburg
Saturday and left over the Rock Island for Ellsworth, Iowa to visit her
sister, Mr. SATTER.
James STRATTON was up from Curlew yesterday. He reports that there was not
so much rain south of Curlew during August as there was in this locality
although there was an abundance of growing crops.
Mr. and Mrs. P.O. REFSELL attended a family reunion Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James REFSELL of Emmet county. There were about 200 in
attendance. It is needless to say that the affair proved an enjoyable one.
The members of the A.O.H. and L.A. of the A.O.H. who attended the state
conventions of the organizations at Cedar Rapids last week report large
successful gatherings and a general good time. They were royally entertained
by the Cedar Rapids people. P.H. DONLON was re-elected state secretary of
the A.O.H., a position which he has filled with credit to himself and to the
organization for a number of years. The next biennial convention will be
held at Des Moines.
Mr. A. RUTLEDGE arrived home Saturday evening from Renville, Minnesota,
where she had been spending a short time with a sister. Crops are fine in
that locality and farmers are correspondingly happy. Mrs. RUTLEDGE also
visited other Minnesota points while away. She returned home by way of
Pipestone. She visited the Indian school grounds while there. She was very
much pleased with the appearance of the town and the surrounding country.
Mrs. J.J. DOOLEY enjoyed a visit the last of the week from her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. KENNEDY, who live in Algona.
Morris and Mildred McNALLY, accompanied by Ambrose SEARCH spent the last of
the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John GRIFFIN of Graettinger.
News Of Twenty Years Ago.
From the Files of August 24, 1892
P.J. COLLINS of Algona has succeeded Patrick McNALLY as section foreman on
the Milwaukee RR.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
4 Sept 1912
M.A. MUGAN is preparing a very neat panel for Father SMITH's monument in St.
John's cemetery. It will be of U.S. standard bronze. It will be fourteen
inches square. A chalice will appear in the center of a circle of laurel
wreath. The chalice and the tips of the wreath will be polished. The balance
of the wreath will be of antique finish. It will contain the name, place and
date of birth of the deceased, the date of his ordination and the date of
his death.
G.A. HADWELL, who is in the employ of A. Scott ORMSBY, left forSan
Francisco Monday.
A few days ago Alexander GROVES of Webster City sold 334 head of steers in
Chicago for $5,100.
Amy PUGENET has been appointed one of the deputy game wardens of this
section of the state.
We understand that Mike CULLEN has secured a good position on the police
force in St. Paul.
Mrs. Minnie RITTS and son Freeman returned to their home at Lucas, South
Dakota Monday morning.
Miss Mildred DALY went to Cedar Falls Monday to resume her studies in the
Iowa Teacher's College.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos COMBS of Humboldt celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of
their marriage on August 26.
Mr and Mrs. W.H. MORLING were among the Emmetsburgers who attended the Iowa
State fair last week.
Mrs. M. CULLEN returned to St. Paul Monday. She had been visiting relatives
in this vicinity for several days.
R.M.J. McFARLAND, George JACOBS, and Henry DUNN of West Bend were greeting
Emmetsburg friends Thursday.
Miss Laura AGNEW left for Buffalo Center Friday. She will teach in the
schools of that place during the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. KELLY enjoyed a visit during the past week from Mr and
Mrs. H.B. PATTON and son of Hartley.
Ray McNALLY and a party of his friends came up from Garner in an auto
Wednesday evening to attend the carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis PAULSON of Depew arrived home from Norway last week. They
had, of course, a most enjoyable trip.
Mrs. Dr. O'TOOLER returned to her home at Vienna, South Dakota, Monday
morning after a brief visit with relatives in this city.
Mrs. R.E. KIDDER and daughter Evelyn arrived home from Iowa City last week.
They also visited at Marshalltown while away.
Mrs. SEAQUIST and daughter, Miss Ruth, returned to Marion Wednesday. They
had been guests at the home of Capt. and Mrs. E.B. SOPER for several days.
Mrs. CAMDEN, Sr., and one of her sons returned to Freedom, Indiana,
Thursday. She had been here attending the funeral of her son, the late Elmer
Major and Mrs. S.W. SMITH left for Los Angeles, California, last evening to
attend the national encampment of the G.A.R. and the W.R.C. Both are
delegates from the state organizations.
It is safe to say that half of the threshing is yet to be done in this
county. Quite a number, however, have stacked their grain. This is the way
to take care of oats, barley and wheat.
A.E. HARRISON left for Bowbells, North Dakota, yesterday morning to look
after the threshing of the crop on his quarter section farm near that place.
He will doubtless return to Emmetsburg with his pockets full of $20 bills.
Mrs. Mary E BECK and her sister, Mrs. STOUT, were passengers to Cedar Rapids
Thursday. The latter had been visiting here for a couple of months. Mrs.
BECK will spend some time with her niece, Mrs. Art JEFFRIES, of Cedar
Dr. WRIGHT has moved his office and is now located at the R.F. MINER livery
Miss Nellie KEENAN of Ruthven spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in this
Mr. MONSELL of Ruthven was looking after business interests in Emmetsburg
Mesdames E.B. MERRIMAN and E.M. THOMPSON attended the State Fair at Des
Moines last week.
Mrs. Albert JENNET and Mrs. Frank ESSER went to the Twin Cities Monday to
attend the Minnesota fair.
Miss Etta BIGLEY, who is a trained nurse at Cedar Rapids, is spending a
month with her parents at Graettinger.
Mrs. J.J. BROWN left for Portland, Oregon, Monday. She will spend soem time
visiting her father, C.T. ALLEN and her brother, J.F. ALLEN.
Patrick MURRAY and Mrs. DUNCAN who had been visiting for some time at the
home of their aunt, Mrs. M.T. McEVOY, near Osgood, returned to Chicago
Thursday evening.
Miss Nora AKOLT, who had been visiting her uncles, John FITZPATRICK and John
REAGAN, left for Churcan Monday. From there she will return to her home at
Joe, Harold and Vincent WHITE were Emmetsburg visitors the last of the week.
Joe has been working in the Advance office at Algona and is home for a brief
W.J. TYSON reports the sale of a monument to Mr and Mrs. MARLOW of the Lone
Rock. They will place it over the remains of their little boy whose
mysterious death occurred early in May.
Market Reports: Eggs 17c, butter 24c, potatoes 50c, turkeys 10c, springs
12c, old hens 9c, old roosters 4c, ducks 8c, geese 6c, corn 60 to 65c, wheat
78 to 80c, oats 24 and 1-2c, barley 40-45c, rye 56c, flax $1.50, hogs $7.25
to $7.50.
Beginning October 1 rural mail carriers will receive $1,100 per year and
postal clerks will each receive $100 additional per year. Provision for
these increases in salary was made by the last congress.
Paul SCHANEY has the foundation about ready for his new home in Joyce's
addition to Emmetsburg. He will put up a good set of buildings. He has
rented his farm and will move into his new home about Dec. 1.
Monday a son was born to Mr and Mrs. G.D. SLONIKER, who live some distance
northeast of this city. Their many friends extend congratulations. Mr and
Mrs SLONIKER moved to this county from South Dakota some time ago.
A gang of workmen recently painted the outside of the Rock Island depot at
Graettinger. The Times says that they would not clean the interior on that
visit, as it would be too much of a shock to the town. The Rock Island
people are very careless about their depots.
The other day the Iowa Bankers' association sent Sheriff CULLEN a draft for
$100 in recognition of his cool headedness and bravery in capturing tow of
the Cylinder bank robbers. It is needless to say that Mr. CULLEN is very
grateful to the organization, especially for the high compliments paid to
him. This is worth more than the money.
Peter WALDRON of Ayrshire was the guest of his brother Charles of this place
Monday evening.
Dr. McGRUDER, Harry GOLDEN, Herbert PAULSEN and P.C. JACKMAN spent Monday at
Court will be in session in Emmetsburg October 7. Judge BAILIE will preside.
Robert LAUGHLIN has been at Titonka for several days. He and Clark ARMSTRONG
are having their annual hunt.
The Arrow says that J.E. SCHUG has sold his farm south of Rolfe to the
Carroll agency for $140 per acre.
Mrs. ZAHRNDT recently enjoyed a visit from her mother who lives at State
E.J. NOLAN of Des Moines was an Emmetsburg visitor several days during the
past week.
Misses Carrie and Jennie GREEN recently visited at the home of Mr and Mrs
Charles GREEN who live at Rolfe.
Albert PETERSON will leave for Iowa City next week to take a couse in
dentistry in the State University of Iowa.
Mr and Mrs H.J. PFIFFNER were passengers to Des Moines Sunday evening. Mr.
PFIFFNER is a delegate to the K.of P. grand lodge.
Miss Mary DUNIGAN left for Ames Thursday to attend the Iowa State college.
She will take a course in domestic science.
Mr and Mrs. W.W. FROST and two sons and Mrs. FROST's sister left for the
Twin Cities Monday morning to take in the Minnesota state fair.
Matt DONOVAN went to Spencer Tuesday morning. He will work for a short time
as operator for the Milwaukee company at that place.
Father HALPIN of Algona was the guest of Father McNERNEY Monday. Both went
to Graettinger during the afternoon and spent the evening with Father KELLY.
Dr. Rowland HANSON, who delivered one of the addresses at the Emmetsburg
Chautauqua will be one of the candidates for governor at the Bull Moose
convention at Des Moines today.
Peter ANDRE was up from Mallard Tuesday. He was accompanied by M. WAGNER.
Mr. ANDRE bought an 80 acre farm on section one in Vernon township in July.
He paid $81 per acre for it. He will move onto it next March.
Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY spent last week with his three brothers and sisters
who reside at Denison. One of his brothers, Rev. M. FARRELLY, is pastor of
the church at that place. Forty houses are in the course of erection at
Denison this year. Father FARRELLY says that corn is farther advanced in
Crawford county than in this locality. The crop is exceptionally good.
George GRACE has been home visiting his parents for several days. He has for
some time served as extra postal clerk from Tama to Hawarden and later had
charge of the route from Wall Lake to Missouri Valley. He will go to Dubuque
in a short time to accept a run from that place. He likes the work and is
making commendable progress.
Dr. McLEAN and Leo DONOVAN are at the Twin Cities this weekattending the
big fair.
George W DOWNS left yesterday for Des Moines to attend the grand lodge of
the K. of P.
P.F. CONLON and W.H. CROWLEY were business visitors at Pipestone, Minnesota,
last week.
Mrs. FOURNIER returned from Illinois Saturday. She had been visiting in that
state for some time.
Martin COONAN returned to St. Paul Monday. He had been visiting local
relatives for several days.
John McNALLY of Silver Lake was among the Palo Alto visitors to the Iowa
State fair last week.
Max ZIEHLKE, who had been living at Minden, Iowa for some time, has moved to
Harlan, this state.
Mesdames W.H. COONAN and John MONCRIEF attended the Labor day celebration at
Graettinger Monday.
T.A. CLARK, assistant dairy commissioner, was in Emmetsburg Monday. He left
Algona this evening.
Lewis LARSON, the Western Union operator, went to St. Paul Saturday evening
to attend the Minnesota State fair.
Miss Lottie WALSH went to West Bend Saturday. She will teach in the schools
of that place during the coming year.
Mr and Mrs. John GALLEGER were over Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and
Mrs. SCHUMACHER, who live near Mallard.
Miss Josie CLENNON of West Bend arrived home from Illinois Wednesday. She
spent several weeks with relatives in that state.
Mr. JOHNSON, the Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine man, was over from Spencer
Monday morning repairing the Democrat's engine.
Miss MOORE, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George FREEMAN for some
time, returned to her home at Coffeville, Kansas, Friday.
The Ayrshire Chronicle says that Joseph KIBBIE recently refused $150 per
acre for his farm. It is finely improved and is well located.
George and Fred MILLERKE went to Fort Dodge Saturday. In company with
Vincent KANE they will go from Fort Dodge to the Twin Cities to attend the
State fair.
Miss Alice BRENNAN arrived home from Osakis, Minnesota, the last of the
week. She spent her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Harry HUGHES, of this
city for some time.
Mrs. ENGLER and daughter were over from Whittemore Monday. The latter left
for Cedar Falls during the morning where she will attend the Iowa State
Teacher's college.
Miss Bridgie MARTIN is having her vacation this week. She has gone to
Ayrshire to visit her brothers for a day or two. From there she will go to
Fort Dodge and later to Sioux City.
Herman Oransky of Estherville writes us that the report that was circulated
to Emmetsburg a short time ago stating that he intended opening a sotre at
this place was without foundation.
The Ladies' Guild of Trinity church will hold their monthly tea at the home
of Mrs. A.T. HORTON, assisted by Mrs. DICK-PEDDIE, Wednesday afternoon,
September 11. The business meeting will be held at three o'clock.
Refreshments will be served at four o'clock. All are invited.
Mr and Mrs. W.B. YOUNG arrived home from Rock River, Wyoming, Thursday. Mr.
YOUNG invested in some land in that vicinity. Prices average from $50 to $75
per acre. The land is irrigated. Mr and Mrs. YOUNG also spent some time at
Laramie, Wyoming and Denver, Colorado. Mrs. YOUNG has relatives at Denver.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 11 Sep 1912
H.H. SANDVIG was down from Graettinger Monday. He reports that there is not
much shock threshing to be done in his locality.
Miss Eileen McBRIDE arrived home from St. Louis the last of the week. She
spent some time visiting an aunt who lives in that city.
E.J. MITCHELL was down from Graettinger Saturday afternoon attending the
adjourned meeting of the Democrat county convention.
Frank SULLIVAN, son of Mr and Mrs. T. SULLIVAN, of Graettinger, was quite
badly injured at Hunter, North Dakota, a few days ago. He will be laid up
for several weeks. He is in the employ of the Great Northern Railway
Miss Josie McEVOY arrived home the last of the week after an absence of a
month. While away she visited relatives at Dubuque, Cedar Rapids, and
Muscatine. She enjoyed her trip very much.
Lowell KELLER, son of Mr and Mrs A.H. KELLER of Weiser, Idaho, is visiting
relatives and friends in this city. He will leave for Iowa City this week to
take a course in the State University of Iowa.
The Rock Island people are we understand, painting their depot at this
place. They ought to tear the old shack down and replace it with a building
that would be suitable for a town the size of Emmetsburg. The waiting room
is a disgrace to the company.
Emmetsburg will send a large delegation of students to Iowa City tomorrow
and Friday. Among the number are Ernie STILLMAN, Clifford MAYNE, Earl
Alice RANDALL, Will KERWICK, Will COONAN, and Alfred PETERSON. All will
attend the State University of Iowa.
The Chronicle says that Mr and Mrs Henry FINNEGAN of Cincinnati are guests
at the Joseph FINNEGAN and Wm EGAN home near Ayrshire.
Dr. McGRUDER was an over Sunday visitor at Britt. He goes to that place and
to Mason City two or three times a week. Conditions must be coming serious.
Mr. UNDERWOOD of Illinois has rented the J M KELLY farm near Ayrshire for
the coming year. The Chronicle says that he lived in that locality a few
years ago.
Joseph SEARS of Watertown, South Dakota, who had been visiting his sister,
Mrs. J.K. MARTIN of this city, returned home the last of the week. He has
been engaged in business at that place for several years.
Miss Lucille LAMBE accompanied her mother, Mrs. J.B. LAMBE, came down from
Graettinger Sunday evening. Miss LAMBE left Emmetsburg Monday morning for
Dubuque to enter Mt St. Joseph's College.
Of late Wm D DONOVAN has had five of his teams hired out. He furnished
drivers and has been receiving $5 per day for each man and team. When a
teamster can secure such wages he should not complain about hard times.
Glen and Wade EGAN and Wm T BRANAGAN left for Dubuque yesterday to begin for
the coming year their studies in St. Joseph's college. They were accompanied
by Mrs. BRANAGAN who will spend a few days with relatives in that city.
Wade EGAN arrived home from Sioux Falls last Wednesday. He spent a couple of
months working in that city. Two fine hotels are in course of erection at
that place. One will be six stories in height and the other eight stories.
Both will be finely equipped.
We understand that Miss Theresa FITZGERALD entered Mt Caramel September 8 to
become a Sister of Charity. She is a most estimable young lady and is an
accomplished musician. The organization will, we are sure, prize her for her
true worth as well as for her ability.
H. Leslie WILDEY has built an addition to his store at Graettinger. The new
part is the same size as the old one. Hence he has twice the room to display
his large stock of goods. He is, as usual, offering promising bargains. He
is an attentive business man and is a hustler.
Miss Winifred BRERTON went to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a short time ago. From
there she will go to Grinnell to take up her studies at Iowa college. Miss
Kathleen, daughter of Mr and Mrs W.J. O'BRIEN, of Whittemore, has gone to
Dubuque to begin a course in Mt. St Joseph's college.
Mrs. Anna SHIELDS and Misses Teresa and Mary JOYCE of Harper's Ferry, Iowa,
are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Edward JOYCE of Emmetsburg township and other
local relatives.
Edward SWANTON has the new set of buildings on his small farm northeast of
this city nearly completed. John McDONALD has the contract. Mr. SWANTON
recently bought the place from Mart and Will COONAN.
Mrs. Frank ILLINGWORTH and her daughter, Miss Gertrude, arrived home from
Chicago the last of the week. We are pleased to report that Miss
ILLINGWORTH, who was in a hospital at that place for some time, is able to
be about again.
A dance was given at the home of Mr and Mrs J.P. CLAER of Emmetsburg
township Friday evening. There was a large attendance and it is needless to
say that all present had an enjoyable time. The JOYNT orchestra furnished
music for the occasion.
Miss Gertrude JOYNT, who has been ill for some time, arrived home from Des
Moines a few evenings ago and will spend a few weeks with her parents in
Emmetsburg township. She was accompanied by her brother, Dr. JOYNT, who has
a position in Mercy hospital at Des Moines. Miss JOYNT has been taking a
course for a trained nurse.
A sociable will be given at the home of Mr and Mrs John O'BRIEN of Great Oak
township next Friday evening for the benefit of Assumption parish. It will
be in charge of Mesdames John O'BRIEN, J.J. HAND, T.J. MILLER, and Wm
MOLLOY. Preparations are being made for a most enjoyable time. Refreshments
will be served during the evening. All are invited. It is hoped that the
sociable will be as largely attended as possible.
Editor COOKINHAM and John T MAGUIRE were over from Ayrshire Saturday
afternoon. Mr MAGUIRE attended the county convention and gave the delegates
quite an interesting account of the big doings in Baltimore in June. We are
under the impression that Bro. COOKINHAM would have something to say about
the Bull Mooses while in town, but he seemed to be very reticent on the
subject. Like many of the other progressives of our county, he hardly knows
where he belongs.
The dailies report that from four to five thousand horses have died in
Kansas and Nebraska during the past few weeks from some strange disease.
There have not been any loses in Iowa.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
18 Sep 1912
Marriage at Osgood
Mr. Arthur Olds and Miss Etta Mae Giddings
Mr. Arthur Olds and Miss Etta Mae Giddings were united in marriage Tuesday
at two o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H.
Giddings of Osgood, Rev. J. Brerton, pastor of the Congregational church of
that place, performing the ceremony. Only a few relatives and friends were
in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Olds left last evening for points in Illinois
where they will visit for some time with relatives of the groom. During the
early part of winter they will commence housekeeping on the Paul Schaney
farm in Walnut township. Mr. Olds having rented the place some time ago.
The bride is one of our county's accomplished, prepossessing young ladies.
She attended the Emmetsburg public schools for several years and was a
diligent successful student. She has since taught in the schools of our
county for some time and she has attained a creditable rank in her chosen
calling. She is esteemed for her many social qualities as well as for her
ability as a teacher and her usefulness in the community in which she has
resided since childhood. The groom has lived with his parents on the C.S.
Wells farm near Osgood for some time. His industry and worth are recognized
to those who know him intimately. He will, no doubt, eventually win his way
to success. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Olds
and trusts that their joy and comforts may increase with the coming years.
The Mallard independent reports that Bert DRAPER and John GRAFF have gone to
Rock Creek, Wyoming to look over the real estate transactions.
Dan BURNS went to Sioux City Monday morning to see Governor Wilson and
attend the Interstate Fair. From there he will go to points in Nebraska to
visit relatives.
Mr. EVERETT of Kansas City was a guest last evening at the home of Mr and
Mrs A.J. WOLFGANG of this place. Fred ALLUM has a room at the home of Mr and
Mrs. Dr. O'BRIEN arrived home from Pueblo, Colorado a few days ago. We
understand that the trip benefitted her. Miss Mary stopped at Laporte, Iowa
to spend a short time with relatives.
The ladies of the Congregational church will be glad to take orders to tie
comforters for 60 cents each. Those desiring such work done will please
telephone Mrs. Geo BAKER, phone 169.
The Ladies' Guild will serve a hot supper at the Episcopal rectory on
Wednesday evening, September 25, beginning at five thirty o'clock. Price
twenty-five cents. All are invited.
Miss Minnie GREEN of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor the last of the week.
She came to attend the funeral of Mrs John RASHFORD, whom she knew at Rock
Island, Illinois, a number of years ago.
Mrs. LEAVITT of Waterloo, one of the leading W.T.C.U. workers of Iowa, was
the guest of Emmetsburg memboers of the order over Sunday. She spoke in some
of the local churches during the day and evening.
Joe ANTEL writes to Emmetsburg parties from Pennsylvania that he is through
with the west as it has no longer any attraction for him. The west is all
right. What a pity that Joe is not capable of appreciating the real worth of
most of its people.
Mrs. Charles H GIDDINGS and Mrs. Lucie B ROBINS
Mr. Charles H GIDDINGS of Osgood and Mrs. Lucia B ROBINS of Kansas City were
married at Estherville last Thursday. They arrived at Osgood Friday morning
and are comfortably situated in their neat home at that place. The marriage
of Mr GIDDINGS is quite a surprise to our many citizens, few of whom knew
that he had been contemplating any action of this kind. The bride is, we
understand, a most worthy lady. She will, no doubt, be gladly welcomed to
Osgood where Mr. GIDDINGS has spent so many years, where he has done
business for nearly a quarter of a century, and where he has a host of
friends. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr and Mr GIDDINGS
and wishes them happiness and prosperity.
Mr. HAWK Missing
Mr. HAWK, who moved his family to this city about a month ago and engaged in
the auto business with A.M. FISH, drove out of town about two weeks ago and
has not been heard of since. Search has been instituted for him by relatives
but so far he has not been located. His wife and three children are very
much worried over his disappearance. Financially, they are not in very
comfortable circ*mstances. Mr. and Mrs. HAWK lived at Rossie, Clay County
before coming to Emmetsburg. Mr. HAWK handled the Jackson car while at that
W.C.T.U. Ladies Convene at Spencer
Mrs. Geo B McCARTY and some of the other Emmetsburg members went to Spencer
Thursday to attend the annual session of the Nineteenth Iowa district of the
W.C.T.U. The gathering was a successful one. Next year the convention will
be held at Rolfe. The following are the names of the newly elected officers:
Mrs. L.A. CLARK, Storm Lake district president; Mrs. Mary MARTIN, Spencer,
district vice-president; Mrs. Amy WOODRUFF, Sulphur Springs, district
secretary; Mrs. Rachel PHOENIX, Ruthven, district treasurer.
W.B. CRANDALL sells at $125 per Acre
Monday Mr and Mrs W.B. CRANDALL were in from Independence township. Last
Wednesday they sold their quarter section farm to Ross SHARP of Joliet,
Illinois, for $125 per acre. Mr. CRANDALL bought the place ten years ago for
$53 per acre. He worried some about the treatment during the wet years. He
and Mrs CRANDALL moved here from Avon, Illinois, last March and lived on the
farm this year. They put in three cars of tile and made some other
improvements. They have made up their minds to return to Avon. They have
ample means and do not intend following farming. They feel elated over the
nice sum which they realized from their investment.
Miss Nellie CARMODY went to Chicago Wednesday to purchase millinery goods
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Sep 18, 1912
Dr. A.A. THEILE has rented J.K. BENDA's residence.
Earl ROACH has been home for several days visiting his parents
M.W. JOYNT came up from West Bend last Saturday to spend Sunday with his
F.A. KENYON, brother of Senator KENYON, was indicted at Sioux City Friday
for forgery.
Edward McNALLY has bought a fine new R.C.H. car for use in his land
business. He will dispose of his other car.
Patrick MURRAY of Chicago was in Emmetsburg Saturday attending the funeral
of his sister, Mrs. John RASHFORD.
Mr and Mrs John G JENSWOLD of Independence township recently returned from
Mount Horeb, Wisconsin where they had been visiting relatives.
Earl STOUT went to Cedar Rapids to attend Coe college, Leslie MINGER to Iowa
City to attend the State University, Max MEYER to Valpraiso, Indiana, to
take up pharmacy and Miss Iva EMERSON to Cedar Falls to attend Teacher's
College- West Bend Journal
Ike DREW threshed 38 acres of flax a short time ago and it yielded 480
bushels. He sold it for $816. It bought him about $21.50 per acre. He has 62
acres more to cut.
W.R. WEISE and T.E. WADE of Rock Valley were in Emmetsburg Monday. They are
figuring on putting in an electric light plant in connection with the
Persons tile factory.
While in the northern part of Clay county, Minnesota, last week, Richard
McCABE invested in a quarter section farm at $35 per acre. James SLATER was
instrumental in making the deal.
Chas. DUHIGG informs us that he sold a quarter section farm in Stevens
county, Minnesota, last week for $45 per acre. He invested in another farm
near Swea City. He has great confidence in Iowa soil.
Miss Gertrude CONWAY, sister of Father CONWAY, has been elected to teach
music in the public schools of Jackson, Nebraska. She recently graduated
from St. Clara's Academy of Sinsinawa, Wisconsin.
A few days ago A.M. FISH sold a Hupmobile to Chas. FORDYCE.
Lucile JOYNT has gone to West Bend to spend a few days with her grandmother
and other relatives.
It is claimed there is a general scarcity of hard coal. It would be
advisable to have bins filled early.
A few nights ago Geo ROUSE, who lives near Ayrshire, had a number of cattle
killed by an M & St. L. train.
John and Henry SCHULTZ of Cedar Rapids were guests the last of the week at
the home of their sister, Mrs. FREY, of Emmetsburg township.
A few days ago Judge COYLE went to Storm Lake, Judge BAILIE's town, and
naturalized sixteen of his neighbors. This was a very patriotic deed.
Mrs. BIGGS, who tunes pianos, has rented living rooms in this city and will
make her headquarters in Emmetsburg during the coming months.
A few nights ago lightning struck a straw stack on Dr. POWERS' farm in
Vernon township. It took hard effort to save from destruction the buildings
on that place.
W.I. BRANAGAN went to Sioux City Monday evening to hear Woodrow WILSON. As
the meeting was the first in Iowa since his nomination, the members of the
state committee felt that they should be present.
Michael WAGNER was up from Mallard Monday. He recently bought a fine team of
three-year-old horses from John CLEMENS for $350. He has since been offered
$400 for them. He sold the team to Mr. CLEMENS two years ago for $225.
Mr. JOYNT objects to a comparison of Crippen with Clarion so far as hotel
advantages are concerned. Perhaps he had occasion some time to stop at
Clarion over night. If so, we do not blame him for registering his protest.
Visitors to Clarion ought to bring tents with them.
"A Bachelors Honeymoon" at the Iowa tomorrow morning.
Nels SIMONSON and daughter, Miss Mabel, went to Chicago Sunday evening.
Harry GODDEN is at Fayette this week setting up a large monument.
John CLEMENS, we understand, will sell out and move to St. Paul during the
Miss Dot GAYLORD went to Mt. Vernon Tuesday night where she will attend
We understand that Mr. SAUNDERS has bought a fine new traction engine for
his large gang plow.
Mrs. M. JOYNT enjoyed a visit from her sister, Mrs. Peter MOLIDOR, of West
Bend during the last week.
Miss Bernice BROWN, of Parker, South Dakota, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W.J.
McCARTY of this city.
Marriage licenses have been issued to Mr. Frank M. FITZGERALD and Miss Mayme
McNARY; Mr. George SCHREIER and Miss Theresa DOPEL.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct 16, 1912
Mrs. W.A. MOAN and Mrs. Thomas GRADY of Ruthven spent the last of the week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DEALY of this city. They were called there by
the illness and death of Mrs. O'TOOLE, whom they had known intimately for
many years.
Miss Batty NEAR, who had been visiting at the home of Mrs. James DUNIGAN
during the past two months, left Saturday for some point in South Dakota
where she will visit a brother. She was accompanied by her mother who
recently came from Chicago.
J.S. PETERSON, cahsier of the Ringsted State bank, was an Emmetsburg visitor
Thursday. He came down by auto. He reports that Woodrow Wilson sentiment is
very strong in Ringsted. He was a pleasant caller at this office while in
W.H. COONAN and Peter DALY recently made a number of improvements on the
buildings on their large farm in Ellington township. People who live in that
locality say they hardly know the place now when passing by it the buildings
look so bright and neat.
Mrs. A.R. THIELE arrived home from Boone Saturday afternoon.
Cory FRANKLIN and Miss Edna KINNIE were Sunday visitors at Ayrshire.
Mrs. James FLOOD is visiting her son, James P. FLOOD, and family of Sheldon.
Mrs. HOBEIN and Miss Louise HOBEIN spent Sunday with friends at Estherville.
P.H. DONLON, E.J. McEVOY and Joseph KELLY of Ayrshire made a trip to Sioux
City by auto Sunday.
Miss Lizzie LAUBENTHAL returned to Whittemore Monday. She had been spending
some time with local relatives.
Mrs. NEAR recently arrived from Chicago and was for several days a visitor
at the home of Mrs. James DUNIGAN.
Charles DUHIGG recently traded his Overland auto for a fine new 35 h.p.
Mitchell. He has a dandy a car and he takes excellent care of it.
Misses Kate and Margaret MART, accompanied by their cousins, Misses Agnes
WAGNER and Margaret QUINT, are visiting relatives at Inwood this week.
Mrs. B.E. KELLY, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Jean and Miss Celia
QUINN, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. KIRBY of
Attorney Welt MILLER was up from West Bend Monday evening. He has decided to
join Dan KELLY in making campaign speeches this week at Cylinder, Rodman,
Curlew, Ayrshire and elsewhere. He has had considerable experience on the
stump and is pleasing, argumentative and convincing speaker.
H.W. BEEBE reports that the Dairy Exposition at Waterloo was a big affair.
He visited it several days. Some of the finest cattle in the world were
exhibited. There was a wonderful display of machinery used for various
dairying purposes. He was milch cows at the fair from Ireland, England,
Scotland and various countries in continental Europe. He thinks that more
farmers in this section of Iowa should visit the Waterloo fair every year.
They would find it helpful to them in various ways.
W.H. WILCOX of Bates City, Missouri, arrived in Emmetsburg the last of the
week to visit his brother, D.M. WILCOX. He formerly resided near Curlew.
Bates City is about thirty miles east of Kansas City. The surrounding
country is quite prosperous. Land in that locality sell for from $75 to $150
per acre. In communites but a short distance from there the $200 per acre
mark has been reached. Edward FORD, a former resident of our county, also
resides in that part of Missouri. His son, George FORD, lives near Curlew.
L.P. ALDRICH has been appointed ticket agent for the Rock Island company at
Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS, Jr. of Des Moines and children are visiting local
Andrew ROSELAND of Lost Island township recently returned from Red Wing,
Minnesota, where he had been attending school.
Twins, a boy and a girl were born to Mr and Mrs Thomas DAWSON of Mallard
Monday, October 21. Their many friends extend congratulations.
Mr. McFADDEN is the name of the new night operator at the Milwaukee depot.
He will commence housekeeping in this city as soon as he can find a suitable
Miss DEALY, who came from Perry Saturday morning to attend the funeral of
her grandmother, Mrs. O'TOOLE, returned home Monday evening. She has charge
of the department of music in the Perry schools.
The postmasters in many of the neighboring towns are imitating the good
example set by Postmaster REFSELL and are making efforts to secure from the
department permission to distribute their mail on Sundays.
Geo. W. McDONALD, one of the well known and influential merchants of
Ruthven, was looking after business interests in Emmetsburg Monday. One
morning about ten days ago, after arising, he slipped and fell against a
door casing in his home and injured his forhead just above the right eye.
One side of his face has since been paralyzed. However, he has reason to
believe that hte injury will not prove permanent. Mr. McDONALD is in his
75th year. He spent over 60 years of his time behind the mercantile counter
and he has considerable show for his time and efforts. He often spends his
winter in mild climates, but he has not yet made any arrangements for a trip
during the coming season.
Mrs. Monroe JOHNSON spent Monday at Graettinger.
Joe SCHUMACHER of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday.
C.A. HAWK, who disappeared from Emmetsburg some time ago, has returned.
M.O. GRODLAND of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Tuesday evening of
last week.
Father SWEENEY was at Ayrshire Thursday officiating at the funeral of the
late Tom EAGAN.
Mrs. Josephine KNIGHT of Sencer visited her daughter, Mrs. Monroe JOHNSON,
of this city Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. C.E. COHOON has sold her residence property in this city to Mr. MILLER
who lives northeast of Cylinder. The consideration was $3,000
Mr and Mrs. Monroe JOHNSON enjoyed a visit Saturday and Sunday from Mr and
Mrs J. JOLIN of St. Paul. The latter returned home Monday morning.
Last spring potatoes were selling for $2 per bushel in Emmetsburg. Today
they are bringing from 30 to 35 cents. What a change in value within a few
Nick SCHMALEN, Henry DUNN and George JACOBS of West Bend were Emmetsburg
visitors Thursday. All have land in Drainage District No. 55. They had
business with the board of supervisors.
A basket social will be held in the school house in District No. 3 in
Emmetsburg township Friday evening. All are invited. Come and bring well
filled baskets. Miss Eva MURPHY is the teacher.
The usual monthly meeting of the W.A. of Trinity Church will be held at the
home of Mrs. M.C. GRIER, asisted by Mrs. A.J. BURT, Wednesday, October 30,
beginning at three o'clock. All are cordially invited.
The Free Press says that Foster REED has bought one of the John NOLAN pigeon
houses. He will tear it down and move the material onto his farm south of
town where he will use it in the construction of some new buildings.
Ray McNALLY was up from Garner Sunday evening.
Miss Josie SONG of Estherville was visiting at the home of Mrs. M. MART of
Cylinder Sunday.
Frank GOTCH announces that he has retired from the mat. He will buy a home
in southern California.
Vincent KELLY came down from Dolliver Saturday to attend the K.C. exercises
and to spend a day or two at home.
Mr and Mrs. M.B. KANE of Ayrshire were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs
Myles McNALLY of this place Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Michael MOLLOY have moved from the north part of town into one of
the P.GORMAN residences on the south side.
Miss Mae KENNEDY of Armstrong is visiting her sister, Miss KENNEDY of this
place who is one of the teachers in the East side school.
Edward McNALLY and Joseph P. JOYCE left for Montana yesterday to attend a
government land sale. They will be absent for some time.
Miss Agnes WAGNER of Bernard, Iowa and Miss Margaret QUINT of Cascade, Iowa,
are visiting at the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. M. MART, of Cylinder.
Miss Genevieve BABEL, a niece of Charles FERGUSON, arrived in this city from
Cambridge, Iowa, Monday morning and accompanied him to Blunt, South Dakota.
She lives in that state.
Having decided to locate in British Columbia, Mr and Mrs J.G. McNAMARA will
sell their residence property in this city and also the quarter block just
south of it.
Charles FERGUSON left for Blunt, South Dakota, Monday morning. From there he
will return to Capital, Montana. He reports that crops were good this year
in western South Dakota and eastern Montana.
Mr and Mrs Wm STEINER were up from Mallard Friday evening and Saturday. They
attended the exercises at St. Thomas church while in town. They are highly
pleased with their business prospects at Mallard.
Carl STARR and his sister, Mrs. WHIRRY, have sold the Joseph WALSH farm in
Nevada township for $91 per acre. They bought it last spring for $75 per
acre. The purchaser will move onto it next spring and will put better
improvements on the place.
James MURRAY recently sold his quarter section farm in Osceola county. He
received $76 per acre for it. It is not a choice place of land and the
improvements are light. He has made a nice profit in his investment since
making the purchase a year or two ago.
John TRUOG, one of the old residents of Mallard, was in Emmetsburg
P.A. LONERGAN of Bancroft was a business visitor in Emmetsburg Wednesday.
Wm. WARD was at Ruthven Monday erecting a tombstone for GODDEN & BALLARD.
Mr and Mr Frank KOCH arrived from Sioux Falls Saturday evening. They are
visiting relatives at Whittemore this week.
Mr. KETCHEN took his force of carpenters to Ruthven Monday. They are working
on a contract seven miles north of that place.
Walter HUGHES, who had been visiting Emmetsburg relatives and friends for a
few days, went to Amery, Wisconsin, Saturday, to visit his parents.
We are requested by Major SMITH to state that there will be a meeting of
Henry Dillon Post Saturday afternoon from four to six o'clock. Business of
importance is to be transacted. All comrades are requested to be present.
Mr. JONES, the prohibition candidate for governor of Iowa, addressed a small
audience at the Court House Sunday afternoon. He lauded W.J. BYRAN and
scored Colonel ROOSEVELT. He is said to be quite able.
Mrs. O'TOOLE, mother of Mrs. J.F. DEALY, was stricken with paralysis Monday
evening as she was about to eat her supper. She is in a serious condition
and will hardly recover. She is 87 years of age.
Mrs. T. SULLIVAN and two sons of Graettinger went to Chicago Friday evening
to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Mrs. SULLIVAN has two daughters
attending school at Chicago. She has also two sisters and a brother living
in that city.
A birthday party was given in the home of Mr and Mrs. T.W. MILLEA Monday
evening in honor of Miss Mary. Many of the young people of this city were in
attendance. Refreshements were served during the evening. All who were
present report a good time.
P.S. BROWN writes home from Watsonville, California, that he met P.V. NOLAN
in that locality a short time ago. Mr and Mrs NOLAN have, he says, decided
to spend the winter at Los Angeles. Mr BROWN claims that the atmosphere at
Watsonville is very damp and that it is not suitable for people who are
afflicted with cattarh.
Thomas O'CONNOR spent the past week at Quincy, Illinois, visiting his son
Charles and daughter, Mrs. TEMPE. Mrs O'CONNOR who has been at that place
for several weeks, accompanied him home Saturday morning. Mr. O'CONNOR
claims that sentiment at Quincy is anything but favorable to Colonel
ROOSEVELT. A number of the leading business men of that place told him that
the Chicago Tribune is exaggerating in its reports regarding the strength of
the Colonel in Illinois.
Mrs. Peter METZ and son Ray and daughter Nona went to Des Moines Tuesday.
Miss Kittie WELLS of Mason City spent the last of the week with friends in
Mr. STICKNEY, the owner of the Broadway billiard hall, was a business
visitor at Spencer Monday.
Mrs. Geo LUMMERY left for Glendive, Montana yesterday to visit relatives for
a short time.
Mrs. ZAHRNDT recently enjoyed a visit from two of her cousins from State
Mr. EGAN of Great Oak township, brother of Deputy Auditor EGAN, is reported
very low at the present time.
A pre-nuptial party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Asa BROWN Friday
afternoon in honor of Miss Estaleene STEIL.
Frank NOE of Whittemore has sold his quarter section farm to Mr. CARRIGAN
and Mr. SULLIVAN of Illinois for $106 per acre.
W.J. O'BRIEN has bought the Clarence HAYES 80 acre farm near Whittemore. He
owns an eighty adjoining it.
The Courier says that Miss Kate WERNERT of Algona recently returned from
Livingston, Montana, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. M.J.
The pure food commissioner of our state has, we hear, ordered all business
people to use gravity scales in the place of spring scales. Mr. REIHSEN of
this city has already bought a new $105 scale in order to comply with the
Grand Jury
District court is still in session. The case against Charles FISHER, who is
accused of being implicated in the Cylinder bank robbery was commenced
yesterday. County Attorney BURT is prosecuting and W.J. FISHER is defending.
The case of Mr and Mrs Jesse CROOK against John McCORMICK was argued for a
couple of days but it was finally settled. Mr. McCORMICK, who was the first
county superintendent of Palo Alto, is 87 years old. Five years ago Mr and
Mrs CROOK moved onto his 220 acre farm and he lived with them. Later some
trouble arose and they moved off the place. Mrs. CROOK is Mr. McCORMICK's
daughter and plaintiff's calim that Mr. McCORMICK agreed to deed them the
farm before his death. They commenced action against him to make good their
alleged title to the premises. DAVIDSON & BURT, assisted by D.M. KELLEHER of
Fort Dodge, represented Mr. McCORMICK and MORLING & MORLING the plaintiffs.
The settlement provides that hte property is to be divided equally between
Mrs. CROOK and her brother, Thomas McCORMICK.
The case of McKENZIE against MARKS was won by plaintiff. Mr. McKENZIE agreed
to do some advertising for Mr. MARKS in railway depots for a stipulated
amount. Mr. MARKS, it seems, for some reason refused to pay the amount and
plaintiff sued for fulfillment of contract.
The DRISCOLL-CAHILL case was reversed and costs taxed up to defendant.
Carl SEVY pled guilty to a charge of attempted assault on Miss SUNDALL and
was given and indeterminate sentence in the Anamosa penitentiary.
Indictments have been returned against the following named parties by the
grand jury: Charles FISHER for bank robbery; G.A. BARKDALL for securing
money under false pretense; Joseph and William OVERTON and Henry HILL for
stealing hogs and potatoes; and James HEFLEY for stealing oats.
G.A. BARKDALL, who has been out on bail for some time, has not yet made his
appearance. Joe ANTEL, who has likewise been out on bail, is also missing.
It is thought that both will surrender their bonds.
Emmetsburg Democrat, 30 October 1912
John Jackman
Candidate for County Supervisor in District No. 4.
Is a member of one of the first families that located in our county. Was bornin Walnut township. Most of the voters of his district have known him sincechildhood. His conduct is exemplary and his actions are useful and edifying. Ourcounty had no young man who stands higher among his friends and associates. Ifelected, he will consider his postion a public trust. Has good judgment and isfar seeing and practical. All public matters with which it will become necessaryfor supervisors to deal will be safe under his watchfulness, supervision andmanagement. Candidates of Mr. Jackman's wisdom, worth and anxiety to servefaithfully and honorably their fellow men are entitled to the hearty support oftheir constituents.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
6 Nov 1912
Miss Nettie SUNDERMEYER and Miss Clare HAUGHSTEIN were Emmetsburg visitors
one day last week. Miss SUNDERMEYER is a guest at the HAUGHENSTEIN home.
Hugh MEADE was home from Lansing Saturday and Sunday. He reports times quite
brisk in eastern Iowa. He has a position in a marble factory at Lansing.
Coal is becoming scare in many of the local markets and prices are steadily
advancing. Dealers in various places find it difficult to secure cars for
making shipments.
T. H. CALVY of White Lake, South Dakota, was the guest of his cousin, Mrs.
Lillie PATTON HIGGINS of this place Sunday. He was on his way to Chicago to
visit relatives.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George WILLIAMS of Cedar Rapids Sunday.
They have named her Dorothy Lavonne. Their many Emmetsburg friends extend
The Journal of West Bend reports the sale by J.L. REID of a Maxwell auto to
Thomas VANDICAR and a Reo five passenger machine, with electric light
equipments, to George HUGHES of Cylinder.
Miss Madalene COONAN gave a halloween party Wednesday evening in honor ofa
large number of her many young friends. Teh affair was one that will be
happily remembered by all who were in attendance.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John GALLEGER quietly observed the 25th anniversary of
their marriage. A number of their relatives and friends called on them and
the day was pleasantly spent. The Democrat hopes they will have the pleasure
of celebrating the 50th anniversary of their marriage.
Mrs. Will HUGHES and children of Osakis, Minnesota, have been visiting for
some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.F. BRENNAN and family.
Mr. HUGHES recently movedto Havre, Montana where he has secured a homestead.
He will be employed by a railway bridging gany on the Great Northern road
until such time as it is necessary for him to begin work on his homestead.
Mrs. HUGHES and children will remain in Emmetsburg for some time.
George GRACE was home last week. He has been making runs as postal clerk
from Dubuque to Algona and also from Galesburg, Illinois to Fort Dodge. He
likes the work and hopes in a short time to secure a position on one of the
local lines.
P.J. LAUGHLIN left for Davenport Friday evening to spend a day with his
sister, Miss Rose, who is taking a course for a trained nurse in Mercy
Hospital at that place. From Davenport he went to Chicago to visit friends,
after which he will return to Denver.
The Free Press says that S.O. SANDVIG is suffering from a broken arm as a
result of a runaway which occurred a week ago Sunday evening. In attempting
to turn out for an auto, his horse stepped too close to the edge of the
frade and the buggy tipped over. Hence the accident.
A few days ago Mr. HOLBROOK, the M. & St. L. agent at Gilmore, resigned. He
will engage in farming. There was no one present to take his place when he
quit but we understand that some gentleman who used to be at Ayrshire will
temporarily succeed him.
The Democrat is pleased to learn that George LONG, who was recently operated
on for cancer at Rochester, Minnesota, is steadily improving and will soon
be able to be about again. He and his brother have published the Manson
Journal for many years. He stands high in his profession and enjoys the good
will of his fellow publishers.
Hog cholera recently broke out in the vicinity of Webster City. The state
veterinary surgeon recommends vaccination with cholera serum in order to
check the spread of the contagion. He estimates the losses in Iowa this year
to date will aggregate $12,000,000. As hogs are very valuable this fall it
would be well for farmers to give timely suggestion. Animals that are
vaccinated in time will not die of the disease.
Mrs. and Mrs. Donald FRANKLIN of Ayrshire were the guests of their son,
County Recorder FRANKLIN, of this city Saturday. Mr. FRANKLIN, accompanied
them home and remained until Sunday evening.
Hon. A.M. DEYOE, state superintendent in company with Rev. HOLMES of Algona,
made an auto tour of the county last Friday. He was out in the interests of
his candidacy for re-election.
J.W. SMITH of Vernon was in Emmetsburg Monday soliciting aid to go to Iowa
City to have his only eye treated. His left eye has been blind for some time
and he is losing the sight of the other member. He found many willing to
assist him.
Yesterday's Des Moines Register and Leader contained a fine cut of Mr. and
Mrs. THATCHER of West Bend who recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
of their marriage. They deserve well the recognition which the press of our
county and the state have given them.
Seth SMITH is, we understand, building a fine residence on his farm in Lost
Island township. It will be one of the most substantial and well equipped in
that part of the county. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are excellent people. They well
deserve the comforts they propose to enjoy.
Mrs. M.E. JOYCE entertained a number of ladies Wednesday afternoon in honor
of Mrs. Sarah E. McDONNELL who has been visiting friends and relatives in
this city for some time. Delicious refreshments were served and a very
pleasant afternoon is reported by those who were in attendance.
Miss Winnie WILMERS has been chosen supervisor of music and drawing in the
West Bend schools as successor to Miss Lottie WALSH, who has been forced to
take a vacation on account of the condition of her health. Miss WILMERS is
quite an accomplished musician. The Democrat wishes her success in her new
line of work.
George B. McCLELLAND, son of the noted general Geo. B. McCLELLAND, made a
bull moose speech at Spirit Lake Thursday evening. He served as the
democratic mayor of New York City a few years ago. His election, it will be
remembered, was contested by Wm. Randolph HEARST. A great many disappointed
office seekers are seeking political shelter in the new party.
The many local friends of Ray McNALLY were pleased to meet him on our
streets Saturday and Monday. A few days ago while at Garner we visited the
drug store of which he is manager. He has a fine large room and a most
complete stock. One does not have to be in Garner very long to learn that he
is decidedly popular among the business men of that place and that he enjoys
their confidence. He is a promising young business man.
Sim R. STEADMAN of Ft. Dodge was in Emmetsburg last evening and was among
the many who were interested in the local election news.
The Levi Dean Music Company reports a sale of 14 pianos during the past few
days. The manager is highly pleased with his business in Emmetsburg.
Miss Lottie WALSH who has been teaching in West Bend schools has been
advised by her physician to take a vacation. She has decided to do so.
P.J. WAGNER and his sister, Mrs. A.P. MEYERS, were called to Ellington
township Sunday by the serious illness and death of their brother, Louis
The Assumption league ladies served oysters in the jury room last evening to
those who were in the Court House waiting for the election returns. They
were liberally patronized.
Mrs. KEEGAN of Chicago has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John MONCRIEF, for
two or three weeks. She will return home in a few days. Mrs. MONCRIEF's
health has not been very good for some time.
Ross MOSES, Chris SCHROEDER, Wm. YOUNG and Alexander YOUNG came down from
Lake Park Monday evening. They have been seining in the lakes in that
locality. They have been compensated fairly well for their time and efforts.
James Francis O'DONNELL at the K.C. hall next Sunday evening. Mr. O'DONNELL
is exceptionally clever as an interpreter of character. He is deserving of a
splendid house and shall be given one. Admission 15 and 25 cents. All are
Chas. AUSTIN recently came up from Shell Rock by auto and visited his
brother, Wm. AUSTIN, of this place. He was accompanied by his wife, his son
George and the latter's wife. They spent a day or two in Emmetsburg. They
are among the well-to-do people of Shell Rock.
Jess SPROUT came down from Rothsay, Minnesota, Sunday morning. He will spend
two or three weeks with his parents and many local friends. He reports Mr.
MOSNESS quite hearty but suffering from some rheumatism. As usual, he was
very much interested in the presidential campaign.
John P. WAGNER was down from Graettinger yesterday. He went from here to
Ellington township to attend the funeral of his brother, Louis WAGNER, which
will be held today. Mr.WAGNER was postmaster of Mallard about twenty years
ago. He has, since last May, been conducting a pool hall at Graettinger. He
followed carpentering for a number of years.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto County, IA
4 Dec 1912
Mrs. C.R. VanGORDEN and children spent Thanksgiving with friends at
A.C. SANDS and daughter, Miss Hazel, of Mallard were Fort Dodge visitors one
day last week.
Mrs. C.F. RIDENOUR of Mallard enjoyed a visit last week from her father,
G.L. ASCHAN, of Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray CARLISLE of Whittemore spent Thanksgiving with relatives of
the latter in this city.
Lloyd REFSELL went to Algona Tuesday evening of last week to hear the
Minneapolis Symphony orchestra.
Fred RAMUS held a very successful farm sale Friday. It was fairly well
attended and everything sold at good prices.
Miss Blanche MEEHAN was over from Whittemore Thursday to spend Thanksgiving
with Emmetsburg relatives.
Miss Nell KERWICK enjoyed a visit last week from her friend, Miss Mabel
SHELBY of Mitchell. The latter went from here to Iowa City.
The public sale held by P.F. CONLON Monday was largely attended. Everything
brought good prices. Mr. CONLON was pleased with the result of his
T.J. HOOD, who moved to Mallard from Clare about a year ago, has a complete
set of buildings on his farm nearly completed. he is an enterprising and
well-to-do farmer.
George FICKEL of Spencer was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. He is engaged in
the real estate business at that place. His parents, Mr. and mrs. F. FICKEL
and family are well and prospering.
S. SCHIRMER returned from Sioux Falls last week. he was drawn to serve on
the petit jury at the present term of court. Mr. SCHIRMER says that fully
200 residences are in course of erection at Sioux Falls. The town is
enjoying a splendid boom.
M.C. LEONARD of Graettinger is working in the J.H. BRENNAN lunch counter in
this city. Mr. BRENNAN is pretty busy these days serving lunches at public
auctions. He has a wagon equipped for that purpose and can easily travel
from place to place.
Remember the big public auction of Mrs. Mary MULRONEY in Nevada township
Thursday, December 12. A half page announcement of the same appears in this
week's Democrat. She has 287 head of livestock. Thsi will be one of the
largest public auctions held in this county for some time. Mrs. MULRONEY
intends moving to Emmetsburg in the spring.
C.F. CURTIS was shaking hands with his numerous Emmetsburg acquaintances
last week.
Miss Bernice BRIGGS came home from Cedar Falls to spend Thanksgiving with
relatives. She is attending school at that place.
Miss Catherine MULRONEY, who is attending school at Iowa City, spent the
Thanksgiving vacation at her home near Rodman.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MAHONEY have rented the J.M. RICHIE residence in the First
ward and will soon be comfortably located in it.
Dr. HARRIS of Chicago was Ruthven visitor a few days ago where heperformed
some surgical operations in the Baldwin hospital.
The Rolfe Arrow says that down in Carroll county a dead democrat beat a live
republican two to one. Republicans do not take well in Carroll county.
Mrs. N. ADAMS and daughter , Miss Josie, departed for Seattle,Washington
Monday morning. They went to Minneapolis and left over the Great Northern.
Mrs. ADAMS has a daughter living in Seattle.
Walter McBRIDE, formerly foreman of the Reporter office, and who was later
editor of the Armstrong Journal, has accepted a position in an office at
Langford, South Dakota. He and Mrs. McBRIDE have already moved to that
A few days ago George MAYHEW of Everly was hit on the head by a 50 pound
concrete block which fell from a ten foot wall. It merely inflicted a slight
scalp wound. Mr. MAYHEW would evidently make a good prize fighter.
Mrs. NELSON and son of this city enjoyed a visit a few days ago from her
daughter, Mrs. M. SKOWBO of Armstrong. Mrs. SKOWBO was very ill for some
time but is quite a bit better. Her many local friends hope for her
permanent restoration to health and strength.
The first issue of the Armstrong Journal under the management of Ted TIERNEY
presents a very neat appearance. Mr. TIERNEY is a good fellow and a good
printer and he will give the Armstrong people a newsy, ably edited
newspaper. The Democrat wishes him success in his new field of labor.
Carl C. COVELL of Cylinder was in Emmetsburg Friday. He was getting some
sale bills printed for his big sale Friday, December 13. He will have a
quarter page ad in our next issue. He informs us that he is positively
closing out everything. He and his brother-in-law, A.A. HATCH, have
purchased the A.W. FINUF hardware stock at Curlew and will soon take
possession. The Democrat wishes the new firm success.
At the Catholic church in Whittemore Wednesday morning, November 27, 1912,
occurred the marriage of Mr. P.W. KOLLACH and Miss Ella WALSH. Rev. Father
DULLARD performed the ceremony. The bridal couple was unattended. After the
ceremony the bridal couple drove to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward WALSH, where a wedding breakfast was served. In the evening a
dance and reception was held at the opera house in honor of the
event.-Whittemore Champion.
Lower Rates on Beer.
The dailies report that the freight rate on beer from Sioux City to Iowa
points will be reduced from 50 cents to 25 cents per hundred. The change
will take place on December 1. The reduction is made at the request of the
Sioux City brewers. Heretofore Omaha brewers have been able to make
shipments to Iowa patrons at lower rates than are allowed to home firms.
This item will be good news to those who enjoy their bitters regularly.
This Thursday morning at the Catholic church in Whittemore takes place the
marriage of Mr. George FANDEL to Miss Laura ROHMANS. Rev. E.L. DULLARD
performs the ceremony. A wedding reception will be held at the home of Mrs.
M.W. FANDEL during the day in honor of the event. Mr. and Mrs. FANDEL will
live on the old HIGGINS homestead during the coming year. - Whittemore
Two Items of Local Interest
in the 18-year-ago column of last week's Whittemore Champion, appeared the
following items:
F.E. MUNCH attended the wedding of Chas. ADRAIN and Flora D. TAYLOR at
Emmetsburg Tuesday evening.
Mr. Nicholas LAUBENTHAL and Miss Lucy SCHUMACHER were united in marriage at
the Catholic church at Mallard Tuesday, November 27.
On Wednesday afternoon, November 27, at the Methodist church in Emmetsburg
occurred the marriage of Charles STAFFORD and Miss Jennie GROFF, Rev.
Herbert CLEGG officiating. This worthy young couple are both residents of
this city and will return here to make their future home......
Duroc Jersy Boars for Sale
I have for sale several Duroc Jersey boars. Enquire of P.J. MURPHY, three
miles southeast of Emmetsburg.
For Sale
A number of thoroughbred Poland China boars. All are eligible to registry.
Are good ones and are well bred. Enquire of T.J. MILLER, Great Oak township.
House for Sale
Fair size house. 2 lots, good barn. Well situated. Enquire of Wm. Ruehle.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Dec 11, 1912
Notice To Absentee
In the District Court of Iowa, in and for Palo Alto County,
In the matter of the Estate of William A SHEA, absentee.
To William A SHEA, and to whom it may concern:
You are hereby notified, that application for letters of Administration on
your estate, has been made by R. Leo SHEA, alleging that you have property
within this state; that you hve absented yourself from the state for a
period of more than ten years last past and that your whereabouts are
unknown to your family.
And unless you appear on or before noon of the second day of the regular
March 1913 term of the District Court, which will begin on the 24th day of
March 1913, at the Court House in Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa, and
show cause why such letters of administration should not be granted, the
application of the said R. Leo SHEA will be granted and letters of
administration issued the same as though you were known to be dead.
Attest, T.F. RUTLEDGE, Clerk of the District Court.
Daniel KELLY, Attorney for the Petitioner.
John HERRON of the firm MENTON & HERRON, who have publishedthe Boone
Democrat during the past fifteen years or more, spent Saturday and Sunday
with numerous relatives in this locality. He is a cousin of M.F. BRENNAN,
T.B. and W.H. WALSH, and ohter members of the families named. Mr HERRON
visited Emmetsburg about sixteen years ago. He has built up a good busines
at Boone and finds it difficult to be away from home for any length of time.
He favored the Democrat with a fraternal call while in town. The Boone
Democrat is one of the best weekly newspapers in the Tenth district.
A few days ago 21 of the neighbors of Mrs. Lewis WAGNER of Ellington
township arranged for a bee and husked her corn. They cribbed 1,100 bushels
during the day. They deserve much credit for their generosity.
Wednesday evening quite a number of the G.A.R. of this city surprised Mr and
Mrs David STARR before their departure for Los Angeles, California, where
they will spend the winter. The occasion proved a most enjoyable one and
will be happily remembered by the many who were in attendance.
A.N. JENSEN, who lives west of this city, has secured a patent on a switch
for an overhead carrier. He says that all the tests have proven
satisfactory. The switch can be placed on the market for about $2.50. The
Democrat hopes Mr. JENSEN will make money out of his useful invention.
Peter PETERSON, who lives southwest of Graettinger, was an Emmetsburg
visitor Saturday. He reports that a new boy arrived at his home Thursday
morning. Of course he was elated over the addition to his family. He built a
fine farm during the summer. He reports that practically all of the farmers
in his neighborhood are through husking.
We are in receipt of a copy of The Evidence, published at Lemburg,
Saskatchewan. It is quite newsy. From its columns we learn that John
O'CONNELL, formerly of Emmetsburg, is president of the Lemburg Liberal
Association and president of the Board of Trade. He is also owner of the
Colonial elevator at that place. Miss Nell LAUGHLIN is principal of separate
school No. 52. Emmetsburg is creditably represented at Lemburg.
Mrs. Frank MEADE received word Monday announcing the death of her mother at
Salem, Oregon. We have not learned her name. Mrs. MEADE has the sympathy of
our many citizens in her sorrow.
N.C. ANDERSON, who lives on section 31 at Walnut township, will have a
public sale next Tuesday, December 17. He sold his farm some time ago and
intends moving to Spencer.
Giles INMAN, the little son of Conductor and Mrs. INMAN of Mason City, was
accidentally shot and killed Saturday afternoon by his companion, Charles
McCONNELL. They were playing cowboy. The bullet passed through the INMAN
boy's heart.
Monroe JOHNSON has provided his auto with electric lights and switches so
that he can throw on the front, rear, or side lights at any time. He uses
storage batteries. The equipment is as good as any that can be found on
$4,000 machines. Mr. JOHNSON is an ingenious electrician.
Mrs. Eli Craven has been sick during the past week.
Mrs. Roscoe Roberts and three children of Manchester,South Dakota, arrived here Friday from Chicago where she had been visiting hersister, Mrs. Ray Robers, of that place.
Mrs. J.H. Pickert, of Norway, Iowa, was a guest of Mrs.P.J. Hession over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gammon and daughter arrived last week fromNew York City.
Joe Hession underwent an operation at Iowa City lastweek for some nasal trouble.
A.W. Finuf and Chas. McBride left with their car ofhousehold goods to Louisiana Satruday. Jim Whitmer accompanied them as far asDes Moines. Mesdames McBride and Finuf will follow later. Their friends wishthem success in their new home.
Mrs. J. Degnan, son Willie and daughter Mrs. W.D.O'Brien were hopping in Ft. Dodge Saturday.
J.P. Stebbins sold his town property to Chas. Pattersonfor $2500. Possession will be given March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins haveresided in or near Curlew for nearly 10 years. Their friends will regret theirdeparture. They haven't decided yet where they will locate.
O.J. Gatos moved into the Kinne house Monday which hehas purchased and Mr. Christensen into the Carroll house recently vacated byW.O. McBride.
Bill Breckler has purchased the dray at Ayrshire. Hewill move in a few days.
Father Carroll was called to see J. Mahoney Fridaynight who is seriously ill although much improved at the present writing.
Father Schafer went to LeMars Monday morning to visitwith his parents.
Mrs. Churchill returned Friday evening to her home atMason City after a visit with her sister, Miss Mary Donlon.
W. Barber and A. Cleslie purchased two Overland autosduring the past week at Emmetsburg.
N. Rice of Mastonmoor, North Dakota, has been visitingwith friends in this city the past week. He moved from here several years agoand has prospered there.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan ofHighland township died Wednesday night. They have the sympathy of all in theirsorrow.
Guy Courtright arrived home during the week from NorthDakota where he had spent the last summer.
John Currans and wife were at Spencer Sunday where theywere called in the sickness and death of Mrs. Curran's brother, Daniel Clare.
Mrs. Steece, who had been ill for some time, passedaway in this city Wednesday. The remains were laid to rest Sunday afternoon. Therelatives have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
Misses Alice Kibby and Bessie Kane arrived for a fewdays' visit with friends. They will return to Davenport after the holidays.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Schutler Thursday.
Harry O'Neill and David Latt spent Saturday inAyrshire.
Dr. Keeney returned from Carlyle Friday, where he hadbeen in attendance at his father's funeral.
Thos. Dawson returned from Emmetsburg Thursday where hehad been serving as a juror.
R.A. Hawk, who was missing for several weeks during thefall, was arrested last week and taken to Spencer on the charge of lewdness andalso on the charge of responsibility for the crime of abortion. It is allegedthat it resulted in the death of a lady who formerly worked in his home atRossie, Clay county. He was given a preliminary hearing and was held to awaitthe action of the Clay county grand jury. However, he is out on bail. The bondfor the first named offense was fixed at $200 and for the second at $1,000. Hehas returned to Emmetsburg. Mr. Hawk was, we understand, at one time aclergyman. The evidence against him must be rather weak, or the amount of hisprincipal bond would be larger. The woman, we understand, recovered fromher illness, but later took a relapse and died.
Will Overton Acquitted.
Wm. Overton, who was tried last week for stealing hogsfrom A.J. Fife during the summer, was acquitted. The trial continued for severaldays. W.J. Fisher and Thomas O'Connor defending. county Attorney Burgprosecuted. Joseph Overton, brother of the defendant, and Harry Hill, testifiedthat they stole the hogs and that Will Overton was with them. The defendantproved that he was at Pleasantville, Iowa, the night the hogs were stolen. Ininstructing the jury, Judge Rathe held that as they were parties to the crime,their testimony regarding the prisoner's guilt should not be considered unlessthere was corroborating evidence, and this could not be presented. Joe Overtonand Harry Hill have not yet been tried. This is practically the only case thathas been considered during the present term of court.
The case of P.R. Wells vs. the Emmetsburg Opera House Companywas settled. The company gave Mr. Wells $700 and he pays the cost.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
25 Dec 1912
A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of December 7, 1892
Friday a number of farmers were plowing.
Butter is at present selling for 25 cents per pound. This is higher than it
was at any time last season.
Mrs. Lucinda MOORE left for Lawler yesterday to visit relatives.
John McCORMICK, Jr., left for Waterloo last week to attend school during the
Charles J. BERGER has rented the building just west of J.C. PAULSON's
harness shop and will put in a stock of groceries.
Mr. and Mrs. T.B. WALSH have moved to Ayrshire.
H. MILLERKE has traded his farm for the GOETSCH property of Whittemore.
Ole DALEN, who lives northeast of this place, will build at Graettinger and
will engage in the general mercantile business.
R.K. SOPER was recently elected auditor of Emmet county.
Yesterday hogs were selling in this city for $5.65 per hundred.
Monday Treasurer McEVOY sold 175 pieces of land for taxes.
Father KELLY has ordered a new altar for the Catholic church at Graettinger.
M.M. KLIEN has sold his restaurant to B.H. SMITH of Estherville. He intends
leaving for California soon.
A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of December 14, 1892
Last year the creameries of Palo Alto county made 641,000 pounds of butter.
A marriage license has been issued to John LYNN and Louise POWERS.
DOWNS Brothers are feeding 40 head of steers this winter.
A son is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. KNOER.
J.R. PHOENIX has opened a restaurant at Ruthven.
J.E. BEATTY, a Whittemore merchant, has been forced to make an assignment
for the benefit of the creditors.
P.F. VANGORDEN is now traveling for Model Mills.
M.F. RYAN arrived home from West Superior, Wisconsin, Tuesday. He had been
working in his uncle's hardware store for two years.
Mr. PHINNEY, the Iowa State band leader, appeared before the city council
Wednesday evening and asked to have one Palo Alto county boy made a member
of his band during the World's fair. He asked only $500 for the privilege of
having our county represented. There is nothing small about PHINNEY.
Patrick JACKMAN has built a nice residence at Armstrong.
L.H. TAYLOR has bought the farm of his brother, T.H. TAYLOR.
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. MIKESH have gone to Conover to visit relatives.
A girl is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.T. WASHINGTON of Highland
Thirty-one trains passed through Emmetsburg last Sunday.
James EGAN has accepted a position in a drug store at Sibley.
T.J. RYAN & Co. are having a large number of cars painted and arranged
especially for their own shipping purposes.
Arrangements are being made to build a creamery at Crippen. Ambrose CONWAY
has gone to Ames to take a course of instruction in butter making.
N.E. MASON has been elected commander of Henry Dillon Post.
Mrs. William G. REID died December 12.
W.H. and J.J. ROBINS are enjoying a visit from their sister, Mrs. ABBEY, of
Mitchell, South Dakota.
VAUGHAN Brothers and FITKIN have built a mammoth skating rink at the south
end of Medium lake.
It is reported that Geo. and Henry GREMMELS will open a meat market at
W.S. FROST has sold his milk wagon to Matt RYAN.
Dennis FLYNN has secured a position as yard foreman in the Minneapolis and
Omaha yards at Sioux City.
Tuesday while working on a building at Daniel KANE's, M.N. NOLAN fell
fifteen feet and fractured one of his wrists badly.
Monday a Whittemore man named STRAIGHT was found dead in the woods at
Last Wednesday A.W. LEWIS of Inwood and Miss Emma ACERS of this place were
married at Decorah.
Friday the packing house was opened for the slaughtering of beef.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
25 Dec 1912
Mr. and Mrs. Carl LAGE of Anchor, Illinois, are holiday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John KERBER of this place.
Mrs. Thos. KONGSTNEN and daughter are home from Sioux Rapids where they were
for a short time the guests of friends.
The Fort Dodge papers report that Geo. SCHLOSSER of Lost Island township was
a business visitor at that place a few days ago.
Mrs. and Mrs. Dell MURPHY left for Marcus last evening to spend Christmas
with relatives. They will also visit at Cherokee and neighboring points
before returning home.
A few days ago Sam. J. OLSON sold at public auction his 95 acre farm four
miles from Forest City for $150.35 per. The democratic victory has not
injured the price of real estate.
Wm. NICHOLS and family arrived in this city from Argenta, Illinois, the
first of the week. He moved onto the John J. STEIL farm yesterday. He will
work the place during the coming year.
Walter KOCH, who has been attending a business college at Cedar Rapids for
several weeks, was a guest at the home of his brother, Frank KOCH, Friday
and Saturday. He returned to his home in Whittemore Sunday.
John fa*gAN, Albert RENO, K.J. McELROY, Edward NOLAN, and Mr. O'BRIEN of
Ayrshire attending the K.C. initiatory exercises at Fort Dodge a week ago
Sunday. J.J. DOOLEY, of this city, also took in the interesting gathering.
Mr. and Mrs. OSCHNER, parents of Mrs. Martin AUSLAND, have been guests at
the AUSLAND home during the past ten days. The yare on their way home from
Chicago whre Mr. OSCHNER has been taking surgical treatment. They will
remain until after New Year's. They reside at Chamberlain, South Dakota.
People who own their own razors will be interested in the statement of a
magazine that what is known as cuttlefish paper makes an ideal material for
the rapid honing of razors, surgical instruments, etc. This paper is made
for use by dentists for polishing gold fillings and is coated with an
abrasive substance of remarkably fine grain.
During the past two years military companies have been mustered out at
Clinton, Independence, Maquoketa, Knoxville, Des Moines, Mason City and
Sioux City and new companies have been organized in Waterloo, Cedar Falls,
Fort Dodge, and reorganization in Des Moines, Clinton, Sioux City and
Knoxville. A band and a field hospital corps has been organized in Des
The following item will be of interest to Odd Fellows: "Mr. and Mrs. W.E.
ELBERT of Woodbine, are now connected with the Odd Fellows Home, which is
located at Mason City. Mr. ELBERT is superintendent of the entire farm
operations and succeeds the late A.A. CROSLEY. Mrs. ELBERT oversees the Old
Folks Home while Mrs. J.W. DEWIS, who has been with the home ever since it
was established, retains general supervision of both of the buildings."
John J. STEIL moved his family to Emmetsburg Monday. They are again
comfortably located in their neat home.
P.J. MURPHY left for Academy, South Dakota, Friday evening to spend the
holidays with his daughter, Mrs. BRECHEN.
Matt GAPPA is expecting his brother-in-law, Henry Bross, of Kossuth county
today to spend Christmas with him.
Mrs. Joseph KNIGHT, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Monroe JOHNSON,
left for two or three weeks recently to Spencer.
W.H. PARKS left for Leland, Illinois, Saturday to spend the holidays with
relatives and old friends. He formerly resided in that locality.
Miss Anna RUTLEDGE arrived home from Milwaukee Saturday morning to remain
for a couple of weeks. She is teaching in an institution in that city.
The rural mail carriers are required to make their trips as usual today.
This is a little severe on them. However, they can all be home for their
Christmas suppers.
Editor SCOTT of the Argus is a candidate for postmaster of Melvin, Osceola
county. He was at one time foreman in the Tribune office in this city. He
publishes a spicy democratic paper.
Miss Katie MAGUIRE was home from Marshalltown over Sunday. She returned
Monday. In a few days she will accept a position in the office of Mr.
GALLOWAY of Waterloo.
Miss Bessie MILLEA, who has been attending the Presentation academy at
Dubuque since September, came home Friday evening to spend her Christmas
vacation with her parents.
Timothy MAGUIRE, brother of Mrs. John O'BRIEN, recently moved to this city
from some point in Missouri. He is living on his property west of Mrs.
CARMODY's home. He bought the place some time ago.
After January 1 the government will send out 60,000,000 packages of seed.
They will weigh 600 tons. Our congressmen will soon be sending them out to
their political supporters for Christmas presents.
Mrs. and Mrs. T.A. BALDWIN are preparing to move to Texas early in January.
The will locate at Victoria, Elcampo, or Houston. Vicoria is said to be the
richest town in the United States for its size.
John GIBSON was at Ruthven Monday setting up an eight h.p. engine for the
Farmers' Elevator Company of that place. He sold it a few weeks ago. During
the past two years he has put out a large number of engines in that county.
Esedore GAPPA of Fairfield township will have a sale Tuesday, January 7. He
will return to St.Louis county, Minnesota, where he owns land. He lived
there for ten years. He also owns land in Florida. His sale ad will appear
in next week's Democrat.
The Ft. Dodge telephone company is putting in a central energy system
similar to Emmetsburg's. An automatic ringer is used. When the operator
places the plug in the number asked for, the phone on the number starts
ringing and continues until there is a response. The operator can not listen
to the conversation.
County Recorder Cory FRANKLIN is at Ayrshire today eating Christmas turkey
with his parents.
Mrs .and Mrs. Wm. MAHONEY left for Duncombe Monday to spend Christmas with
Mrs .and Mrs. W.H. MORLING and family went to Dolliver yesterday to spend
Christmas with relatives.
Miss Josie DEALY arrived from Perry the last of the week to spend the
holidays with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. THATCHER of West Bend have gone ot Juna, Idaho, whre they
intend to spend the winter.
Wm. BRAGG arrived home from Chicago yesterday. He will doubtless remain
during the holiday season.
Misses Nettie and Nellie SAMMIN are at Rockwell City visiting their brother,
Will SAMMIN and family.
Percy and John WARNKE are home from Calmar for Christmas. They are employed
with a bridge gang at that place.
Miss KENNEDY, one of the public school teachers, is at Armstorng to remain
until the close of the holiday season.
A joint installation of officers of Henry DILLON post and the W.R.C. will be
held some evening early in January.
Miss Margaret RYAN went to Peoria, Illinois, Saturday to visit Dr. and Mrs.
HESSION and Mrs. McDONNELL during the holidays.
Gus WEIDESKIND left for Raymond, Illinois, Monday evening. He intends
remaining until the spring work begins in this county.
Patrick ROGERS is able to go around again after his recent illness. He is
not however, as hearty as he was a short time ago.
Misses Rose MILLER and Florence UNDERWOOD, who are students at Cornell
college, are home for the holiday season.
Sylvester HAND arrived home from Atchison, Kansas, the last of the week. His
is a student at a Catholic college of that place.
Thomas GALLEGER of this city has secured a position with the Rock Island
company as an operator in the depot at Larchwood, this state.
Mrs. DUNKELBARGER returned to Rock Rapids Monday evening. She had been
visiting her mother, Mrs. John EARLY, for a few days.
Fred DUBERT, won first honors in the oratorial contest at Laurens a few
evenings ago and Francis GILCHRIST won in the dramatic class.
A Mr. SEYMOUR who had been working in this vicinity for the past season left
for Olney, Illinois, Friday evening to remain during the holidays.
W. THOMPSON started for Portland, Oregon, Wednesday. If he likes the country
he may remain for quite a while. He will visit with his niece, Mrs. John
A few days ago T.A. BALDWIN sold a quarter section of farm near Walker, Linn
county, for $65 in cash per acre. It is not choice land and there are no
improvements on the place.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HAMILTON, Jr., will spend today with relatives at
Miss Jennie AGNEW is home from Buffalo Center for Christmas. She is teaching
in the schools of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. C.E. TAYLOR and Miss Pearl went to Mason City last evening to
spend Chrismas with Dr. and Mrs. STARR.
J.H. REFSELL, Robert MIDDLETON and Misses Pearl TAYLOR and Winnifred BRERTON
are home from Iowa college for the holidays.
Olai MONSEN, who has been living on the KEATING farm in Great Oak, will move
to Redwood county, Minnesota in February. He recently bought a quarter
section farm in that locality. He paid $62 per acre for it. He had a sale a
short time ago.
Palo Alto County IAGenWeb