The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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The Lexington Heraldi

Lexington, Kentucky

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THE LEXINGTON HERALD State Society And General New Talks On Trends Of Courts Open Attorneys' Convention Mayor Replies To Suit Filed By Ex-Richmond Police Chief Lexington Ky Friday Morning December 11 1964 29 Capitol Offense FRANKFORT Ky Dee 10 ill No liquor on state premises for the holidays and no valuable Christmu gifts from teamen or friends of the state That in essence wu the order to department heads today from Gov Edward Breathitt in a memorandum which also gave atate employes a holiday Thursday and Friday Dee 2i and 25 Offices also will be dosed Friday Jan 1 the governor COVINGTON The Kentucky Commonwealth Attorney! Ai (Delation opened lta annual convention Thureday with dis-eueaioni dealing largely with court trendi Gov Edward Breathitt told 'Master Plan Will Be Developed For Kentucky's Growth ETB Says the attorneys he favored a study of proposus to allow circuit set the By BY RAMSEY FRANKFORT (AP) -Gov Edward Breathitt announced Judgu to criminal RICHMOND Ky Dec 10 A suit by a former Richmond police chief brought comment today from Mayor Chester Luzon The suit wu filed Tuesday in District Court in Lexington by Carl Newland against the city Luxon its mayor and seven city councilman on grounds ha wu unjustly fired earlier this year Newland sued for a total of tgmmn The mayor said the Ctty Caondl merely repealed an erdiaaace under which New-laati was hired tt eoald arrange for dismissal ef any chief that did unsatisfactory for state fences in criminal eases and court-appointed lawyers must ithout pay Bfll Defeated Atty John O'Hara of Kenton County president of the station proposed last year that court-appointed lawyers be but a mil wu turned down the General Assembly The governor also pleaded the of the pemrifeu defendant and urged the ettorneys to to it that Kentucky does not unjustly punish the man who is already aerving a life sentence of poverty" The governor announced that a statewide conference on criminal justice will be held next itn at Louisville with Robert Kennedy senator-elect at New York and former UR Atty General the speaker The attorneys' meetings ends Saturday with election of are reminded to em-to tiie personnel in partment that no al-cobolic beverages are to be served or consumed on state Breathitt told department heads suggest that state personnel including department heads avoid accepting gifts of value from vendors or others dealing with the state" definitely We repealed that ordinance so that if a person didn't do satisfactory won he could be removed at the end of his term" Luxon uid in his statement The 1952 ordinance under which Newland was hired indicated an indefinite tenure Tim present ordinance provides for a four-year term for police chief Luxon explained that had Newland wanted to apply for police chief after the new ordinance wu passed he could have done so far I know alter the erdiaaace wu repealed Mr Newland did not re-apply for the Laxon said The suit uid tiw firing whole or in wu caused by Luxon's being arrested on misdemeanor chargu five times while Newland wu poUca chief Luxon uid the arrests nothing in the world to do with An answer to the suit will be fifed Luxon said Iced coffee first gained popu-in the French Foreign larity payment of court-appointed defense lawyers Discussions were held on FBI assistance available to local prosecutors and recent UR Supreme Court trends in confessions uarchu and seizures They were ted by FBI Inspector Briggs Write of Washington and George Scott of Minneapolis president of the National District Attorneys Association Breathitt said he' expected his task force on criminal Justice to look into the two proposals Juries now set far the council is concerned it wanted to repeal an ordinance that hired a man fat Bethlehem Post Office Busy With Influx Of Holiday Mail ty who resigned to devote more time to other duties Smith also succeeded Dixon chairman of the 15-member swine committee which is drawing up to increase the income Smith a University of Kentucky graduate also hu farm interests fat Todd and Hardin counties Larue Farmer Named To State Board FRANKFORT Ky Dec 10 III Gov Edward Breathitt today named Robert Smith a Larue County farmer to the Kentucky Agricultural Development Commission lith 39 replaces John Dixon of Howell in Christian Coun- Legion in the North African deserts Blood Donation Quota Exceeded RICHMOND Ky Dee 10 A total of 1B2 of blood as collected Wednesday by the Red Cross RfoodmobUe ex ceding the quota of 147 pints Mrs Robert Long local Red Cron director said needed addition will make up for lack of donations last Sha said 230 persons offered to give blood at the station in Burnam Hall at Eastern Kentucky State College Physicians in attendance were Dr Pope and Dr Wil- Sen Edwards Says He Will Run Again FRANKFORT (AP) -Marvin Edwanta laid Thursday he ii a candidate tor re-election ai sen-ator in the diitrict compriiing Franklin Scott Spencer Shelby and Anderaon counties The Lawrenceburg aauaage manufacturer laid he had not planned an announcement until next year Edwarda a Democrat aaid he Jnada the announcement to atop unfounded and untrue reporta ithat he would not run for reflection There have been reporta that former Gov Lawrence Wetherby might be a candidate Wetherby confirmed that he baa been approached by frienda and ia considering the race Wetherby ia an ally of Gov Edward Breathitt Edwarda used to be a aupporter of former Gov A Chandler and generally ia regarded as an independent with no attachment to the present administration 22 Georgetown Seniors Chosen For 'Who's Who' GEORGETOWN Ky Dec 10 (Special) Twenty-two Georgetown College seniors have been chosen for among students in American colleges and universities The selection is based upon scholastic achievement and faculty vote Those named were Larry Ader Olive Hill Judy Apple Aberdeen Miss Wade Austin Louisville Donna Barger Scot tabu rg Ind Laurabelle Barr London Larry Beasley Dayton Ohio Sydney Hanco*ck Haxard Pat Stiles' Louisville Carol Hurst Maryville Tenn Barbara Moody Louisville: Donna Thomas Jones Cincinnati Carolyn Sue Smith Indianapolis Terry Lehmann Newport Phyliss Collins Cincinnati Ann Colbert Louisville Roger Mil-burn Junction City Mary Jo Schobert Versailles Edward Klatle Richmond Sara Yarbrough Georgetown Norma Neomelster Walton Judy Vaughn Oneida Tenn and Met-ty Mitts Willlamstown BETHLEHEM Ky (AP) The Christmu rush is on Bethlehem population 250 Mrs Lee Payton the postmaster normally operates the office alone For the holiday rush she will have five helpers to handle thousands of pieces of mail sent from nearly every state to Bethlehem for cancellation The post office has a special mark showing the Three Wise Men foUoeing the Star of Bethlehem Mrs Payton estimated last volume wu about 75000 pieces only about 50 loeaL There are two other post-offices In Kentucky with a Christmas touch HoOyhlll in McCreary County and Mistletoe in Owsley County Louisville To Gel Electric Rate Cut Chest X-Ray Unit To Visit Georgetown GEORGETOWN Ky Dec 10 A mobile chest X-ray unit will be in Georgetown Friday from 10 am until noon and from 1 until I pm at the Scott County Health Department on Washington Street Persons over 18 are eligible to receive a chest ray officials said today Day Held was held at Georgetown High School today with representatives of the armed services and admission counselors from universities colleges and busineu schools meeting with seniors Registration Books Opea Voting registration books are now open at the office of Scott County Clerk Robert Warring All persons who will become IB years of age tar November 1965 election are eligible to register for the May 25 primary Warring said He added that person who have married since registering should register their married names and thou who have transferred to another precinct should register now Caatata Scheduled The choir of the First Presbyterian Church will present a cantata the Star" at 11 am Sunday at the church under the direction of Prof Hal Dieffenwierth Sid Nee will be the reader Soloists will be Mrs Hal Dieffenwierth Mrs Alice Nun nelly Mrs William Owens Miss Betsy Unthank Earl Friedly and Palmer Riddle Candlelight Service The anual candlelight -service of Sigma Kappa sorority at Georgetown College will be held et 5:20 pm Sunday at the Georgetown Christian Church on College Street Joy Ride In Bus Doesn't Last Long Driver Is Jailed RICHMOND Ky Dec (Special) A Greyhound bus wu stolen here Wednesday night and a state trooper recovered it 20 minutes later and Jafied the driver State Trooper Homer Baker Mid the driver tentatively idem tiffed as Edward Thompson Jr of Sextan Creek Clay County was placed in the county Jail here on charges of public drunkenness and auto larceny Baker said he wu notified by two bays that a bus wu seen weaving along 1-75 Baker he found the bus on 1-75 Thursday a master plan will be developed to cope with growth in the neat 10 to 20 years The governor gave a few details at a news conference on the anniversary of his first year in office However he named a com' mlttee to get the project started Members inriude the commissioners of finance highways parks nstural resources revenue commerce public lnlurma tion and the superintend mt of public Instruction Finance Commissioner Felix Joyner will act as secretary and his department will be coordinating agency for the committee Breathitt said he hopes to take advantage of federal hinds available for the project but said he does not know at the moment how much money might be forthcoming Cites Goal goal ia not to react to situations but to be ahead of he said in recalling that other Southern governors have told him of their regrets at failure to develop long growth plans Uncontrolled growth is worse than lack of the governor said Breathitt said Wednesday night on a television program that the state has more than doubled its industrial expansion monetarily in the put year and his created 22000 new Jobs indications are that Kentucky is facing a future of great growth and great he said hope that we will be ready to make the most of Look Ahead Ha uid the state must go beyond immediate proposals such as adopting a new Constitution ling a new bond issue push- for aid to Appalachia and trying to solve education crises The master plan is the surer he said hope we do not let (our) growth rob our state of its ha said hope that because of proper foresight and planning graoous living and vigorous economic and indus-isl activity will not be Bresthitt uid he wU a with the committee in the next few days get our effort under The governor answered a number of questions about problems of the LouisvQe and Jefferson County school systems where voters have rejected the imposed tax raises and Republicans have criticised him He uid again ho Is not closing the door entirely on the possibility of a special session of the Legislature to cope with the situation Item Grise Registered nurses on duty were Mrs Grace Ann Coy Mrs Pat BonfWd and Mrs Virginia Mason Mrs Nancye Palu wu typist The Bloodmobila will return in February LOUISVILLE (AP) Customers of the Louisville Gas A Electric Co will get electric bills next month The reduction will be about 15 cents on the average bill and represents benefits to the company from the forthcoming corporate income tax cut A similar cut wu passed along to the company's customers at the time of the last tax reduction in March Hudson Milner president of the firm said the company expected a decrease of about $533R90 in taxes But Instead of taking the cut he explained LGJkE can cut rates to customers by $L067000 and remain in the ume financial position it is at the present rate Milner uid the reduction is being applied to electric rates rather than gas rates to balance the firm's rate structure Central City Miner Killed In Slate Fall CENTRAL CITY Ky (AP)-Paul Stroud a Central (Sty miner wu kilted Thursday in a slate fall at the Crescent Mina Mine officials said Stroud in his early 50a wu operating cutting machine' This wu the sixth fetal accident this year in Muhlenberg County Berea Police Chief Misquoted In Story BEREA Ky Dec 10 Police Chief Richard Le-Master uid today he wu misquoted in a story in The Lexington Herald on Dec 3 earning a fight between two men in which both were injured Chief LeMaster said that the story erred in quoting him saying that Johnny Shearer and Rovey Himes 25 reportedly were fighting over ex-wife Mrs Betty Shearer At their trials in Berea Police Court both men were fined a total of $2550 and Himes wu given a suspended 30-day Jail sentence on breach of peace charges the chief said Neither man wu hurt seriously and the subject of the argument that led to the fight wu not disclosed at their triaL Better listening with Entrance To New Recreational Area Will Be Dedicated GRAND RIVERS Ky (APV-The main entrance to the Be-tween-the-Lakes area will be dedicated Saturday at Grand Rivers in Lyon County Highway Commissioner Henry Ward will be main speaker during the dedication of a $9 million bridge and highway project The ceremony will include a ribbon-cutting and motorcade across the Barkley Canal Bridge onKr453 In addition to the bridge the includes SO miles of rested state and federal highways affected by Barkley Dam construction The canal which Is still under construction will connect Barkley and Kentucky lakes The bridge is expected to be the only entrance to the Between-the-Lakes recreational area now being developed by the Tennessee Valley Authority Chess spread from India to Persia then Arabia and to western Europe1 according to the Encyclopedia BrUannlca where Thompeon had stopped and gotten out There were no passengers The bus was not damaged It had been stolen from its parking place on Water Street about 9 pm and wu recovered about 9:20 pm at a point seven mites north of Richmond The bus normally is used to shuttle workers to Lexington in the morning and is parked overnight at the Richmond tarn station on Water Street The station had Just dosed when the bin wu stolen extra-value RADIOS i Eqjoyunuingxoonfiling Bound and longstanoa reception whor*rer yon got In spariding jcwd-Ekoodori or rich feather they perform brinianfly where others Ml Magnsvox radios an jo Carry-in terrier is guaranteed 90layi all parts fori year I A big performer yet priced at only $1995 Superb FMAM TABLE RADIO Thn Cabana-model R-2 This beautiful MagnevoxAM Table Radio lets you toning anywhere In your horn Your choice at inrow decorative two-tonn cotora Enjoy this beautiful CLOCK RADIO for2495 Jte beautiful to ate as tt Is to hear! 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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.