The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

5, 1960 THE PADUCAH SUN- DEMOCRAT PAGE THREE Burley Prices Hold Own; Sales Resumed LOUISVILLE, Ky, Jan. 5 (AP)- State burley tobacco prices are holding their own' wtih preChristmas averages. The 27 markets, holding sales Monday averaged $59.43 a hundredweight on 11,888,612 pounds selling for $7,064,930. Sales December 18, last day before the recess, averaged three cents less per hundred pounds on 8,003,602 pounds which netgrowers $4,753,764. Franklin held its final aucMonday.

Horse and Springfield will close after their auctions Wednesday. London plans 'a final Thursday. Shelbyville and Winchester are scheduled to close after sales Friday, but Shelbyville usually has a cleanup sale. POWERFUL NEW -Ear Hearing Aid New ZENITH Quality DIPLOMAT HEARING AID only $165 See and test this new Zenith achievement POWER TALLNESS in An Al-the-Ear Hearing Aid FREE DEMONSTRATION Lana Bros CHARLES N. STONE Ph 213 Broadway 2-3561 6 HOUR PHOTO FINISHING Black and White In Before 10 A.M.

Out By 4 P.M. Regal PHOTO SERVICE 1914 Broadway You'll Like Dalton's Quality Cleaning LIKE NEW Stop By This Week! DALTON CLEANERS 320 No. 13th Lexington sold 2,772.928 pounds for $1,698,614 Monday, an average of $61,28. Carrollton's $63.20 WAS the state's Highest and Henderson's $47.69 the lowest Monday, the state Department of Agriculture reported. The Federal State Market News Service said the market was fairly steady on the eightstate belt Monday.

Nondescript offerings showed the largest to $7 a hundredweight. Average prices on a few lower quality leaf grades and flyings decreased with $1 losses in most cases. The practical top was $70. Quality was improved. Pre-holiday sales in the belt totaled 468,864,311 pounds, averaging $60.67 a hundredweight: Sales of burley tobacco Monday on Kentucky markets as reported by the state Department of Agriculture: Market: Pounds Money Avg.

B. Green C'Iton Cov'ton Cynthiana Danville Franklin Glasgow Greensb'g Har'burg Henderson Hop' 'ville Horse C. Lebanon Lex'ton London Louisville Mayfield--No Maysville Morehead Mt. Sterl'g Owensboro Paducah Paris Richmond Russellville--No Shelbyville Springfield Somerset Winchester Total (Note: Mt. plete.) 218,542 $112,705 $51.57 985,860 623,085 63.20 132,730 77,318 58.25 457,922 285,788 62.41 335,750 195,831 58.33 60,414 32,540 53.86 300.054 157,423 52.46 260,808 151,656 448,110 265,343 59.21 29,168 13,910 47.69 292,344 158,224 54.12 342,544 189,404 55.29 260,146 145,244 55.83 2,772.028 1,698,614 61.28 239,342 135,398 56.57 601,748 348,659 57.94 Sale.

978,542 596,534 129,626 75,432 58.19 122,028 73,582 60.30 207,892 108,962 52.41 288,236 149.269 51.79 243,442 148,879 61.16 429,094 251,478 58.61 Sale. 905,906 568,494 62.75 188,950 114.028 60.35 216,142 123,504 57.14 441.244 263,614 59.74 11,888.612 $7.064,930 $59.43 Sterling figures incom- Sturgill: Car Inspection Up To Locals FRANKFORT, Jan. 5 (A)- Public Safety Commissioner Don Sturgill said today inspection of out-of-state cars being licensed for the first time in Kentucky is a matter to be handled by local officials. He said the state police force is too small to handle the inspections, required by a newly effective law. Sturgill said state police have no jurisdiction in several towns in Northern Kentucky, where a controversy has developed.

The law requires the inspections be made by peace. officers but sets no fee. Ten persons attempting to register their cars with the Kenton County clerk Monday were denied inspections by the sher-1 iff's office, Covington and state police. Covington Police Chief John Bornhorn said he had no orders to inspect ct cars. And Sheriff Carl J.

Ruh said his office does not have enough men to handle the inspections. Ruh said Rep. John Isler of Covington plans to sponsor a bill in the legislature this to clarify the law. Sturgill said his own legislative program, calling for auto inspections and a centralized auto title agency, would elimi: nate the problem. It would call for a fee of 75 cents to $1 for auto inspections, to be handled by authorized garages and service stations.

In the meantime, he said, he will attempt to work with local officials to iron out the inspection problem. But he said state police would charge anyone found in violation of the inspection law even though the person had been unable to have his car inspected. DON'T FORGET! Men's and JULES Boys' SHOP STILL) HAS THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN. DON'T MISS THEIR TREMENDOUS PREINVENTORY SALE NOW IN PROGRESS! BARGAINS GALORE! 211 Broadway Calamity On Paper: 'Make-Believe' Flood Will Test Engineer Pre Preparedness VICKSBURG, 5- A make-believe Mississippi River flood from St. Louis, to the Gulf of Mexico will test the preparedness of Corps of Engi4 neers, flood fighters beginning January 11, it was announced today by Maj.

Gen. A. Carter, president of the Mississippi Riv-1 er Commission and Division Engineer of the Lower Mississippi, Valley Division of the U. S. Army Engineers.

This "paperwork" flood fight will be complete in every detail, with hypothetical river stages. predictions, and special situations being used to bring the crest down the Mississippi. The purpose of the practice exercise is to rehearse activities which would be performed in an actual flood emergency. A compressed time scale will be used, with two hours of each day for the next two weeks representing a day during the imaginary flood. The practice fight will be carried on in the same manner as a flood would be handled.

stated General Carter. "We have confidence in our flood control plan, but complacency about the situation could be disastrous. must always be on the alert and ready to combat a major flood, even though we are not expecting one," he said. Three U. S.

Army Headquarters, two Coast Guard Districts, three Regional offices of the Office, Civil And Defense Mobilization, and the local boards in the area will cooperate with the Mississippi Commission and Division office and the district offices at St. Louis, Memphis, Vicksburg, and New Orleans In fighting the mock flood. Residents Of Little Creek District Form Sub- Watershed CLINTON, Jan. 5-About 75 residents of the Little Creek area formed. a sub- watershed last night in an organizational meeting in the office of the county agent here.

Little Creek flows north of Dublin and Beulah and empties into Obion Creek near Highway 51. The purpose of the meeting was to determine whether residents of the area wanted the sub- program. carried out. The organitation will install 13 minor sediment retarding structures, designed to stabilize land, and three floodwater retarding structures. The creek's channel will be straightened and cleaned? Leaders of the program have the entire project completed by the end of 1960.

Bennett Hayden Giraves County was elected chairman of the group. Ernest Murphy of Caldwell Man, 94, Dies, Leaves 96 Descendants PRINCETON, Jan. 5 (Special) Rufus Marion Jackson; 94, died at 9:30 p.m. Sunday at his home on the Wilson Warehouse Road. survived by 96 direct descendants.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Morgan Funeral Home with the' Rev. J. W. Creasy and the Rev.

Reed Woodall officiating. Burial will. be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Survivors include the widow, G. W.

Babb Sr. Rites Wednesday MAYFIELD, Jan. 5 (Special) -Funeral services for O. W. Babb 57, will be held at 2 p.m.

Wednesday at Byrn Funeral Home with the Rev. James Gilbert officiating. Burial will be in Maplewood Cemetery. Mr. Babb, an automobile mechanic, died at 3 p.m.

Sunday at Fuller -Gilliam Hospital here. He was connected with Anderson Motor Co. here for many years until he started his own repair shop in 1950: Survivors include his widow. Mrs. Mary Louise Babb, two sons, O.

W. and Robert K. Babb, Mayfield; three daughters, Kushner, Los Angeles; Mrs. Victor Malone, Mayfield, and Mrs. Ray Shupe, Natchez, four brothers, Armond, Andrew, Lincoln and Elmer Babb, Mayfield; three sisters, Mrs.

Clarence Fisk and Mrs. Odie Perkins, Mayfield, and Mrs. Ralph Crouch, Murray, and 12 grandchildren. Cecil G. Cobb Funeral Today MAYFIELD, Jan.

5 (Speservices for Cecil dial Cobb were held at 2 p.m. today, the at Rev. Byrn John Funeral Huffman Home officiating. Burial was in Highland Park Cemetery. Mr.

Cobb died at 5 a.m. Sunday at Fuller-Gilliam Hospital. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Kate Cobb, two sons, Morris G. Cobb, Mayfield, and Malone Cobb, Rocky River, Ohio; a daughter, Mrs.

George Callahan, Nashville: a brother, Luther Cobb, Farmington, and three grandchildren. Walter Russell Rites Wednesday Funeral services for Walter E. Russell, 78, 401 Fountain who died Monday morning, will be held at 2 p. Wednesday at Harris Funeral Chapel with the Rev. M.

H. Stroud officiating. Burial will. be in Maplelawn Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Harry B.

Ford Will Edd Hurley, Owen Lynn, Eugene Beasley, Matthew. Dickson and Wayne Lamden. Members of Mangum IOOF Lodge will serve as honorary pallbearers. neral Home. Friends may call at Harris The billion-dollar gaseous diffusion plant erected by the Atomic Energy Commission about six years ago is just off.


3-7323 WEST. KY. MATTRESS MFG: AND FURNITURE CO. TVA Enters 1960 With Nine Big Building Jobs Under Way TVA enters 1960 with nine major and a number of minor. construction jobs on the on which some 5,700 engineering, construction, and related workers are expected to be employed by July, increase of 700 from, the present 5.000.

Three of the construction jobs which will be started this year are being built under contractthe bridge across the Fort Loudoun Dam, the Knoxville power service center and general garage, and a railroad bridge span at Muscle Shoals. All other construction is with TVA'S own forces. Some. of will get under way in 1960; balance thine started in previous years will be continued. Like all government, agencies TVA keeps its accounts on a fiscal year basis -from July 1 to June 30.

For the current fiscal includes the first six months of calendar 1960 TVA has budgeted construction expenditures of about 000. This is the work which faces the new year: Wilson Dam hydro generating units. Each of these three units will have a capacity of 54,000 kw and all are scheduled for operation in 1961, Wheeler Dam hydro generatling units. The capacity of each of these three units is to be 400 kw; their completion is scheduled for late 1962. Widows Creek Steam Plant.

A 500,000 kw unit is about twothirds completed, and operation is scheduled for late 1960. Steam Plant. Construction on a 500.000 kw unit is expected to start this month, with completion scheduled for late 1962. Paradise Steam Plant. Work on TVA's newest steam plant will continue.

A 600,000 kw unit 18 expected to be operating in the autumn of 1962. Kingston Steam Plant. Work is. continuing on installation of electrostatic precipitators in the plant's nine units. Fort Loudoun Dam Bridge.

This is being constructed under contract, with completion scheduled -in 1961. Knoxville power service center and garage. This also is A contract job, and will be completed this year. Wilson Dam lock. Work will continue this year on deepening one of the old locks and construction under a contract of a lift.

span on a railroad bridge below the dam. The new lock is in service. Nearly 250 miles of transmission lines are under construc- of of Ohio's Chief Backs Kennedy COLUMBUS, Jan. 5 (UPD -Ohio Governor Michael V. Di- Salle today endorsed Sen.

John F. Kennedy for the Democratic presidential nomination, and said he will campaign as a favorite son in Ohio pledged to Kennedy's candidacy. Ohio was the first big state to endorse Kennedy. DiSalle will lead the 64- vote Ohio delegation, fourth largest the nation, into the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles in July pledged to the Massachusetts senator. Disalle's surprise, announcement was seen as a tremendous boost for Kennedy, frontrunning candidate for the nomination in most public polls.

Disalle, who served as President Truman's federal price stabilizer during the Korean War, invited other, candidates to compete with Kennedy in an open primary. He had kept his announcement a secret from even his. wife. Disalle's announcement WAs considered a jolt to the darkhorse hopes of Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo).

Most observers had felt Disalle would throw his support to Symington, con- River News Jan. 5 FS. Pittsburgh 25 Cincinnati 52 Evansville 35 Mt. Carmel 16 Nashville 40 Chattanooga 33 Florence 18 Ky. Dam Upper PADUCAH 39 43 Cairo 45 St.

Louis 30 Memphis 35 Rise. -Fall. Graves County was named vice chairman and Alvin Dodson of Hickman County secretary. Six directors were namedAubrey Goatley and James Davis of Hickman County, Jim Dodson and Harold Willett of Carlisle County, and Nobut. Hobbs and Orey Willett of Graves County, Ht.

Chg. Rain 16.8 .00 26.7 .00 19.3 .00 7.1 .00 23.0 .00 14.1 .00 10.3 .00 19.1 .00 21.2 0.3 .00 22.2 28.6 0.3 .00 10.1 .00 17.6 .06 m-Missing. Salem Man Nabbed In Burglary Cases CHICAGO, Jan. 5 (UPD- Two men wanted for burglaries in Indiana were arrested today by detectives. in a South Side hotel.

They were identified as Edward Fanning, 21, Huntland, and Raymond Hodge, 21, Salem, Ky. Authorities said they had just returned from two burglaries in Morocco and Dumont, and had about in loot, when detectives arrested them. Hodge had two loaded revolvers and Fanning one, but there was no resistance. raTher were the picked Lake up County, on a war- sheriff for a safe burglary last week. Howle Installed By Hazelwood Lodge BARLOW.

Jan. 5-Eddie Gene Howle has been installed as worshipful master of Hazelwood Lodge No. 489 Dr. H. G.

Sargent, retiring master, was installing officer. Other officers elected and appointed for 1960 were Donnie Purvis, senior warden; Earl McNeeley, junior warden; W. E. Abell, treasurer; Waldo Page, secretary; Philip' Chandler, senior deacon; Joe Ben Piper, junior deacon: Gene Owens, senior steward; Lindsey Price, junior steward; Vernon Golightly, tyler; Herbert Durrett, marshal, and Dr. H.

G. Sargent, chaplain. sidered a likely 'compromise didate in a deadlocked convention. DiSalle, who had been considered a possible vice presidential candidate, said his decision rules out a Kennedy-DiSalle ticket "for obvious reasons." Both are Roman Catholics. "I believe that Senator Kenwill be nominated and elected." DiSalle said.

"Although some say he is toon youthful, I feel that age not the governing factor in determining a man's qualifications. "People have said that his religion is a disqualification for office. I say that in a there cannot be a tion because of race, or color. "This will give us an opporto demonstrate to the tunity, the world that our democratic nation can practice and does practice, the principles it advocates. Grand Jury Returns Three Bills; Peck Is Indicted Finley Peck was accused of assault and battery today in three indictments returned by the McCracken County grand jury.

Two of the indictments charged him with assaults on his former wife, Thelma Peck. the other with an assault on Charline Hill. These were among seven indictments returned by the grand jury on the second day of its January session. Circuit Judge C. Warren Eaton set bond of $500 on each of the three indictments against Peck.

The name of one defendant was withheld pending his arrest. Other defendants, the charges against them and the amount of their bonds: Raymond Hammonds and Glenn Riley, storehouse breaking, James Lowery, taking and driving a motor vehicle without the owner's consent, 000; Willie Lee Curtis and Paul V. Anderson, taking and driving A motor vehicle without the owner, consent. $1,000 each; William Cole, taking and driving a motor vehicle without the owner's consent, $1,000. Humphrey Warns Tax Hike May Be Needed In Future WASHINGTON, Jan.

5 Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D- Minn) said today that taxes might have to be hiked to straighten out "a series of problems that have been swept under the rug" by President Eisenhower. Humphrey, who announced last week that he was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, said the nation's revenue needs might be met by stimulating the economy and closing tax loopholes. "But if the needs should prove larger, then the American people should be asked to face up to that prospect and pay the bill," Humphrey told the Nation- Plastic Bag Kills Two Young Brothers WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.

Jan. 5 (UPD-Two young brothers were suffocated by a plastic bag yesterdarothers, David Hummell, 3, and his brother, George, 2, apparently pulled the bag from clothing hanging in a closet in their home, and wrapped themselves in it." Police said. Their mother, Mrs. Judith Hummell, 20, tore the bag open and vainly attempted mouth -tomouth respiration. Hospital attendants pronounced the boys dead at the scene.

Airman Leonard Hummell, the boys' father, is stationed at Seymour Johnson Air Base in North Carolina. WPSD-TV Channel 6 UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY by multiple needle electrolysis thermolysis. Consultation without charge. PAUL RUPRECHT, 506 Broadway Phone 3-1075 Personal Stationery Printed on our finest grade 100 ENVELOPES fancy finish bond. Executive Size Your choice of colors 100 SHEETS Blue Ivory Pink Numerous Type Beautifully Styles For Your Boxed Selection PADUCAH PRINTING CO.

108 Broadway Phone 3-5383 tion. Several- new substations are being, built, and others are being expanded. Other transmission lines. and substation work are in the designing stage. Among the minor construction Jobs planned for the year are: Steel gates will replace flashboards at Chatuge and Nottely Dams; yard improvement and cleanup work at the Johnsonville, Gallatin, John Sevier and Shawnee Steam Plants; visitors' building at Norris Dam: installation of car for inclined railway at Fontana Dam; property maintenance building at Cherokee Dam.

In addition, design studies for a new lock at Wheeler Dam will go forward and arrangements between TVA, the state of Tennessee, and the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads for a bridge across the Pickwick Dam will be worked out. Paducah Sun By carrier, in Paducah per month $1.50. per three months $4.50. per six months $9.00.

per year $18.00. Outside of McCracken County by carrier or mail in carrier zones 35c per week. By mail ANYWHERE THE SUN-DEMOCRAT DOES NOT TAIN DELIVERY SERVICE in Ballard. Carlisle, Fulton, Hickman, Graves, Marshall, Lyon, Calloway, Caldwell, Crittenden, Livingston and Trick 'Counties. Kentucky: Weakley, Henry and Obion Counties.

Tennessee: Massac, Johnson and Pope Counties, Illinois: $1.35 per month, $3.50 per three months, $6.50 per six months, $11.00 per year. Outside the above mentioned counties. $1.50 per month, $9.00 per six months, $18.00 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mrs. Necie Wilson Jackson, five daughters, Mrs. Alma Tyrie, Miss Maude Jackson and Mrs.

Louise Smith, all of Princeton; Mrs. Johnson, Miami, and Mrs. Ann Skinner, Cadiz; three sons, J. D. and Johnson Jackson, Princeton, and Richard Jackson, Detroit; 49 grandchildren and 39 great grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs.

Nancy Briscos, Plant City, Fla. Friends may call at Morgan Funeral Home. 'Doc' Watkins Rites Wednesday SALEM, Jan. 5-Charles B. (Doc) Watkins, 72, died at 6:25 a.m.

Monday at his home in the Liberty Grove community of Crittenden County after. a long illness. Funeral services be held a.m. Wednesday at Boyd Funeral Chapel with the Rev. William Young officiating.

Burial will be in a cemetery at Hawesville. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Effie Watkins, a daughter, Mrs. Ann Temkin, Chicago, and a Edward Watkins, Valley Station. Friends may call at Boyd Funeral Home.

W. E. Wilson, Caldwell, Dies PRINCETON, Jan. 5 (Special) -William Elbert Wilson, 92, died at 11 a.m. Monday at his home in the

Funeral services will be held, at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Liberty Baptist Church in Lyon County, with the L. J. Knoth officiating. Burial will be in Liberty Cemetery.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Davis and Mrs. Mary Dalton, Caldwell County, and Mrs. Ludie Robertson, Paducah: two sons, Robert and Felix Wilson, Clinton, six grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Friends may call at Morgan Funeral Home.

Mrs. Tison. Funeral Held MARION, Jan. 5 (Spe-Funeral services for Mrs. Florence Brightman Tison, 84, were held p.m.

Sunday at the Rev. officiatRosebud Methodist, Church with ing. Burial will be in the cemetery. Mrs. Tison, Sturgis Rt.

3, died Friday in Crittenden County Hospital here. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Mattie Arflak and Mrs. Myrtle Wallace, Evansville, and Mrs. Albert Clark, Sturgis.

Dr. King To Speak At Mission Drive At Baptist Church The Kentucky State Foreign Mission drive will be conducted at 7:30 tonight at. Washington St. Baptist Church. Dr.

D. E. King, pastor of Zion Baptist Church of Louisville, will be the principal speaker. The public is invited. All Pictures by Sun- Democrat Photographers Appearing in the Paducah Sun-Democrat Are Available At BRANDT Photo Engraving Co.

213 4th per year. Pop SaysLocal merchants believe in the power of newspaper advertising-last year they and other local advertisers invested whopping $2.4 billion for ads in their local papers. or threatened with deafness? Place your problem in the trained hands of CERTIFIED HEARING AID AUDIOLOGIST Hard of Hearing? al Press Club in a prepared He said the nation sould be "disabused" of any notion that the current tax structure "is as immutable and heaven-sent as the Scriptures." can afford to do what needs to be done," Humphrey declared. He did not give any details of what kind of tax increase might be needed. Humphrey said that since Eisenhower became President in 1953, solutions to the nation's problems have been "tailored to fit the economic strait jacket we had designed for ourselves." He said the next President "is going to inherit a series of problems that have been swept under the rug where they have been festering and intensifying." "Someone--the American people ultimately--must pay the price for this ostrich-like attitude," Humphrey said, "and it will be a price that has been accumulating compound interest." Among the problems which Humphrey said Eisenhower has dealt with on the basis of "rigid.

artificial, budgetary" considera-tions were defense, foreign aid. the classroom shortage, stream pollution, slums, automation and falling farm income. White When House, Eisenhower Humphrey entered said, the "America entered a new era- -the age of complacency." The the next President must tell the nation that "if the age of complacency continues, America will soon become a second-class power." Members of The Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists been CERTIFIED as tent, because of their ence, ability, and conscientious handling of their bilities to the hard of hearing public. These Certified Hearing Aid Audiologists are qualified to make the necessary hearing analysis and non-medical recommendations. They have the practical experience to furnish the exact hearing aid which will best overcome your own type and degree of hearing loss.

You can be sure you are in the best hands, when you discuss your hearing problems with Certified Hearing Aid Audiologists, who proudly display the official Seal of The Society. Arthur Azar Your Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist in this area. BELTONE Hearing Service Guthrie Dial 5-6220 See Announcements Dairy Brand's Knocking Man' IS COMING In This Paper Soon!.

The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.