I WILL, AS ASSIGNEE OF W. WV. GILL, SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, COMMENCING ON Tuesday, December 224, 1885, and continuing from day to day till all is The stock of goods assigned by W. W. Gill, at the Odd Fellows' Hall, consisting of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, TOBACCO and CIGARS, and COFFEES, MOLASSES, Lot of QUEENSWARE, STONEWARE, CUTLERY, WHISKEYS in 1, 3 and 4 gallon lots-4 years old -APPLE BRANDY, SOAP, STARCH, WOOD add WILLOW- WARE, ALL THE FIXTURES.
TWO PLATFORM SAFE WITH COMBINATION LOCK, BAKING POWDER, SAUCES SCALES, and goods many at other YOUR things OWN too numerous to mention. Call before day of auction and get PRICES. For particulars see bills. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock, a. m.
For terms, apply to W. A. PARKER, Assignee. A. T.
FORSYTII, Auctioneer. A SPECIAL from Washington says that $500,000 will be appropriated by Congress this winter for the Kentucky River improvement. MRS. SALLIE ROWLETT has sold the Oldbam Era to Isaac B. Sparks, and "Buck" Rowlett, the husband and editor, bids a fond farewell to his editorial friends as follows: My future, for a time is mapped out.
I bare offers that, while my family will not bave the comfort of my presence, they will have more of the "wherewith" to purchase other comforts. Wherever my lines may be cast, I want my friends in Oldbam to know that I am at their ser. vice for any 'favor within my power to grant. To the members of the press Johnson, Stanton, Logan, Jones, Champ, Holland, Dittoe, and all the balance, I regret to company, but the best of friends have to part, so I have heard, and it is so with us. May peace and plenty be with you.
Shake. W. WV. ROWLETT. A MISSOURI paper says: "The printing press has made presidents, killed poets, furnished bustles for beauty aud polished genius with the sand-paper of criticism.
It has made the world get up to roll-call every morning; given the pulpit lungs of iron and a voice of steel. It has set up the price on a bushel ot wheat and made the country post-office the glimmering goal of the rural scribe. It has curtailed the power of kings, embelished the pantry shelves and busted rings; it has exposed frauds, brought criminals to justice and has furnished the female race with dress paterns; it has converted bankers into paupers; made wood sawyers of col lege presidents; it has educated the homeless lad, and robbed the philosopher of his reason; it smiles and kicks and cries and dies--but it can't be run to suit everybody and the editor is a tool that tries MONEY WANTED! WANTED, for to one borrow year at $500 7 per on cent. negotiable iuterest. For particulars, apply at this office.
DR. JOHN BOWEN HAS and will removed in the from New York to thiscity, future practice his profession here. Office on Main street, over Gnadinger's confectionery. The Sewing Society -OF TIE- 1st Presbyterian Church will take orders to dress dolls for persons desiring such done for the Holidays. Dolls furnished if desired, Orders can be left at the residence of airs.
Jos Fithian. 13n v5w NOTICE TO TOBACCO MEN I lace the sole of Local Louisville, Agent for of the Sawyer, Counties Walof Bourbon and Fayette, soliciting consignment, and am prepared to offer AS good terms as any other house in the business, to producer and dealers. Parties: wanting reasonable advances upon their goo is, CAD be accommodated at a low rate of interest. I expect visit both counties in a few days, and hope to see all in person. A proper recognition from iny friends, and a share of the public patronage is all I wish.
For the present any communication will reach me at MidwaY Ky. IOIIN J. ROGERS. MASTER'S SALE -OFBOURBON COUNTY LAND, BY the virtue Bourbon of a judgment Circuit of Court, sale made by at the. October Term, 1885, in an action there pending of Geo.
Pugh's Assignee vs. Geo. Pugh, I will sell at auction, at the ('ourt-house door in Paris, Bourbon county, on THURSDAY, December 24th, '85, between the hours of 11 o'clock, a. and I o'clock p. the equity of redemption of the defendant, Geo.
Pugh, in tho tract of land situated borhood of on Townsend creck, in the Station, in said county, containing 281 ACRES, 1 ROOD 15 POLES, sold 1897, hv order of said Court on August 221, when Allen Bashford became purchaser at less than two-thirds its appraised value. a I tract will also sell at the same time and place containing 88 Acres, 2 Roods and 6 Poles, and is the balance of the tract secondly deS cribed in said deed after deducting 60 acres 1 rood and 27 poles, allotted to said Pugh as homestead. The land so allotted as a homestead is described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at 1 on the Northwest side of a Eerossing branch the and branch water gapand running 1 20 poles to then 1 in 61 21 David's poles line; to then 29 110.20 poles to then with his line 64 57 poles to then i0 80 poles to the center of railroad; thence with the railroad as it 7 meanders N.19 l1 poles to 6 20 poles to 3 31 poles to 8 35 20 the poles railroad 9 21 tv 38 poles to 10, then leaving 31 12 48 60 poles to 12; then 76 poles to 13 corner to same; then 25 84 poles to 14; then 9 62 28 64 poles to the beginning. The said 88 acres, 2 roods aDd 6 poles is sitand uated of in the the vicinity of Shawhan Station, The sale tract first above mentioned, will be of the said equity of redemption made to pay the said Pugh's debts and costs and expenses of sale, and the proceeds of the sale of the second tract will, under ment the of the orders of Court, be subject to the paybalance of said Pugh's debts reported. and costs and expenses of sale.
The debt of Bashford and other debts, costs, will amount on day of sale to near $20,000. money TERMS -Equal payments for the purchase at 6, 12 and 18 months credit, with interest from the day of sale at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, for which the purchaser must execute his bonds to me with good and approved security, having the force of judgments, R. JI. HANSON, M1.
C. and Pugh is a by part Daniel of the land conveyed to said Shawhanand wife, by deed of date April 9ci, 1862, now of record in 1110 and Clerk's is the office of the Courbon County Court, tract first described by inetes and bounds in said deed, and is the Same tract TIE BOURBON NEWS. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYA. BRUCE CHAMP, EDITOR BOURBON NEWS PUBLISHING Co. SUBSCRIPTION RATES.
Une year in advance, $2.00 Six months in advance, 1.00 at the Post-office at Parie, as second class mail ADVERTISING RATES. One square of one inch, $1 for one time; each additional time, half that rate. Special ates on large display advertisem*nts. Local advertisem*nts, per line. Pictures, Christmas gifts and embroidery work bragged on at our regular rates.
Marriages and deaths as news items, free. Obituary notices, 10 cents per line. Calls on candidates and their answer 10 gents per line. Announcements for State and Distric offices, $10. For County offices, $5.
Invariably payable in advance. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. AUGUST, For County Judge-MATT TURNEY. County Attorney FORD. County Clerk-Wy.
MYALL. Circuit Clerk--Jos. M. JONES. Jailor-SAM'L T.
Surveyor-J. W. Fox. Coroner--J. ED.
RAY. County School Superintendent-RoBT. L. TALBOTT. ANNOUNCEMENTS.
of Mr. H. C. McLEOD, of Versailles. for the common Pleas Judgeship of this Judicial district; subject to the action of the Democracy.
FOR COMMON PLEAS JUDGE. BY authority, we announce the candidacy T. BATSON. of Millersburg, is a candidate for -subject to the action the Republican party. THe Indianapolis Journal thinks tucky deserves to be called "the mother of Speakers," because it has been honored with the office eleven times.
THE Supreme Court of Ohio has de. cided that a railroad company has no right to carry oil for a certain Oil Company at one price and charge company a higher price for the same service. SAM JONES says "he will fight sin to the very gates of hell." Sam should be careful how he sets his foot down near the gates. The Bible says that the merest jot or tittle will topple a man over into the precipice. GEN.
GEO. D. BLAKEY. a prominent man in Southwestern Kentucky, died Sunday night at Bowling Green, aged 77. In 1848 he ran for Lieutenant Governor on the Emancipation; ticket, beaded by Hon.
Cassius MI. Clay. SENATOR EDMUNDs has introduced a bill granting a pension to Mrs. Julia D. Grant of $5,000 per annum.
A second bill by the same Senator extends to her the franking privilege. The bills are the same as are usually, adopted in the case of the wives of ex-Presidents. Buck, the bug historian, has offended the Peruvian Government by attending a reception in a business suit instead of a dress one. If Buck Rowlett had been sent as Minister to Hayti, he would have appeared in his shirt sleeves and a dirty shirt on. Then there would have been trouble sure enough.
IN ordering a primary election for Franklin county, the Democratic County Committee directed the officers of the election "not to receive the vote of any person who voted for Blaine, Weayer or St. John, or any well known Republican." Should any such be discovered on the poll books they will be scratched off by the County Committee. AN effort will be made in Congress this winter to pass a bill prohibiting the levying of a tax by any State or city upon persons from another State selling goods by samples. The point will be made in favor of such bill that it seeks to correct an evil which has grown up under enactments which are in contravention of the constitutional prohibition against impos ing a tax upon commerce between the States. IN the Senate Mr.
Beck offered a bill to establish the Eastern Judicial District. (It coustitutes into a Judicia: district the counties of Gallatin, Owen, Scott, Wood ford, Mercer, Boyle, Casey, Russell and Clinton, and all the counties of the State lying east and notheast of them as the Eastern Judicial District.) The remain ing counties are to constitute the Western District. The bill was referred. He als introduced a bill for a public building at Newport, to cost $100,000. AT Macedonia, N.
there was trouble between the Rev. Elijah Hammer, of the African Methodist Episcopal church, and certain members of his fiock. At a church fair held in that edifice this trouble brought about hostilities which led to the pastor being driven to his pulpit for shelter. From this sancturey he fired a shot which placed Brother Peter Rock, hors du combat and caused the other assailants to burriedly retreat. When the preacher was arrested he remarked that "he would let them know that because a man's a preacher they can't cut him up." THE probabilities are that the Hoar Presidential Succession bill will be passed in the Senate this week, This bill provides that in case of the death, resignation or disability of the President and Vice- the constitutional successor shali be the Secretary of State, and the succession then descending to the other Cabinet in the order in which their departments were created by law It does not make either the President pro tempore or Speaker of the House eligible.
The effect of this is to keep the succession in the hands of the political party electing the Executive. Senator Edmunds will also probability attach his bill the electoral count to Senator Hoar's bill. Nero Store! Neat Goods! FACTS ARE FACTS; A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE, and the way to make the dollar is to call on the "TWIN BROTHERS." In Ficklen's Building, opposite the Court. House. They have a new and complete stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING.
HATS, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, and other goods too numerous to mention, at prices that will astonish those who will call and examine our goods. Also, a large stock of BLANKETS, COMFORTS, SHAWLS, Give us a call and be convinced that will sell goods lower than were ever offered before. A. L. WOLLSTEIN.
ATTENTION, LADIES! FOR THE NEXTTHIRTY DAYS -I WILL OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK OFDRY GOODS AND NOTIONS AT FROM 25 TO 33 PER CENT. REDUCTION. 150 Ladies' and Children's Cloaks reduced 25 per cent. 100 Redand White Blankets reduced from $3.00 to $2.00. 40 Dozen Ladies' Underwear at 35 cents a-piece.
Worth 50 cents. 100 Comforts at 85 cents each. 200 pieces of the best Calico at 5 and 6 cents. 50 Dozen Linen Handkerchiefs at 10 and 12! cents each. Worth 15 and 20 cents.
Also, all-woolen dress goods, flannels, Jeans, Shawls, Hosiery, reduced in the same proportion. These prices are for CASH only. Respectfully, L. FRANK. CH.
ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE accounts due W. W. Gill not paid by the 10th of November will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. W. A.
PARKER, Assignee of W. W. Gill. COTTAGE FOR RENT NICE cottage on Vine street, newly paintand papered. Has six rooms, kitchen, servants' rooms, porches and pantries.
Everything in splendid repair. 24novtf ALLEN BASHFORD. Turkeys Wanted WE will vember 2d, commence dressing turkeys NOand for good, fat stuff will pay the highest market price cash. For prices, call on 4 O. A.
GILMAN, or W. W. GILL, l'aris, Ky. BIG SLAUGHTER -INCLOAKS and DRESS GOODS. -BEING LARGELY OVER-STOCKED INCLOAKS AND DRESS GOODS, I will, for the next thirty days, close out my entire stock of Cloaks A TR RUINOUS and will sell all FANCY DRESS GOODS at less figures than can now be bought in New York.
The season is growing late, and These Goods Have Got Go Tole I WILL, NOT CARRY THEM OVER! PRICES AT THE COUNTERS! A. NEWHOFF TED. RAY, IL. D. Ag Office and residence on Pleasant street opposite Second Presbyterian Church, Administrator's A LL tate of persons James having Paul, claims against the esdec'd, will present them properly proven either to the undersons signed or W.
M. Purnell, Attorney. All perindebted to said estate, are hereby notified to settle. WILLIAM PAUL, 24novit Administrator. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO Debtors and Creditors.
ALL Shaw, persons holding present claims them a against to Wm. me at once, properly proven as required by law. Also, all persons owing Win. Shaw, will please come forward and settle. (2lapr-if) A.
SHIRE, Assignee. A SMALL FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. TWENTY situated on acres the ot fine Jacksonville improved Leesburg Turnpike. convenient to churches and school. I has on it a comfortable new house with six room, a good barn, stable, smoke-house and hen-house.
A well of fine water, eight acres of fine tobacco land For further particulars, apply 10 JOHN P. SHROPSHIRE, Leesburg Harrison County, Ky. BARGAINS IN RS. nery JOS from SPARKS has Roche's moved her millistore, to his store room near Clendenning's coal office where she will keen A full line of MILLINERY, CLOAKS, NOTIONS, JERSEYS, CORSETS, LADIES UNDERWEAR. all of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH! DO Now goods are being received from the city every few days.
All of the Ladies are Invited. of incorporation hereby given that we, Gray, Buck, McMillan, A Gilman, A Lyle. Geo 4 Varden, Geo B. Lyle and Carney, have associated ourselves tobecome incorporated in the name "The Gray Diamond Spring Bed Bottom Manufactory," for the purpose of manufacturing and selling ented the Diamond Spring Bed Bottom. patplace of by Jos.
Gray, with its principle The transacting business at Paris, Ky. amount of capital stock authorized is twenty thousand dollars, all of which has been taken and paid up in full. The affairs of said corporations to be conducted by a board of five Directors, who shall be elected the first Monday in Decentber annually. The Corporation shall commence cents existence shall on the 28th day of November, 1885, and continue to exist until the 23d day of January, 1900. The highest amount of intion debtedness is at any or time liability to to which the Corporathousand subject itself is ten dollars.
The private property of members and stockholders of the Corporation is exempt Corporate debts. 4decit Fri Chesapeake Ohio Railway SOLID TRAINS AND PULLMAN SLEEPing and Drawing Room Cars Washington City, Staunton, Charlottesville Richmond, Virginia. Through the grand and varied scenery of the Kanawha, New and Greenbrier Rivers and the Alleghany and 'Blue Ridge Mountains. Breakfast at Kanawha Falls, Dinner at Clifton Forge in the Alleghanies, and Tea at the National Capitol. and The the most desirable line route to the Carolinas, only to Newport News, Old Point Comfort and Norfolk.
No. 4. No 6 Arr Kanawba Falls 7 55 am 4 5. alrt pm Lve 11 03 pm 11 45 Arr ('lifton 1 25 pm 6 45 am Arr Charlotte 5 20 pin l1 30 am Arr Arr Washington 9 15 pm Richmond. 8 55 pml 3 45 pm The fast.
Express No. 4 makes only 4 limited number of stops, and pass the famed Hawk's Nests, and White Sulphur Springs in daylight. JOIN STUART, Ticket Agent, C. W. SOTTI, H.
W. FULLER, Paris, Ky. Gen'l Manager. Gen'! Pass'r Agt BOURBON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY STAKES. NOTICE If is Neely, Ino Alexander, Wm as corporators, gether and STAKES for two-vear-old colts.
fillies and geldings, foals of 1881, to be trotted at the Fall tural meeting of the Bourbon County AgriculSociety, 1880 at Paris, mile beats, 2 in 8 to harness; $50 entrance, $25 forfeit, and $10 declaration if made on or before the first day two-thirds of July, of the the Association to add $50; thirds of the whole stake to first; tworemainder to the second 111 balance third. To close January 1st, 1880. Ten or more subscribers to till. STAKE for three-year-old colts, fillies and geldings, foals of 1884, 10 be trotted at the Fall meeting of the Bourbon County cultural Society of 1887. at Paris, mile heats, 3 in 5 to harness; $50 entrance, $25 forfeit, and 810 declaration if made on or Defore the first day of July, 1895; the Association to add $50.
Conditions same asabove. STAKES for four colts, fillies and geldings, foals of 1831 to be trotted at the Fall meeting of the Bourbon County Agricultural Society, of 1888, at Paris, mile heats 3 in 5 in harness; $50 cntrance; $25 forfeit and $10 declaration if made on or before lat of July, 1888; the Association to add $50. Conditions same as above. PRODUCE the produce of mares served in 1885-colts, fillies and geldings (foals of 1886)-to be trotted during the Fair of 1888, at Paris, mile heats, 2 in 3 to harness; $50 entrance, payable as follows: $5 January Ist, 1886, when the mare must be nominated; $10 October Ist, 1886, when the foal must be named and described, and $35 by 7 p. In.
on day before the race; the Society to add $100, which, with the stakes shall be divided as follows: 70 per cent. to first horse; 20 per cent. to second, and 10. per cent. to third.
A payment forfeits amount already paid. Ten or more subscribers to fill, To close January 1st, 1886. Nominations to be made to the Secretary at Paris, Ky. J. W.
SHOES. a WEBB, -THE PARISBOOT AND SHOE DEALER, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANDS THE FULLEST ASSORTMENT OF THE FINEST HAND SEWED WORK -FOR LADIES, MISSES, GENTLEMEN AND -ALSO, A -TOP STOCK OF THEBEST CUSTOM -MADE GOODS Call FOR FARMERS AND LARORERS. and see the most elegant stock ever brought to Paris. 31 Bryant AND Stratton. BUSINESS COLLEGE Arithmetic, Book-keeping, It is Short-hand, the only College Penmanship, Type-writing, Banking, keeping is taught as in this section wherein Bookers, and a thorough books practical are kept by the best book-keepers and bankhave little trouble in obtaining knowledge of accounts given.
Graduates arranged rooms situations. Has the largest and best successful graduates any College in the South or West. Thousands of of testify to above. Call on or address Louisville Corner Bryant Third and Stratton ollege, Jefferson, Louisville, Ky. CANDIES, SUGAR TOYS, CAKES, FIRE WORKS, RAISINS, DATES, DON'T FORGET CHRISTMAS.
JAS. K. DAVIS THE MERCHANT TAILORS, Have just received a full stock of extra fine piece goods of ENGLISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN manufacture. A better assorted stock can not be found in the West. Land at Private Sale! Keas AID CLOVE tons Is to the catch latest improvement.
No hooks or butthe wrist. They or are strain the kid, pull off, or pinch by simple instantly laced or unlaced a small slide. pulling For of the cords, and fastened with construction, durability and simplicity of can never be ease equalled. and Be quicknesss of operation other, as all gloves having this persuaded lacing to can take no pended upon to give satisfaction. be deA.
NEWHOFF. Agent PARIS, KENTUCKY. watered acres of unimproved land, well Millersburg and timbered, on Hinkston, lersburg, precinct, four miles from Milas part of and the seven miles from Paris, known the Jackstown Parker place. It is near has a good pike; mostly in grass, and time. Terms easy Possession given any this office or and price low, Call at address NIMROD 7septf Millersburg, Ky, PARIS 'BUS LINE.
L. F. MANN, Prop FLETCHER MANN, Sups in the connected with and outs made Fare, 25 cis. city. Orders left at hotels or stable.
including ordinary baggage FLOUR. The Staff of Life. The produce of all the first -class mills in the country. Prices the same as at the mills. Call and see.
Chambers, Mitchell Co. Sale Bills, Envelopes, Bill-Heads, Statements, Note Heads, Letter Heads, (Bourbon News Job Printing Tags, Blanks, Business Cards, (Hop Programmes, 3 Wedding Tickets. Etc. 1. 1..