The Noblesville Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana (2024)

THURSDAY. APRIL 29. 1948 NOBLES YULE (IND.) DAILY LEDGER, PAGE FIVE cror cased a wmtnrneao guilty he will be glrea an early Noblesville bearing In the circuit court. Bulletins George Washington gift to his cool 00 bride was a tiny watch whlcB an wore on a ribbon bow pinned to her April he my took ,000 pounds of corn. Checking with the elevator, the Sheriff found he has sold corn for a total of $364.32, but on no occasion did he use his right name.

Once ho assumed the alias of Frank Smith, once he signed the name of Daniel Taylor, and a third time he used the name of Reynolds. The confession further stated that on no occasion did Mr. ARRESTED FOR STEALING CORN Edward Emery. J7, of Elieabeth-town, Ky, who has a wife and a small child and who has been cm-ployed on the Valley Forge Farm of the Harrell family southeast of Noblesville for the past year, was arrested Wednesday evening by FLYING FIELD FLASHES (By Dean nolHngsead) tOontlmnd from page 1) the total weald reach If brooch ap to date, lneladlnf funds aothortwi for the Marshall Plan. The greatest lead-lease aid went iidsmart Sargent, Bob Goldman, Milton to the British Empire, with Rasaia Harrell know that ne took the corn, second, France third and China all of which he says in his state fourth.

Sheriff Carey, Deputy Sheriff Roland Oullkey on the charge of. having stolen corn on ment, waa from the Valley Forge Farm with the exception of one consignment from what is known several occasions. NANKING. Apr. 29-Gen.

$2975 as the Hare farm, east of the city, Because he is alleged to have sold the corn and did not turn over Tsang -Jen, frequently a sharp critic of President Chiang Kai-Shek's ad now owned by Mr. Harrell. to Emery also said in his confession that he was instructed to haul some of the feed to a bunch of MORRIS DUNN, of Cicero, ho has been flying on student permit for more than 10 years, decided he should have a private license. He took his flight test Sunday and late Sunday evening took some of his friends a plane NEW STUDENTS who have enrolled recently are: Raymond Smith, Bob Hayderi, Harold D. Mc-Vey, Ward H.

Stewart and Donald E. Beasley. BOB "GOLDMAN soloed the Tay-lorcraft to Bloomingon and Terre Haute, Thursday. The distance was 205 miles and he flew it in 2 hours Lyle and Runnels Olvey. RAY DAVIS' wife and son were driving to Monticello Sunday when they had car trouble in, Frankfort.

They contacted Ray Davis and he loaded his tools in the Taylorcraft and flew to Frankfort and fixed the machine. Davis flew to Frankfort, repaired the auto, and return-to Noblesville in an hour and one half. SATURDAY, Vcight, Harry Beaman, and Dick Richwine, with Ben Berg as pilot, flew in the Stln-son to DaytonOhiQ lor the dedi REDUCE PAYMENTS CONSOLIDATE DEBTS Get $50 $150 $250 of more on your own siojia-ture and security, consolidate your debts and TAKE 15-18-ORMORE. MONTHS TO PAY Just phone or drop In and arrange for the cash you need. Local Finance Corporation hogs on another HarrtU farm in the vicinity of Strawtown but instead of doing so he sold all of $47.50 the feed.

the money. Prosecutor Frank W.i Campbell says he likely will charge him with embezzlement Instead of grand larceny. The Sheriff's office has been Investigating this matter for some time but did not have sufficient evidence to make the arrest until Wednesday. The officers say the defendant readily admitted the thefts and signed a confession. The thefts, according to Emery's signed statement, began in February when he took 2.300 pounds of corn and sold it at the Cicero ele ministration, was elected today to the office of the first constitutions! Vice President In China's history.

ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. H. A. Sweet, Camp, R. 1, entertained for luncheon-bridge, Tuesday, at 13:30.

Guest were Mesdames Charles Johnson, of Indianapolis, G. H. Patterson, of Sp ir-g Mill Road, Roy Vondette, Henry. Baumeier, Harold Riley, "of Westfijld, C. A.

Craig and Jean-nette Caca, of Noblesville. The defendant said he was paid a salary of $85 a month and was furnished two hogs for his meat, a truck patch, chickens and a cow for milk and butter for his family. However, Emery, also iaid in the statement that he could not make ends meet and found it necessary to seli -Uie corn. In view of the fact that he has cation of "Wright Skyway." These local men participated in the dedication ceremonies of No. 1 ana luiuukea.

HERMAN BERG has transferred his plane from Cicero to the No vator. In March he listed his theft 40 S. 9th St Job Work at Ledger Office at 1,120 pounds- of corn, and In as the "Wright Skyway" in honor Orville and Wilbur Wright. There was an excellent program witn blesville airport. A FEW Sunday cruisers were: Fred "Stephenson, Elmore Enlow, Maurice Irvin, Dale Hammack, are ws' MEAT PhiUip Reel, Belford Gunion, John Lightweight Wool Suits Perfect for spring through summer is this 100 wool light wcighter.

In single or double breasted Jimmie Doolittle as speaker JOE LOVE flew another ship, the Taylorcraft, to the Wright Skyway dedication. JIM BECK recently receiveefhis ground school' instructor's rating in meteorology and classes in meteorology will start soon at the Noblesville airport. DO YOU KNOW that more gal Meat that's not only tender, juicy and flavorful, but alao ittractivalr' priced, repre. tents real value! And that'i exactly what you'll find to the Meat rpartment of you Super Market not just on week-ends, bat every day in the week. You 11 find a wide selection of your favorite cuts to cboom from, too.

Our I Way -J Plan! josee lons of water come out the exhaust of an- internal combustion- engine than gallons of gasoline consumed? J. Beck says this is true not only of aircraft engines but also in any Sizes 34 to 50. FANCY BRANDS SMOKED SHANK HALF LB. automobile engine for an, auto engine is aninternal combustion TO THE VOTERS OF HAMILTON COUNTY: Due to unavoidable has been impossible for me to contact and solicit your support personally "in lihcbmingepufcH lican Primary, May 4th, and herewith, wish to present a brief resume of qualifications for your consideration: Graduated from Purdue in 1903 school of Outfitters For Men. engine.

This was first utilized when the Graf Zeppelin flew FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF around the world several years ago They collected water from the exhaust of 4 of the 6 engines for bal race lb 49c lb. 45c SMALL SIZE last replacing the weight of the gasoline consumed. South Side Square Noblesville Civil Engineering; reg COOKED PICNICS GRADE 'A' SLICED BACON FRESH, FULL DRESSED FRYING CHICKENS FANCY SKINLESS WIENERS istered Professional En lb 59c 1 lb 69c fl ib. 45c gineer in Indiana and MESSAGE TO THE VOTERS Pennsylvania with (Campbell Campbell, Attys.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE 6183 Notice is hereby given to the heirs and legatees of Ernest Cloe, deceased, to appear in the Hamilton Circuit Court, held at Noblesville, Indiana, on the 10th day of May, 1948, and show cause, if any, why the FINAL SETTLEMENT ACCOUNTS with the estate of said decedent should not be approved; and said heirs are notified to then and there make proof of heirship, and receive their distributive shares. WITNESS, The Clerk of said Court, Jthis J5thday pfpril948.

A. Joseph Baker, Clerk Hamilton Circuit Court. (SEAL) Apr. 16-23-30. practically 45 years ex- BEHALF OF R.

C. FOLAND penence in tne engi neering profession on tfWtWr" QUALITY Voting for men to form and draft our laws is of the most vital importance. In my opinion we should give more consideration and rarrful thought in selecting men to make our iayvs" than for any COME TO FOR "FARM-FRESH" PRODUCE! ANCELUS other-officer- The laws- by which wc-are governed and under railroad and highway construction, maintenance and design, including bridges and we live should be made by capable, broad-minded men. In matins up our minds, therefore, for whom we should vote much considera-tinn should be eiven. In the candidate should be analyzed r.lARSIir.lALL0l7S I JCike IEggpnSQMl? 10-Oz.

17c Pkg. Many of our customers have never eaten this fine nutritious vegetable. Our produce departments are featuring this item at a very low price and the quality is tops. The food value is high there are 28 calories per serving. Try some this week.

ICa can do. All these things help to mate up the character ana experience of the man. Is he mature in his thinking? Is he a man whohas had wide experience? Has he been a successful man? Is he a'man of conviction and courage? Is he a person you can approach, one with whom you can confer? Will he listen to reason? He should be a man in whom you can place confidence. He should be a successful business man, one who has done and is doing things successfully. He should also be a busy man, if you please.

If you want a thing well done, get a burv man to do it; why, because he gets things done, and done right. There is an old saying, that "you don't know a man until you have worked with him." This is ceriainly true, for in this close contact, you really come to know him and discover his ability to do things. You learn the extent of his experience, his ability and his resourcefulness. You also learn his loyalty to those with whom and for whom he works and with whom he deals. IONA BRAND Pork Beans STA-FLO Liquid Starch WHITE GOLD Caca Sugar t8-Os, Bot 2li A9 buildings; industrial valucrtion and appraisals, and consultant efficiency engineer on coal mining operations.

Your support will be appreciated and if nominated and elected, assure you of my best efforts commensurable of my professional and business experience. FREDC.HOHN Candidate For -Lb. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County, Indiana, will receive sealed bids in the office of the undersigned until 1:00 p. Monday, May 3, 1948, for groceries for the County Farm. List of groceries is now on file in the Couny Auditor's Office.

All supplies to be delivered when superintendent of County Farm specifies. Any groceries purchased as extra after contract Is filled must be purchased at contract price. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day" of April, 3948. CHARLES S. CROOKS, Auditor Hamilton 23-30 (Meade Vcstul, Atty.) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 6620 Bag ffie- PILLSBURY OR GOLD MEDAL Flour 10 02o TOM HERE'S HOW TO PREPARE IT: FRIED EGGPLANT AND CHEESE Cut eeeplant without peeling in slices and lay In salted water for two hours." Keep slices under water or they discolor.

When ready to cook, dry thoroughly with a towel and sprinkle ZION RED LABEL Fig Bars SULTANA BRAND Apple Butter PACKER'S LABEL 2353 I have known R. C. Poland nearly all of my life and have-watched his actions and success. I have worked for him and with him' for three years and four months. This has brought me inclose contact with him and I can truthfully- say that all of his dealings have been open and above" board.

He has been square and honest with me and with his clients. I have found him to te very capable, and am really amazed at his wide experience, knowledge and ability to do thingsJVith thirty years of experience in the real estate and auction business he has touched elbows with people in nearly all walks of life, in -nearly every angle of business and with all classes and kinds of people. His dealings with business men, farmers, merchants', bankers, lawyers, preachers, work1-ing men, industrialists, speculators, investors, home-buyers, men who are "up against it," and, in fact, people of all walks of life have broadened his views and brought him into a sympathic understanding of what laws are necessary for the common good; In fact, he has had experience with all angles of the interests of every man, woman and child. with salt and pepper on both sides. Put the slices in a frying pan with some drippings and coon slowly until brown and tenderr Place the-slices in a shallow ian and sprinkle over some snappy 1 cheeserriced Set in'oven a few moments to.melt the cheese.

Arrange on a platter and 14-071 Catsup serve. COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1st District. Delaware Township (Pd. Pol. adv.) Apr.

29-3t Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County, State of Indiana, Administrator of the estate of William H. Meara, late of Hamilton County, deceased. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. Kenneth Meara, Administrator. April Apr.



JANE PARKER POTATO CHIPS MARVEL ENRICHED WHITE BREAD VaLb 3IC 6-Oz, Pkg. SURE GOOD 1 2c OLEOMARGARINE 34c IONA BRAND TbHsJ D.Hj0-, Lb. 2b 3 No. 2 Can He also has had a wide experience in the field of taxation -which is of very vital interest to all, especially when taxes are so high. His four year record as County Assessor speaks -for itself.

In this service as in his business, he gave impartial, unbiased, successful and honesty to this trust. His work as Inheritance Tax Appraiser for Hamilton County has been another important angle -of his service. I am convinced, beyond any doubt, after having "been associated with him for over three years, Roland C. Poland, is the man with all the foregoing attributes, which are necessary for a well qualified representative. He will seek and work to meet our confidence and will come up to 'our expectations and wishes.

Give him a "good think" and vote for him because a vote for him is a vote for your own interests, which I know he really has at heart. I want to say further, and I. know whereof I speak, he is the true friend of the poor rman, he has helped more people get homes who were without funds and who were up against it for a place to live, than any man in the county. I can cite you to several "who were refused financial aid by regular financial institutions, whom Mr. Foland accommodated.

Just a few weeks ago a couple made their last payment and took their deed and were made happy and secure, all due to the generosity of Col. Foland. In this particular case financial aid was positively refused by others. It Is my honest opinion that these people never wouid have owned a home otherwise. It wa3 a source of.

gratitude to see how happy these people were and may I say our entire office force was made happy. Truly Col. Foland is the poor man's friend. I know. Give him due consideration and if ycu do you will give him your vote.

7 Yours for better government "of the people, by the people and for the people." John M. Essington BRIGHT SAIL Compare Bleach 'rf 1 mnrm TfKMTf i Iff ffiK PUBLIC AUCTION The following articles will be sold at public auction at the farm of OCEE B. NEIDHAMER, located 4 miles east of Tipton.or one mile west of Hobbs, on Saturday, May 1,1948 At 1 P.M. 6 rooms of household goods, including many antique items. Also farming implements including Farmall F12 with plows and cultivators.

TERMS: CASH Not responsible in case of accidents. MARY HENERSON, Guardian of Ocee B. Neidhamer. O. B.

SWINFORD and TAD HOUSE, Auct. tka Prieo Gal FAMOUS EIGHT O'CLOCK Odhs-ffi-Ca IMS SULTANA BRAND Peanut Butter TIDE'S IN DIRTS OUT ARMOUR'S LEAVES NO SOAP FILM DREFT SAFE WHITE SOAP SILVER DUST boj 36c TIDE TtlEET Caraon Faea- Cloth -Cm. (Pd. Pol. adv.) I JOHN BATZNEK, owner of farm implements in tnjaT la ETory Box.

The Noblesville Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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